private static boolean sleepIfNeeded() { if (HeavyProcessLatch.INSTANCE.isInsideLowPriorityThread()) { TimeoutUtil.sleep(1); return true; } return false; }
public void testDelayedTasksThatFiredAtTheSameTimeAreExecutedConcurrently() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final AppScheduledExecutorService service = new AppScheduledExecutorService(getName()); final List<LogInfo> log = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); int delay = 500; int N = 20; List<? extends Future<?>> futures = Collections.nCopies(N, ""), __ -> service.schedule( () -> { log.add(new LogInfo(0)); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10 * 1000); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); for (Future<?> future : futures) { future.get(); } assertEquals(N, log.size()); Set<Thread> usedThreads = ContainerUtil.map2Set(log, logInfo -> logInfo.currentThread); assertEquals(N, usedThreads.size()); service.shutdownAppScheduledExecutorService(); assertTrue(service.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); }
private static void runIndeterminateProgress(ProgressIndicator indicator) { indicator.setIndeterminate(true); indicator.setText("Indeterminate"); for (int i = 0; i < 200; i++) { TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); indicator.checkCanceled(); } }
private static void runDeterminateProgress(ProgressIndicator indicator) { int iterations = 3000; for (int i = 0; i < iterations; i++) { TimeoutUtil.sleep(1); indicator.setFraction(((double) i + 1) / ((double) iterations)); indicator.setText(String.valueOf(i)); ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); } }
public void testStatusDoesNotLockForWrite() throws Exception { final File ioFile = new File(myWorkingCopyRoot, filename); ioFile.getParentFile().mkdirs(); /*SVNWCClient client11 = new SVNWCClient((ISVNRepositoryPool)null, new DefaultSVNOptions()); client11.doAdd(ioFile.getParentFile(), true, false, true, true);*/ ioFile.createNewFile(); try { final SVNStatusClient readClient = new SVNStatusClient((ISVNRepositoryPool) null, new DefaultSVNOptions()); final Semaphore semaphore = new Semaphore(); final Semaphore semaphoreMain = new Semaphore(); final Semaphore semaphoreWokeUp = new Semaphore(); final AtomicReference<Boolean> wasUp = new AtomicReference<Boolean>(false); final ISVNStatusHandler handler = status -> { semaphore.waitFor(); wasUp.set(true); }; semaphore.down(); semaphoreMain.down(); semaphoreWokeUp.down(); final SVNException[] exception = new SVNException[1]; Thread thread = new Thread( () -> { try { semaphoreMain.up(); readClient.doStatus(myWorkingCopyRoot, true, false, true, false, handler); semaphoreWokeUp.up(); } catch (SVNException e) { exception[0] = e; } }, "svn test"); thread.start(); semaphoreMain.waitFor(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(5); SVNWCClient client = new SVNWCClient((ISVNRepositoryPool) null, new DefaultSVNOptions()); client.doAdd(ioFile.getParentFile(), true, false, true, true); semaphore.up(); semaphoreWokeUp.waitFor(); Assert.assertEquals(true, wasUp.get().booleanValue()); if (exception[0] != null) { throw exception[0]; } thread.join(); } finally { ioFile.delete(); } }
public void run() { try { while (readAvailable()) { TimeoutUtil.sleep(50L); } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } }
public synchronized void close() throws IOException { if (myWaitForThreadFuture != null) { myWaitForThreadFuture.cancel(true); } if (myWaitSemaphore != null) { myWaitSemaphore.up(); } try { if (myInputStream != null && !myContainsError) { myInputStream.close(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); } } finally { try { if (myOutputStream != null && !myContainsError) { myOutputStream.close(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); } try { if (myErrThread != null) { myErrThread.setProcessTerminated(true); } if (myStdErrFuture != null) { myStdErrFuture.get(); } } catch (InterruptedException e) { // } catch (ExecutionException e) { LOG.error(e); } } finally { try { if (myProcess != null) { myProcess.destroy(); } } finally { myInputStream = null; myOutputStream = null; myProcess = null; } } } }
public void testAwaitTerminationMakesSureTasksTransferredToBackendExecutorAreFinished() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final AppScheduledExecutorService service = new AppScheduledExecutorService(getName()); final List<LogInfo> log = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); int N = 20; int delay = 500; List<? extends Future<?>> futures = Collections.nCopies(N, ""), s -> service.schedule( () -> { TimeoutUtil.sleep(5000); log.add(new LogInfo(0)); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)); TimeoutUtil.sleep(delay); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!service.delayQueue.isEmpty() && System.currentTimeMillis() < start + 20000) { // wait till all tasks transferred to backend } List<SchedulingWrapper.MyScheduledFutureTask> queuedTasks = new ArrayList<>(service.delayQueue); if (!queuedTasks.isEmpty()) { String s = queuedTasks .stream() .map(BoundedTaskExecutor::info) .collect(Collectors.toList()) .toString(); fail("Queued tasks left: " + s + ";\n" + queuedTasks); } service.shutdownAppScheduledExecutorService(); assertTrue(service.awaitTermination(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); for (Future<?> future : futures) { assertTrue(future.isDone()); } assertEquals(log.toString(), N, log.size()); }
public void testDelayedTasksReusePooledThreadIfExecuteAtDifferentTimes() throws InterruptedException, ExecutionException { final AppScheduledExecutorService service = new AppScheduledExecutorService(getName()); final List<LogInfo> log = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); // pre-start one thread Future<?> future = service.submit(EmptyRunnable.getInstance()); future.get(); service.setBackendPoolCorePoolSize(1); assertEquals(1, service.getBackendPoolExecutorSize()); int delay = 500; ScheduledFuture<?> f1 = service.schedule((Runnable) () -> log.add(new LogInfo(1)), delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); ScheduledFuture<?> f2 = service.schedule( (Runnable) () -> log.add(new LogInfo(2)), delay + 100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); ScheduledFuture<?> f3 = service.schedule( (Runnable) () -> log.add(new LogInfo(3)), delay + 200, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertEquals(1, service.getBackendPoolExecutorSize()); assertFalse(f1.isDone()); assertFalse(f2.isDone()); assertFalse(f3.isDone()); TimeoutUtil.sleep(delay + 200 + 300); assertTrue(f1.isDone()); assertTrue(f2.isDone()); assertTrue(f3.isDone()); assertEquals(1, service.getBackendPoolExecutorSize()); assertEquals(3, log.size()); Set<Thread> usedThreads = new HashSet<>( Arrays.asList( log.get(0).currentThread, log.get(1).currentThread, log.get(2).currentThread)); if (usedThreads.size() != 1) { System.err.println(ThreadDumper.dumpThreadsToString()); } assertEquals(usedThreads.toString(), 1, usedThreads.size()); // must be executed in same thread service.shutdownAppScheduledExecutorService(); assertTrue(service.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); }
@Override @TestOnly public void shutdown() throws InterruptedException { final Application app = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); assert app != null && app.isUnitTestMode() : app; final MyProcessHandler processHandler = myProcessHandler; if (processHandler != null) { myIsShuttingDown = true; shutdownProcess(); long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); while (!processHandler.isProcessTerminated()) { if ((System.currentTimeMillis() - t) > 5000) { throw new InterruptedException("Timed out waiting watcher process to terminate"); } TimeoutUtil.sleep(100); } } }
public void testWatchRootRecreation() throws Exception { File rootDir = createTestDir("root"); File file1 = createTestFile(rootDir, "file1.txt", "abc"); File file2 = createTestFile(rootDir, "file2.txt", "123"); refresh(rootDir); LocalFileSystem.WatchRequest request = watch(rootDir); try { myAccept = true; assertTrue(FileUtil.delete(rootDir)); assertTrue(rootDir.mkdir()); if (SystemInfo.isLinux) TimeoutUtil.sleep(1100); // implementation specific assertTrue(file1.createNewFile()); assertTrue(file2.createNewFile()); assertEvent(VFileContentChangeEvent.class, file1.getPath(), file2.getPath()); } finally { unwatch(request); delete(rootDir); } }
public void testDirectoryRecreation() throws Exception { File rootDir = createTestDir("root"); File topDir = createTestDir(rootDir, "top"); File file1 = createTestFile(topDir, "file1.txt", "abc"); File file2 = createTestFile(topDir, "file2.txt", "123"); refresh(topDir); LocalFileSystem.WatchRequest request = watch(rootDir); try { myAccept = true; assertTrue(FileUtil.delete(topDir)); assertTrue(topDir.mkdir()); TimeoutUtil.sleep(100); assertTrue(file1.createNewFile()); assertTrue(file2.createNewFile()); assertEvent(VFileContentChangeEvent.class, file1.getPath(), file2.getPath()); } finally { unwatch(request); delete(topDir); } }
@Override @Nullable public Project newProject( final String projectName, @NotNull String filePath, boolean useDefaultProjectSettings, boolean isDummy) { filePath = toCanonicalName(filePath); //noinspection ConstantConditions if (LOG_PROJECT_LEAKAGE_IN_TESTS && ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()) { for (int i = 0; i < 42; i++) { if (myProjects.size() < MAX_LEAKY_PROJECTS) break; System.gc(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(100); System.gc(); } if (myProjects.size() >= MAX_LEAKY_PROJECTS) { List<Project> copy = new ArrayList<Project>(myProjects.keySet()); myProjects.clear(); throw new TooManyProjectLeakedException(copy); } } ProjectImpl project = createProject( projectName, filePath, false, ApplicationManager.getApplication().isUnitTestMode()); try { initProject(project, useDefaultProjectSettings ? (ProjectImpl) getDefaultProject() : null); if (LOG_PROJECT_LEAKAGE_IN_TESTS) { myProjects.put(project, null); } return project; } catch (final Exception e) {; Messages.showErrorDialog(message(e), ProjectBundle.message("project.load.default.error")); } return null; }
protected void doRun() { try { while (true) { boolean read = readAvailableBlocking(); if (!read) { break; } else { if (isStopped) { break; } TimeoutUtil.sleep(mySleepingPolicy.getTimeToSleep(true)); } } } catch (Exception e) { fireCommunicationError(); } finally { close(); fireExitEvent(); } }
private static void doAsyncRefreshTest(File temp) throws Exception { final int N = 1000; final byte[] data = "xxx".getBytes("UTF-8"); LocalFileSystem fs = LocalFileSystem.getInstance(); VirtualFile vTemp = fs.findFileByIoFile(temp); assertNotNull(vTemp); VirtualFile[] children = new VirtualFile[N]; long[] timestamp = new long[N]; for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { File file = new File(temp, i + ".txt"); FileUtil.writeToFile(file, data); VirtualFile child = fs.refreshAndFindFileByIoFile(file); assertNotNull(child); children[i] = child; timestamp[i] = file.lastModified(); } vTemp.refresh(false, true); for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { File file = new File(temp, i + ".txt"); assertEquals(timestamp[i], file.lastModified()); VirtualFile child = fs.findFileByIoFile(file); assertNotNull(child); IoTestUtil.assertTimestampsEqual(timestamp[i], child.getTimeStamp()); } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { File file = new File(temp, i + ".txt"); FileUtil.writeToFile(file, data); assertTrue(file.setLastModified(timestamp[i] - 2000)); long modified = file.lastModified(); assertTrue("File:" + file.getPath() + "; time:" + modified, timestamp[i] != modified); timestamp[i] = modified; IoTestUtil.assertTimestampsNotEqual(children[i].getTimeStamp(), modified); } final CountDownLatch latch = new CountDownLatch(N); for (final VirtualFile child : children) { child.refresh( true, true, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { latch.countDown(); } }); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); } while (latch.getCount() > 0) { latch.await(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); UIUtil.pump(); } for (int i = 0; i < N; i++) { VirtualFile child = children[i]; IoTestUtil.assertTimestampsEqual(timestamp[i], child.getTimeStamp()); } }
private static void waitUntilIndexReady(AtomicReference<RebuildStatus> rebuildStatus) { while (rebuildStatus.get() != OK) { ProgressManager.checkCanceled(); TimeoutUtil.sleep(50); } }
public void testDelayedWorks() throws InterruptedException { final AppScheduledExecutorService service = new AppScheduledExecutorService(getName()); final List<LogInfo> log = Collections.synchronizedList(new ArrayList<>()); assertFalse(service.isShutdown()); assertFalse(service.isTerminated()); service.invokeAll( Collections.nCopies( service.getBackendPoolCorePoolSize() + 1, Executors.callable(EmptyRunnable.getInstance()))); // pre-start all threads int delay = 1000; long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); ScheduledFuture<?> f1 = service.schedule( () -> { log.add(new LogInfo(1)); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(service.isShutdown()); assertFalse(service.isTerminated()); ScheduledFuture<?> f2 = service.schedule( () -> { log.add(new LogInfo(2)); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(service.isShutdown()); assertFalse(service.isTerminated()); ScheduledFuture<?> f3 = service.schedule( () -> { log.add(new LogInfo(3)); TimeoutUtil.sleep(10); }, delay, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); assertFalse(service.isShutdown()); assertFalse(service.isTerminated()); Future<?> f4 = service.submit((Runnable) () -> log.add(new LogInfo(4))); assertFalse(service.isShutdown()); assertFalse(service.isTerminated()); assertFalse(f1.isDone()); assertFalse(f2.isDone()); assertFalse(f3.isDone()); TimeoutUtil.sleep(delay / 2); long elapsed = System.currentTimeMillis() - start; // can be > delay/2 on overloaded agent assertEquals(String.valueOf(f1.isDone()), elapsed > delay, f1.isDone()); assertEquals(String.valueOf(f2.isDone()), elapsed > delay, f2.isDone()); assertEquals(String.valueOf(f3.isDone()), elapsed > delay, f3.isDone()); assertTrue(f4.isDone()); TimeoutUtil.sleep(delay / 2 + 500); assertTrue(f1.isDone()); assertTrue(f2.isDone()); assertTrue(f3.isDone()); assertTrue(f4.isDone()); assertEquals(4, log.size()); assertEquals(4, log.get(0).runnable); List<Thread> threads = Arrays.asList(log.get(1).currentThread, log.get(2).currentThread, log.get(3).currentThread); assertEquals( threads.toString(), 3, new HashSet<>(threads).size()); // must be executed in parallel service.shutdownAppScheduledExecutorService(); assertTrue(service.awaitTermination(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS)); }