public static String getSumILLR8210All( String dateFrom, String dateTo, String vOffcode1, String vOffcode2, String vOffcode3) throws Exception { double ret = 0d; ret = getSumILLR8210D( ConfigUtil.getConfig("legislation_alcohol"), dateFrom, dateTo, vOffcode1, vOffcode2, vOffcode3) + getSumILLR8210D( ConfigUtil.getConfig("legislation_tobacco"), dateFrom, dateTo, vOffcode1, vOffcode2, vOffcode3) + getSumILLR8210D( ConfigUtil.getConfig("legislation_card"), dateFrom, dateTo, vOffcode1, vOffcode2, vOffcode3) + getSumILLR8210D( ConfigUtil.getConfig("legislation_tax"), dateFrom, dateTo, vOffcode1, vOffcode2, vOffcode3); return NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(ret, 2, ""); }
public static String getSumExhibitQty(String track_no) throws Exception { String ret = ""; DB db = new DB(); try { AppArrestProveExhibit aae = new AppArrestProveExhibit(db); String sql = ""; sql += "select sum(aae.qty) qty, nvl(aae.qty_unit_name,u.thname) unit_name, count( count_qty"; sql += " from application_arrest_exhibit aae "; sql += " left join unit u on u.unit_code = aae.qty_unit_code"; sql += " where aae.track_no = '" + track_no + "' "; sql += " group by nvl(aae.qty_unit_name,u.thname) "; sql += " order by nvl(aae.qty_unit_name,u.thname) "; // System.out.println(sql); // Test track_no = TN4900000042400 List<Map<String, Object>> list = aae.findBySql(sql); if (list.size() > 1) { int qty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { qty += (list.get(i).get("count_qty") != null ? new Integer(list.get(i).get("count_qty").toString()) : null); } ret = Integer.toString(qty) + " รายการ"; } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(list.get(i).get("qty").toString()), 0, ""); if (!ret.equals("")) { ret += "\n" + qty + " " + (list.get(i).get("unit_name") != null ? list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString() : ""); } else { ret = qty + " " + (list.get(i).get("unit_name") != null ? list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString() : ""); } } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.closedb(); } return ret; }
public static String getSumILLR8210( String vLigislationID, String dateFrom, String dateTo, String vOffcode1, String vOffcode2, String vOffcode3) throws Exception { String ret = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat( getSumILLR8210D(vLigislationID, dateFrom, dateTo, vOffcode1, vOffcode2, vOffcode3), 2, ""); if (ret.equals("")) ret = "-"; return ret; }
public static String getSumP038Alcohol(String track_no) throws Exception { String ret = ""; DB db = new DB(); AppArrestProveExhibit aae = new AppArrestProveExhibit(db); String sql = ""; sql += "select sum(aap.netweight) netweight, nvl(aap.netweight_unit_name,u.thname) unit_name, aa.legislation_id"; sql += " from app_arrest_prove_exhibit aap "; sql += " left join unit u on u.unit_code = aap.netweight_unit_code"; sql += " inner join application_arrest aa on aa.track_no=aap.track_no"; sql += " where aap.track_no = '" + track_no + "' "; sql += " group by nvl(aap.netweight_unit_name,u.thname), aa.legislation_id "; sql += " order by nvl(aap.netweight_unit_name,u.thname) "; // Test track_no = TN4900000042400 List<Map<String, Object>> list = aae.findBySql(sql); String legislation_alcohol = ConfigUtil.getConfig("legislation_alcohol"); if (list != null && list.size() > 0 && list.get(0).get("legislation_id").toString().equals(legislation_alcohol)) { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(list.get(i).get("netweight").toString()), 3, "0"); if (!ret.equals("")) { // ret += "\n" + list.get(i).get("netweight").toString() + " " + // list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); ret += "\n" + qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { // ret = list.get(i).get("netweight").toString() + " " + // list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); ret = qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } } } else ret = ""; return ret; }
public static String getSumP043(String stockin_code, String rtType) throws Exception { String ret = ""; String ret_send = ""; // จำนวนส่ง String ret_lost = ""; // จำนวนชำรุด String ret_qty = ""; // จำนวนรับ DB db = new DB(); try { StockinItem sii = new StockinItem(db); String sql = ""; sql += "select sum(sii.qty) qty, sum(sii.send_qty) send_qty, sum(sii.send_qty)-sum(sii.qty) lost_qty, "; sql += " count( count_qty, nvl(sii.qty_unit_name,u.thname) unit_name"; sql += " from stockin_item sii "; sql += " inner join stockin si on "; sql += " left join unit u on u.unit_code = sii.unit_code "; sql += " where si.stockin_code = '" + stockin_code + "' "; sql += " group by nvl(sii.qty_unit_name,u.thname) "; System.out.println(sql); List<Map<String, Object>> list = sii.findBySql(sql); if (list.size() > 1) { int qty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { qty += (list.get(i).get("count_qty") != null ? new Integer(list.get(i).get("count_qty").toString()) : null); } ret_send = Integer.toString(qty) + " รายการ"; } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String send_qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat( new Double(list.get(i).get("send_qty").toString()), 0, "0"); String lost_qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat( new Double(list.get(i).get("lost_qty").toString()), 0, "0"); String qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(list.get(i).get("qty").toString()), 0, "0"); if (new Integer(qty) > 0) { if (!ret_qty.equals("")) { ret_qty += "\n" + qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_qty = qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } } if (new Integer(lost_qty) > 0) { if (!ret_lost.equals("")) { ret_lost += "\n" + lost_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_lost += lost_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } } if (new Integer(send_qty) > 0) { if (!ret_send.equals("")) { ret_send += "\n" + send_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_send += send_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } } } } if (rtType.equals("QTY")) ret = ret_qty; else if (rtType.equals("LOST")) ret = ret_lost; else if (rtType.equals("SEND")) ret = ret_send; } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.closedb(); } return ret; }
public static String getSumP041(String id, String rtType) throws Exception { String ret = ""; String ret_qty = ""; String ret_prove = ""; String ret_remain = ""; DB db = new DB(); try { DeliveryExhibitItem dei = new DeliveryExhibitItem(db); String sql = ""; sql += "select sum(dei.qty) qty, sum(dei.prove_qty) prove_qty, count( count_qty, nvl(dei.qty_unit_name,u.thname) unit_name"; sql += " from delivery_exhibit_item dei "; sql += " left join unit u on u.unit_code = dei.unit_code"; sql += " where dei.delivery_exhibit_id = '" + id + "' "; sql += " group by nvl(dei.qty_unit_name,u.thname) "; List<Map<String, Object>> list = dei.findBySql(sql); if (list.size() > 1) { int qty = 0; for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { qty += (list.get(i).get("count_qty") != null ? new Integer(list.get(i).get("count_qty").toString()) : null); } ret = Integer.toString(qty) + " รายการ"; } else { for (int i = 0; i < list.size(); i++) { String qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(list.get(i).get("qty").toString()), 0, "0"); String prove_qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat( new Double(list.get(i).get("prove_qty").toString()), 0, "0"); double remain = new Double(list.get(i).get("qty").toString()) - new Double(list.get(i).get("prove_qty").toString()); String remain_qty = NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(remain, 0, "0"); if (!ret_qty.equals("")) { ret_qty += "\n" + qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_qty = qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } if (!ret_prove.equals("")) { ret_prove += "\n" + prove_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_prove += prove_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } if (!ret_remain.equals("")) { ret_remain += "\n" + remain_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } else { ret_remain += remain_qty + " " + list.get(i).get("unit_name").toString(); } } if (rtType.equals("QTY")) ret = ret_qty; else if (rtType.equals("PROVE_QTY")) ret = ret_prove; else ret = ret_remain; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.closedb(); } return ret; }
public static String getP2010(String trackno, String colNo) throws Exception { String ret = ""; DB db = new DB(); try { String str = ""; str += " select aae.track_no, nvl(aae.product_name, nvl(p.product_name,dt.duty_name)) product_name, "; str += " nvl(aae.brand_name, nvl(b.brand_main_thai,b.brand_main_eng)) brand_name," + "\n"; str += " aae.qty || ' ' || nvl(aae.qty_unit_name, u.thname) qty_desc, aae.qty, aae.remarks, nvl(aae.qty_unit_name,u.thname) qty_unit_name, "; str += " nvl(aae.sizes_desc,sp.size_desc) || ' ' || nvl(aae.sizes_unit_name, us.thname) sizes_desc,"; str += " trim(to_char(aae.netweight,'999G999G999G999D000')) || ' ' || nvl(aae.netweight_unit_name,uw.thname) netweight_desc"; str += " from application_arrest_exhibit aae"; str += " left join product p on p.product_code=aae.product_code"; str += " left join brand_main b on b.brand_main_code=aae.brand_code and aae.group_id = b.group_id"; str += " left join unit u on u.unit_code=aae.qty_unit_code "; str += " left join duty_table dt on dt.duty_code=aae.duty_code "; str += " left join size_package sp on sp.size_code=aae.sizes_code and sp.group_id=aae.group_id "; str += " left join unit us on us.unit_code=aae.size_unit_code"; str += " left join unit uw on uw.unit_code=aae.netweight_unit_code"; str += " where aae.track_no = '" + trackno + "'"; str += " order by"; ApplicationArrestExhibit aae = new ApplicationArrestExhibit(db); List<Map<String, Object>> aList = aae.findBySql(str); if (aList != null && aList.size() > 0) { String seq = ""; String productName = ""; String qty_desc = ""; String remarks = ""; for (int i = 0; i < aList.size(); i++) { Map<String, Object> data = aList.get(i); if (i == 0) { seq = "1"; productName = (data.get("product_name") != null ? data.get("product_name").toString() : ""); productName += (data.get("brand_name") != null ? " ยี่ห้อ " + data.get("brand_name").toString() : ""); productName += (data.get("sizes_desc") != null ? " ขนาดบรรจุ " + data.get("sizes_desc").toString() : ""); qty_desc = (data.get("qty") != null ? NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(data.get("qty").toString()), 0, "") : ""); qty_desc += (data.get("qty_unit_name") != null ? " " + data.get("qty_unit_name").toString() : ""); remarks = (data.get("netweight_desc") != null ? data.get("netweight_desc").toString() : ""); } else { seq += "\n" + (i + 1); productName += "\n" + (data.get("product_name") != null ? data.get("product_name").toString() : ""); productName += (data.get("brand_name") != null ? " ยี่ห้อ " + data.get("brand_name").toString() : ""); productName += (data.get("sizes_desc") != null ? " ขนาดบรรจุ " + data.get("sizes_desc").toString() : ""); qty_desc += "\n" + (data.get("qty") != null ? NumberUtil.getNumberFormat(new Double(data.get("qty").toString()), 0, "") : ""); qty_desc += (data.get("qty_unit_name") != null ? " " + data.get("qty_unit_name").toString() : ""); remarks += "\n" + (data.get("netweight_desc") != null ? data.get("netweight_desc").toString() : ""); } } if (colNo.equals("1")) { ret = seq; } else if (colNo.equals("2")) { ret = productName; } else if (colNo.equals("3")) { ret = qty_desc; } else if (colNo.equals("4")) { ret = remarks; } } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { db.closedb(); } return ret; }