private SocketInfo getUserData(String login, boolean senderIsMailUser) { SocketInfo user = null; QueryRunner qRunner = null; ResultSet resultSet = null; if (!senderIsMailUser) { // Check is POS user is online user = SocketServer.getSocketInfo(login); if (user != null) { return user; } } // If user is POP or if is a POS user offline int i = 0; try { if (senderIsMailUser) { qRunner = new QueryRunner("SEL0036", new String[] {login}); } else { qRunner = new QueryRunner("SEL0026", new String[] {login}); } resultSet =; if ( { i++; user = SocketServer.getInstaceOfSocketInfo(); user.setUid(resultSet.getInt(1)); user.setLogin(resultSet.getString(2)); user.setNames(resultSet.getString(3)); user.setEmail(resultSet.getString(4)); user.setAdmin(resultSet.getBoolean(5)); user.setAudit(resultSet.getBoolean(6)); user.setGroupID(resultSet.getInt(7)); user.setWsName(resultSet.getString(9)); user.setGroupName(resultSet.getString(12)); } } catch (SQLNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLBadArgumentsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { LogWriter.write("ERROR: Falla mientras se consultaba la informacion del usuario: " + login); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { QueryClosingHandler.close(resultSet); qRunner.closeStatement(); } return user; }
// This method insert a pop user into the CoMeet system private SocketInfo insertPopUser(String login) { SocketInfo socketInfo = null; String line = ""; String names = ""; boolean userExists = false; try { BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(new FileReader("/etc/passwd")); while ((line = in.readLine()) != null) { if (line.startsWith(login)) { userExists = true; String[] userData = line.split(":"); names = userData[4]; if (names.length() == 0) { names = "Usuario de Correo"; } int index = names.indexOf(','); if (index > 0) { names = names.substring(0, index); } break; } } in.close(); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } // If the user doesn't exist in the file /etc/passwd, do not add him to the CoMeet server if (!userExists) { LogWriter.write("ERROR: El usuario {" + login + "} no existe en el servidor de correo"); return null; } String[] userInfoArray = { login, "d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e", names, login + "@" + Pop3Handler.getHost(), "true", "false", ServerConstants.ADMINGROUP + "" }; QueryRunner qRunner = null; try { qRunner = new QueryRunner("INS0001", userInfoArray); qRunner.setAutoCommit(false); qRunner.executeSQL(); qRunner.commit(); LogWriter.write("INFO: Usuario {" + login + "} adicionado satisfactoriamente al sistema"); } catch (SQLNotFoundException SNFE) { qRunner.rollback(); SNFE.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLBadArgumentsException SBAE) { qRunner.rollback(); SBAE.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException SQLE) { qRunner.rollback(); String msg = "ERROR: Falla mientras se ingresaba un nuevo usuario de correo\n" + "que no estaba registrado en el sistema.\nLogin: "******"Error adicionando usuario", msg); SQLE.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { qRunner.closeStatement(); qRunner.setAutoCommit(true); } ResultSet resultSet = null; int uid = -1; String groupName = ""; try { qRunner = new QueryRunner("SEL0008", new String[] {login}); resultSet =; int i = 0; if ( { i++; uid = resultSet.getInt(1); groupName = resultSet.getString(2); } } catch (SQLNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLBadArgumentsException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { LogWriter.write("ERROR: Falla mientras se consultaba la informacion del usuario: " + login); e.printStackTrace(); return null; } finally { QueryClosingHandler.close(resultSet); qRunner.closeStatement(); } socketInfo = SocketServer.getInstaceOfSocketInfo(); socketInfo.setUid(uid); socketInfo.setLogin(userInfoArray[0]); socketInfo.setNames(userInfoArray[2]); socketInfo.setEmail(userInfoArray[3]); socketInfo.setAdmin(new Boolean(userInfoArray[4]).booleanValue()); socketInfo.setAudit(new Boolean(userInfoArray[5]).booleanValue()); socketInfo.setGroupID(Integer.parseInt(userInfoArray[6])); socketInfo.setWsName(""); socketInfo.setGroupName(groupName); return socketInfo; }