コード例 #1
  public StubTree calcStubTree() {
    FileElement fileElement = calcTreeElement();
    synchronized (myStubFromTreeLock) {
      SoftReference<StubTree> ref = fileElement.getUserData(STUB_TREE_IN_PARSED_TREE);
      StubTree tree = SoftReference.dereference(ref);

      if (tree == null) {
        IElementType contentElementType = getContentElementType();
        if (!(contentElementType instanceof IStubFileElementType)) {
          VirtualFile vFile = getVirtualFile();
          String message =
              "ContentElementType: "
                  + contentElementType
                  + "; file: "
                  + this
                  + "\n\t"
                  + "Boolean.TRUE.equals(getUserData(BUILDING_STUB)) = "
                  + Boolean.TRUE.equals(getUserData(BUILDING_STUB))
                  + "\n\t"
                  + "getTreeElement() = "
                  + getTreeElement()
                  + "\n\t"
                  + "vFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId = "
                  + (vFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId)
                  + "\n\t"
                  + "StubUpdatingIndex.canHaveStub(vFile) = "
                  + StubTreeLoader.getInstance().canHaveStub(vFile);
          throw new AssertionError(message);

        StubElement currentStubTree =
            ((IStubFileElementType) contentElementType).getBuilder().buildStubTree(this);
        if (currentStubTree == null) {
          throw new AssertionError(
              "Stub tree wasn't built for " + contentElementType + "; file: " + this);

        tree = new StubTree((PsiFileStub) currentStubTree);
        tree.setDebugInfo("created in calcStubTree");
        try {
          TreeUtil.bindStubsToTree(this, tree);
        } catch (TreeUtil.StubBindingException e) {
          throw new RuntimeException("Stub and PSI element type mismatch in " + getName(), e);

        fileElement.putUserData(STUB_TREE_IN_PARSED_TREE, new SoftReference<StubTree>(tree));

      return tree;
コード例 #2
  public StubTree getStubTree() {

    if (Boolean.TRUE.equals(getUserData(BUILDING_STUB))) return null;

    final StubTree derefd = derefStub();
    if (derefd != null) return derefd;
    if (getTreeElement() != null) return null;

    if (!(getContentElementType() instanceof IStubFileElementType)) return null;

    final VirtualFile vFile = getVirtualFile();
    if (!(vFile instanceof VirtualFileWithId)) return null;

    final PsiFile stubBindingRoot = getViewProvider().getStubBindingRoot();
    if (stubBindingRoot != this) {
          "Attempted to create stubs for non-root file: "
              + this
              + ", stub binding root: "
              + stubBindingRoot);
      return null;

    ObjectStubTree tree = StubTreeLoader.getInstance().readOrBuild(getProject(), vFile, this);
    if (!(tree instanceof StubTree)) return null;
    StubTree stubHolder = (StubTree) tree;

    synchronized (PsiLock.LOCK) {
      if (getTreeElement() != null) return null;

      final StubTree derefdOnLock = derefStub();
      if (derefdOnLock != null) return derefdOnLock;

      //noinspection unchecked
      ((StubBase) stubHolder.getRoot()).setPsi(this);
      myStub = new SoftReference<StubTree>(stubHolder);
      return stubHolder;