private void validateEncoding(ModuleChunk chunk, String chunkPresentableName) { final CompilerEncodingService es = CompilerEncodingService.getInstance(myProject); Charset charset = null; for (Module module : chunk.getModules()) { final Charset moduleCharset = es.getPreferredModuleEncoding(module); if (charset == null) { charset = moduleCharset; } else { if (!Comparing.equal(charset, moduleCharset)) { // warn user final Charset chunkEncoding = CompilerEncodingService.getPreferredModuleEncoding(chunk); final StringBuilder message = new StringBuilder(); message.append("Modules in chunk ["); message.append(chunkPresentableName); message.append("] configured to use different encodings.\n"); if (chunkEncoding != null) { message .append("\"") .append( .append("\" encoding will be used to compile the chunk"); } else { message.append("Default compiler encoding will be used to compile the chunk"); } myCompileContext.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.INFORMATION, message.toString(), null, -1, -1); break; } } } }
public static String getUnescapedText( PsiFile file, @Nullable final PsiElement startElement, @Nullable final PsiElement endElement) { final InjectedLanguageManager manager = InjectedLanguageManager.getInstance(file.getProject()); if (manager.getInjectionHost(file) == null) { return file.getText() .substring( startElement == null ? 0 : startElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset(), endElement == null ? file.getTextLength() : endElement.getTextRange().getStartOffset()); } final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); file.accept( new PsiRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() { Boolean myState = startElement == null ? Boolean.TRUE : null; @Override public void visitElement(PsiElement element) { if (element == startElement) myState = Boolean.TRUE; if (element == endElement) myState = Boolean.FALSE; if (Boolean.FALSE == myState) return; if (Boolean.TRUE == myState && element.getFirstChild() == null) { sb.append(getUnescapedLeafText(element, false)); } else { super.visitElement(element); } } }); return sb.toString(); }
private static void takeLine( final Project project, String line, StringBuilder sb, GitLogParser parser, SymbolicRefsI refs, VirtualFile root, VcsException[] exc, GitLineHandler h, AsynchConsumer<GitCommit> gitCommitConsumer) { final String text = sb.toString(); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(line); if (text.length() == 0) return; GitLogRecord record = parser.parseOneRecord(text); final GitCommit gitCommit; try { gitCommit = createCommit(project, refs, root, record); } catch (VcsException e) { exc[0] = e; h.cancel(); return; } gitCommitConsumer.consume(gitCommit); }
public static String getLocationMethodQName(@NotNull Location location) { StringBuilder res = new StringBuilder(); ReferenceType type = location.declaringType(); if (type != null) { res.append('.'); } res.append(location.method().name()); return res.toString(); }
public static String composeText( final Map<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> types, Collection<HighlightInfo> infos, String text) { // filter highlighting data and map each highlighting to a tag name List<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>> list = ContainerUtil.mapNotNull( infos, new NullableFunction<HighlightInfo, Pair<String, HighlightInfo>>() { @Override public Pair<String, HighlightInfo> fun(HighlightInfo info) { for (Map.Entry<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> entry : types.entrySet()) { final ExpectedHighlightingSet set = entry.getValue(); if (set.enabled && set.severity == info.getSeverity() && set.endOfLine == info.isAfterEndOfLine()) { return Pair.create(entry.getKey(), info); } } return null; } }); // sort filtered highlighting data by end offset in descending order Collections.sort( list, new Comparator<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>>() { @Override public int compare(Pair<String, HighlightInfo> o1, Pair<String, HighlightInfo> o2) { HighlightInfo i1 = o1.second; HighlightInfo i2 = o2.second; int byEnds = i2.endOffset - i1.endOffset; if (byEnds != 0) return byEnds; if (!i1.isAfterEndOfLine() && !i2.isAfterEndOfLine()) { int byStarts = i1.startOffset - i2.startOffset; if (byStarts != 0) return byStarts; } else { int byEOL =, i1.isAfterEndOfLine()); if (byEOL != 0) return byEOL; } int bySeverity = i2.getSeverity().compareTo(i1.getSeverity()); if (bySeverity != 0) return bySeverity; return, i2.getDescription()); } }); // combine highlighting data with original text StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Couple<Integer> result = composeText(sb, list, 0, text, text.length(), 0); sb.insert(0, text.substring(0, result.second)); return sb.toString(); }
private void commitToOriginalInner() { final String text = myNewDocument.getText(); final Map< PsiLanguageInjectionHost, Set<Trinity<RangeMarker, RangeMarker, SmartPsiElementPointer>>> map = ContainerUtil.classify( myMarkers.iterator(), new Convertor< Trinity<RangeMarker, RangeMarker, SmartPsiElementPointer>, PsiLanguageInjectionHost>() { @Override public PsiLanguageInjectionHost convert( final Trinity<RangeMarker, RangeMarker, SmartPsiElementPointer> o) { final PsiElement element = o.third.getElement(); return (PsiLanguageInjectionHost) element; } }); PsiDocumentManager documentManager = PsiDocumentManager.getInstance(myProject); documentManager.commitDocument(myOrigDocument); // commit here and after each manipulator update int localInsideFileCursor = 0; for (PsiLanguageInjectionHost host : map.keySet()) { if (host == null) continue; String hostText = host.getText(); ProperTextRange insideHost = null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (Trinity<RangeMarker, RangeMarker, SmartPsiElementPointer> entry : map.get(host)) { RangeMarker origMarker = entry.first; // check for validity? int hostOffset = host.getTextRange().getStartOffset(); ProperTextRange localInsideHost = new ProperTextRange( origMarker.getStartOffset() - hostOffset, origMarker.getEndOffset() - hostOffset); RangeMarker rangeMarker = entry.second; ProperTextRange localInsideFile = new ProperTextRange( Math.max(localInsideFileCursor, rangeMarker.getStartOffset()), rangeMarker.getEndOffset()); if (insideHost != null) { // append unchanged inter-markers fragment sb.append( hostText.substring(insideHost.getEndOffset(), localInsideHost.getStartOffset())); } sb.append( localInsideFile.getEndOffset() <= text.length() && !localInsideFile.isEmpty() ? localInsideFile.substring(text) : ""); localInsideFileCursor = localInsideFile.getEndOffset(); insideHost = insideHost == null ? localInsideHost : insideHost.union(localInsideHost); } assert insideHost != null; ElementManipulators.getManipulator(host).handleContentChange(host, insideHost, sb.toString()); documentManager.commitDocument(myOrigDocument); } }
private void runAction(final EvaluationContextImpl context, LocatableEvent event) { if (LOG_ENABLED || LOG_EXPRESSION_ENABLED) { final StringBuilder buf = StringBuilderSpinAllocator.alloc(); try { if (LOG_ENABLED) { buf.append(getEventMessage(event)); buf.append("\n"); } final DebugProcessImpl debugProcess = context.getDebugProcess(); final TextWithImports expressionToEvaluate = getLogMessage(); if (LOG_EXPRESSION_ENABLED && expressionToEvaluate != null && !"".equals(expressionToEvaluate.getText())) { if (!debugProcess.isAttached()) { return; } try { ExpressionEvaluator evaluator = DebuggerInvocationUtil.commitAndRunReadAction( getProject(), new EvaluatingComputable<ExpressionEvaluator>() { public ExpressionEvaluator compute() throws EvaluateException { return expressionToEvaluate, ContextUtil.getContextElement(context), ContextUtil.getSourcePosition(context)); } }); final Value eval = evaluator.evaluate(context); final String result = eval instanceof VoidValue ? "void" : DebuggerUtils.getValueAsString(context, eval); buf.append(result); } catch (EvaluateException e) { buf.append(DebuggerBundle.message("")); buf.append(" \""); buf.append(expressionToEvaluate); buf.append("\""); buf.append(" : "); buf.append(e.getMessage()); } buf.append("\n"); } if (buf.length() > 0) { debugProcess.printToConsole(buf.toString()); } } finally { StringBuilderSpinAllocator.dispose(buf); } } }
@NotNull private String calcText() { StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); CharSequence hostText = myDelegate.getCharsSequence(); synchronized (myLock) { for (PsiLanguageInjectionHost.Shred shred : myShreds) { Segment hostRange = shred.getHostRangeMarker(); if (hostRange != null) { text.append(shred.getPrefix()); text.append(hostText, hostRange.getStartOffset(), hostRange.getEndOffset()); text.append(shred.getSuffix()); } } } return text.toString(); }
@NonNls public static String toString(Iterable<?> collection) { if (!collection.iterator().hasNext()) { return "<empty>"; } final StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); for (final Object o : collection) { if (o instanceof THashSet) { builder.append(new TreeSet<Object>((THashSet) o)); } else { builder.append(o); } builder.append("\n"); } return builder.toString(); }
@Nullable public GitLogRecord acceptLine(String s) { final boolean lineEnd = s.startsWith(GitLogParser.RECORD_START); if (lineEnd && (!myNotStarted)) { final String line = myBuffer.toString(); myBuffer.setLength(0); myBuffer.append(s.substring(GitLogParser.RECORD_START.length())); return processResult(line); } else { myBuffer.append(lineEnd ? s.substring(GitLogParser.RECORD_START.length()) : s); myBuffer.append("\n"); } myNotStarted = false; return null; }
private void updateText(Rectangle clip) { FontMetrics fontMetrics = ((EditorImpl) getEditor()) .getFontMetrics( myTextAttributes != null ? myTextAttributes.getFontType() : Font.PLAIN); Insets insets = getInsets(); int maxLineWidth = getWidth() - (insets != null ? insets.left + insets.right : 0); myDocumentTextBuilder.setLength(0); boolean singleLineMode = getHeight() / (float) getEditor().getLineHeight() < 1.1f; if (singleLineMode) { appendAbbreviated( myDocumentTextBuilder, myRawText, 0, myRawText.length(), fontMetrics, maxLineWidth, true); } else { int lineHeight = getEditor().getLineHeight(); int firstVisibleLine = clip.y / lineHeight; float visibleLinesCountFractional = clip.height / (float) lineHeight; int linesToAppend = 1 + (int) visibleLinesCountFractional; LineTokenizer lt = new LineTokenizer(myRawText); for (int line = 0; !lt.atEnd() && line < firstVisibleLine; lt.advance(), line++) { myDocumentTextBuilder.append('\n'); } for (int line = 0; !lt.atEnd() && line < linesToAppend; lt.advance(), line++) { int start = lt.getOffset(); int end = start + lt.getLength(); appendAbbreviated( myDocumentTextBuilder, myRawText, start, end, fontMetrics, maxLineWidth, false); if (lt.getLineSeparatorLength() > 0) { myDocumentTextBuilder.append('\n'); } } } setTextToEditor(myDocumentTextBuilder.toString()); }
public void printToHistory(@NotNull final List<Pair<String, TextAttributes>> attributedText) { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertIsDispatchThread(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug("printToHistory(): " + attributedText.size()); } final boolean scrollToEnd = shouldScrollHistoryToEnd(); final int[] offsets = new int[attributedText.size() + 1]; int i = 0; offsets[i] = 0; final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { sb.append(StringUtil.convertLineSeparators(pair.getFirst())); offsets[++i] = sb.length(); } final DocumentEx history = myHistoryViewer.getDocument(); final int oldHistoryLength = history.getTextLength(); appendToHistoryDocument(history, sb.toString()); assert oldHistoryLength + offsets[i] == history.getTextLength() : "unexpected history length " + oldHistoryLength + " " + offsets[i] + " " + history.getTextLength(); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): text processed"); final MarkupModel markupModel = DocumentMarkupModel.forDocument(history, myProject, true); i = 0; for (final Pair<String, TextAttributes> pair : attributedText) { markupModel.addRangeHighlighter( oldHistoryLength + offsets[i], oldHistoryLength + offsets[i + 1], HighlighterLayer.SYNTAX, pair.getSecond(), HighlighterTargetArea.EXACT_RANGE); ++i; } LOG.debug("printToHistory(): markup added"); if (scrollToEnd) { scrollHistoryToEnd(); } queueUiUpdate(scrollToEnd); LOG.debug("printToHistory(): completed"); }
public static String toString(Collection<?> collection, String separator) { List<String> list = ContainerUtil.map2List( collection, new Function<Object, String>() { @Override public String fun(final Object o) { return String.valueOf(o); } }); Collections.sort(list); StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); boolean flag = false; for (final String o : list) { if (flag) { builder.append(separator); } builder.append(o); flag = true; } return builder.toString(); }
@Override public String getUnescapedText(@NotNull final PsiElement injectedNode) { final StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(injectedNode.getTextLength()); // gather text from (patched) leaves injectedNode.accept( new PsiRecursiveElementWalkingVisitor() { @Override public void visitElement(PsiElement element) { String unescaped = element.getCopyableUserData(UNESCAPED_TEXT); if (unescaped != null) { text.append(unescaped); return; } if (element.getFirstChild() == null) { text.append(element.getText()); return; } super.visitElement(element); } }); return text.toString(); }
public boolean execute(CompileContext context) { final RunConfiguration runConfiguration = CompileStepBeforeRun.getRunConfiguration(context.getCompileScope()); if (!(runConfiguration instanceof FlexUnitRunConfiguration)) { return true; } final Ref<Boolean> isDumb = new Ref<>(false); final RuntimeConfigurationException validationError = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new NullableComputable<RuntimeConfigurationException>() { public RuntimeConfigurationException compute() { if (DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) { isDumb.set(true); return null; } try { runConfiguration.checkConfiguration(); return null; } catch (RuntimeConfigurationException e) { return e; } } }); if (isDumb.get()) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("dumb.mode.flex.unit.warning"), null, -1, -1); return false; } if (validationError != null) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("configuration.not.valid", validationError.getMessage()), null, -1, -1); return false; } int flexUnitPort = ServerConnectionBase.getFreePort(FLEX_UNIT_PORT_START, PORTS_ATTEMPT_NUMBER); if (flexUnitPort == -1) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message(""), null, -1, -1); return false; } final int socketPolicyPort; if (SystemInfo.isWindows && ServerConnectionBase.tryPort(SwfPolicyFileConnection.DEFAULT_PORT)) { socketPolicyPort = SwfPolicyFileConnection.DEFAULT_PORT; } else { socketPolicyPort = ServerConnectionBase.getFreePort(SWC_POLICY_PORT_START, PORTS_ATTEMPT_NUMBER); } if (socketPolicyPort == -1) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message(""), null, -1, -1); return false; } final FlexUnitRunnerParameters params = ((FlexUnitRunConfiguration) runConfiguration).getRunnerParameters(); params.setPort(flexUnitPort); params.setSocketPolicyPort(socketPolicyPort); final Ref<Module> moduleRef = new Ref<>(); final Ref<FlexBuildConfiguration> bcRef = new Ref<>(); final Ref<FlexUnitSupport> supportRef = new Ref<>(); ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( () -> { if (DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) return; try { final Pair<Module, FlexBuildConfiguration> moduleAndBC = params.checkAndGetModuleAndBC(myProject); moduleRef.set(moduleAndBC.first); bcRef.set(moduleAndBC.second); supportRef.set(FlexUnitSupport.getSupport(moduleAndBC.second, moduleAndBC.first)); } catch (RuntimeConfigurationError e) { // already checked above, can't happen throw new RuntimeException(e); } }); final Module module = moduleRef.get(); final FlexBuildConfiguration bc = bcRef.get(); final FlexUnitSupport support = supportRef.get(); if (bc == null || support == null) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("dumb.mode.flex.unit.warning"), null, -1, -1); return false; } final GlobalSearchScope moduleScope = GlobalSearchScope.moduleScope(module); StringBuilder imports = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder code = new StringBuilder(); final boolean flexUnit4; switch (params.getScope()) { case Class: { final Ref<Boolean> isFlexUnit1Suite = new Ref<>(); final Ref<Boolean> isSuite = new Ref<>(); Set<String> customRunners = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new NullableComputable<Set<String>>() { public Set<String> compute() { if (DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) return null; Set<String> result = new THashSet<>(); final JSClass clazz = (JSClass) ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQNameStatic( params.getClassName(), moduleScope); collectCustomRunners(result, clazz, support, null); isFlexUnit1Suite.set(support.isFlexUnit1SuiteSubclass(clazz)); isSuite.set(support.isSuite(clazz)); return result; } }); if (customRunners == null) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("dumb.mode.flex.unit.warning"), null, -1, -1); return false; } // FlexUnit4 can't run FlexUnit1 TestSuite subclasses, fallback to FlexUnit1 runner flexUnit4 = support.flexUnit4Present && !isFlexUnit1Suite.get(); generateImportCode(imports, params.getClassName(), customRunners); generateTestClassCode(code, params.getClassName(), customRunners, isSuite.get()); } break; case Method: { Set<String> customRunners = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new NullableComputable<Set<String>>() { public Set<String> compute() { if (DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) return null; Set<String> result = new THashSet<>(); final JSClass clazz = (JSClass) ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQNameStatic( params.getClassName(), moduleScope); collectCustomRunners(result, clazz, support, null); return result; } }); if (customRunners == null) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("dumb.mode.flex.unit.warning"), null, -1, -1); return false; } flexUnit4 = support.flexUnit4Present; generateImportCode(imports, params.getClassName(), customRunners); generateTestMethodCode( code, params.getClassName(), params.getMethodName(), customRunners); } break; case Package: { final Collection<Pair<String, Set<String>>> classes = ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runReadAction( new NullableComputable<Collection<Pair<String, Set<String>>>>() { public Collection<Pair<String, Set<String>>> compute() { if (DumbService.getInstance(myProject).isDumb()) return null; final Collection<Pair<String, Set<String>>> result = new ArrayList<>(); JSPackageIndex.processElementsInScopeRecursive( params.getPackageName(), new JSPackageIndex.PackageQualifiedElementsProcessor() { public boolean process( String qualifiedName, JSPackageIndexInfo.Kind kind, boolean isPublic) { if (kind == JSPackageIndexInfo.Kind.CLASS) { PsiElement clazz = ActionScriptClassResolver.findClassByQNameStatic( qualifiedName, moduleScope); if (clazz instanceof JSClass && support.isTestClass((JSClass) clazz, false)) { Set<String> customRunners = new THashSet<>(); collectCustomRunners( customRunners, (JSClass) clazz, support, null); result.add( Pair.create( ((JSClass) clazz).getQualifiedName(), customRunners)); } } return true; } }, moduleScope, myProject); return result; } }); if (classes == null) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message("dumb.mode.flex.unit.warning"), null, -1, -1); return false; } if (classes.isEmpty()) { String message = MessageFormat.format("No tests found in package ''{0}''", params.getPackageName()); context.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.WARNING, message, null, -1, -1); return false; } flexUnit4 = support.flexUnit4Present; for (Pair<String, Set<String>> classAndRunner : classes) { generateImportCode(imports, classAndRunner.first, classAndRunner.second); generateTestClassCode(code, classAndRunner.first, classAndRunner.second, false); } } break; default: flexUnit4 = false; assert false : "Unknown scope: " + params.getScope(); } if (!flexUnit4 && bc.isPureAs()) { context.addMessage( CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, FlexBundle.message(""), null, -1, -1); } String launcherText; try { launcherText = getLauncherTemplate(bc); } catch (IOException e) { context.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, e.getMessage(), null, -1, -1); return false; } final boolean desktop = bc.getTargetPlatform() == TargetPlatform.Desktop; if (desktop) { generateImportCode(imports, "flash.desktop.NativeApplication"); } launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*imports*/", imports.toString()); launcherText = replace( launcherText, "/*test_runner*/", flexUnit4 ? FlexCommonUtils.FLEXUNIT_4_TEST_RUNNER : FlexCommonUtils.FLEXUNIT_1_TEST_RUNNER); launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*code*/", code.toString()); launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*port*/", String.valueOf(flexUnitPort)); launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*socketPolicyPort*/", String.valueOf(socketPolicyPort)); launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*module*/", module.getName()); if (!bc.isPureAs()) { final FlexUnitRunnerParameters.OutputLogLevel logLevel = params.getOutputLogLevel(); launcherText = replace(launcherText, "/*isLogEnabled*/", logLevel != null ? "1" : "0"); launcherText = replace( launcherText, "/*logLevel*/", logLevel != null ? logLevel.getFlexConstant() : FlexUnitRunnerParameters.OutputLogLevel.All.getFlexConstant()); } final File tmpDir = new File(getPathToFlexUnitTempDirectory(myProject)); boolean ok = true; if (tmpDir.isFile()) ok &= FileUtil.delete(tmpDir); if (!tmpDir.isDirectory()) ok &= tmpDir.mkdirs(); if (!ok) { final String message = UIBundle.message( "", FileUtil.toSystemDependentName(tmpDir.getPath())); context.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, message, null, -1, -1); return false; } final String fileName = FlexCommonUtils.FLEX_UNIT_LAUNCHER + FlexCommonUtils.getFlexUnitLauncherExtension(bc.getNature()); final File launcherFile = new File(tmpDir, fileName); FileUtil.delete(launcherFile); try { FileUtil.writeToFile(launcherFile, launcherText); } catch (IOException e) { context.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, e.getMessage(), null, -1, -1); return false; } context.putUserData(FILES_TO_DELETE, Collections.singletonList(launcherFile.getPath())); return true; }
public static String composeText( final Map<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> types, Collection<HighlightInfo> infos, String text) { // filter highlighting data and map each highlighting to a tag name List<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>> list = ContainerUtil.mapNotNull( infos, (NullableFunction<HighlightInfo, Pair<String, HighlightInfo>>) info -> { for (Map.Entry<String, ExpectedHighlightingSet> entry : types.entrySet()) { final ExpectedHighlightingSet set = entry.getValue(); if (set.enabled && set.severity == info.getSeverity() && set.endOfLine == info.isAfterEndOfLine()) { return Pair.create(entry.getKey(), info); } } return null; }); boolean showAttributesKeys = false; for (ExpectedHighlightingSet eachSet : types.values()) { for (HighlightInfo eachInfo : eachSet.infos) { if (eachInfo.forcedTextAttributesKey != null) { showAttributesKeys = true; break; } } } // sort filtered highlighting data by end offset in descending order Collections.sort( list, (o1, o2) -> { HighlightInfo i1 = o1.second; HighlightInfo i2 = o2.second; int byEnds = i2.endOffset - i1.endOffset; if (byEnds != 0) return byEnds; if (!i1.isAfterEndOfLine() && !i2.isAfterEndOfLine()) { int byStarts = i1.startOffset - i2.startOffset; if (byStarts != 0) return byStarts; } else { int byEOL =, i1.isAfterEndOfLine()); if (byEOL != 0) return byEOL; } int bySeverity = i2.getSeverity().compareTo(i1.getSeverity()); if (bySeverity != 0) return bySeverity; return, i2.getDescription()); }); // combine highlighting data with original text StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Couple<Integer> result = composeText(sb, list, 0, text, text.length(), 0, showAttributesKeys); sb.insert(0, text.substring(0, result.second)); return sb.toString(); }
private boolean shouldReloadProject(final Project project) { if (project.isDisposed()) return false; final HashSet<Pair<VirtualFile, StateStorage>> causes = new HashSet<Pair<VirtualFile, StateStorage>>(); synchronized (myChangedProjectFiles) { final List<Pair<VirtualFile, StateStorage>> changes = myChangedProjectFiles.remove(project); if (changes != null) { causes.addAll(changes); } if (causes.isEmpty()) return false; } final boolean[] reloadOk = {false}; ApplicationManager.getApplication() .runWriteAction( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { LOG.debug("[RELOAD] Reloading project/components..."); reloadOk[0] = ((ProjectEx) project).getStateStore().reload(causes); } catch (StateStorageException e) { Messages.showWarningDialog( ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.failed", e.getMessage()), ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.failed.title")); } catch (IOException e) { Messages.showWarningDialog( ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.failed", e.getMessage()), ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.failed.title")); } } }); if (reloadOk[0]) return false; String message; if (causes.size() == 1) { message = ProjectBundle.message( "project.reload.external.change.single", causes.iterator().next().first.getPresentableUrl()); } else { StringBuilder filesBuilder = new StringBuilder(); boolean first = true; Set<String> alreadyShown = new HashSet<String>(); for (Pair<VirtualFile, StateStorage> cause : causes) { String url = cause.first.getPresentableUrl(); if (!alreadyShown.contains(url)) { if (alreadyShown.size() > 10) { filesBuilder .append("\n" + "and ") .append(causes.size() - alreadyShown.size()) .append(" more"); break; } if (!first) filesBuilder.append("\n"); first = false; filesBuilder.append(url); alreadyShown.add(url); } } message = ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.external.change.multiple", filesBuilder.toString()); } return Messages.showTwoStepConfirmationDialog( message, ProjectBundle.message("project.reload.external.change.title"), "Reload project", Messages.getQuestionIcon()) == 0; }
public GitLogRecord processLast() { return processResult(myBuffer.toString()); }