public static JSONObject headerEdit(String username, File header) { JSONObject items = new JSONObject(); boolean rs = false; if (!username.equals("")) { Record user = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM b_user WHERE username = ? AND status = 1", username); if (user != null) { System.out.println(header.getName()); String fileName = "head_" + username + String.valueOf(System.currentTimeMillis()) + "." + header.getName().split("\\.")[1]; String QNToken = qiNiuKit.getUpToken(); boolean qnRs = new qiNiuKit().uploadFile(header, fileName, QNToken); if (qnRs) { user.set("head", qiNiuKit.headSave(fileName)); rs = Db.update("b_user", user); if (rs) { user = Db.findFirst( "SELECT bu.*,fur.content AS roleValue,fus.content AS sexValue FROM b_user AS bu LEFT JOIN f_user_role AS fur ON bu.role = LEFT JOIN f_user_sex AS fus ON = WHERE bu.username = ? AND bu.status = 1", username); items.put("user", user.toJson()); } } } } items.put("rs", rs); return items; }
/** 获取订单对应的维权列表 */ public void acc() { Map<String, Object> resultMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String userid = this.getPara("uid"); String orderId = this.getPara("orderid"); if (StringUtil.isNull(userid) || StringUtil.isNull(orderId)) { formatInvalidParamResponse(resultMap); } else { AbOrder order = AbOrder.dao.findById(orderId); if (order == null) { AbTcExpressOrder tc = AbTcExpressOrder.dao.findById(orderId); if (tc != null) { order = AbOrder.dao.findFirst("select * from ab_order where sn = ?", tc.getStr("sn")); if (order != null) { orderId = order.getStr("id"); } } } Record r = Db.findFirst( "SELECT aocb.*, FROM ab_order_chargeback AS aocb,sys_user AS tu WHERE aocb.apply_id = AND aocb.order_id=?", new Object[] {orderId}); resultMap.put("result", RESULT_SUCCESS); resultMap.put("msg", "查询成功"); resultMap.put("data", r); } renderJson(resultMap); }
/** * @描述 查询Report 详细内容 * * @param where * @param paras * @return */ public Record findReportById(String where, Object... paras) { return Db.findFirst( getSql("order.findOrderInfoBySelect") + blank + getSql("order.findOrderInfoByFrom") + getWhere(where), paras); }
/** * @描述 查询order 管理员 * * @param where * @param paras * @return */ public Record query(String where, Object... paras) { return Db.findFirst( getSql("order.findOfferQueryBySelect") + getSql("order.findOfferQueryByFrom") + getWhere(where), paras); }
public void getProjectInfo() { Map<String, String> mapParam = ParamUtil.convertStringParamToMapParam(getPara()); String projectId = mapParam.get("projectId"); Record record = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM T_PROJECT T WHERE T.ID = ?", projectId); record.set("PROJECT_TYPE", getRealType(record.getStr("PROJECT_TYPE"))); setAttr("project", record); renderJsp("/mainPage/gcgk.jsp"); }
public static JSONObject login(String username, String validateNum, String deviceId) { JSONObject items = new JSONObject(); boolean rs = false; if (!username.equals("") && !validateNum.equals("") && !deviceId.equals("")) { // status 0=初始化 1=正常 Record user = Db.findFirst( "SELECT bu.*,fur.content AS roleValue,fus.content AS sexValue FROM b_user AS bu LEFT JOIN f_user_role AS fur ON bu.role = LEFT JOIN f_user_sex AS fus ON = WHERE bu.username = ? AND bu.validateNum = ? AND bu.status < 2", username, validateNum); Long nowTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); // validate时会初始化b_user 这里null 一定有误 if (user != null) { if ((nowTime - user.getTimestamp("validateTime").getTime()) < 300000) { Db.update( "UPDATE b_user SET validateNum = ? , status = 1 WHERE username = ?", "----", user.getStr("username")); items.put("user", user.toJson()); String agentToken = Token.add(username, deviceId); items.put("agentToken", agentToken); Record auth = Db.findFirst( "SELECT * FROM b_auth WHERE username = ? AND role = ?", username, user.getInt("role")); if (auth != null) { items.put("auth", auth.toJson()); } else { auth = new Record(); auth.set("username", username).set("role", user.getInt("role")).set("status", 0); boolean authRs ="b_auth", auth); if (authRs) { items.put("auth", auth.toJson()); } } rs = true; } } } items.put("rs", rs); return items; }
public Record init(String username) { Record user = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM b_users WHERE username = ? AND status = 0"); if (user == null) { // user初始化 user = new Record(); user.set("username", username).set("mobile", username).set("status", 0);"b_user", user); } return user; }
/** * 删除 * * @param ids * @return */ public boolean delete(String ids) { Record record = Db.findFirst( "select count(*) as counts from pt_department where parentdepartmentids=?", ids); Long counts = record.getNumber("counts").longValue(); if (counts > 1) { return false; } Department.dao.deleteById(ids); return true; }
/** 判断是否已经提交 */ public boolean isSubmit(String id) { String[] ids = id.split(","); StringBuffer ids_ = new StringBuffer(); List<String> parame = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String id_ : ids) { ids_.append("?,"); parame.add(id_); } ids_.append("'-'"); Record r = Db.findFirst( "select count(1) ct from " + tableName + " where id in(" + ids_.toString() + ") and submit_status>0", parame.toArray()); return (r != null && r.getLong("ct") > 0); }
public static JSONObject edit( String username, int role, String name, String nickName, int sex, String mobile, String area, String address) { JSONObject items = new JSONObject(); boolean rs = false; if (!username.equals("")) { Record user = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM b_user WHERE username = ? AND status = 1", username); Record auth = null; if (user != null) { if (role != 0) { user.set("role", role); auth = Db.findFirst("SELECT * FROM b_auth WHERE username = ?", username); auth.set("role", role); Db.update("b_auth", auth); } if (!name.equals("")) { user.set("name", name); } if (!nickName.equals("")) { user.set("nickName", nickName); } if (!address.equals("")) { user.set("address", address); } if (!area.equals("")) { String[] areas = area.split("\\|"); if (areas.length > 1) { String[] location = areas[1].split("\\-"); user.set("lon", location[0]); user.set("lat", location[1]); } String[] province_city_area = areas[0].split("\\-"); user.set("province", province_city_area[0]); System.out.println(province_city_area[0]); System.out.println(province_city_area[1]); user.set("city", province_city_area[1]); if (province_city_area.length > 2) { user.set("area", province_city_area[2]); } } if (sex != 0) { user.set("sex", sex); } rs = Db.update("b_user", user); if (rs) { user = Db.findFirst( "SELECT bu.*,fur.content AS roleValue,fus.content AS sexValue FROM b_user AS bu LEFT JOIN f_user_role AS fur ON bu.role = LEFT JOIN f_user_sex AS fus ON = WHERE bu.username = ? AND bu.status = 1", username); items.put("user", user.toJson()); } } } items.put("rs", rs); return items; }
@Before(AccessAbInterceptor.class) public void list_order_cxtj() { SysUser abuser = this.getSessionAttr("abuser"); String kssj = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("kssj")); String jzsj = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("jzsj")); String ddzt = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("ddzt")); String queryType = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("queryType")); // String lastDate = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("lastDate")); if (queryType.equals("")) { queryType = "dayQuery"; setAttr("queryType", queryType); } Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance(); calendar.add(Calendar.DATE, -1); // 得到前一天 Date date = calendar.getTime(); DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd"); String str_lastDate = df.format(date); String sql = "select ao.*, style,tc.min_price min_price,tc.max_price max_price,tc.pay_type from ab_order ao left join ab_tc_express_order tc on where qdrid='" + abuser.getStr("id") + "' "; if ("day".equals(queryType)) { // 日报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("week".equals(queryType)) { // 周报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getMondayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getSundayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("month".equals(queryType)) { // 月报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getLastDayOfMonth(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("dayQuery".equals(queryType)) { if (kssj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj>='" + kssj + " 00:00:00'"; } if (jzsj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj<='" + jzsj + " 59:59:59'"; } } else if ("monthWeekQuery".equals(queryType)) { String query_year_begin = getPara("query_year_begin"); String query_month_begin = getPara("query_month_begin"); String query_year_end = getPara("query_year_end"); String query_month_end = getPara("query_month_end"); sql += " and qdsj>='" + query_year_begin + "-" + query_month_begin + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + query_year_end + "-" + query_month_end + "-31 59:59:59'"; } if (!ddzt.equals("-1") && !ddzt.equals("")) { sql += " and ddzt='" + ddzt + "' "; } sql += " order by xdsj desc"; PageUtil listpage = DbPage.paginate(this.getParaToInt("curPage", 1), 14, sql); sql = "SELECT qdrid,qdrname,COUNT(id) cnt,SUM(ddzje) je,SUBSTR(qdsj,1,10) rq FROM ab_order WHERE qdrid='" + abuser.getStr("id") + "' "; List<Record> listtj = null; if ("day".equals(queryType)) { // 日报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("week".equals(queryType)) { // 周报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getMondayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getSundayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("month".equals(queryType)) { // 月报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getLastDayOfMonth(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("dayQuery".equals(queryType)) { if (kssj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj>='" + kssj + " 00:00:00'"; } if (jzsj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj<='" + jzsj + " 59:59:59'"; } } else if ("monthWeekQuery".equals(queryType)) { String query_year_begin = getPara("query_year_begin"); String query_month_begin = getPara("query_month_begin"); String query_year_end = getPara("query_year_end"); String query_month_end = getPara("query_month_end"); sql += " and qdsj>='" + query_year_begin + "-" + query_month_begin + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + query_year_end + "-" + query_month_end + "-31 59:59:59'"; } if (!ddzt.equals("-1") && !ddzt.equals("")) { sql += " and ddzt='" + ddzt + "' "; } sql += " GROUP BY SUBSTR(qdsj,1,10)"; listtj = Db.find(sql); Record r = null; sql = "SELECT COUNT(id) totleorder,IFNULL(SUM(ddzje),0) totalmoney FROM ab_order WHERE qdrid='" + abuser.getStr("id") + "'"; if ("day".equals(queryType)) { // 日报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("week".equals(queryType)) { // 周报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getMondayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getSundayOfWeek(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("month".equals(queryType)) { // 月报表 sql += " and qdsj>='" + DateUtil.getCurrentDate("yyyy-MM") + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + DateUtil.format(DateUtil.getLastDayOfMonth(), "yyyy-MM-dd") + " 59:59:59'"; } else if ("dayQuery".equals(queryType)) { if (kssj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj>='" + kssj + " 00:00:00'"; } if (jzsj.length() > 0) { sql += " and qdsj<='" + jzsj + " 59:59:59'"; } } else if ("monthWeekQuery".equals(queryType)) { String query_year_begin = getPara("query_year_begin"); String query_month_begin = getPara("query_month_begin"); String query_year_end = getPara("query_year_end"); String query_month_end = getPara("query_month_end"); sql += " and qdsj>='" + query_year_begin + "-" + query_month_begin + "-01 00:00:00'"; sql += " and qdsj<='" + query_year_end + "-" + query_month_end + "-31 59:59:59'"; } if (!ddzt.equals("-1")) { sql += " and ddzt='" + ddzt + "' "; } r = Db.findFirst(sql); this.keepPara(); this.setAttr("r", r); this.setAttr("listtj", listtj); this.setAttr("listpage", listpage); this.render("/ab/ywy/list_order_cxtj.html"); }
/** 提现数据处理 */ public void txAction() { String uid = this.getPara("uid"); String WIDtotal_fee = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("WIDtotal_fee")); // 提现金额 String WIDout_trade_no = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("WIDout_trade_no")); // 交易流水号 String zffs = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("zzfs")); // 提现方式 String zfbzh = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("zfbzh")); // 支付宝账号 String yhkid = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("yhkid")); // 提现银行卡id String yhknum = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("yhknum")); // 提现银行卡卡号 String zfpwd = StringUtil.toStr(this.getPara("zfpwd")); // 支付密码 SysUser user = SysUser.dao.findById(uid); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); try { if (Db.findFirst( "select count(*) ctn from sys_user_zfpwd where userid='" + user.getStr("loginid") + "' and zfpwd='" + zfpwd + "'") .getLong("ctn") == 0) { result.put("msg", "支付密码错误!"); result.put("result", RESULT_FAIL); } else if (user.getBigDecimal("zhye").subtract(new BigDecimal(WIDtotal_fee)).doubleValue() < 0) { // 账户余额不足以提现 result.put("result", RESULT_FAIL); result.put("msg", "账户余额不足!"); } else { user.set( "zhye", user.getBigDecimal("zhye") .subtract(new BigDecimal(WIDtotal_fee))); // 现将金额扣除,后期提现失败,提现金额退换 user.update(); this.setSessionAttr("abuser", user); if ("0".equals(zffs)) { // 支付宝提现 SysCzTx cztx = new SysCzTx(); cztx.set("id", StringUtil.getUuid32()); cztx.set("tradeno", WIDout_trade_no); cztx.set("type", 1); // 0-充值 1-提现 2-付款 cztx.set("result", 0); // 0-等待 1-成功 2-失败 cztx.set("totalfee", WIDtotal_fee); cztx.set("userid", user.getStr("id")); cztx.set("mc", user.getStr("mc")); cztx.set("time", DateUtil.getCurrentDate()); cztx.set("zfbaddress", zfbzh); cztx.set("txtype", 0); // 提现种类 0-支付宝 1-银行卡; } else { // 银行卡提现 SysCzTx cztx = new SysCzTx(); cztx.set("id", StringUtil.getUuid32()); cztx.set("tradeno", WIDout_trade_no); cztx.set("type", 1); // 0-充值 1-提现 2-付款 cztx.set("result", 0); // 0-等待 1-成功 2-失败 cztx.set("totalfee", WIDtotal_fee); cztx.set("userid", user.getStr("id")); cztx.set("mc", user.getStr("mc")); cztx.set("txtype", 1); // 提现种类 0-支付宝 1-银行卡 cztx.set("txyhkid", yhkid); cztx.set("txyhknum", yhknum); cztx.set("time", DateUtil.getCurrentDate());; } result.put("msg", "提现申请已经提交,约7个工作日内到账,请您耐心等待!"); result.put("result", RESULT_SUCCESS); } } catch (Exception e) { result.put("result", RESULT_FAIL); result.put("msg", "系统错误,请稍后重试!"); e.printStackTrace(); RestLogUtils.writeToLocal(RestLogUtils.getStackTrace(e), true); } this.renderJson(result); }
/** * 获取角色授权的菜单 * * <p>2015年4月28日 下午5:01:54 flyfox [email protected] * * @param roleid * @return */ public String getMemus(int roleid) { String sql = " select group_concat(menuid) as menus from sys_role_menu where roleid = ?"; Record record = Db.findFirst(sql, roleid); String menus = record.getStr("menus"); return menus; }