private static boolean allSuperMethodsSelectedToDelete( List<PsiMethod> unselectedMethods, PsiMethod method) { final ArrayList<PsiMethod> superMethods = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(method.findSuperMethods())); superMethods.retainAll(unselectedMethods); return superMethods.isEmpty(); }
@Override public boolean equals(Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; AllowedValues a2 = (AllowedValues) o; if (canBeOred != a2.canBeOred) { return false; } Set<PsiAnnotationMemberValue> v1 = new THashSet<PsiAnnotationMemberValue>(Arrays.asList(values)); Set<PsiAnnotationMemberValue> v2 = new THashSet<PsiAnnotationMemberValue>(Arrays.asList(a2.values)); if (v1.size() != v2.size()) { return false; } for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue value : v1) { for (PsiAnnotationMemberValue value2 : v2) { if (same(value, value2, value.getManager())) { v2.remove(value2); break; } } } return v2.isEmpty(); }
@Nullable private PsiAnnotation findNullabilityAnnotation( @NotNull PsiModifierListOwner owner, boolean checkBases, boolean nullable) { Set<String> qNames = ContainerUtil.newHashSet(nullable ? getNullables() : getNotNulls()); PsiAnnotation annotation = checkBases && (owner instanceof PsiClass || owner instanceof PsiMethod) ? AnnotationUtil.findAnnotationInHierarchy(owner, qNames) : AnnotationUtil.findAnnotation(owner, qNames); if (annotation != null) { return annotation; } if (owner instanceof PsiParameter && !TypeConversionUtil.isPrimitiveAndNotNull(((PsiParameter) owner).getType())) { // even if javax.annotation.Nullable is not configured, it should still take precedence over // ByDefault annotations if (AnnotationUtil.isAnnotated( owner, nullable ? Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_NOT_NULLS) : Arrays.asList(DEFAULT_NULLABLES), checkBases, false)) { return null; } return findContainerAnnotation( owner, nullable ? "javax.annotation.ParametersAreNullableByDefault" : "javax.annotation.ParametersAreNonnullByDefault"); } return null; }
public static SafeDeleteProcessor createInstance( Project project, @Nullable Runnable prepareSuccessfulCallBack, PsiElement[] elementsToDelete, boolean isSearchInComments, boolean isSearchNonJava, boolean askForAccessors) { ArrayList<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(Arrays.asList(elementsToDelete)); HashSet<PsiElement> elementsToDeleteSet = new HashSet<PsiElement>(Arrays.asList(elementsToDelete)); for (PsiElement psiElement : elementsToDelete) { for (SafeDeleteProcessorDelegate delegate : Extensions.getExtensions(SafeDeleteProcessorDelegate.EP_NAME)) { if (delegate.handlesElement(psiElement)) { Collection<PsiElement> addedElements = delegate.getAdditionalElementsToDelete( psiElement, elementsToDeleteSet, askForAccessors); if (addedElements != null) { elements.addAll(addedElements); } break; } } } return new SafeDeleteProcessor( project, prepareSuccessfulCallBack, PsiUtilCore.toPsiElementArray(elements), isSearchInComments, isSearchNonJava); }
public Collection<Module> getValidModules() { if (TEST_PACKAGE.equals(myData.TEST_OBJECT) || TEST_PATTERN.equals(myData.TEST_OBJECT)) { return Arrays.asList(ModuleManager.getInstance(getProject()).getModules()); } try { myData.getTestObject(getProject(), this).checkConfiguration(); } catch (RuntimeConfigurationError e) { return Arrays.asList(ModuleManager.getInstance(getProject()).getModules()); } catch (RuntimeConfigurationException e) { // ignore } return JavaRunConfigurationModule.getModulesForClass(getProject(), myData.getMainClassName()); }
private static void processCallerMethod( JavaChangeInfo changeInfo, PsiMethod caller, PsiMethod baseMethod, boolean toInsertParams, boolean toInsertThrows) throws IncorrectOperationException { LOG.assertTrue(toInsertParams || toInsertThrows); if (toInsertParams) { List<PsiParameter> newParameters = new ArrayList<PsiParameter>(); ContainerUtil.addAll(newParameters, caller.getParameterList().getParameters()); final JavaParameterInfo[] primaryNewParms = changeInfo.getNewParameters(); PsiSubstitutor substitutor = baseMethod == null ? PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY : ChangeSignatureProcessor.calculateSubstitutor(caller, baseMethod); for (JavaParameterInfo info : primaryNewParms) { if (info.getOldIndex() < 0) newParameters.add(createNewParameter(changeInfo, info, substitutor)); } PsiParameter[] arrayed = newParameters.toArray(new PsiParameter[newParameters.size()]); boolean[] toRemoveParm = new boolean[arrayed.length]; Arrays.fill(toRemoveParm, false); resolveParameterVsFieldsConflicts(arrayed, caller, caller.getParameterList(), toRemoveParm); } if (toInsertThrows) { List<PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement> newThrowns = new ArrayList<PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement>(); final PsiReferenceList throwsList = caller.getThrowsList(); ContainerUtil.addAll(newThrowns, throwsList.getReferenceElements()); final ThrownExceptionInfo[] primaryNewExns = changeInfo.getNewExceptions(); for (ThrownExceptionInfo thrownExceptionInfo : primaryNewExns) { if (thrownExceptionInfo.getOldIndex() < 0) { final PsiClassType type = (PsiClassType) thrownExceptionInfo.createType(caller, caller.getManager()); final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement ref = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(caller.getProject()) .getElementFactory() .createReferenceElementByType(type); newThrowns.add(ref); } } PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement[] arrayed = newThrowns.toArray(new PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement[newThrowns.size()]); boolean[] toRemoveParm = new boolean[arrayed.length]; Arrays.fill(toRemoveParm, false); ChangeSignatureUtil.synchronizeList( throwsList, Arrays.asList(arrayed), ThrowsList.INSTANCE, toRemoveParm); } }
private static HighlightVisitor[] filterVisitors( HighlightVisitor[] highlightVisitors, final PsiFile file) { final List<HighlightVisitor> visitors = new ArrayList<HighlightVisitor>(highlightVisitors.length); List<HighlightVisitor> list = Arrays.asList(highlightVisitors); for (HighlightVisitor visitor : DumbService.getInstance(file.getProject()).filterByDumbAwareness(list)) { if (visitor.suitableForFile(file)) visitors.add(visitor); } LOG.assertTrue(!visitors.isEmpty(), list); HighlightVisitor[] visitorArray = visitors.toArray(new HighlightVisitor[visitors.size()]); Arrays.sort(visitorArray, VISITOR_ORDER_COMPARATOR); return visitorArray; }
/** * Gets parameter which are non optional and at the end of a function signature * * <p>foo($container, $bar = null, $foo = null); */ @NotNull public static Parameter[] getFunctionRequiredParameter(@NotNull Function function) { // nothing we need to do Parameter[] parameters = function.getParameters(); if (parameters.length == 0) { return new Parameter[0]; } // find last optional parameter int last = -1; for (int i = parameters.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!parameters[i].isOptional()) { last = i; break; } } // no required argument found if (last == -1) { return new Parameter[0]; } return Arrays.copyOfRange(parameters, 0, last + 1); }
/** * Adds all code methods of clazz add its super classes to signatures. Doesn't walk into * interfaces because all methods from them will be overloaded in any case. Besides Some of * interfaces came from delegates and they should be visited during the following processing. * * @param clazz current class * @param substitutor super class substitutor of clazz * @param signatures map to initialize * @param classes already visited classes */ private static void initializeSignatures( PsiClass clazz, PsiSubstitutor substitutor, Map<MethodSignature, PsiMethod> signatures, Set<PsiClass> classes) { if (clazz.isInterface()) return; if (classes.add(clazz)) { final List<PsiMethod> methods; if (clazz instanceof GrTypeDefinition) { methods = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(); GrClassImplUtil.collectMethodsFromBody((GrTypeDefinition) clazz, methods); } else { methods = Arrays.asList(clazz.getMethods()); } for (PsiMethod method : methods) { addMethodChecked(signatures, method, substitutor, null); } for (PsiClassType type : getSuperTypes(clazz)) { final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult result = type.resolveGenerics(); final PsiClass superClass = result.getElement(); if (superClass == null) continue; final PsiSubstitutor superClassSubstitutor = TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(superClass, clazz, substitutor); initializeSignatures(superClass, superClassSubstitutor, signatures, classes); } } }
public MultiMap<PsiElement, String> findConflicts(Ref<UsageInfo[]> refUsages) { MultiMap<PsiElement, String> conflictDescriptions = new MultiMap<PsiElement, String>(); addMethodConflicts(conflictDescriptions); Set<UsageInfo> usagesSet = new HashSet<UsageInfo>(Arrays.asList(refUsages.get())); RenameUtil.removeConflictUsages(usagesSet); if (myChangeInfo.isVisibilityChanged()) { try { addInaccessibilityDescriptions(usagesSet, conflictDescriptions); } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) { LOG.error(e); } } for (UsageInfo usageInfo : usagesSet) { if (usageInfo instanceof OverriderUsageInfo) { final PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) usageInfo.getElement(); final PsiMethod baseMethod = ((OverriderUsageInfo) usageInfo).getBaseMethod(); final int delta = baseMethod.getParameterList().getParametersCount() - method.getParameterList().getParametersCount(); if (delta > 0) { final boolean[] toRemove = myChangeInfo.toRemoveParm(); if (toRemove[ toRemove.length - 1]) { // todo check if implicit parameter is not the last one conflictDescriptions.putValue( baseMethod, "Implicit last parameter should not be deleted"); } } } } return conflictDescriptions; }
@NotNull public static PsiElement[] findSuperElements(@NotNull PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof PsiClass) { PsiClass aClass = (PsiClass) element; List<PsiClass> allSupers = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(aClass.getSupers())); for (Iterator<PsiClass> iterator = allSupers.iterator(); iterator.hasNext(); ) { PsiClass superClass =; if (CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(superClass.getQualifiedName())) iterator.remove(); } return allSupers.toArray(new PsiClass[allSupers.size()]); } if (element instanceof PsiMethod) { PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) element; if (method.isConstructor()) { PsiMethod constructorInSuper = PsiSuperMethodUtil.findConstructorInSuper(method); if (constructorInSuper != null) { return new PsiMethod[] {constructorInSuper}; } } else { PsiMethod[] superMethods = method.findSuperMethods(false); if (superMethods.length == 0) { PsiMethod superMethod = getSiblingInheritedViaSubClass(method); if (superMethod != null) { superMethods = new PsiMethod[] {superMethod}; } } return superMethods; } } return PsiElement.EMPTY_ARRAY; }
private static void collectMethods( PsiClass currentClass, PsiSubstitutor currentClassSubstitutor, boolean shouldProcessDeprecated, GrTypeDefinition classToDelegateTo, Collection<PsiMethod> collector, boolean keepParameterAnnotations) { final List<PsiMethod> methods; if (currentClass instanceof GrTypeDefinition) { methods = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(); GrClassImplUtil.collectMethodsFromBody((GrTypeDefinition) currentClass, methods); } else { methods = Arrays.asList(currentClass.getMethods()); } for (PsiMethod method : methods) { if (method.isConstructor() || method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) continue; if (overridesObjectOrGroovyObject(method)) continue; if (!shouldProcessDeprecated && PsiImplUtil.getAnnotation(method, CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_DEPRECATED) != null) continue; collector.add( generateDelegateMethod( method, classToDelegateTo, currentClassSubstitutor, keepParameterAnnotations)); } }
@NotNull public UsageInfo[] findUsages() { myRenamers.clear(); ArrayList<UsageInfo> result = new ArrayList<UsageInfo>(); List<PsiElement> elements = new ArrayList<PsiElement>(myAllRenames.keySet()); //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach for (int i = 0; i < elements.size(); i++) { PsiElement element = elements.get(i); final String newName = myAllRenames.get(element); final UsageInfo[] usages = RenameUtil.findUsages( element, newName, mySearchInComments, mySearchTextOccurrences, myAllRenames); final List<UsageInfo> usagesList = Arrays.asList(usages); result.addAll(usagesList); for (AutomaticRenamerFactory factory : myRenamerFactories) { if (factory.isApplicable(element)) { myRenamers.add(factory.createRenamer(element, newName, usagesList)); } } for (AutomaticRenamerFactory factory : Extensions.getExtensions(AutomaticRenamerFactory.EP_NAME)) { if (factory.getOptionName() == null && factory.isApplicable(element)) { myRenamers.add(factory.createRenamer(element, newName, usagesList)); } } } UsageInfo[] usageInfos = result.toArray(new UsageInfo[result.size()]); usageInfos = UsageViewUtil.removeDuplicatedUsages(usageInfos); return usageInfos; }
@NotNull @Override public PsiClass[] findClassByShortName( @NotNull String name, @NotNull final GlobalSearchScope scope) { PsiClass[] allClasses = getCachedClassesByName(name); if (allClasses.length == 0) return allClasses; if (allClasses.length == 1) { return PsiSearchScopeUtil.isInScope(scope, allClasses[0]) ? allClasses : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY; } PsiClass[] array = ContainerUtil.findAllAsArray( allClasses, new Condition<PsiClass>() { @Override public boolean value(PsiClass aClass) { return PsiSearchScopeUtil.isInScope(scope, aClass); } }); Arrays.sort( array, new Comparator<PsiClass>() { @Override public int compare(PsiClass o1, PsiClass o2) { VirtualFile file1 = o1.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile(); VirtualFile file2 = o2.getContainingFile().getVirtualFile(); if (file1 == null) return file2 == null ? 0 : -1; if (file2 == null) return 1; return, file1); } }); return array; }
@Override @Nullable public Collection<PsiImportStatementBase> findRedundantImports(final PsiJavaFile file) { final PsiImportList importList = file.getImportList(); if (importList == null) return null; final PsiImportStatementBase[] imports = importList.getAllImportStatements(); if (imports.length == 0) return null; Set<PsiImportStatementBase> allImports = new THashSet<PsiImportStatementBase>(Arrays.asList(imports)); final Collection<PsiImportStatementBase> redundant; if (FileTypeUtils.isInServerPageFile(file)) { // remove only duplicate imports redundant = ContainerUtil.newIdentityTroveSet(); ContainerUtil.addAll(redundant, imports); redundant.removeAll(allImports); for (PsiImportStatementBase importStatement : imports) { if (importStatement instanceof JspxImportStatement && importStatement.isForeignFileImport()) { redundant.remove(importStatement); } } } else { redundant = allImports; final List<PsiFile> roots = file.getViewProvider().getAllFiles(); for (PsiElement root : roots) { root.accept( new JavaRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() { @Override public void visitReferenceElement(PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement reference) { if (!reference.isQualified()) { final JavaResolveResult resolveResult = reference.advancedResolve(false); if (!inTheSamePackage(file, resolveResult.getElement())) { final PsiElement resolveScope = resolveResult.getCurrentFileResolveScope(); if (resolveScope instanceof PsiImportStatementBase) { final PsiImportStatementBase importStatementBase = (PsiImportStatementBase) resolveScope; redundant.remove(importStatementBase); } } } super.visitReferenceElement(reference); } private boolean inTheSamePackage(PsiJavaFile file, PsiElement element) { if (element instanceof PsiClass && ((PsiClass) element).getContainingClass() == null) { final PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile(); if (containingFile instanceof PsiJavaFile) { return Comparing.strEqual( file.getPackageName(), ((PsiJavaFile) containingFile).getPackageName()); } } return false; } }); } } return redundant; }
public int hashCode() { int result; result = methodSignature.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + methodName.hashCode(); result = 31 * result + Arrays.hashCode(paramFlags); result = 31 * result + (returnFlag ? 1 : 0); return result; }
@NotNull public PsiVariable[] getOutputVariables(boolean collectVariablesAtExitPoints) { PsiVariable[] myOutputVariables = ControlFlowUtil.getOutputVariables( myControlFlow, myFlowStart, myFlowEnd, myExitPoints.toArray()); if (collectVariablesAtExitPoints) { // variables declared in selected block used in return statements are to be considered output // variables when extracting guard methods final Set<PsiVariable> outputVariables = new HashSet<>(Arrays.asList(myOutputVariables)); for (PsiStatement statement : myExitStatements) { statement.accept( new JavaRecursiveElementVisitor() { @Override public void visitReferenceExpression(PsiReferenceExpression expression) { super.visitReferenceExpression(expression); final PsiElement resolved = expression.resolve(); if (resolved instanceof PsiVariable) { final PsiVariable variable = (PsiVariable) resolved; if (isWrittenInside(variable)) { outputVariables.add(variable); } } } private boolean isWrittenInside(final PsiVariable variable) { final List<Instruction> instructions = myControlFlow.getInstructions(); for (int i = myFlowStart; i < myFlowEnd; i++) { Instruction instruction = instructions.get(i); if (instruction instanceof WriteVariableInstruction && variable.equals(((WriteVariableInstruction) instruction).variable)) { return true; } } return false; } }); } myOutputVariables = outputVariables.toArray(new PsiVariable[outputVariables.size()]); } Arrays.sort(myOutputVariables, PsiUtil.BY_POSITION); return myOutputVariables; }
/** * Begins the in-place refactoring operation. * * @return true if the in-place refactoring was successfully started, false if it failed to start * and a dialog should be shown instead. */ public boolean startInplaceIntroduceTemplate() { final boolean replaceAllOccurrences = isReplaceAllOccurrences(); final Ref<Boolean> result = new Ref<>(); CommandProcessor.getInstance() .executeCommand( myProject, () -> { final String[] names = suggestNames(replaceAllOccurrences, getLocalVariable()); final V variable = createFieldToStartTemplateOn(replaceAllOccurrences, names); boolean started = false; if (variable != null) { int caretOffset = getCaretOffset(); myEditor.getCaretModel().moveToOffset(caretOffset); myEditor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.MAKE_VISIBLE); final LinkedHashSet<String> nameSuggestions = new LinkedHashSet<>(); nameSuggestions.add(variable.getName()); nameSuggestions.addAll(Arrays.asList(names)); initOccurrencesMarkers(); setElementToRename(variable); updateTitle(getVariable()); started = super.performInplaceRefactoring(nameSuggestions); if (started) { onRenameTemplateStarted(); myDocumentAdapter = new DocumentAdapter() { @Override public void documentChanged(DocumentEvent e) { if (myPreview == null) return; final TemplateState templateState = TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(myEditor); if (templateState != null) { final TextResult value = templateState.getVariableValue( InplaceRefactoring.PRIMARY_VARIABLE_NAME); if (value != null) { updateTitle(getVariable(), value.getText()); } } } }; myEditor.getDocument().addDocumentListener(myDocumentAdapter); updateTitle(getVariable()); if (TemplateManagerImpl.getTemplateState(myEditor) != null) { myEditor.putUserData(ACTIVE_INTRODUCE, this); } } } result.set(started); if (!started) { finish(true); } }, getCommandName(), getCommandName()); return result.get(); }
public static void addExpandingReflectedMethods(List<PsiMethod> result, PsiMethod method) { if (method instanceof GrMethod) { final GrReflectedMethod[] reflectedMethods = ((GrMethod) method).getReflectedMethods(); if (reflectedMethods.length > 0) { result.addAll(Arrays.asList(reflectedMethods)); return; } } result.add(method); }
public ExtractClassProcessor( PsiClass sourceClass, List<PsiField> fields, List<PsiMethod> methods, List<PsiClass> classes, String packageName, MoveDestination moveDestination, String newClassName, String newVisibility, boolean generateAccessors, List<MemberInfo> enumConstants) { super(sourceClass.getProject()); this.sourceClass = sourceClass; this.newPackageName = packageName; myMoveDestination = moveDestination; myNewVisibility = newVisibility; myGenerateAccessors = generateAccessors; this.enumConstants = new ArrayList<PsiField>(); for (MemberInfo constant : enumConstants) { if (constant.isChecked()) { this.enumConstants.add((PsiField) constant.getMember()); } } this.fields = new ArrayList<PsiField>(fields); this.methods = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(methods); this.innerClasses = new ArrayList<PsiClass>(classes); this.newClassName = newClassName; delegateFieldName = calculateDelegateFieldName(); requiresBackpointer = new BackpointerUsageVisitor(fields, innerClasses, methods, sourceClass) .backpointerRequired(); if (requiresBackpointer) { ContainerUtil.addAll(typeParams, sourceClass.getTypeParameters()); } else { final Set<PsiTypeParameter> typeParamSet = new HashSet<PsiTypeParameter>(); final TypeParametersVisitor visitor = new TypeParametersVisitor(typeParamSet); for (PsiField field : fields) { field.accept(visitor); } for (PsiMethod method : methods) { method.accept(visitor); // do not include method's type parameters in class signature typeParamSet.removeAll(Arrays.asList(method.getTypeParameters())); } typeParams.addAll(typeParamSet); } myClass = new WriteCommandAction<PsiClass>(myProject, getCommandName()) { @Override protected void run(@NotNull Result<PsiClass> result) throws Throwable { result.setResult(buildClass()); } }.execute().getResultObject(); myExtractEnumProcessor = new ExtractEnumProcessor(myProject, this.enumConstants, myClass); }
public static void sortIdenticalShortNameClasses( PsiClass[] classes, @NotNull PsiReference context) { if (classes.length <= 1) return; PsiElement leaf = context .getElement() .getFirstChild(); // the same proximity weighers are used in completion, where the // leafness is critical Arrays.sort(classes, new PsiProximityComparator(leaf)); }
@Override @NotNull public Object[] getVariants() { Set<PsiPackage> subPackages = new HashSet<>(); for (PsiPackage psiPackage : getContext()) { subPackages.addAll( Arrays.asList(psiPackage.getSubPackages(myReferenceSet.getResolveScope()))); } return subPackages.toArray(); }
@Nullable private static Condition<PsiElement> findMethodUsages( final PsiMethod psiMethod, final PsiElement[] allElementsToDelete, List<UsageInfo> usages) { final Collection<PsiReference> references =; if (psiMethod.isConstructor()) { return findConstructorUsages(psiMethod, references, usages, allElementsToDelete); } final PsiMethod[] overridingMethods = removeDeletedMethods(, allElementsToDelete); findFunctionalExpressions(usages, ArrayUtil.prepend(psiMethod, overridingMethods)); final HashMap<PsiMethod, Collection<PsiReference>> methodToReferences = new HashMap<>(); for (PsiMethod overridingMethod : overridingMethods) { final Collection<PsiReference> overridingReferences =; methodToReferences.put(overridingMethod, overridingReferences); } final Set<PsiMethod> validOverriding = validateOverridingMethods( psiMethod, references, Arrays.asList(overridingMethods), methodToReferences, usages, allElementsToDelete); for (PsiReference reference : references) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (!isInside(element, allElementsToDelete) && !isInside(element, validOverriding)) { usages.add( new SafeDeleteReferenceJavaDeleteUsageInfo( element, psiMethod, PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiImportStaticStatement.class) != null)); } } final List<PsiMethod> calleesSafeToDelete = SafeDeleteJavaCalleeChooser.computeCalleesSafeToDelete(psiMethod); if (calleesSafeToDelete != null) { for (PsiMethod method : calleesSafeToDelete) { usages.add(new SafeDeleteMethodCalleeUsageInfo(method, psiMethod)); } } return usage -> { if (usage instanceof PsiFile) return false; return isInside(usage, allElementsToDelete) || isInside(usage, validOverriding); }; }
@NotNull private static List<PsiClass> getInnerClassesForResolve( @NotNull final GrTypeDefinition grType, @Nullable final PsiElement lastParent, @NotNull final PsiElement place) { if (lastParent instanceof GrReferenceList || PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(place, GrReferenceList.class) != null) { return Arrays.asList(grType.getInnerClasses()); } List<PsiClass> classes = RecursionManager.doPreventingRecursion( grType, true, new Computable<List<PsiClass>>() { @Override public List<PsiClass> compute() { List<PsiClass> result = new ArrayList<PsiClass>(); for (CandidateInfo info : CollectClassMembersUtil.getAllInnerClasses(grType, false).values()) { final PsiClass inner = (PsiClass) info.getElement(); final PsiClass containingClass = inner.getContainingClass(); assert containingClass != null; if (lastParent == null || !containingClass.isInterface() || PsiTreeUtil.isAncestor(containingClass, place, false)) { ContainerUtil.addIfNotNull(result, inner); } } return result; } }); if (classes == null) { return Arrays.asList(grType.getInnerClasses()); } return classes; }
@Nullable private List<? extends LocalQuickFix> registerFixes(final HighlightInfo info) { final List<LocalQuickFix> list = OrderEntryFix.registerFixes(new QuickFixActionRegistrarImpl(info), this); final String[] extendClasses = getExtendClassNames(); final String extendClass = extendClasses != null && extendClasses.length > 0 ? extendClasses[0] : null; final JavaClassReference[] references = getJavaClassReferenceSet().getAllReferences(); PsiPackage contextPackage = null; for (int i = myIndex; i >= 0; i--) { final PsiElement context = references[i].getContext(); if (context != null) { if (context instanceof PsiPackage) { contextPackage = (PsiPackage) context; } break; } } boolean createJavaClass = !canReferencePackage(); ClassKind kind = createJavaClass ? getClassKind() : null; if (createJavaClass && kind == null) kind = ClassKind.CLASS; final String templateName = JavaClassReferenceProvider.CLASS_TEMPLATE.getValue(getOptions()); final TextRange range = new TextRange( references[0].getRangeInElement().getStartOffset(), getRangeInElement().getEndOffset()); final String qualifiedName = range.substring(getElement().getText()); final CreateClassOrPackageFix action = CreateClassOrPackageFix.createFix( qualifiedName, getScope(), getElement(), contextPackage, kind, extendClass, templateName); if (action != null) { QuickFixAction.registerQuickFixAction(info, action); if (list == null) { return Arrays.asList(action); } else { final ArrayList<LocalQuickFix> fixes = new ArrayList<LocalQuickFix>(list.size() + 1); fixes.addAll(list); fixes.add(action); return fixes; } } return list; }
public boolean equals(final Object o) { if (this == o) return true; if (o == null || getClass() != o.getClass()) return false; final MethodInfo that = (MethodInfo) o; if (returnFlag != that.returnFlag) return false; if (!methodName.equals(that.methodName)) return false; if (!methodSignature.equals(that.methodSignature)) return false; if (!Arrays.equals(paramFlags, that.paramFlags)) return false; return true; }
@Override public List<RefEntity> getChildren() { List<RefEntity> superChildren = super.getChildren(); if (myParameters == null) return superChildren; if (superChildren == null || superChildren.isEmpty()) return Arrays.<RefEntity>asList(myParameters); List<RefEntity> allChildren = new ArrayList<RefEntity>(superChildren.size() + myParameters.length); allChildren.addAll(superChildren); Collections.addAll(allChildren, myParameters); return allChildren; }
private static ArrayList<PsiMethod> filterConstructorsIfFieldAlreadyAssigned( PsiMethod[] constructors, PsiField field) { final ArrayList<PsiMethod> result = new ArrayList<PsiMethod>(Arrays.asList(constructors)); for (PsiReference reference :, new LocalSearchScope(constructors))) { final PsiElement element = reference.getElement(); if (element instanceof PsiReferenceExpression && PsiUtil.isOnAssignmentLeftHand((PsiExpression) element)) { result.remove(PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiMethod.class)); } } return result; }
protected void completeReference( final PsiReference reference, final PsiElement position, final Set<LookupElement> set, final TailType tailType, final PsiFile file, final ElementFilter filter, final CompletionVariant variant) { if (reference instanceof PsiMultiReference) { for (PsiReference ref : getReferences((PsiMultiReference) reference)) { completeReference(ref, position, set, tailType, file, filter, variant); } } else if (reference instanceof PsiDynaReference) { for (PsiReference ref : ((PsiDynaReference<?>) reference).getReferences()) { completeReference(ref, position, set, tailType, file, filter, variant); } } else { final Object[] completions = reference.getVariants(); if (completions == null) return; for (Object completion : completions) { if (completion == null) { LOG.assertTrue( false, "Position=" + position + "\n;Reference=" + reference + "\n;variants=" + Arrays.toString(completions)); } if (completion instanceof PsiElement) { final PsiElement psiElement = (PsiElement) completion; if (filter.isClassAcceptable(psiElement.getClass()) && filter.isAcceptable(psiElement, position)) { addLookupItem(set, tailType, completion, file, variant); } } else { if (completion instanceof LookupItem) { final Object o = ((LookupItem) completion).getObject(); if (o instanceof PsiElement) { if (!filter.isClassAcceptable(o.getClass()) || !filter.isAcceptable(o, position)) continue; } } addLookupItem(set, tailType, completion, file, variant); } } } }
@Nullable public static DuplicatesFinder createDuplicatesFinder(PsiMember member) { PsiElement[] pattern; ReturnValue matchedReturnValue = null; if (member instanceof PsiMethod) { final PsiCodeBlock body = ((PsiMethod) member).getBody(); LOG.assertTrue(body != null); final PsiStatement[] statements = body.getStatements(); pattern = statements; matchedReturnValue = null; if (statements.length != 1 || !(statements[0] instanceof PsiReturnStatement)) { final PsiStatement lastStatement = statements.length > 0 ? statements[statements.length - 1] : null; if (lastStatement instanceof PsiReturnStatement) { final PsiExpression returnValue = ((PsiReturnStatement) lastStatement).getReturnValue(); if (returnValue instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) { final PsiElement resolved = ((PsiReferenceExpression) returnValue).resolve(); if (resolved instanceof PsiVariable) { pattern = new PsiElement[statements.length - 1]; System.arraycopy(statements, 0, pattern, 0, statements.length - 1); matchedReturnValue = new VariableReturnValue((PsiVariable) resolved); } } } } else { final PsiExpression returnValue = ((PsiReturnStatement) statements[0]).getReturnValue(); if (returnValue != null) { pattern = new PsiElement[] {returnValue}; } } } else { pattern = new PsiElement[] {((PsiField) member).getInitializer()}; } if (pattern.length == 0) { return null; } final List<? extends PsiVariable> inputVariables = member instanceof PsiMethod ? Arrays.asList(((PsiMethod) member).getParameterList().getParameters()) : new ArrayList<>(); return new DuplicatesFinder( pattern, new InputVariables( inputVariables, member.getProject(), new LocalSearchScope(pattern), false), matchedReturnValue, new ArrayList<>()); }