private boolean doDeleteRemote( @NotNull String branchName, @NotNull Collection<GitRepository> repositories) { Couple<String> pair = splitNameOfRemoteBranch(branchName); String remoteName = pair.getFirst(); String branch = pair.getSecond(); GitCompoundResult result = new GitCompoundResult(myProject); for (GitRepository repository : repositories) { GitCommandResult res; GitRemote remote = getRemoteByName(repository, remoteName); if (remote == null) { String error = "Couldn't find remote by name: " + remoteName; LOG.error(error); res = GitCommandResult.error(error); } else { res = pushDeletion(repository, remote, branch); if (!res.success() && isAlreadyDeletedError(res.getErrorOutputAsJoinedString())) { res = myGit.remotePrune(repository, remote); } } result.append(repository, res); repository.update(); } if (!result.totalSuccess()) { VcsNotifier.getInstance(myProject) .notifyError( "Failed to delete remote branch " + branchName, result.getErrorOutputWithReposIndication()); } return result.totalSuccess(); }
public Couple<String> setText(@Nullable final String text, @Nullable final String requestor) { if (StringUtil.isEmpty(text) && !Comparing.equal(requestor, myCurrentRequestor) && !EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR.equals(requestor)) { return Couple.of(myInfoPanel.getText(), myCurrentRequestor); } boolean logMode = myInfoPanel.updateText(EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR.equals(requestor) ? "" : text); myCurrentRequestor = logMode ? EventLog.LOG_REQUESTOR : requestor; return Couple.of(text, requestor); }
/** * Makes the password database key for the URL: inserts the login after the scheme: * http://login@url. */ @NotNull private static String makeKey(@NotNull String url, @Nullable String login) { if (login == null) { return url; } Couple<String> pair = UriUtil.splitScheme(url); String scheme = pair.getFirst(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(scheme)) { return scheme + URLUtil.SCHEME_SEPARATOR + login + "@" + pair.getSecond(); } return login + "@" + url; }
private boolean isValidLibrary( @NotNull File file, @NotNull final String name, @Nullable Ref<Couple<String>> cache) { Couple<String> info = parseLibrary(file); if (info == null) { return false; } if (Comparing.equal(info.getFirst(), name)) { if (cache != null) { cache.set(info); } return true; } return false; }
private static Couple<Integer> composeText( StringBuilder sb, List<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>> list, int index, String text, int endPos, int startPos) { int i = index; while (i < list.size()) { Pair<String, HighlightInfo> pair = list.get(i); HighlightInfo info = pair.second; if (info.endOffset <= startPos) { break; } String severity = pair.first; HighlightInfo prev = i < list.size() - 1 ? list.get(i + 1).second : null; sb.insert(0, text.substring(info.endOffset, endPos)); sb.insert(0, "</" + severity + ">"); endPos = info.endOffset; if (prev != null && prev.endOffset > info.startOffset) { Couple<Integer> result = composeText(sb, list, i + 1, text, endPos, info.startOffset); i = result.first - 1; endPos = result.second; } sb.insert(0, text.substring(info.startOffset, endPos)); sb.insert(0, "<" + severity + " descr=\"" + info.getDescription() + "\">"); endPos = info.startOffset; i++; } return Couple.newOne(i, endPos); }
/** * For the given VirtualFile constructs a FilePathImpl object without referring to the initial * VirtualFile object and adds this FilePathImpl to the set of files for proper * VcsDirtyScopeManager - to mark these files dirty when the set will be populated. * * @param file file which path is to be added. * @param addToFiles If true, then add to dirty files even if it is a directory. Otherwise add * to the proper set. */ private void add(VirtualFile file, boolean addToFiles, final boolean forDelete) { if (file == null) { return; } final boolean isDirectory = file.isDirectory(); // need to create FilePath explicitly without referring to VirtualFile because the path of // VirtualFile may change final FilePathImpl path = forDelete ? new FilePathImpl(new File(file.getPath()), isDirectory) : new FilePathImpl(file); final Collection<VcsDirtyScopeManager> managers = getManagers(file); for (VcsDirtyScopeManager manager : managers) { Couple<HashSet<FilePath>> filesAndDirs = map.get(manager); if (filesAndDirs == null) { filesAndDirs = Couple.of(new HashSet<FilePath>(), new HashSet<FilePath>()); map.put(manager, filesAndDirs); } if (addToFiles || !isDirectory) { filesAndDirs.first.add(path); } else { filesAndDirs.second.add(path); } } }
public void writeExternal(Element macro) { macro.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_NAME, myName); final ActionDescriptor[] actions = getActions(); for (ActionDescriptor action : actions) { Element actionNode = null; if (action instanceof TypedDescriptor) { actionNode = new Element(ELEMENT_TYPING); TypedDescriptor typedDescriptor = (TypedDescriptor) action; actionNode.setText(typedDescriptor.getText().replaceAll(" ", " ")); actionNode.setAttribute( ATTRIBUTE_KEY_CODES, unparseKeyCodes( Couple.of(typedDescriptor.getKeyCodes(), typedDescriptor.getKeyModifiers()))); } else if (action instanceof IdActionDescriptor) { actionNode = new Element(ELEMENT_ACTION); actionNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_ID, ((IdActionDescriptor) action).getActionId()); } else if (action instanceof ShortcutActionDesciption) { actionNode = new Element(ELEMENT_SHORTCUT); actionNode.setAttribute(ATTRIBUTE_TEXT, ((ShortcutActionDesciption) action).getText()); } assert actionNode != null : action; macro.addContent(actionNode); } }
private Couple<String> keyForChange(final Change change) { final FilePath beforePath = ChangesUtil.getBeforePath(change); final String beforeKey = beforePath == null ? null : beforePath.getIOFile().getAbsolutePath(); final FilePath afterPath = ChangesUtil.getAfterPath(change); final String afterKey = afterPath == null ? null : afterPath.getIOFile().getAbsolutePath(); return Couple.of(beforeKey, afterKey); }
@NotNull @Override public Map<String, String> getAvailableSystemLibraries() { Map<String, String> map = new TreeMap<String, String>(); File[] directoriesForLibraries = getFilesForLibraries(); for (File childFile : directoriesForLibraries) { if (!FileUtilRt.getExtension(childFile.getName()).equals("dll")) { continue; } Couple<String> info = parseLibrary(childFile); if (info == null) { continue; } map.put(info.getFirst(), info.getSecond()); } return map; }
@NotNull private static Couple<Collection<TextRange>> getUsages( @NotNull PsiElement target, PsiElement psiElement, boolean withDeclarations, boolean detectAccess) { List<TextRange> readRanges = new ArrayList<TextRange>(); List<TextRange> writeRanges = new ArrayList<TextRange>(); final ReadWriteAccessDetector detector = detectAccess ? ReadWriteAccessDetector.findDetector(target) : null; final FindUsagesManager findUsagesManager = ((FindManagerImpl) FindManager.getInstance(target.getProject())).getFindUsagesManager(); final FindUsagesHandler findUsagesHandler = findUsagesManager.getFindUsagesHandler(target, true); final LocalSearchScope scope = new LocalSearchScope(psiElement); Collection<PsiReference> refs = findUsagesHandler != null ? findUsagesHandler.findReferencesToHighlight(target, scope) :, scope).findAll(); for (PsiReference psiReference : refs) { if (psiReference == null) { LOG.error( "Null reference returned, findUsagesHandler=" + findUsagesHandler + "; target=" + target + " of " + target.getClass()); continue; } List<TextRange> destination; if (detector == null || detector.getReferenceAccess(target, psiReference) == ReadWriteAccessDetector.Access.Read) { destination = readRanges; } else { destination = writeRanges; } HighlightUsagesHandler.collectRangesToHighlight(psiReference, destination); } if (withDeclarations) { final TextRange declRange = HighlightUsagesHandler.getNameIdentifierRange(psiElement.getContainingFile(), target); if (declRange != null) { if (detector != null && detector.isDeclarationWriteAccess(target)) { writeRanges.add(declRange); } else { readRanges.add(declRange); } } } return Couple.<Collection<TextRange>>of(readRanges, writeRanges); }
/** * Compares the given revisions and returns a pair of them, where the first one is older, and * second is newer. */ @NotNull public static Couple<VcsFileRevision> sortRevisions( @NotNull VcsFileRevision revision1, @NotNull VcsFileRevision revision2) { VcsFileRevision left = revision1; VcsFileRevision right = revision2; if (compare(revision1, revision2) > 0) { left = revision2; right = revision1; } return Couple.of(left, right); }
private static void collectPropertyAccessors(Class<?> aClass, List<Accessor> accessors) { final Map<String, Couple<Method>> candidates = ContainerUtilRt.newTreeMap(); // (name,(getter,setter)) for (Method method : aClass.getMethods()) { if (!Modifier.isPublic(method.getModifiers())) { continue; } Pair<String, Boolean> propertyData = getPropertyData(method.getName()); // (name,isSetter) if (propertyData == null || propertyData.first.equals("class") || method.getParameterTypes().length != (propertyData.second ? 1 : 0)) { continue; } Couple<Method> candidate = candidates.get(propertyData.first); if (candidate == null) { candidate = Couple.getEmpty(); } if ((propertyData.second ? candidate.second : candidate.first) != null) { continue; } candidate = Couple.of( propertyData.second ? candidate.first : method, propertyData.second ? method : candidate.second); candidates.put(propertyData.first, candidate); } for (Map.Entry<String, Couple<Method>> candidate : candidates.entrySet()) { Couple<Method> methods = candidate.getValue(); // (getter,setter) if (methods.first != null && methods.second != null && methods.first.getReturnType().equals(methods.second.getParameterTypes()[0]) && methods.first.getAnnotation(Transient.class) == null && methods.second.getAnnotation(Transient.class) == null) { accessors.add( new PropertyAccessor( candidate.getKey(), methods.first.getReturnType(), methods.first, methods.second)); } } }
public Collection<Couple<TemplateResource>> getTemplateCouples() { final LinkedHashMap<String, Couple<TemplateResource>> resources = new LinkedHashMap<String, Couple<TemplateResource>>(); for (TemplateResource resource : getAllTemplates()) { final String baseName = getTemplateBaseName(resource); TemplateResource eq = toEqualsName(baseName).equals(resource.getFileName()) ? resource : null; TemplateResource hc = toHashCodeName(baseName).equals(resource.getFileName()) ? resource : null; final Couple<TemplateResource> couple = resources.get(baseName); if (couple != null) { resources.put( baseName, Couple.of( couple.first != null ? couple.first : eq, couple.second != null ? couple.second : hc)); } else { resources.put(baseName, Couple.of(eq, hc)); } } return resources.values(); }
protected Couple<String> doAction( Project project, PsiElement psiElement, I18nizeQuickFixModel model) { if (!model.hasValidData()) { return null; } final String key = model.getKey(); final String value = model.getValue(); final Collection<PropertiesFile> selectedPropertiesFiles = model.getAllPropertiesFiles(); createProperty(project, psiElement, selectedPropertiesFiles, key, value); return Couple.newOne(key, value); }
private static Couple<Integer> composeText( StringBuilder sb, List<Pair<String, HighlightInfo>> list, int index, String text, int endPos, int startPos, boolean showAttributesKeys) { int i = index; while (i < list.size()) { Pair<String, HighlightInfo> pair = list.get(i); HighlightInfo info = pair.second; if (info.endOffset <= startPos) { break; } String severity = pair.first; HighlightInfo prev = i < list.size() - 1 ? list.get(i + 1).second : null; sb.insert(0, text.substring(info.endOffset, endPos)); sb.insert(0, "</" + severity + ">"); endPos = info.endOffset; if (prev != null && prev.endOffset > info.startOffset) { Couple<Integer> result = composeText(sb, list, i + 1, text, endPos, info.startOffset, showAttributesKeys); i = result.first - 1; endPos = result.second; } sb.insert(0, text.substring(info.startOffset, endPos)); String str = "<" + severity + " descr=\"" + StringUtil.escapeQuotes(String.valueOf(info.getDescription())) + "\""; if (showAttributesKeys) { str += " textAttributesKey=\"" + info.forcedTextAttributesKey + "\""; } str += ">"; sb.insert(0, str); endPos = info.startOffset; i++; } return Couple.of(i, endPos); }
private Map<Integer, Couple<Integer>> createVirtualSelectionMap( int startVisualLine, int endVisualLine) { HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>>(); for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.hasSelection()) { VisualPosition selectionStart = caret.getSelectionStartPosition(); VisualPosition selectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEndPosition(); if (selectionStart.line == selectionEnd.line) { int line = selectionStart.line; if (line >= startVisualLine && line <= endVisualLine) { map.put(line, Couple.of(selectionStart.column, selectionEnd.column)); } } } } return map; }
private Couple<TextRange> findCommentBlock( TextRange range, String commentPrefix, String commentSuffix) { CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); int startOffset = range.getStartOffset(); boolean endsProperly = CharArrayUtil.regionMatches( chars, range.getEndOffset() - commentSuffix.length(), commentSuffix); TextRange start = expandRange(startOffset, startOffset + commentPrefix.length()); TextRange end; if (endsProperly) { end = expandRange(range.getEndOffset() - commentSuffix.length(), range.getEndOffset()); } else { end = new TextRange(range.getEndOffset(), range.getEndOffset()); } return Couple.of(start, end); }
@Nullable private Couple<Integer> pointToCellCoords(Point p) { int x = p.x; int y = p.y; final Insets i = getInsets(); final Dimension d = getSize(); final int left = i.left + (d.width - i.left - i.right - WIDTH) / 2; final int top = + (d.height - - i.bottom - HEIGHT) / 2; int col = (x - left - 2) / 31; col = col > 9 ? 9 : col; int row = (y - top - 2) / 31; row = row > 1 ? 1 : row; return row >= 0 && col >= 0 ? Couple.of(row, col) : null; }
@NotNull private DiffInfo doLoadDiffInfo(@NotNull final BranchInfo branch) throws VcsException { // TODO: make cancelable and abort old speculative requests (when git4idea will allow to do so) String currentBranch = myCurrentBranch; String targetBranch = branch.getForkInfo().getRemoteName() + "/" + branch.getRemoteName(); List<GitCommit> commits1 = GitHistoryUtils.history(myProject, myGitRepository.getRoot(), ".." + targetBranch); List<GitCommit> commits2 = GitHistoryUtils.history(myProject, myGitRepository.getRoot(), targetBranch + ".."); Collection<Change> diff = GitChangeUtils.getDiff( myProject, myGitRepository.getRoot(), targetBranch, myCurrentBranch, null); GitCommitCompareInfo info = new GitCommitCompareInfo(GitCommitCompareInfo.InfoType.BRANCH_TO_HEAD); info.put(myGitRepository, diff); info.put(myGitRepository, Couple.of(commits1, commits2)); return new DiffInfo(info, currentBranch, targetBranch); }
@Nullable private static Couple<String> parseLibrary(File f) { DotNetLibraryOpenCache.Record record = null; try { record = DotNetLibraryOpenCache.acquire(f.getPath()); ModuleParser moduleParser = record.get(); return Couple.of( moduleParser.getAssemblyInfo().getName(), moduleParser.getAssemblyInfo().getMajorVersion() + "." + moduleParser.getAssemblyInfo().getMinorVersion() + "." + moduleParser.getAssemblyInfo().getBuildNumber() + "." + moduleParser.getAssemblyInfo().getRevisionNumber()); } catch (Exception e) { return null; } finally { if (record != null) { record.finish(); } } }
@NotNull private static Couple<String> createKey( @NotNull WCInfoWithBranches root, @NotNull WCInfoWithBranches.Branch branch) { return Couple.of(root.getPath(), branch.getUrl()); }
private static Couple<Integer> getRemotePortsFromProcess(RemoteSshProcess process) throws ExecutionException { Scanner s = new Scanner(process.getInputStream()); return Couple.of(readInt(s, process), readInt(s, process)); }
/** * Returns the remote and the "local" name of a remote branch. Expects branch in format * "origin/master", i.e. remote/branch */ private static Couple<String> splitNameOfRemoteBranch(String branchName) { int firstSlash = branchName.indexOf('/'); String remoteName = firstSlash > -1 ? branchName.substring(0, firstSlash) : branchName; String remoteBranchName = branchName.substring(firstSlash + 1); return Couple.of(remoteName, remoteBranchName); }
public Copy(@NonNls String file, @NonNls String toFile) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral super("copy", Couple.of("file", file), Couple.of("tofile", toFile)); }
public Copy(@NonNls String toDir) { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral super("copy", Couple.of("todir", toDir)); }
public void uncommentRange( TextRange range, String commentPrefix, String commentSuffix, Commenter commenter) { if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; selfManagingCommenter.uncommentBlockComment( range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset(), myDocument, mySelfManagedCommenterData); return; } String text = myDocument .getCharsSequence() .subSequence(range.getStartOffset(), range.getEndOffset()) .toString(); int startOffset = range.getStartOffset(); // boolean endsProperly = CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, range.getEndOffset() - // commentSuffix.length(), commentSuffix); List<Couple<TextRange>> ranges = new ArrayList<>(); if (commenter instanceof CustomUncommenter) { /* In case of custom uncommenter, we need to ask it for list of [commentOpen-start,commentOpen-end], [commentClose-start,commentClose-end] and shift if according to current offset */ CustomUncommenter customUncommenter = (CustomUncommenter) commenter; for (Couple<TextRange> coupleFromCommenter : customUncommenter.getCommentRangesToDelete(text)) { TextRange openComment = coupleFromCommenter.first.shiftRight(startOffset); TextRange closeComment = coupleFromCommenter.second.shiftRight(startOffset); ranges.add(Couple.of(openComment, closeComment)); } } else { // If commenter is not custom, we need to get this list by our selves int position = 0; while (true) { int start = getNearest(text, commentPrefix, position); if (start == text.length()) { break; } position = start; int end = getNearest(text, commentSuffix, position + commentPrefix.length()) + commentSuffix.length(); position = end; Couple<TextRange> pair = findCommentBlock( new TextRange(start + startOffset, end + startOffset), commentPrefix, commentSuffix); ranges.add(pair); } } RangeMarker marker = myDocument.createRangeMarker(range); try { for (int i = ranges.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { Couple<TextRange> toDelete = ranges.get(i); myDocument.deleteString(toDelete.first.getStartOffset(), toDelete.first.getEndOffset()); int shift = toDelete.first.getEndOffset() - toDelete.first.getStartOffset(); myDocument.deleteString( toDelete.second.getStartOffset() - shift, toDelete.second.getEndOffset() - shift); if (commenter.getCommentedBlockCommentPrefix() != null) { commentNestedComments( myDocument, new TextRange( toDelete.first.getEndOffset() - shift, toDelete.second.getStartOffset() - shift), commenter); } } processDocument(myDocument, marker, commenter, false); } finally { marker.dispose(); } }
@NotNull public Couple<String> getSimpleDefaultDescriptionMessage(@NotNull final BranchInfo branch) { Couple<String> message = Couple.of(myCurrentBranch, ""); branch.setDefaultMessage(message); return message; }
public Couple<String> getKey() { return Couple.newOne(myPatch.getBeforeName(), myPatch.getAfterName()); }
/** * This method searches ast node that could be reparsed incrementally and returns pair of target * reparseable node and new replacement node. Returns null if there is no any chance to make * incremental parsing. */ @Nullable public Couple<ASTNode> findReparseableRoots( @NotNull PsiFileImpl file, @NotNull TextRange changedPsiRange, @NotNull CharSequence newFileText) { Project project = file.getProject(); final FileElement fileElement = file.getTreeElement(); final CharTable charTable = fileElement.getCharTable(); int lengthShift = newFileText.length() - fileElement.getTextLength(); if (fileElement.getElementType() instanceof ITemplateDataElementType || isTooDeep(file)) { // unable to perform incremental reparse for template data in JSP, or in exceptionally deep // trees return null; } final ASTNode leafAtStart = fileElement.findLeafElementAt(Math.max(0, changedPsiRange.getStartOffset() - 1)); final ASTNode leafAtEnd = fileElement.findLeafElementAt( Math.min(changedPsiRange.getEndOffset(), fileElement.getTextLength() - 1)); ASTNode node = leafAtStart != null && leafAtEnd != null ? TreeUtil.findCommonParent(leafAtStart, leafAtEnd) : fileElement; Language baseLanguage = file.getViewProvider().getBaseLanguage(); while (node != null && !(node instanceof FileElement)) { IElementType elementType = node.getElementType(); if (elementType instanceof IReparseableElementType) { final TextRange textRange = node.getTextRange(); final IReparseableElementType reparseable = (IReparseableElementType) elementType; if (baseLanguage.isKindOf(reparseable.getLanguage()) && textRange.getLength() + lengthShift > 0) { final int start = textRange.getStartOffset(); final int end = start + textRange.getLength() + lengthShift; if (end > newFileText.length()) { reportInconsistentLength(file, newFileText, node, start, end); break; } CharSequence newTextStr = newFileText.subSequence(start, end); if (reparseable.isParsable(node.getTreeParent(), newTextStr, baseLanguage, project)) { ASTNode chameleon = reparseable.createNode(newTextStr); if (chameleon != null) { DummyHolder holder = DummyHolderFactory.createHolder( file.getManager(), null, node.getPsi(), charTable); holder.getTreeElement().rawAddChildren((TreeElement) chameleon); if (holder.getTextLength() != newTextStr.length()) { String details = ApplicationManager.getApplication().isInternal() ? "text=" + newTextStr + "; treeText=" + holder.getText() + ";" : ""; LOG.error("Inconsistent reparse: " + details + " type=" + elementType); } return Couple.of(node, chameleon); } } } } node = node.getTreeParent(); } return null; }
public static Class<?> substituteGenericType(Type genericType, Type classType) { return ourVariableSubstitutions.get(Couple.of(genericType, classType)); }