public void testTrailingCommas() { String script[] = { // "{'hey':42,'you':'outthere',}", // "{'hey':42,'you':'outthere'}", // "[42,15,16,17,]", // "[42,15,16,17]", // "[42,15,16,17,null,]", // "[42,15,16,17,null]", // }; for (int i = 0; i < script.length; i += 2) { String s = swapQuotes(script[i + 0]); Object obj = json(s).next(); String s2 = swapQuotes(script[i + 1]); Object obj2 = json(s2).next(); newEnc().encode(obj); String enc1 = enc.toString(); newEnc().encode(obj2); String enc2 = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch(enc1, enc2); } }
public void testComments() { String script[] = { // "{'hey':// this is a comment\n // this is also a comment\n 42}", // "{'hey':42}", // "[42,15// start of comment\n//Another comment immediately\n //Another comment after spaces\n,16]", // "[42,15, 16]", // "[42,15// zzz\n//zzz\n//zzz\n,16]", "[42,15,16]", // }; for (int i = 0; i < script.length; i += 2) { String s = swapQuotes(script[i + 0]); Object obj = json(s).next(); String s2 = swapQuotes(script[i + 1]); Object obj2 = json(s2).next(); newEnc().encode(obj); String enc1 = enc.toString(); newEnc().encode(obj2); String enc2 = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch(enc1, enc2); } }
public void testStreamConstructor() throws UnsupportedEncodingException { String orig = "[0,1,2,3,\"hello\"]"; InputStream stream = new ByteArrayInputStream(orig.getBytes("UTF-8")); json = new JSONParser(stream); Object a =; assertTrue(a instanceof ArrayList); enc().encode(a); String s = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch(s, orig); }
public void testString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) { sb.append((char) i); } String originalString = sb.toString(); enc().encode(originalString); String jsonString = enc.toString(); json(jsonString); String decodedString = json.nextString(); assertStringsMatch(decodedString, originalString); }
public void testSymmetry() { String script[] = { // "0", // "1", // "-1.2352E20", // "-1.2352E-20", // "0.5", // "{'hey':42}", // "[1,2,3,4]", // "{'hey':42,'you':43}", // "{'hey':{'you':17},'array':[1,2,3,4]}", // "{'trailing number':5}", // "{ 'favorite song': { '_skip_order': 3, 'type': 'text','hint': 'name of song','zminlines': 5 },'wow':12 } ", // }; for (int i = 0; i < script.length; i++) { String s = swapQuotes(script[i]); if (db) pr("\n testing '" + s + "'"); json(s); Object obj =; assertFalse(json.hasNext()); if (db) pr(" parsed " + obj + " (type = " + obj.getClass() + ")"); newEnc().encode(obj); String s2 = enc.toString(); if (db) pr(" encoded is " + s2); Object obj2 = json(s2).next(); if (db) pr("parsed object: " + obj2); newEnc().encode(obj2); String s3 = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch(s2, s3); } }
public void testEncodeMap() { JSONEncoder enc = new JSONEncoder(); enc.enterMap(); enc.encode("a"); enc.enterList(); enc.encode(12); enc.encode(17); enc.exit(); enc.encode("b"); enc.encode(true); enc.exit(); String s = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch("{\"a\":[12,17],\"b\":true}", s); }
public void testArrays() { int[] intArray = {1, 2, 3, 4}; enc().encode(intArray); String s = enc.toString(); assertStringsMatch(s, "[1,2,3,4]"); }