void applyFilter(@NotNull final List<T> requests, final ThreadReference thread) { for (T request : requests) { try { final boolean wasEnabled = request.isEnabled(); if (wasEnabled) { request.disable(); } addFilter(request, thread); if (wasEnabled) { request.enable(); } } catch (InternalException e) { LOG.info(e); } } }
private void processPath(FileObject fileObject, Project project) throws CacheCorruptedException { File file = fileObject.getFile(); final String path = file.getPath(); try { if (CompilerManager.MAKE_ENABLED) { byte[] fileContent = fileObject.getContent(); // the file is assumed to exist! final JavaDependencyCache dependencyCache = myCompileContext.getDependencyCache().findChild(JavaDependencyCache.class); final int newClassQName = dependencyCache.reparseClassFile(file, fileContent); final Cache newClassesCache = dependencyCache.getNewClassesCache(); final String sourceFileName = newClassesCache.getSourceFileName(newClassQName); final String qName = dependencyCache.resolve(newClassQName); String relativePathToSource = "/" + JavaMakeUtil.createRelativePathToSource(qName, sourceFileName); putName(sourceFileName, newClassQName, relativePathToSource, path); boolean haveToInstrument = myAddNotNullAssertions && hasNotNullAnnotations( newClassesCache, dependencyCache.getSymbolTable(), newClassQName, project); if (haveToInstrument) { try { ClassReader reader = new ClassReader(fileContent, 0, fileContent.length); ClassWriter writer = new PsiClassWriter(myProject, myIsJdk16); if (NotNullVerifyingInstrumenter.processClassFile(reader, writer)) { fileObject = new FileObject(file, writer.toByteArray()); } } catch (Exception ignored) { LOG.info(ignored); } } fileObject.save(); } else { final String _path = FileUtil.toSystemIndependentName(path); final int dollarIndex = _path.indexOf('$'); final int tailIndex = dollarIndex >= 0 ? dollarIndex : _path.length() - ".class".length(); final int slashIndex = _path.lastIndexOf('/'); final String sourceFileName = _path.substring(slashIndex + 1, tailIndex) + ".java"; String relativePathToSource = _path.substring(myOutputDir.length(), tailIndex) + ".java"; putName( sourceFileName, 0 /*doesn't matter here*/, relativePathToSource.startsWith("/") ? relativePathToSource : "/" + relativePathToSource, path); } } catch (ClsFormatException e) { final String m = e.getMessage(); String message = CompilerBundle.message( "error.bad.class.file.format", StringUtil.isEmpty(m) ? path : m + "\n" + path); myCompileContext.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, message, null, -1, -1); LOG.info(e); } catch (IOException e) { myCompileContext.addMessage(CompilerMessageCategory.ERROR, e.getMessage(), null, -1, -1); LOG.info(e); } finally { myStatistics.incClassesCount(); updateStatistics(); } }