private RelativePoint relativePointWithDominantRectangle( final JLayeredPane layeredPane, final Rectangle bounds) { Dimension preferredSize = getComponent().getPreferredSize(); if (myDimensionServiceKey != null) { final Dimension dimension = DimensionService.getInstance().getSize(myDimensionServiceKey, myProject); if (dimension != null) { preferredSize = dimension; } } final Point leftTopCorner = new Point(bounds.x + bounds.width, bounds.y); final Point leftTopCornerScreen = (Point) leftTopCorner.clone(); SwingUtilities.convertPointToScreen(leftTopCornerScreen, layeredPane); final RelativePoint relativePoint; if (!ScreenUtil.isOutsideOnTheRightOFScreen( new Rectangle( leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y, preferredSize.width, preferredSize.height))) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); } else { if (bounds.x > preferredSize.width) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(bounds.x - preferredSize.width, bounds.y)); } else { setDimensionServiceKey(null); // going to cut width Rectangle screen = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(leftTopCornerScreen.x, leftTopCornerScreen.y); final int spaceOnTheLeft = bounds.x; final int spaceOnTheRight = (screen.x + screen.width) - leftTopCornerScreen.x; if (spaceOnTheLeft > spaceOnTheRight) { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, new Point(0, bounds.y)); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheLeft, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } else { relativePoint = new RelativePoint(layeredPane, leftTopCorner); myComponent.setPreferredSize( new Dimension(spaceOnTheRight, Math.max(preferredSize.height, 200))); } } } return relativePoint; }
public FlatWelcomeFrame() { final JRootPane rootPane = getRootPane(); myScreen = new FlatWelcomeScreen(); final IdeGlassPaneImpl glassPane = new IdeGlassPaneImpl(rootPane) { @Override public void addNotify() { super.addNotify(); rootPane.remove(getProxyComponent()); //noinspection SSBasedInspection SwingUtilities.invokeLater( new Runnable() { public void run() { JBProtocolCommand.handleCurrentCommand(); } }); } }; setGlassPane(glassPane); glassPane.setVisible(false); // setUndecorated(true); setContentPane(myScreen.getWelcomePanel()); setTitle("Welcome to " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName()); AppUIUtil.updateWindowIcon(this); final int width = RecentProjectsManager.getInstance().getRecentProjectsActions(false).length == 0 ? 666 : 777; setSize(JBUI.size(width, 460)); setResizable(false); // int x = bounds.x + (bounds.width - getWidth()) / 2; // int y = bounds.y + (bounds.height - getHeight()) / 2; Point location = DimensionService.getInstance().getLocation(WelcomeFrame.DIMENSION_KEY, null); Rectangle screenBounds = ScreenUtil.getScreenRectangle(location != null ? location : new Point(0, 0)); setLocation( new Point( screenBounds.x + (screenBounds.width - getWidth()) / 2, screenBounds.y + (screenBounds.height - getHeight()) / 3)); // setLocation(x, y); ProjectManager.getInstance() .addProjectManagerListener( new ProjectManagerAdapter() { @Override public void projectOpened(Project project) { dispose(); } }); myBalloonLayout = new BalloonLayoutImpl(rootPane, JBUI.insets(8)); WelcomeFrame.setupCloseAction(this); MnemonicHelper.init(this); Disposer.register( ApplicationManager.getApplication(), new Disposable() { @Override public void dispose() { FlatWelcomeFrame.this.dispose(); } }); }