コード例 #1
/** @author cdr */
public class InjectedLanguageUtil {
  static final Key<
          List<Trinity<IElementType, SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiLanguageInjectionHost>, TextRange>>>
  public static Key<Boolean> FRANKENSTEIN_INJECTION =
      Key.create("FRANKENSTEIN_INJECTION"); // meaning: injected file text is probably incorrect

  public static void forceInjectionOnElement(@NotNull PsiElement host) {
        new PsiLanguageInjectionHost.InjectedPsiVisitor() {
          public void visit(
              @NotNull PsiFile injectedPsi, @NotNull List<PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred> places) {}

  static PsiElement loadTree(@NotNull PsiElement host, @NotNull PsiFile containingFile) {
    if (containingFile instanceof DummyHolder) {
      PsiElement context = containingFile.getContext();
      if (context != null) {
        PsiFile topFile = context.getContainingFile();
        topFile.getNode(); // load tree
        TextRange textRange =

        PsiElement inLoadedTree =
                topFile, textRange.getStartOffset(), textRange.getEndOffset(), host.getClass());
        if (inLoadedTree != null) {
          host = inLoadedTree;
    return host;

  public static List<
          Trinity<IElementType, SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiLanguageInjectionHost>, TextRange>>
      getHighlightTokens(@NotNull PsiFile file) {
    return file.getUserData(HIGHLIGHT_TOKENS);

  public static Place getShreds(@NotNull PsiFile injectedFile) {
    FileViewProvider viewProvider = injectedFile.getViewProvider();
    return getShreds(viewProvider);

  public static Place getShreds(@NotNull FileViewProvider viewProvider) {
    if (!(viewProvider instanceof InjectedFileViewProvider)) return null;
    InjectedFileViewProvider myFileViewProvider = (InjectedFileViewProvider) viewProvider;
    return ((DocumentWindowImpl) myFileViewProvider.getDocument()).getShreds();

  public static void enumerate(
      @NotNull PsiElement host, @NotNull PsiLanguageInjectionHost.InjectedPsiVisitor visitor) {
    PsiFile containingFile = host.getContainingFile();
    enumerate(host, containingFile, true, visitor);

  public static void enumerate(
      @NotNull PsiElement host,
      @NotNull PsiFile containingFile,
      boolean probeUp,
      @NotNull PsiLanguageInjectionHost.InjectedPsiVisitor visitor) {
    // do not inject into nonphysical files except during completion
    if (!containingFile.isPhysical() && containingFile.getOriginalFile() == containingFile) {
      final PsiElement context =
      if (context == null) return;

      final PsiFile file = context.getContainingFile();
      if (file == null || !file.isPhysical() && file.getOriginalFile() == file) return;

    if (containingFile.getViewProvider() instanceof InjectedFileViewProvider)
      return; // no injection inside injection

    PsiElement inTree = loadTree(host, containingFile);
    if (inTree != host) {
      host = inTree;
      containingFile = host.getContainingFile();

    MultiHostRegistrarImpl registrar = probeElementsUp(host, containingFile, probeUp);
    if (registrar == null) {
    List<Pair<Place, PsiFile>> places = registrar.getResult();
    for (Pair<Place, PsiFile> pair : places) {
      PsiFile injectedPsi = pair.second;
      visitor.visit(injectedPsi, pair.first);

  public static Editor getEditorForInjectedLanguageNoCommit(
      @Nullable Editor editor, @Nullable PsiFile file) {
    if (editor == null || file == null || editor instanceof EditorWindow) return editor;

    int offset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset();
    return getEditorForInjectedLanguageNoCommit(editor, file, offset);

  public static Editor getEditorForInjectedLanguageNoCommit(
      @Nullable Editor editor, @Nullable PsiFile file, final int offset) {
    if (editor == null || file == null || editor instanceof EditorWindow) return editor;
    PsiFile injectedFile = findInjectedPsiNoCommit(file, offset);
    return getInjectedEditorForInjectedFile(editor, injectedFile);

  public static Editor getInjectedEditorForInjectedFile(
      @NotNull Editor hostEditor, @Nullable final PsiFile injectedFile) {
    if (injectedFile == null || hostEditor instanceof EditorWindow || hostEditor.isDisposed())
      return hostEditor;
    Project project = hostEditor.getProject();
    if (project == null) project = injectedFile.getProject();
    Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(injectedFile);
    if (!(document instanceof DocumentWindowImpl)) return hostEditor;
    DocumentWindowImpl documentWindow = (DocumentWindowImpl) document;
    SelectionModel selectionModel = hostEditor.getSelectionModel();
    if (selectionModel.hasSelection()) {
      int selstart = selectionModel.getSelectionStart();
      int selend = selectionModel.getSelectionEnd();
      if (!documentWindow.containsRange(selstart, selend)) {
        // selection spreads out the injected editor range
        return hostEditor;
    if (!documentWindow.isValid())
      return hostEditor; // since the moment we got hold of injectedFile and this moment call,
                         // document may have been dirtied
    return EditorWindow.create(documentWindow, (EditorImpl) hostEditor, injectedFile);

  public static PsiFile findInjectedPsiNoCommit(@NotNull PsiFile host, int offset) {
    PsiElement injected = findInjectedElementNoCommit(host, offset);
    return injected == null ? null : injected.getContainingFile();

  // consider injected elements
  public static PsiElement findElementAtNoCommit(@NotNull PsiFile file, int offset) {
    FileViewProvider viewProvider = file.getViewProvider();
    Trinity<PsiElement, PsiElement, Language> result = null;
    if (!(viewProvider instanceof InjectedFileViewProvider)) {
      PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(file.getProject());
      result = tryOffset(file, offset, documentManager);
      PsiElement injected = result.first;
      if (injected != null) {
        return injected;
    Language baseLanguage = viewProvider.getBaseLanguage();
    if (result != null && baseLanguage == result.third) {
      return result.second; // already queried
    return viewProvider.findElementAt(offset, baseLanguage);

  private static final InjectedPsiCachedValueProvider INJECTED_PSI_PROVIDER =
      new InjectedPsiCachedValueProvider();
  private static final Key<ParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement>>
      INJECTED_PSI = Key.create("INJECTED_PSI");

  private static MultiHostRegistrarImpl probeElementsUp(
      @NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull PsiFile hostPsiFile, boolean probeUp) {
    PsiManager psiManager = hostPsiFile.getManager();
    final Project project = psiManager.getProject();
    InjectedLanguageManagerImpl injectedManager =
    if (injectedManager == null) {
      return null; // for tests
    MultiHostRegistrarImpl registrar = null;
    PsiElement current = element;
    while (current != null && current != hostPsiFile) {
      if ("EL".equals(current.getLanguage().getID())) break;
      ParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement> data =
      if (data == null) {
        registrar =
                current, injectedManager, project, hostPsiFile);
      } else {
        registrar = data.getValue(current);

      current = current.getParent(); // cache no injection for current

      if (registrar != null) {
        List<Pair<Place, PsiFile>> places = registrar.getResult();
        // check that injections found intersect with queried element
        TextRange elementRange = element.getTextRange();
        for (Pair<Place, PsiFile> pair : places) {
          Place place = pair.first;
          for (PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred shred : place) {
            if (shred.getHost().getTextRange().intersects(elementRange)) {
              if (place.isValid()) break nextParent;
      if (!probeUp) {

    if (probeUp) {
      // cache only if we walked all parents
      for (PsiElement e = element;
          e != current && e != null && e != hostPsiFile;
          e = e.getParent()) {
        if (registrar == null) {
          e.putUserData(INJECTED_PSI, null);
        } else {
          ParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement> cachedValue =
                  .createParameterizedCachedValue(INJECTED_PSI_PROVIDER, false);

          CachedValueProvider.Result<MultiHostRegistrarImpl> result =
                  registrar, PsiModificationTracker.MODIFICATION_COUNT, registrar);
          ((PsiParameterizedCachedValue<MultiHostRegistrarImpl, PsiElement>) cachedValue)

          e.putUserData(INJECTED_PSI, cachedValue);
    return registrar;

  public static PsiElement findInjectedElementNoCommit(
      @NotNull PsiFile hostFile, final int offset) {
    if (hostFile instanceof PsiCompiledElement) return null;
    Project project = hostFile.getProject();
    if (InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(project).isInjectedFragment(hostFile)) return null;
    final PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project);
    Trinity<PsiElement, PsiElement, Language> result = tryOffset(hostFile, offset, documentManager);
    PsiElement injected = result.first;
    return injected;

  // returns (injected psi, leaf element at the offset, language of the leaf element)
  // since findElementAt() is expensive, we trying to reuse its result
  private static Trinity<PsiElement, PsiElement, Language> tryOffset(
      @NotNull PsiFile hostFile, final int offset, @NotNull PsiDocumentManager documentManager) {
    FileViewProvider provider = hostFile.getViewProvider();
    Language leafLanguage = null;
    PsiElement leafElement = null;
    for (Language language : provider.getLanguages()) {
      PsiElement element = provider.findElementAt(offset, language);
      if (element != null) {
        if (leafLanguage == null) {
          leafLanguage = language;
          leafElement = element;
        PsiElement injected = findInside(element, hostFile, offset, documentManager);
        if (injected != null) return Trinity.create(injected, element, language);
      // maybe we are at the border between two psi elements, then try to find injection at the end
      // of the left element
      if (offset != 0 && (element == null || element.getTextRange().getStartOffset() == offset)) {
        PsiElement leftElement = provider.findElementAt(offset - 1, language);
        if (leftElement != null && leftElement.getTextRange().getEndOffset() == offset) {
          PsiElement injected = findInside(leftElement, hostFile, offset, documentManager);
          if (injected != null) return Trinity.create(injected, element, language);

    return Trinity.create(null, leafElement, leafLanguage);

  private static PsiElement findInside(
      @NotNull PsiElement element,
      @NotNull PsiFile hostFile,
      final int hostOffset,
      @NotNull final PsiDocumentManager documentManager) {
    final Ref<PsiElement> out = new Ref<PsiElement>();
        new PsiLanguageInjectionHost.InjectedPsiVisitor() {
          public void visit(
              @NotNull PsiFile injectedPsi, @NotNull List<PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred> places) {
            for (PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred place : places) {
              TextRange hostRange = place.getHost().getTextRange();
              if (hostRange.cutOut(place.getRangeInsideHost()).grown(1).contains(hostOffset)) {
                DocumentWindowImpl document =
                    (DocumentWindowImpl) documentManager.getCachedDocument(injectedPsi);
                if (document == null) return;
                int injectedOffset = document.hostToInjected(hostOffset);
                PsiElement injElement = injectedPsi.findElementAt(injectedOffset);
                out.set(injElement == null ? injectedPsi : injElement);
    return out.get();

  private static final Key<List<DocumentWindow>> INJECTED_DOCS_KEY =

  public static List<DocumentWindow> getCachedInjectedDocuments(@NotNull PsiFile hostPsiFile) {
    // modification of cachedInjectedDocuments must be under PsiLock only
    List<DocumentWindow> injected = hostPsiFile.getUserData(INJECTED_DOCS_KEY);
    if (injected == null) {
      injected =
          ((UserDataHolderEx) hostPsiFile)
                  INJECTED_DOCS_KEY, ContainerUtil.<DocumentWindow>createEmptyCOWList());
    return injected;

  public static void clearCachedInjectedFragmentsForFile(@NotNull PsiFile file) {
    file.putUserData(INJECTED_DOCS_KEY, null);

  public static void clearCaches(
      @NotNull PsiFile injected, @NotNull DocumentWindowImpl documentWindow) {
    VirtualFileWindowImpl virtualFile = (VirtualFileWindowImpl) injected.getVirtualFile();
    PsiManagerEx psiManagerEx = (PsiManagerEx) injected.getManager();
    if (psiManagerEx.getProject().isDisposed()) return;
    psiManagerEx.getFileManager().setViewProvider(virtualFile, null);
    PsiElement context =
    PsiFile hostFile;
    if (context != null) {
      hostFile = context.getContainingFile();
    } else {
      VirtualFile delegate = virtualFile.getDelegate();
      hostFile = delegate.isValid() ? psiManagerEx.findFile(delegate) : null;
    if (hostFile != null) {
      // modification of cachedInjectedDocuments must be under PsiLock
      synchronized (PsiLock.LOCK) {
        List<DocumentWindow> cachedInjectedDocuments = getCachedInjectedDocuments(hostFile);
        for (int i = cachedInjectedDocuments.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
          DocumentWindow cachedInjectedDocument = cachedInjectedDocuments.get(i);
          if (cachedInjectedDocument == documentWindow) {

  public static Editor openEditorFor(@NotNull PsiFile file, @NotNull Project project) {
    Document document = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project).getDocument(file);
    // may return editor injected in current selection in the host editor, not for the file passed
    // as argument
    VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile();
    if (virtualFile == null) {
      return null;
    if (virtualFile instanceof VirtualFileWindow) {
      virtualFile = ((VirtualFileWindow) virtualFile).getDelegate();
    Editor editor =
            .openTextEditor(new OpenFileDescriptor(project, virtualFile, -1), false);
    if (editor == null || editor instanceof EditorWindow || editor.isDisposed()) return editor;
    if (document instanceof DocumentWindowImpl) {
      return EditorWindow.create((DocumentWindowImpl) document, (EditorImpl) editor, file);
    return editor;

  public static PsiFile getTopLevelFile(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
    PsiFile containingFile = element.getContainingFile();
    if (containingFile == null) return null;
    Document document =
    if (document instanceof DocumentWindow) {
      PsiElement host =
      if (host != null) containingFile = host.getContainingFile();
    return containingFile;

  public static Editor getTopLevelEditor(@NotNull Editor editor) {
    return editor instanceof EditorWindow ? ((EditorWindow) editor).getDelegate() : editor;

  public static boolean isInInjectedLanguagePrefixSuffix(@NotNull final PsiElement element) {
    PsiFile injectedFile = element.getContainingFile();
    if (injectedFile == null) return false;
    Project project = injectedFile.getProject();
    InjectedLanguageManager languageManager = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(project);
    if (!languageManager.isInjectedFragment(injectedFile)) return false;
    TextRange elementRange = element.getTextRange();
    List<TextRange> editables =
        languageManager.intersectWithAllEditableFragments(injectedFile, elementRange);
    int combinedEdiablesLength = 0;
    for (TextRange editable : editables) {
      combinedEdiablesLength += editable.getLength();

    return combinedEdiablesLength != elementRange.getLength();

  public static boolean isSelectionIsAboutToOverflowInjectedFragment(
      @NotNull EditorWindow injectedEditor) {
    int selStart = injectedEditor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionStart();
    int selEnd = injectedEditor.getSelectionModel().getSelectionEnd();

    DocumentWindow document = injectedEditor.getDocument();

    boolean isStartOverflows = selStart == 0;
    if (!isStartOverflows) {
      int hostPrev = document.injectedToHost(selStart - 1);
      isStartOverflows = document.hostToInjected(hostPrev) == selStart;

    boolean isEndOverflows = selEnd == document.getTextLength();
    if (!isEndOverflows) {
      int hostNext = document.injectedToHost(selEnd + 1);
      isEndOverflows = document.hostToInjected(hostNext) == selEnd;

    return isStartOverflows && isEndOverflows;

  public static boolean hasInjections(@NotNull PsiLanguageInjectionHost host) {
    if (!host.isPhysical()) return false;
    final Ref<Boolean> result = Ref.create(false);
        new PsiLanguageInjectionHost.InjectedPsiVisitor() {
          public void visit(
              @NotNull final PsiFile injectedPsi,
              @NotNull final List<PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred> places) {
    return result.get().booleanValue();

  public static String getUnescapedText(
      PsiFile file,
      @Nullable final PsiElement startElement,
      @Nullable final PsiElement endElement) {
    final InjectedLanguageManager manager = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(file.getProject());
    if (manager.getInjectionHost(file) == null) {
      return file.getText()
              startElement == null ? 0 : startElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset(),
              endElement == null
                  ? file.getTextLength()
                  : endElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset());
    final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
        new PsiRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() {

          Boolean myState = startElement == null ? Boolean.TRUE : null;

          public void visitElement(PsiElement element) {
            if (element == startElement) myState = Boolean.TRUE;
            if (element == endElement) myState = Boolean.FALSE;
            if (Boolean.FALSE == myState) return;
            if (Boolean.TRUE == myState && element.getFirstChild() == null) {
              sb.append(getUnescapedLeafText(element, false));
            } else {
    return sb.toString();

  public static String getUnescapedLeafText(PsiElement element, boolean strict) {
    String unescaped = element.getCopyableUserData(LeafPatcher.UNESCAPED_TEXT);
    if (unescaped != null) {
      return unescaped;
    if (!strict && element.getFirstChild() == null) {
      return element.getText();
    return null;

  public static DocumentWindow getDocumentWindow(@NotNull PsiElement element) {
    PsiFile file = element.getContainingFile();
    if (file == null) return null;
    VirtualFile virtualFile = file.getVirtualFile();
    if (virtualFile instanceof VirtualFileWindow)
      return ((VirtualFileWindow) virtualFile).getDocumentWindow();
    return null;

  public static boolean isInjectableLanguage(Language language) {
    return LanguageUtil.isInjectableLanguage(language);
コード例 #2
public class JavaCompletionUtil {
  private static final Logger LOG =
  public static final Key<PairFunction<PsiExpression, CompletionParameters, PsiType>>

  private static final Key<PsiType> QUALIFIER_TYPE_ATTR =
      Key.create("qualifierType"); // SmartPsiElementPointer to PsiType of "qualifier"
  public static final OffsetKey LPAREN_OFFSET = OffsetKey.create("lparen");
  public static final OffsetKey RPAREN_OFFSET = OffsetKey.create("rparen");
  public static final OffsetKey ARG_LIST_END_OFFSET = OffsetKey.create("argListEnd");
  static final NullableLazyKey<ExpectedTypeInfo[], CompletionLocation> EXPECTED_TYPES =
          new NullableFunction<CompletionLocation, ExpectedTypeInfo[]>() {
            public ExpectedTypeInfo[] fun(final CompletionLocation location) {
              if (PsiJavaPatterns.psiElement()
                  .accepts(location.getCompletionParameters().getPosition())) {
                return ExpectedTypeInfo.EMPTY_ARRAY;

              return JavaSmartCompletionContributor.getExpectedTypes(
  private static final ElementPattern<PsiElement> LEFT_PAREN =
              psiElement().afterLeaf(".", PsiKeyword.NEW));

  public static final Key<Boolean> SUPER_METHOD_PARAMETERS = Key.create("SUPER_METHOD_PARAMETERS");

  public static Set<PsiType> getExpectedTypes(final CompletionParameters parameters) {
    final PsiExpression expr =
        PsiTreeUtil.getContextOfType(parameters.getPosition(), PsiExpression.class, true);
    if (expr != null) {
      final Set<PsiType> set = new THashSet<PsiType>();
      for (final ExpectedTypeInfo expectedInfo :
          JavaSmartCompletionContributor.getExpectedTypes(parameters)) {
      return set;
    return null;

  private static final Key<List<SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod>>> ALL_METHODS_ATTRIBUTE =

  public static PsiType getQualifierType(LookupItem item) {
    return item.getUserData(QUALIFIER_TYPE_ATTR);

  public static void completeVariableNameForRefactoring(
      Project project,
      Set<LookupElement> set,
      String prefix,
      PsiType varType,
      VariableKind varKind) {
    final CamelHumpMatcher camelHumpMatcher = new CamelHumpMatcher(prefix);
        project, set, camelHumpMatcher, varType, varKind, true, false);

  public static void putAllMethods(LookupElement item, List<PsiMethod> methods) {
            new Function<PsiMethod, SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod>>() {
              public SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod> fun(PsiMethod method) {
                return SmartPointerManager.getInstance(method.getProject())

  public static List<PsiMethod> getAllMethods(LookupElement item) {
    List<SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod>> pointers = item.getUserData(ALL_METHODS_ATTRIBUTE);
    if (pointers == null) return null;

    return ContainerUtil.mapNotNull(
        new Function<SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod>, PsiMethod>() {
          public PsiMethod fun(SmartPsiElementPointer<PsiMethod> pointer) {
            return pointer.getElement();

  public static String[] completeVariableNameForRefactoring(
      JavaCodeStyleManager codeStyleManager,
      @Nullable final PsiType varType,
      final VariableKind varKind,
      SuggestedNameInfo suggestedNameInfo) {
    return JavaMemberNameCompletionContributor.completeVariableNameForRefactoring(
        new CamelHumpMatcher(""),

  public static boolean isInExcludedPackage(
      @NotNull final PsiMember member, boolean allowInstanceInnerClasses) {
    final String name = PsiUtil.getMemberQualifiedName(member);
    if (name == null) return false;

    if (!member.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.STATIC)) {
      if (member instanceof PsiMethod || member instanceof PsiField) {
        return false;
      if (allowInstanceInnerClasses
          && member instanceof PsiClass
          && member.getContainingClass() != null) {
        return false;

    return ProjectCodeInsightSettings.getSettings(member.getProject()).isExcluded(name);

  public static <T extends PsiType> T originalize(@NotNull T type) {
    if (!type.isValid()) {
      return type;

    T result =
        new PsiTypeMapper() {
          private final Set<PsiClassType> myVisited = ContainerUtil.newIdentityTroveSet();

          public PsiType visitClassType(final PsiClassType classType) {
            if (!myVisited.add(classType)) return classType;

            final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult classResolveResult = classType.resolveGenerics();
            final PsiClass psiClass = classResolveResult.getElement();
            final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = classResolveResult.getSubstitutor();
            if (psiClass == null) return classType;

            return new PsiImmediateClassType(
                CompletionUtil.getOriginalOrSelf(psiClass), originalizeSubstitutor(substitutor));

          private PsiSubstitutor originalizeSubstitutor(final PsiSubstitutor substitutor) {
            PsiSubstitutor originalSubstitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY;
            for (final Map.Entry<PsiTypeParameter, PsiType> entry :
                substitutor.getSubstitutionMap().entrySet()) {
              final PsiType value = entry.getValue();
              originalSubstitutor =
                      value == null ? null : mapType(value));
            return originalSubstitutor;

          public PsiType visitType(PsiType type) {
            return type;
    if (result == null) {
      throw new AssertionError("Null result for type " + type + " of class " + type.getClass());
    return result;

  public static void initOffsets(final PsiFile file, final OffsetMap offsetMap) {
    int offset =

    PsiElement element = file.findElementAt(offset);
    if (element instanceof PsiWhiteSpace
        && (!element.textContains('\n')
            || CodeStyleSettingsManager.getSettings(file.getProject())
      element = file.findElementAt(element.getTextRange().getEndOffset());
    if (element == null) return;

    if (LEFT_PAREN.accepts(element)) {
      offsetMap.addOffset(LPAREN_OFFSET, element.getTextRange().getStartOffset());
      PsiElement list = element.getParent();
      PsiElement last = list.getLastChild();
      if (last instanceof PsiJavaToken
          && ((PsiJavaToken) last).getTokenType() == JavaTokenType.RPARENTH) {
        offsetMap.addOffset(RPAREN_OFFSET, last.getTextRange().getStartOffset());

      offsetMap.addOffset(ARG_LIST_END_OFFSET, list.getTextRange().getEndOffset());

  public static void resetParensInfo(final OffsetMap offsetMap) {

  public static List<? extends PsiElement> getAllPsiElements(final LookupElement item) {
    List<PsiMethod> allMethods = getAllMethods(item);
    if (allMethods != null) return allMethods;
    if (item.getObject() instanceof PsiElement)
      return Collections.singletonList((PsiElement) item.getObject());
    return null;

  public static PsiType getLookupElementType(final LookupElement element) {
    TypedLookupItem typed = element.as(TypedLookupItem.CLASS_CONDITION_KEY);
    return typed != null ? typed.getType() : null;

  public static PsiType getQualifiedMemberReferenceType(
      @Nullable PsiType qualifierType, @NotNull final PsiMember member) {
    final Ref<PsiSubstitutor> subst = Ref.create(PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);
    class MyProcessor extends BaseScopeProcessor implements NameHint, ElementClassHint {
      public boolean execute(@NotNull PsiElement element, @NotNull ResolveState state) {
        if (element == member) {
        return true;

      public String getName(@NotNull ResolveState state) {
        return member.getName();

      public boolean shouldProcess(DeclarationKind kind) {
        return member instanceof PsiEnumConstant
            ? kind == DeclarationKind.ENUM_CONST
            : member instanceof PsiField
                ? kind == DeclarationKind.FIELD
                : kind == DeclarationKind.METHOD;

      public <T> T getHint(@NotNull Key<T> hintKey) {
        return hintKey == NameHint.KEY || hintKey == ElementClassHint.KEY ? (T) this : null;

    PsiScopesUtil.processTypeDeclarations(qualifierType, member, new MyProcessor());

    PsiType rawType =
        member instanceof PsiField
            ? ((PsiField) member).getType()
            : member instanceof PsiMethod
                ? ((PsiMethod) member).getReturnType()
                : JavaPsiFacade.getElementFactory(member.getProject())
                    .createType((PsiClass) member);
    return subst.get().substitute(rawType);

  public static Set<LookupElement> processJavaReference(
      PsiElement element,
      PsiJavaReference javaReference,
      ElementFilter elementFilter,
      JavaCompletionProcessor.Options options,
      final PrefixMatcher matcher,
      CompletionParameters parameters) {
    final Set<LookupElement> set = new LinkedHashSet<LookupElement>();
    final Condition<String> nameCondition =
        new Condition<String>() {
          public boolean value(String s) {
            return matcher.prefixMatches(s);

    PsiMethodCallExpression call =
        PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(element, PsiMethodCallExpression.class);
    boolean checkInitialized =
        parameters.getInvocationCount() <= 1
            && call != null
            && PsiKeyword.SUPER.equals(call.getMethodExpression().getText());

    final JavaCompletionProcessor processor =
        new JavaCompletionProcessor(
            element, elementFilter, options.withInitialized(checkInitialized), nameCondition);
    final PsiType plainQualifier = processor.getQualifierType();
    PsiType qualifierType = plainQualifier;

    PsiType runtimeQualifier = getQualifierCastType(javaReference, parameters);
    if (runtimeQualifier != null) {
      PsiType composite =
          qualifierType == null
              ? runtimeQualifier
              : PsiIntersectionType.createIntersection(qualifierType, runtimeQualifier);
      PsiElement ctx = createContextWithXxxVariable(element, composite);
      javaReference =
                  .createExpressionFromText("xxx.xxx", ctx);
      qualifierType = runtimeQualifier;


    final PsiTypeLookupItem castItem =
        runtimeQualifier == null
            ? null
            : PsiTypeLookupItem.createLookupItem(
                runtimeQualifier, (PsiReferenceExpression) javaReference);

    final boolean pkgContext = inSomePackage(element);

    final Set<PsiMember> mentioned = new THashSet<PsiMember>();
    for (CompletionElement completionElement : processor.getResults()) {
      for (LookupElement item : createLookupElements(completionElement, javaReference)) {
        item.putUserData(QUALIFIER_TYPE_ATTR, qualifierType);
        final Object o = item.getObject();
        if (o instanceof PsiClass && !isSourceLevelAccessible(element, (PsiClass) o, pkgContext)) {
        if (o instanceof PsiMember) {
          if (isInExcludedPackage((PsiMember) o, true)) {
          mentioned.add(CompletionUtil.getOriginalOrSelf((PsiMember) o));
                castQualifier(item, castItem, plainQualifier, processor),

    if (javaReference instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement
        && !((PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) javaReference).isQualified()) {
      final StaticMemberProcessor memberProcessor = new JavaStaticMemberProcessor(parameters);
          new PairConsumer<PsiMember, PsiClass>() {
            public void consume(PsiMember member, PsiClass psiClass) {
              if (!mentioned.contains(member)
                  && processor.satisfies(member, ResolveState.initial())) {
                set.add(memberProcessor.createLookupElement(member, psiClass, true));

    return set;

  private static PsiType getQualifierCastType(
      PsiJavaReference javaReference, CompletionParameters parameters) {
    if (javaReference instanceof PsiReferenceExpression) {
      final PsiReferenceExpression refExpr = (PsiReferenceExpression) javaReference;
      final PsiExpression qualifier = refExpr.getQualifierExpression();
      if (qualifier != null) {
        final Project project = qualifier.getProject();
        PsiType type = null;
        final PairFunction<PsiExpression, CompletionParameters, PsiType> evaluator =
        if (evaluator != null) {
          type = evaluator.fun(qualifier, parameters);
        if (type == null) {
          type = GuessManager.getInstance(project).getControlFlowExpressionType(qualifier);
        return type;
    return null;

  private static LookupElement castQualifier(
      @NotNull LookupElement item,
      @Nullable final PsiTypeLookupItem castTypeItem,
      @Nullable PsiType plainQualifier,
      JavaCompletionProcessor processor) {
    if (castTypeItem == null) {
      return item;
    if (plainQualifier != null) {
      Object o = item.getObject();
      if (o instanceof PsiMethod) {
        PsiType castType = castTypeItem.getType();
        if (plainQualifier instanceof PsiClassType && castType instanceof PsiClassType) {
          PsiMethod method = (PsiMethod) o;
          PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult plainResult =
              ((PsiClassType) plainQualifier).resolveGenerics();
          PsiClass plainClass = plainResult.getElement();
          if (plainClass != null && plainClass.findMethodBySignature(method, true) != null) {
            PsiClass castClass = ((PsiClassType) castType).resolveGenerics().getElement();

            if (castClass == null || !castClass.isInheritor(plainClass, true)) {
              return item;

            PsiSubstitutor plainSub = plainResult.getSubstitutor();
            PsiSubstitutor castSub =
                TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(plainClass, (PsiClassType) castType);
            PsiType returnType = method.getReturnType();
            if (method.getSignature(plainSub).equals(method.getSignature(castSub))) {
              PsiType typeAfterCast = toRaw(castSub.substitute(returnType));
              PsiType typeDeclared = toRaw(plainSub.substitute(returnType));
              if (typeAfterCast != null
                  && typeDeclared != null
                  && typeAfterCast.isAssignableFrom(typeDeclared)
                  && processor.isAccessible(plainClass.findMethodBySignature(method, true))) {
                return item;
      } else if (containsMember(plainQualifier, o)) {
        return item;

    return LookupElementDecorator.withInsertHandler(
        new InsertHandlerDecorator<LookupElement>() {
          public void handleInsert(
              InsertionContext context, LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement> item) {
            final Document document = context.getEditor().getDocument();
            final PsiFile file = context.getFile();
            final PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement ref =
                    file, context.getStartOffset(), PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement.class, false);
            if (ref != null) {
              final PsiElement qualifier = ref.getQualifier();
              if (qualifier != null) {
                final CommonCodeStyleSettings settings = context.getCodeStyleSettings();

                final String parenSpace = settings.SPACE_WITHIN_PARENTHESES ? " " : "";
                document.insertString(qualifier.getTextRange().getEndOffset(), parenSpace + ")");

                final String spaceWithin = settings.SPACE_WITHIN_CAST_PARENTHESES ? " " : "";
                final String prefix = "(" + parenSpace + "(" + spaceWithin;
                final String spaceAfter = settings.SPACE_AFTER_TYPE_CAST ? " " : "";
                final int exprStart = qualifier.getTextRange().getStartOffset();
                document.insertString(exprStart, prefix + spaceWithin + ")" + spaceAfter);

                CompletionUtil.emulateInsertion(context, exprStart + prefix.length(), castTypeItem);


  private static PsiType toRaw(@Nullable PsiType type) {
    return type instanceof PsiClassType ? ((PsiClassType) type).rawType() : type;

  public static LookupElement highlightIfNeeded(
      @Nullable PsiType qualifierType,
      @NotNull LookupElement item,
      @NotNull Object object,
      @NotNull PsiElement place) {
    if (shouldMarkRed(object, place)) {
      return PrioritizedLookupElement.withExplicitProximity(
              new LookupElementRenderer<LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement>>() {
                public void renderElement(
                    LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement> element,
                    LookupElementPresentation presentation) {
    if (containsMember(qualifierType, object)) {
      LookupElementRenderer<LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement>> boldRenderer =
          new LookupElementRenderer<LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement>>() {
            public void renderElement(
                LookupElementDecorator<LookupElement> element,
                LookupElementPresentation presentation) {
      return PrioritizedLookupElement.withExplicitProximity(
          LookupElementDecorator.withRenderer(item, boldRenderer), 1);
    return item;

  private static boolean shouldMarkRed(@NotNull Object object, @NotNull PsiElement place) {
    if (!(object instanceof PsiMember)) return false;
    if (Java15APIUsageInspectionBase.isForbiddenApiUsage(
        (PsiMember) object, PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(place))) return true;

    if (object instanceof PsiEnumConstant) {
      return findConstantsUsedInSwitch(place)
          .contains(CompletionUtil.getOriginalOrSelf((PsiEnumConstant) object));
    return false;

  public static boolean containsMember(@Nullable PsiType qualifierType, @NotNull Object object) {
    if (qualifierType instanceof PsiArrayType
        && object instanceof PsiMember) { // length and clone()
      PsiFile file = ((PsiMember) object).getContainingFile();
      if (file == null || file.getVirtualFile() == null) { // yes, they're a bit dummy
        return true;
    } else if (qualifierType instanceof PsiClassType) {
      PsiClass qualifierClass = ((PsiClassType) qualifierType).resolve();
      if (qualifierClass == null) return false;
      if (object instanceof PsiMethod
          && qualifierClass.findMethodBySignature((PsiMethod) object, false) != null) {
        return true;
      if (object instanceof PsiMember) {
        return qualifierClass.equals(((PsiMember) object).getContainingClass());
    return false;

  private static List<? extends LookupElement> createLookupElements(
      CompletionElement completionElement, PsiJavaReference reference) {
    Object completion = completionElement.getElement();
    assert !(completion instanceof LookupElement);

    if (reference instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) {
      if (completion instanceof PsiMethod
          && ((PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) reference).getParent()
              instanceof PsiImportStaticStatement) {
        return Collections.singletonList(
            JavaLookupElementBuilder.forMethod((PsiMethod) completion, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY));

      if (completion instanceof PsiClass) {
        return JavaClassNameCompletionContributor.createClassLookupItems(
            (PsiClass) completion,

    if (reference instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression
        && completion instanceof PsiMethod
        && ((PsiMethod) completion).isConstructor()) {
      return Collections.singletonList(
              (PsiMethod) completion, "new", PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY, null));

    LookupElement _ret = LookupItemUtil.objectToLookupItem(completion);
    if (_ret instanceof LookupItem) {
      final PsiSubstitutor substitutor = completionElement.getSubstitutor();
      if (substitutor != null) {
        ((LookupItem<?>) _ret).setAttribute(LookupItem.SUBSTITUTOR, substitutor);
    return Collections.singletonList(_ret);

  public static boolean hasAccessibleConstructor(PsiType type) {
    if (type instanceof PsiArrayType) return true;

    final PsiClass psiClass = PsiUtil.resolveClassInType(type);
    if (psiClass == null || psiClass.isEnum() || psiClass.isAnnotationType()) return false;

    if (!(psiClass instanceof PsiCompiledElement)) return true;

    final PsiMethod[] methods = psiClass.getConstructors();
    if (methods.length == 0) return true;

    for (final PsiMethod method : methods) {
      if (!method.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)) return true;
    return false;

  public static LookupItem qualify(final LookupItem ret) {
    return ret.forceQualify();

  public static Set<String> getAllLookupStrings(@NotNull PsiMember member) {
    Set<String> allLookupStrings = ContainerUtil.newLinkedHashSet();
    String name = member.getName();
    PsiClass containingClass = member.getContainingClass();
    while (containingClass != null) {
      final String className = containingClass.getName();
      if (className == null) {
      name = className + "." + name;
      final PsiElement parent = containingClass.getParent();
      if (!(parent instanceof PsiClass)) {
      containingClass = (PsiClass) parent;
    return allLookupStrings;

  public static LookupItem setShowFQN(final LookupItem ret) {
        PsiFormatUtil.getPackageDisplayName((PsiClass) ret.getObject()));
    return ret;

  public static boolean mayHaveSideEffects(@Nullable final PsiElement element) {
    return element instanceof PsiExpression
        && SideEffectChecker.mayHaveSideEffects((PsiExpression) element);

  public static void insertClassReference(
      @NotNull PsiClass psiClass, @NotNull PsiFile file, int offset) {
    insertClassReference(psiClass, file, offset, offset);

  public static int insertClassReference(
      PsiClass psiClass, PsiFile file, int startOffset, int endOffset) {
    final Project project = file.getProject();
    PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project);

    final PsiManager manager = file.getManager();

    final Document document =

    final PsiReference reference = file.findReferenceAt(startOffset);
    if (reference != null) {
      final PsiElement resolved = reference.resolve();
      if (resolved instanceof PsiClass) {
        if (((PsiClass) resolved).getQualifiedName() == null
            || manager.areElementsEquivalent(psiClass, resolved)) {
          return endOffset;

    String name = psiClass.getName();
    if (name == null) {
      return endOffset;

    assert document != null;
    document.replaceString(startOffset, endOffset, name);

    int newEndOffset = startOffset + name.length();
    final RangeMarker toDelete = insertTemporary(newEndOffset, document, " ");


    PsiElement element = file.findElementAt(startOffset);
    if (element instanceof PsiIdentifier) {
      PsiElement parent = element.getParent();
      if (parent instanceof PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement
          && !((PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) parent).isQualified()
          && !(parent.getParent() instanceof PsiPackageStatement)) {
        PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement ref = (PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) parent;

        if (psiClass.isValid()
            && !psiClass.getManager().areElementsEquivalent(psiClass, resolveReference(ref))) {
          final boolean staticImport = ref instanceof PsiImportStaticReferenceElement;
          PsiElement newElement;
          try {
            newElement =
                    ? ((PsiImportStaticReferenceElement) ref).bindToTargetClass(psiClass)
                    : ref.bindToElement(psiClass);
          } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
            return endOffset; // can happen if fqn contains reserved words, for example

          final RangeMarker rangeMarker = document.createRangeMarker(newElement.getTextRange());

          newElement =
          if (newElement != null) {
            newEndOffset = newElement.getTextRange().getEndOffset();
            if (!(newElement instanceof PsiReferenceExpression)) {
              PsiReferenceParameterList parameterList =
                  ((PsiJavaCodeReferenceElement) newElement).getParameterList();
              if (parameterList != null) {
                newEndOffset = parameterList.getTextRange().getStartOffset();

            if (!staticImport
                && !psiClass
                    .areElementsEquivalent(psiClass, resolveReference((PsiReference) newElement))
                && !PsiUtil.isInnerClass(psiClass)) {
              final String qName = psiClass.getQualifiedName();
              if (qName != null) {
                    newElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), newEndOffset, qName);
                newEndOffset = newElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset() + qName.length();

    if (toDelete.isValid()) {
      document.deleteString(toDelete.getStartOffset(), toDelete.getEndOffset());

    return newEndOffset;

  static PsiElement resolveReference(final PsiReference psiReference) {
    if (psiReference instanceof PsiPolyVariantReference) {
      final ResolveResult[] results = ((PsiPolyVariantReference) psiReference).multiResolve(true);
      if (results.length == 1) return results[0].getElement();
    return psiReference.resolve();

  public static RangeMarker insertTemporary(
      final int endOffset, final Document document, final String temporary) {
    final CharSequence chars = document.getCharsSequence();
    final int length = chars.length();
    final RangeMarker toDelete;
    if (endOffset < length && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(chars.charAt(endOffset))) {
      document.insertString(endOffset, temporary);
      toDelete = document.createRangeMarker(endOffset, endOffset + 1);
    } else if (endOffset >= length) {
      toDelete = document.createRangeMarker(length, length);
    } else {
      toDelete = document.createRangeMarker(endOffset, endOffset);
    return toDelete;

  public static void insertParentheses(
      final InsertionContext context,
      final LookupElement item,
      boolean overloadsMatter,
      boolean hasParams) {
    insertParentheses(context, item, overloadsMatter, hasParams, false);

  public static void insertParentheses(
      final InsertionContext context,
      final LookupElement item,
      boolean overloadsMatter,
      boolean hasParams,
      final boolean forceClosingParenthesis) {
    final Editor editor = context.getEditor();
    final char completionChar = context.getCompletionChar();
    final PsiFile file = context.getFile();

    final TailType tailType =
        completionChar == '('
            ? TailType.NONE
            : completionChar == ':'
                ? TailType.COND_EXPR_COLON
                : LookupItem.handleCompletionChar(context.getEditor(), item, completionChar);
    final boolean hasTail = tailType != TailType.NONE && tailType != TailType.UNKNOWN;
    final boolean smart = completionChar == Lookup.COMPLETE_STATEMENT_SELECT_CHAR;

    if (completionChar == '('
        || completionChar == '.'
        || completionChar == ','
        || completionChar == ';'
        || completionChar == ':'
        || completionChar == ' ') {

    if (hasTail) {
      hasParams = false;
    final boolean needRightParenth =
            || !smart
                && (CodeInsightSettings.getInstance().AUTOINSERT_PAIR_BRACKET
                    || !hasParams && completionChar != '(');


    final CommonCodeStyleSettings styleSettings = context.getCodeStyleSettings();
    final PsiElement elementAt = file.findElementAt(context.getStartOffset());
    if (elementAt == null || !(elementAt.getParent() instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression)) {
              styleSettings.SPACE_WITHIN_METHOD_CALL_PARENTHESES && hasParams,
          .handleInsert(context, item);

    if (hasParams) {
      // Invoke parameters popup
          .autoPopupParameterInfo(editor, overloadsMatter ? null : (PsiElement) item.getObject());

    if (smart || !needRightParenth || !insertTail(context, item, tailType, hasTail)) {

    if (completionChar == '.') {
          .autoPopupMemberLookup(context.getEditor(), null);
    } else if (completionChar == ',') {
          .autoPopupParameterInfo(context.getEditor(), null);

  public static boolean insertTail(
      InsertionContext context, LookupElement item, TailType tailType, boolean hasTail) {
    TailType toInsert = tailType;
    LookupItem<?> lookupItem = item.as(LookupItem.CLASS_CONDITION_KEY);
    if (lookupItem == null
        || lookupItem.getAttribute(LookupItem.TAIL_TYPE_ATTR) != TailType.UNKNOWN) {
      if (!hasTail
          && item.getObject() instanceof PsiMethod
          && ((PsiMethod) item.getObject()).getReturnType() == PsiType.VOID) {
        if (psiElement()
            .accepts(context.getFile().findElementAt(context.getTailOffset() - 1))) {
          return false;

        boolean insertAdditionalSemicolon = true;
        final PsiReferenceExpression referenceExpression =
        if (referenceExpression instanceof PsiMethodReferenceExpression
            && LambdaHighlightingUtil.insertSemicolon(referenceExpression.getParent())) {
          insertAdditionalSemicolon = false;
        } else if (referenceExpression != null) {
          PsiElement parent = referenceExpression.getParent();
          if (parent instanceof PsiMethodCallExpression) {
            parent = parent.getParent();
          if (parent instanceof PsiLambdaExpression
              && !LambdaHighlightingUtil.insertSemicolonAfter((PsiLambdaExpression) parent)) {
            insertAdditionalSemicolon = false;
        if (insertAdditionalSemicolon) {
          toInsert = TailType.SEMICOLON;
    toInsert.processTail(context.getEditor(), context.getTailOffset());
    return true;

  // need to shorten references in type argument list
  public static void shortenReference(final PsiFile file, final int offset)
      throws IncorrectOperationException {
    Project project = file.getProject();
    final PsiDocumentManager manager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(project);
    Document document = manager.getDocument(file);
    if (document == null) {
      LOG.error("No document for " + file);

    final PsiReference ref = file.findReferenceAt(offset);
    if (ref != null) {
      PsiElement element = ref.getElement();
      if (element != null) {

  public static boolean inSomePackage(PsiElement context) {
    PsiFile contextFile = context.getContainingFile();
    return contextFile instanceof PsiClassOwner
        && StringUtil.isNotEmpty(((PsiClassOwner) contextFile).getPackageName());

  public static boolean isSourceLevelAccessible(
      PsiElement context, PsiClass psiClass, final boolean pkgContext) {
    if (!JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject())
        .isAccessible(psiClass, context, null)) {
      return false;

    if (pkgContext) {
      PsiClass topLevel = PsiUtil.getTopLevelClass(psiClass);
      if (topLevel != null) {
        String fqName = topLevel.getQualifiedName();
        if (fqName != null && StringUtil.isEmpty(StringUtil.getPackageName(fqName))) {
          return false;

    return true;

  public static boolean promptTypeArgs(InsertionContext context, int offset) {
    if (offset < 0) {
      return false;

    OffsetKey key = context.trackOffset(offset, false);
    offset = context.getOffset(key);
    if (offset < 0) {
      return false;

    String open = escapeXmlIfNeeded(context, "<");
    context.getDocument().insertString(offset, open);
    context.getEditor().getCaretModel().moveToOffset(offset + open.length());
    context.getDocument().insertString(offset + open.length(), escapeXmlIfNeeded(context, ">"));
    return true;

  public static FakePsiElement createContextWithXxxVariable(
      final PsiElement place, final PsiType varType) {
    return new FakePsiElement() {
      public boolean processDeclarations(
          @NotNull PsiScopeProcessor processor,
          @NotNull ResolveState state,
          PsiElement lastParent,
          @NotNull PsiElement place) {
        return processor.execute(
            new LightVariableBuilder("xxx", varType, place), ResolveState.initial());

      public PsiElement getParent() {
        return place;

  public static String escapeXmlIfNeeded(InsertionContext context, String generics) {
    if (context.getFile().getViewProvider().getBaseLanguage() == StdLanguages.JSPX) {
      return StringUtil.escapeXml(generics);
    return generics;
コード例 #3
/** @author ik Date: 24.10.2003 */
public class PsiClassImplUtil {
  private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance("#com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiClassImplUtil");
  private static final Key<ParameterizedCachedValue<MembersMap, PsiClass>> MAP_IN_CLASS_KEY =

  private PsiClassImplUtil() {}

  public static void cacheEverything(PsiClass aClass) {

  public static PsiField[] getAllFields(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    List<PsiField> map = getAllByMap(aClass, MemberType.FIELD);
    return map.toArray(new PsiField[map.size()]);

  public static PsiMethod[] getAllMethods(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    List<PsiMethod> methods = getAllByMap(aClass, MemberType.METHOD);
    return methods.toArray(new PsiMethod[methods.size()]);

  public static PsiClass[] getAllInnerClasses(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    List<PsiClass> classes = getAllByMap(aClass, MemberType.CLASS);
    return classes.toArray(new PsiClass[classes.size()]);

  public static PsiField findFieldByName(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, String name, boolean checkBases) {
    List<PsiMember> byMap = findByMap(aClass, name, checkBases, MemberType.FIELD);
    return byMap.isEmpty() ? null : (PsiField) byMap.get(0);

  public static PsiMethod[] findMethodsByName(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, String name, boolean checkBases) {
    List<PsiMember> methods = findByMap(aClass, name, checkBases, MemberType.METHOD);
    //noinspection SuspiciousToArrayCall
    return methods.toArray(new PsiMethod[methods.size()]);

  public static PsiMethod findMethodBySignature(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull PsiMethod patternMethod, final boolean checkBases) {
    final List<PsiMethod> result = findMethodsBySignature(aClass, patternMethod, checkBases, true);
    return result.isEmpty() ? null : result.get(0);

  // ----------------------------- findMethodsBySignature -----------------------------------

  public static PsiMethod[] findMethodsBySignature(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull PsiMethod patternMethod, final boolean checkBases) {
    List<PsiMethod> methods = findMethodsBySignature(aClass, patternMethod, checkBases, false);
    return methods.toArray(new PsiMethod[methods.size()]);

  private static List<PsiMethod> findMethodsBySignature(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiMethod patternMethod,
      boolean checkBases,
      boolean stopOnFirst) {
    final PsiMethod[] methodsByName = aClass.findMethodsByName(patternMethod.getName(), checkBases);
    if (methodsByName.length == 0) return Collections.emptyList();
    final List<PsiMethod> methods = new SmartList<PsiMethod>();
    final MethodSignature patternSignature = patternMethod.getSignature(PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);
    for (final PsiMethod method : methodsByName) {
      final PsiClass superClass = method.getContainingClass();
      final PsiSubstitutor substitutor;
      if (checkBases && !aClass.equals(superClass)) {
        substitutor =
            TypeConversionUtil.getSuperClassSubstitutor(superClass, aClass, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);
      } else {
        substitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY;
      final MethodSignature signature = method.getSignature(substitutor);
      if (signature.equals(patternSignature)) {
        if (stopOnFirst) {
    return methods;

  // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

  public static PsiClass findInnerByName(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, String name, boolean checkBases) {
    List<PsiMember> byMap = findByMap(aClass, name, checkBases, MemberType.CLASS);
    return byMap.isEmpty() ? null : (PsiClass) byMap.get(0);

  private static List<PsiMember> findByMap(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, String name, boolean checkBases, @NotNull MemberType type) {
    if (name == null) return Collections.emptyList();

    if (checkBases) {
      Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> allMethodsMap = getMap(aClass, type);
      List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> list = allMethodsMap.get(name);
      if (list == null) return Collections.emptyList();
      List<PsiMember> ret = new ArrayList<PsiMember>(list.size());
      for (final Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> info : list) {

      return ret;
    } else {
      PsiMember[] members = null;
      switch (type) {
        case METHOD:
          members = aClass.getMethods();
        case CLASS:
          members = aClass.getInnerClasses();
        case FIELD:
          members = aClass.getFields();

      List<PsiMember> list = new ArrayList<PsiMember>();
      for (PsiMember member : members) {
        if (name.equals(member.getName())) {
      return list;

  public static <T extends PsiMember> List<Pair<T, PsiSubstitutor>> getAllWithSubstitutorsByMap(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull MemberType type) {
    Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> allMap = getMap(aClass, type);
    //noinspection unchecked
    return (List) allMap.get(ALL);

  private static <T extends PsiMember> List<T> getAllByMap(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull MemberType type) {
    List<Pair<T, PsiSubstitutor>> pairs = getAllWithSubstitutorsByMap(aClass, type);

    final List<T> ret = new ArrayList<T>(pairs.size());
    //noinspection ForLoopReplaceableByForEach
    for (int i = 0; i < pairs.size(); i++) {
      Pair<T, PsiSubstitutor> pair = pairs.get(i);
      T t = pair.getFirst();
      LOG.assertTrue(t != null, aClass);
    return ret;

  @NonNls private static final String ALL = "Intellij-IDEA-ALL";

  public enum MemberType {

  private static MembersMap buildAllMaps(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    final List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> classes =
        new ArrayList<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>();
    final List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> fields =
        new ArrayList<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>();
    final List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> methods =
        new ArrayList<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>();

    FilterScopeProcessor<MethodCandidateInfo> processor =
        new FilterScopeProcessor<MethodCandidateInfo>(
            new OrFilter(
                ElementClassFilter.METHOD, ElementClassFilter.FIELD, ElementClassFilter.CLASS)) {
          protected void add(PsiElement element, PsiSubstitutor substitutor) {
            if (element instanceof PsiMethod) {
              methods.add(Pair.create((PsiMember) element, substitutor));
            } else if (element instanceof PsiField) {
              fields.add(Pair.create((PsiMember) element, substitutor));
            } else if (element instanceof PsiClass) {
              classes.add(Pair.create((PsiMember) element, substitutor));

    MembersMap result = new MembersMap(MemberType.class);
    result.put(MemberType.CLASS, generateMapByList(classes));
    result.put(MemberType.METHOD, generateMapByList(methods));
    result.put(MemberType.FIELD, generateMapByList(fields));
    return result;

  private static Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> generateMapByList(
      @NotNull final List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> list) {
    Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> map =
        new THashMap<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>>();
    map.put(ALL, list);
    for (final Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> info : list) {
      PsiMember element = info.getFirst();
      String currentName = element.getName();
      List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> listByName = map.get(currentName);
      if (listByName == null) {
        listByName = new ArrayList<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>(1);
        map.put(currentName, listByName);
    return map;

  private static Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> getMap(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull MemberType type) {
    ParameterizedCachedValue<MembersMap, PsiClass> value = getValues(aClass);
    return value.getValue(aClass).get(type);

  private static ParameterizedCachedValue<MembersMap, PsiClass> getValues(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    ParameterizedCachedValue<MembersMap, PsiClass> value = aClass.getUserData(MAP_IN_CLASS_KEY);
    if (value == null) {
      value =
              .createParameterizedCachedValue(ByNameCachedValueProvider.INSTANCE, false);
      // Do not cache for nonphysical elements
      if (aClass.isPhysical()) {
        value = ((UserDataHolderEx) aClass).putUserDataIfAbsent(MAP_IN_CLASS_KEY, value);
    return value;

  private static class ClassIconRequest {
    @NotNull private final PsiClass psiClass;
    private final int flags;
    private final Icon symbolIcon;

    private ClassIconRequest(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass, int flags, Icon symbolIcon) {
      this.psiClass = psiClass;
      this.flags = flags;
      this.symbolIcon = symbolIcon;

    public boolean equals(Object o) {
      if (this == o) return true;
      if (!(o instanceof ClassIconRequest)) return false;

      ClassIconRequest that = (ClassIconRequest) o;

      return flags == that.flags && psiClass.equals(that.psiClass);

    public int hashCode() {
      int result = psiClass.hashCode();
      result = 31 * result + flags;
      return result;

  private static final Function<ClassIconRequest, Icon> FULL_ICON_EVALUATOR =
      new NullableFunction<ClassIconRequest, Icon>() {
        public Icon fun(ClassIconRequest r) {
          if (!r.psiClass.isValid() || r.psiClass.getProject().isDisposed()) return null;

          final boolean isLocked =
              (r.flags & Iconable.ICON_FLAG_READ_STATUS) != 0 && !r.psiClass.isWritable();
          Icon symbolIcon =
              r.symbolIcon != null
                  ? r.symbolIcon
                  : ElementPresentationUtil.getClassIconOfKind(
                      r.psiClass, ElementPresentationUtil.getClassKind(r.psiClass));
          RowIcon baseIcon =
              ElementPresentationUtil.createLayeredIcon(symbolIcon, r.psiClass, isLocked);
          return ElementPresentationUtil.addVisibilityIcon(r.psiClass, r.flags, baseIcon);

  public static Icon getClassIcon(final int flags, @NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    return getClassIcon(flags, aClass, null);

  public static Icon getClassIcon(int flags, @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @Nullable Icon symbolIcon) {
    Icon base = Iconable.LastComputedIcon.get(aClass, flags);
    if (base == null) {
      if (symbolIcon == null) {
        symbolIcon =
                aClass, ElementPresentationUtil.getBasicClassKind(aClass));
      RowIcon baseIcon = ElementBase.createLayeredIcon(aClass, symbolIcon, 0);
      base = ElementPresentationUtil.addVisibilityIcon(aClass, flags, baseIcon);

    return IconDeferrer.getInstance()
        .defer(base, new ClassIconRequest(aClass, flags, symbolIcon), FULL_ICON_EVALUATOR);

  public static SearchScope getClassUseScope(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    if (aClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      return new LocalSearchScope(aClass);
    final GlobalSearchScope maximalUseScope = ResolveScopeManager.getElementUseScope(aClass);
    PsiFile file = aClass.getContainingFile();
    if (PsiImplUtil.isInServerPage(file)) return maximalUseScope;
    final PsiClass containingClass = aClass.getContainingClass();
    if (aClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PUBLIC)
        || aClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PROTECTED)) {
      return containingClass == null ? maximalUseScope : containingClass.getUseScope();
    } else if (aClass.hasModifierProperty(PsiModifier.PRIVATE)
        || aClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
      PsiClass topClass = PsiUtil.getTopLevelClass(aClass);
      return new LocalSearchScope(topClass == null ? aClass.getContainingFile() : topClass);
    } else {
      PsiPackage aPackage = null;
      if (file instanceof PsiJavaFile) {
        aPackage =
                .findPackage(((PsiJavaFile) file).getPackageName());

      if (aPackage == null) {
        PsiDirectory dir = file.getContainingDirectory();
        if (dir != null) {
          aPackage = JavaDirectoryService.getInstance().getPackage(dir);

      if (aPackage != null) {
        SearchScope scope = PackageScope.packageScope(aPackage, false);
        scope = scope.intersectWith(maximalUseScope);
        return scope;

      return new LocalSearchScope(file);

  public static boolean isMainOrPremainMethod(@NotNull PsiMethod method) {
    if (!PsiType.VOID.equals(method.getReturnType())) return false;
    String name = method.getName();
    if (!("main".equals(name) || "premain".equals(name))) return false;

    PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(method.getProject()).getElementFactory();
    MethodSignature signature = method.getSignature(PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);
    try {
      MethodSignature main = createSignatureFromText(factory, "void main(String[] args);");
      if (MethodSignatureUtil.areSignaturesEqual(signature, main)) return true;
      MethodSignature premain =
              factory, "void premain(String args, java.lang.instrument.Instrumentation i);");
      if (MethodSignatureUtil.areSignaturesEqual(signature, premain)) return true;
    } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {

    return false;

  private static MethodSignature createSignatureFromText(
      @NotNull PsiElementFactory factory, @NotNull String text) {
    return factory.createMethodFromText(text, null).getSignature(PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY);

  private static class MembersMap
      extends EnumMap<MemberType, Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>>> {
    public MembersMap(@NotNull Class<MemberType> keyType) {

  private static class ByNameCachedValueProvider
      implements ParameterizedCachedValueProvider<MembersMap, PsiClass> {
    private static final ByNameCachedValueProvider INSTANCE = new ByNameCachedValueProvider();

    public CachedValueProvider.Result<MembersMap> compute(@NotNull PsiClass myClass) {
      MembersMap map = buildAllMaps(myClass);
      return new CachedValueProvider.Result<MembersMap>(
          map, PsiModificationTracker.OUT_OF_CODE_BLOCK_MODIFICATION_COUNT);

  public static boolean processDeclarationsInClass(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull final PsiScopeProcessor processor,
      @NotNull ResolveState state,
      @Nullable Set<PsiClass> visited,
      PsiElement last,
      @NotNull PsiElement place,
      boolean isRaw) {
    if (last instanceof PsiTypeParameterList || last instanceof PsiModifierList) {
      return true; // TypeParameterList and ModifierList do not see our declarations
    if (visited != null && visited.contains(aClass)) return true;

    PsiSubstitutor substitutor = state.get(PsiSubstitutor.KEY);
    isRaw = isRaw || PsiUtil.isRawSubstitutor(aClass, substitutor);

    ParameterizedCachedValue<MembersMap, PsiClass> cache =
        getValues(aClass); // aClass.getUserData(MAP_IN_CLASS_KEY);
    boolean upToDate = cache.hasUpToDateValue();
    LanguageLevel languageLevel = PsiUtil.getLanguageLevel(place);
    if (
    /*true || */ upToDate) {
      final NameHint nameHint = processor.getHint(NameHint.KEY);
      if (nameHint != null) {
        String name = nameHint.getName(state);
        return processCachedMembersByName(
    return processDeclarationsInClassNotCached(
        aClass, processor, state, visited, last, place, isRaw, languageLevel);

  private static boolean processCachedMembersByName(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiScopeProcessor processor,
      @NotNull ResolveState state,
      @Nullable Set<PsiClass> visited,
      PsiElement last,
      @NotNull PsiElement place,
      boolean isRaw,
      @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor,
      @NotNull MembersMap value,
      String name,
      @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) {
    final ElementClassHint classHint = processor.getHint(ElementClassHint.KEY);

    PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(aClass.getProject()).getElementFactory();

    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.FIELD)) {
      final PsiField fieldByName = aClass.findFieldByName(name, false);
      if (fieldByName != null) {
        processor.handleEvent(PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, aClass);
        if (!processor.execute(fieldByName, state)) return false;
      } else {
        final Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> allFieldsMap =

        final List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> list = allFieldsMap.get(name);
        if (list != null) {
          for (final Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> candidate : list) {
            PsiMember candidateField = candidate.getFirst();
            PsiSubstitutor finalSubstitutor =

            if (!processor.execute(candidateField, state.put(PsiSubstitutor.KEY, finalSubstitutor)))
              return false;
    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.CLASS)) {
      if (last != null && last.getParent() == aClass) {
        if (last instanceof PsiClass) {
          if (!processor.execute(last, state)) return false;
        // Parameters
        final PsiTypeParameterList list = aClass.getTypeParameterList();
        if (list != null && !list.processDeclarations(processor, state, last, place)) return false;
      if (!(last instanceof PsiReferenceList)) {
        final PsiClass classByName = aClass.findInnerClassByName(name, false);
        if (classByName != null) {
          processor.handleEvent(PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, aClass);
          if (!processor.execute(classByName, state)) return false;
        } else {
          Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> allClassesMap =

          List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> list = allClassesMap.get(name);
          if (list != null) {
            for (final Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> candidate : list) {
              PsiMember inner = candidate.getFirst();
              PsiClass containingClass = inner.getContainingClass();
              if (containingClass != null) {
                PsiSubstitutor finalSubstitutor =
                    PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, containingClass);
                if (!processor.execute(inner, state.put(PsiSubstitutor.KEY, finalSubstitutor)))
                  return false;
    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.METHOD)) {
      if (processor instanceof MethodResolverProcessor) {
        final MethodResolverProcessor methodResolverProcessor = (MethodResolverProcessor) processor;
        if (methodResolverProcessor.isConstructor()) {
          final PsiMethod[] constructors = aClass.getConstructors();
              PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, aClass);
          for (PsiMethod constructor : constructors) {
            if (!methodResolverProcessor.execute(constructor, state)) return false;
          return true;
      Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> allMethodsMap =
      List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>> list = allMethodsMap.get(name);
      if (list != null) {
        for (final Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> candidate : list) {
          PsiMethod candidateMethod = (PsiMethod) candidate.getFirst();
          if (processor instanceof MethodResolverProcessor) {
            if (candidateMethod.isConstructor()
                != ((MethodResolverProcessor) processor).isConstructor()) continue;
          final PsiClass containingClass = candidateMethod.getContainingClass();
          if (visited != null && visited.contains(candidateMethod.getContainingClass())) {

          PsiSubstitutor finalSubstitutor =
          finalSubstitutor = checkRaw(isRaw, factory, candidateMethod, finalSubstitutor);
          processor.handleEvent(PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, containingClass);
          if (!processor.execute(candidateMethod, state.put(PsiSubstitutor.KEY, finalSubstitutor)))
            return false;

        if (visited != null) {
          for (Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor> aList : list) {
    return true;

  private static PsiSubstitutor checkRaw(
      boolean isRaw,
      @NotNull PsiElementFactory factory,
      @NotNull PsiMethod candidateMethod,
      @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor) {
    if (isRaw
        && !candidateMethod.hasModifierProperty(
            PsiModifier.STATIC)) { // static methods are not erased due to raw overriding
      PsiTypeParameter[] methodTypeParameters = candidateMethod.getTypeParameters();
      substitutor = factory.createRawSubstitutor(substitutor, methodTypeParameters);
    return substitutor;

  public static PsiSubstitutor obtainFinalSubstitutor(
      @NotNull PsiClass candidateClass,
      @NotNull PsiSubstitutor candidateSubstitutor,
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiSubstitutor substitutor,
      @NotNull PsiElementFactory elementFactory,
      @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) {
    if (PsiUtil.isRawSubstitutor(aClass, substitutor)) {
      return elementFactory.createRawSubstitutor(candidateClass);
    final PsiType containingType =
        elementFactory.createType(candidateClass, candidateSubstitutor, languageLevel);
    PsiType type = substitutor.substitute(containingType);
    if (!(type instanceof PsiClassType)) return candidateSubstitutor;
    return ((PsiClassType) type).resolveGenerics().getSubstitutor();

  private static boolean processDeclarationsInClassNotCached(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiScopeProcessor processor,
      @NotNull ResolveState state,
      @Nullable Set<PsiClass> visited,
      PsiElement last,
      @NotNull PsiElement place,
      boolean isRaw,
      @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) {
    if (visited == null) visited = new THashSet<PsiClass>();
    if (!visited.add(aClass)) return true;
    processor.handleEvent(PsiScopeProcessor.Event.SET_DECLARATION_HOLDER, aClass);
    final ElementClassHint classHint = processor.getHint(ElementClassHint.KEY);
    final NameHint nameHint = processor.getHint(NameHint.KEY);

    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.FIELD)) {
      if (nameHint != null) {
        final PsiField fieldByName = aClass.findFieldByName(nameHint.getName(state), false);
        if (fieldByName != null && !processor.execute(fieldByName, state)) return false;
      } else {
        final PsiField[] fields = aClass.getFields();
        for (final PsiField field : fields) {
          if (!processor.execute(field, state)) return false;

    PsiElementFactory factory = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(aClass.getProject()).getElementFactory();

    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.METHOD)) {
      PsiSubstitutor baseSubstitutor = state.get(PsiSubstitutor.KEY);
      final PsiMethod[] methods =
          nameHint != null
              ? aClass.findMethodsByName(nameHint.getName(state), false)
              : aClass.getMethods();
      for (final PsiMethod method : methods) {
        PsiSubstitutor finalSubstitutor = checkRaw(isRaw, factory, method, baseSubstitutor);
        ResolveState methodState =
            finalSubstitutor == baseSubstitutor
                ? state
                : state.put(PsiSubstitutor.KEY, finalSubstitutor);
        if (!processor.execute(method, methodState)) return false;

    if (classHint == null || classHint.shouldProcess(ElementClassHint.DeclarationKind.CLASS)) {
      if (last != null && last.getParent() == aClass) {
        // Parameters
        final PsiTypeParameterList list = aClass.getTypeParameterList();
        if (list != null
            && !list.processDeclarations(processor, ResolveState.initial(), last, place))
          return false;

      if (!(last instanceof PsiReferenceList) && !(last instanceof PsiModifierList)) {
        // Inners
        if (nameHint != null) {
          final PsiClass inner = aClass.findInnerClassByName(nameHint.getName(state), false);
          if (inner != null) {
            if (!processor.execute(inner, state)) return false;
        } else {
          final PsiClass[] inners = aClass.getInnerClasses();
          for (final PsiClass inner : inners) {
            if (!processor.execute(inner, state)) return false;

    return last instanceof PsiReferenceList
        || processSuperTypes(
            aClass, processor, visited, last, place, state, isRaw, factory, languageLevel);

  private static boolean processSuperTypes(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass,
      @NotNull PsiScopeProcessor processor,
      @Nullable Set<PsiClass> visited,
      PsiElement last,
      @NotNull PsiElement place,
      @NotNull ResolveState state,
      boolean isRaw,
      @NotNull PsiElementFactory factory,
      @NotNull LanguageLevel languageLevel) {
    boolean resolved = false;
    for (final PsiClassType superType : aClass.getSuperTypes()) {
      final PsiClassType.ClassResolveResult superTypeResolveResult = superType.resolveGenerics();
      PsiClass superClass = superTypeResolveResult.getElement();
      if (superClass == null) continue;
      PsiSubstitutor finalSubstitutor =
      if (aClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter
          && PsiUtil.isRawSubstitutor(superClass, finalSubstitutor)) {
        finalSubstitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY;
      if (!processDeclarationsInClass(
          state.put(PsiSubstitutor.KEY, finalSubstitutor),
          isRaw)) {
        resolved = true;
    return !resolved;

  public static PsiClass getSuperClass(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    PsiManager manager = psiClass.getManager();
    GlobalSearchScope resolveScope = psiClass.getResolveScope();

    final JavaPsiFacade facade = JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(manager.getProject());
    if (psiClass.isInterface()) {
      return facade.findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope);
    if (psiClass.isEnum()) {
      return facade.findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_ENUM, resolveScope);

    if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      PsiClassType baseClassReference = ((PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass).getBaseClassType();
      PsiClass baseClass = baseClassReference.resolve();
      if (baseClass == null || baseClass.isInterface())
        return facade.findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope);
      return baseClass;

    if (CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(psiClass.getQualifiedName())) return null;

    final PsiClassType[] referenceElements = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes();

    if (referenceElements.length == 0)
      return facade.findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope);

    PsiClass psiResoved = referenceElements[0].resolve();
    return psiResoved == null
        ? facade.findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope)
        : psiResoved;

  public static PsiClass[] getSupers(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    final PsiClass[] supers = getSupersInner(psiClass);
    for (final PsiClass aSuper : supers) {
      LOG.assertTrue(aSuper != null);
    return supers;

  private static PsiClass[] getSupersInner(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    PsiClassType[] extendsListTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes();
    PsiClassType[] implementsListTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes();

    if (psiClass.isInterface()) {
      return resolveClassReferenceList(
          extendsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), true);

    if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      PsiAnonymousClass psiAnonymousClass = (PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass;
      PsiClassType baseClassReference = psiAnonymousClass.getBaseClassType();
      PsiClass baseClass = baseClassReference.resolve();
      if (baseClass != null) {
        if (baseClass.isInterface()) {
          PsiClass objectClass =
                  .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope());
          return objectClass != null
              ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass, baseClass}
              : new PsiClass[] {baseClass};
        return new PsiClass[] {baseClass};

      PsiClass objectClass =
              .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope());
      return objectClass != null ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass} : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY;
    if (psiClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
      if (extendsListTypes.length == 0) {
        final PsiClass objectClass =
                .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, psiClass.getResolveScope());
        return objectClass != null ? new PsiClass[] {objectClass} : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY;
      return resolveClassReferenceList(
          extendsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false);

    PsiClass[] interfaces =
            implementsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false);

    PsiClass superClass = getSuperClass(psiClass);
    if (superClass == null) return interfaces;
    PsiClass[] types = new PsiClass[interfaces.length + 1];
    types[0] = superClass;
    System.arraycopy(interfaces, 0, types, 1, interfaces.length);

    return types;

  public static PsiClassType[] getSuperTypes(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      PsiClassType baseClassType = ((PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass).getBaseClassType();
      PsiClass baseClass = baseClassType.resolve();
      if (baseClass == null || !baseClass.isInterface()) {
        return new PsiClassType[] {baseClassType};
      } else {
        PsiClassType objectType =
            PsiType.getJavaLangObject(psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope());
        return new PsiClassType[] {objectType, baseClassType};

    PsiClassType[] extendsTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes();
    PsiClassType[] implementsTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes();
    boolean hasExtends = extendsTypes.length != 0;
    int extendsListLength = extendsTypes.length + (hasExtends ? 0 : 1);
    PsiClassType[] result = new PsiClassType[extendsListLength + implementsTypes.length];

    System.arraycopy(extendsTypes, 0, result, 0, extendsTypes.length);
    if (!hasExtends) {
      if (CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT.equals(psiClass.getQualifiedName())) {
        return PsiClassType.EMPTY_ARRAY;
      PsiManager manager = psiClass.getManager();
      PsiClassType objectType = PsiType.getJavaLangObject(manager, psiClass.getResolveScope());
      result[0] = objectType;
    System.arraycopy(implementsTypes, 0, result, extendsListLength, implementsTypes.length);
    for (int i = 0; i < result.length; i++) {
      PsiClassType type = result[i];
      result[i] = (PsiClassType) PsiUtil.captureToplevelWildcards(type, psiClass);
    return result;

  private static PsiClassType getAnnotationSuperType(
      @NotNull PsiClass psiClass, @NotNull PsiElementFactory factory) {
    return factory.createTypeByFQClassName(
        "java.lang.annotation.Annotation", psiClass.getResolveScope());

  private static PsiClassType getEnumSuperType(
      @NotNull PsiClass psiClass, @NotNull PsiElementFactory factory) {
    PsiClassType superType;
    final PsiManager manager = psiClass.getManager();
    final PsiClass enumClass =
            .findClass("java.lang.Enum", psiClass.getResolveScope());
    if (enumClass == null) {
      try {
        superType = (PsiClassType) factory.createTypeFromText("java.lang.Enum", null);
      } catch (IncorrectOperationException e) {
        superType = null;
    } else {
      final PsiTypeParameter[] typeParameters = enumClass.getTypeParameters();
      PsiSubstitutor substitutor = PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY;
      if (typeParameters.length == 1) {
        substitutor = substitutor.put(typeParameters[0], factory.createType(psiClass));
      superType = new PsiImmediateClassType(enumClass, substitutor);
    return superType;

  public static PsiClass[] getInterfaces(@NotNull PsiTypeParameter typeParameter) {
    final PsiClassType[] referencedTypes = typeParameter.getExtendsListTypes();
    if (referencedTypes.length == 0) {
      return PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY;
    final List<PsiClass> result = new ArrayList<PsiClass>(referencedTypes.length);
    for (PsiClassType referencedType : referencedTypes) {
      final PsiClass psiClass = referencedType.resolve();
      if (psiClass != null && psiClass.isInterface()) {
    return result.toArray(new PsiClass[result.size()]);

  public static PsiClass[] getInterfaces(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    if (psiClass.isInterface()) {
      final PsiClassType[] extendsListTypes = psiClass.getExtendsListTypes();
      return resolveClassReferenceList(
          extendsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false);

    if (psiClass instanceof PsiAnonymousClass) {
      PsiClassType baseClassReference = ((PsiAnonymousClass) psiClass).getBaseClassType();
      PsiClass baseClass = baseClassReference.resolve();
      return baseClass != null && baseClass.isInterface()
          ? new PsiClass[] {baseClass}
          : PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY;

    final PsiClassType[] implementsListTypes = psiClass.getImplementsListTypes();
    return resolveClassReferenceList(
        implementsListTypes, psiClass.getManager(), psiClass.getResolveScope(), false);

  private static PsiClass[] resolveClassReferenceList(
      @NotNull PsiClassType[] listOfTypes,
      @NotNull PsiManager manager,
      @NotNull GlobalSearchScope resolveScope,
      boolean includeObject) {
    PsiClass objectClass =
            .findClass(CommonClassNames.JAVA_LANG_OBJECT, resolveScope);
    if (objectClass == null) includeObject = false;
    if (listOfTypes.length == 0) {
      if (includeObject) return new PsiClass[] {objectClass};
      return PsiClass.EMPTY_ARRAY;

    int referenceCount = listOfTypes.length;
    if (includeObject) referenceCount++;

    PsiClass[] resolved = new PsiClass[referenceCount];
    int resolvedCount = 0;

    if (includeObject) resolved[resolvedCount++] = objectClass;
    for (PsiClassType reference : listOfTypes) {
      PsiClass refResolved = reference.resolve();
      if (refResolved != null) resolved[resolvedCount++] = refResolved;

    if (resolvedCount < referenceCount) {
      PsiClass[] shorter = new PsiClass[resolvedCount];
      System.arraycopy(resolved, 0, shorter, 0, resolvedCount);
      resolved = shorter;

    return resolved;

  public static List<Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>> findMethodsAndTheirSubstitutorsByName(
      @NotNull PsiClass psiClass, String name, boolean checkBases) {
    if (!checkBases) {
      final PsiMethod[] methodsByName = psiClass.findMethodsByName(name, false);
      final List<Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>> ret =
          new ArrayList<Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>>(methodsByName.length);
      for (final PsiMethod method : methodsByName) {
        ret.add(new Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>(method, PsiSubstitutor.EMPTY));
      return ret;
    Map<String, List<Pair<PsiMember, PsiSubstitutor>>> map = getMap(psiClass, MemberType.METHOD);
    List<Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>> list = (List) map.get(name);
    return list == null
        ? Collections.<Pair<PsiMethod, PsiSubstitutor>>emptyList()
        : Collections.unmodifiableList(list);

  public static PsiClassType[] getExtendsListTypes(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    if (psiClass.isEnum()) {
      PsiClassType enumSuperType =
              psiClass, JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject()).getElementFactory());
      return enumSuperType == null ? PsiClassType.EMPTY_ARRAY : new PsiClassType[] {enumSuperType};
    if (psiClass.isAnnotationType()) {
      return new PsiClassType[] {
            psiClass, JavaPsiFacade.getInstance(psiClass.getProject()).getElementFactory())
    final PsiReferenceList extendsList = psiClass.getExtendsList();
    if (extendsList != null) {
      return extendsList.getReferencedTypes();
    return PsiClassType.EMPTY_ARRAY;

  public static PsiClassType[] getImplementsListTypes(@NotNull PsiClass psiClass) {
    final PsiReferenceList extendsList = psiClass.getImplementsList();
    if (extendsList != null) {
      return extendsList.getReferencedTypes();
    return PsiClassType.EMPTY_ARRAY;

  public static boolean isClassEquivalentTo(@NotNull PsiClass aClass, PsiElement another) {
    if (aClass == another) return true;
    if (!(another instanceof PsiClass)) return false;
    String name1 = aClass.getName();
    if (name1 == null) return false;
    if (!another.isValid()) return false;
    String name2 = ((PsiClass) another).getName();
    if (name2 == null) return false;
    if (name1.hashCode() != name2.hashCode()) return false;
    if (!name1.equals(name2)) return false;
    String qName1 = aClass.getQualifiedName();
    String qName2 = ((PsiClass) another).getQualifiedName();
    if (qName1 == null || qName2 == null) {
      //noinspection StringEquality
      if (qName1 != qName2) return false;

      if (aClass instanceof PsiTypeParameter && another instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
        PsiTypeParameter p1 = (PsiTypeParameter) aClass;
        PsiTypeParameter p2 = (PsiTypeParameter) another;

        return p1.getIndex() == p2.getIndex()
            && aClass.getManager().areElementsEquivalent(p1.getOwner(), p2.getOwner());
      } else {
        return false;
    if (qName1.hashCode() != qName2.hashCode() || !qName1.equals(qName2)) {
      return false;

    if (originalElement(aClass).equals(originalElement((PsiClass) another))) {
      return true;

    final PsiFile file1 = aClass.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile();
    final PsiFile file2 = another.getContainingFile().getOriginalFile();

    // see com.intellij.openapi.vcs.changes.PsiChangeTracker
    // see com.intellij.psi.impl.PsiFileFactoryImpl#createFileFromText(CharSequence,PsiFile)
    final PsiFile original1 = file1.getUserData(PsiFileFactory.ORIGINAL_FILE);
    final PsiFile original2 = file2.getUserData(PsiFileFactory.ORIGINAL_FILE);
    if (original1 == original2 && original1 != null
        || original1 == file2
        || original2 == file1
        || file1 == file2) {
      return compareClassSeqNumber(aClass, (PsiClass) another);

    final FileIndexFacade fileIndex =
        ServiceManager.getService(file1.getProject(), FileIndexFacade.class);
    final VirtualFile vfile1 = file1.getViewProvider().getVirtualFile();
    final VirtualFile vfile2 = file2.getViewProvider().getVirtualFile();
    boolean lib1 = fileIndex.isInLibraryClasses(vfile1);
    boolean lib2 = fileIndex.isInLibraryClasses(vfile2);

    return (fileIndex.isInSource(vfile1) || lib1) && (fileIndex.isInSource(vfile2) || lib2);

  private static boolean compareClassSeqNumber(
      @NotNull PsiClass aClass, @NotNull PsiClass another) {
    // there may be several classes in one file, they must not be equal
    int index1 = getSeqNumber(aClass);
    if (index1 == -1) return true;
    int index2 = getSeqNumber(another);
    return index1 == index2;

  private static int getSeqNumber(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    // sequence number of this class among its parent' child classes named the same
    PsiElement parent = aClass.getParent();
    if (parent == null) return -1;
    int seqNo = 0;
    for (PsiElement child : parent.getChildren()) {
      if (child == aClass) return seqNo;
      if (child instanceof PsiClass
          && Comparing.strEqual(aClass.getName(), ((PsiClass) child).getName())) {
    return -1;

  private static PsiElement originalElement(@NotNull PsiClass aClass) {
    final PsiElement originalElement = aClass.getOriginalElement();
    ASTNode node = originalElement.getNode();
    if (node != null) {
      final PsiCompiledElement compiled = node.getUserData(ClsElementImpl.COMPILED_ELEMENT);
      if (compiled != null) {
        return compiled;
    return originalElement;

  public static boolean isFieldEquivalentTo(@NotNull PsiField field, PsiElement another) {
    if (!(another instanceof PsiField)) return false;
    String name1 = field.getName();
    if (name1 == null) return false;
    if (!another.isValid()) return false;

    String name2 = ((PsiField) another).getName();
    if (!name1.equals(name2)) return false;
    PsiClass aClass1 = field.getContainingClass();
    PsiClass aClass2 = ((PsiField) another).getContainingClass();
    return aClass1 != null
        && aClass2 != null
        && field.getManager().areElementsEquivalent(aClass1, aClass2);

  public static boolean isMethodEquivalentTo(@NotNull PsiMethod method1, PsiElement another) {
    if (method1 == another) return true;
    if (!(another instanceof PsiMethod)) return false;
    PsiMethod method2 = (PsiMethod) another;
    if (!another.isValid()) return false;
    if (!method1.getName().equals(method2.getName())) return false;
    PsiClass aClass1 = method1.getContainingClass();
    PsiClass aClass2 = method2.getContainingClass();
    PsiManager manager = method1.getManager();
    if (!(aClass1 != null && aClass2 != null && manager.areElementsEquivalent(aClass1, aClass2)))
      return false;

    PsiParameter[] parameters1 = method1.getParameterList().getParameters();
    PsiParameter[] parameters2 = method2.getParameterList().getParameters();
    if (parameters1.length != parameters2.length) return false;
    for (int i = 0; i < parameters1.length; i++) {
      PsiParameter parameter1 = parameters1[i];
      PsiParameter parameter2 = parameters2[i];
      PsiType type1 = parameter1.getType();
      PsiType type2 = parameter2.getType();
      if (!compareParamTypes(manager, type1, type2)) return false;
    return true;

  private static boolean compareParamTypes(
      @NotNull PsiManager manager, @NotNull PsiType type1, @NotNull PsiType type2) {
    if (type1 instanceof PsiArrayType) {
      return type2 instanceof PsiArrayType
          && compareParamTypes(
              ((PsiArrayType) type1).getComponentType(),
              ((PsiArrayType) type2).getComponentType());

    if (!(type1 instanceof PsiClassType) || !(type2 instanceof PsiClassType)) {
      return type1.equals(type2);

    PsiClass class1 = ((PsiClassType) type1).resolve();
    PsiClass class2 = ((PsiClassType) type2).resolve();

    if (class1 instanceof PsiTypeParameter && class2 instanceof PsiTypeParameter) {
      return Comparing.equal(class1.getName(), class2.getName())
          && ((PsiTypeParameter) class1).getIndex() == ((PsiTypeParameter) class2).getIndex();

    return manager.areElementsEquivalent(class1, class2);