private String getCaseCorrectedLookupString(LookupElement item) { String lookupString = item.getLookupString(); if (item.isCaseSensitive()) { return lookupString; } final String prefix = itemPattern(item); final int length = prefix.length(); if (length == 0 || !itemMatcher(item).prefixMatches(prefix)) return lookupString; boolean isAllLower = true; boolean isAllUpper = true; boolean sameCase = true; for (int i = 0; i < length && (isAllLower || isAllUpper || sameCase); i++) { final char c = prefix.charAt(i); boolean isLower = Character.isLowerCase(c); boolean isUpper = Character.isUpperCase(c); // do not take this kind of symbols into account ('_', '@', etc.) if (!isLower && !isUpper) continue; isAllLower = isAllLower && isLower; isAllUpper = isAllUpper && isUpper; sameCase = sameCase && isLower == Character.isLowerCase(lookupString.charAt(i)); } if (sameCase) return lookupString; if (isAllLower) return lookupString.toLowerCase(); if (isAllUpper) return StringUtil.toUpperCase(lookupString); return lookupString; }
private boolean needToShiftWhiteSpaces(final DocumentEvent e) { if (!CharArrayUtil.containsOnlyWhiteSpaces(e.getNewFragment()) || CharArrayUtil.containLineBreaks(e.getNewFragment())) return e.getOldLength() > 0; if (e.getOffset() == 0) return false; final char charBefore = myEditor.getDocument().getCharsSequence().charAt(e.getOffset() - 1); // final char charAfter = myEditor.getDocument().getCharsSequence().charAt(e.getOffset() + // e.getNewLength()); return Character.isWhitespace(charBefore) /* || !Character.isWhitespace(charAfter)*/; }
private boolean isLineEmpty(final int line) { final CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); int start = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(line); int end = Math.min(myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line), myDocument.getTextLength() - 1); for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) { if (!Character.isWhitespace(chars.charAt(i))) return false; } return true; }
private static int getArgumentOffset(int caretOffset, String argument, CharSequence text) { int argumentOffset = caretOffset - argument.length(); if (argumentOffset > 0 && text.charAt(argumentOffset - 1) == ' ') { if (argumentOffset - 2 >= 0 && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(text.charAt(argumentOffset - 2))) { argumentOffset--; } } return argumentOffset; }
public static List<TemplateImpl> findMatchingTemplates( CharSequence text, int caretOffset, @Nullable Character shortcutChar, TemplateSettings settings, boolean hasArgument) { List<TemplateImpl> candidates = Collections.emptyList(); for (int i = settings.getMaxKeyLength(); i >= 1; i--) { int wordStart = caretOffset - i; if (wordStart < 0) { continue; } String key = text.subSequence(wordStart, caretOffset).toString(); if (Character.isJavaIdentifierStart(key.charAt(0))) { if (wordStart > 0 && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(text.charAt(wordStart - 1))) { continue; } } candidates = settings.collectMatchingCandidates(key, shortcutChar, hasArgument); if (!candidates.isEmpty()) break; } return candidates; }
public Map<TemplateImpl, String> findMatchingTemplates( final PsiFile file, Editor editor, @Nullable Character shortcutChar, TemplateSettings templateSettings) { final Document document = editor.getDocument(); CharSequence text = document.getCharsSequence(); final int caretOffset = editor.getCaretModel().getOffset(); List<TemplateImpl> candidatesWithoutArgument = findMatchingTemplates(text, caretOffset, shortcutChar, templateSettings, false); int argumentOffset = passArgumentBack(text, caretOffset); String argument = null; if (argumentOffset >= 0) { argument = text.subSequence(argumentOffset, caretOffset).toString(); if (argumentOffset > 0 && text.charAt(argumentOffset - 1) == ' ') { if (argumentOffset - 2 >= 0 && Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(text.charAt(argumentOffset - 2))) { argumentOffset--; } } } List<TemplateImpl> candidatesWithArgument = findMatchingTemplates(text, argumentOffset, shortcutChar, templateSettings, true); if (candidatesWithArgument.isEmpty() && candidatesWithoutArgument.isEmpty()) { return null; } candidatesWithoutArgument = filterApplicableCandidates(file, caretOffset, candidatesWithoutArgument); candidatesWithArgument = filterApplicableCandidates(file, argumentOffset, candidatesWithArgument); Map<TemplateImpl, String> candidate2Argument = new HashMap<TemplateImpl, String>(); addToMap(candidate2Argument, candidatesWithoutArgument, null); addToMap(candidate2Argument, candidatesWithArgument, argument); return candidate2Argument; }
private static boolean isDelimiter(char c) { return !Character.isJavaIdentifierPart(c); }
private void uncommentLine(int line) { Commenter commenter = myCommenters[line - myStartLine]; if (commenter == null) commenter = findCommenter(line); if (commenter == null) return; final int startOffset = myStartOffsets[line - myStartLine]; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; selfManagingCommenter.uncommentLine( line, startOffset, myDocument, myCommenterStateMap.get(selfManagingCommenter)); return; } final int endOffset = myEndOffsets[line - myStartLine]; if (startOffset == endOffset) { return; } String prefix = commenter.getLineCommentPrefix(); if (prefix != null) { CharSequence chars = myDocument.getCharsSequence(); if (commenter instanceof CommenterWithLineSuffix) { CommenterWithLineSuffix commenterWithLineSuffix = (CommenterWithLineSuffix) commenter; String suffix = commenterWithLineSuffix.getLineCommentSuffix(); int theEnd = endOffset > 0 ? endOffset : myDocument.getLineEndOffset(line); while (theEnd > startOffset && Character.isWhitespace(chars.charAt(theEnd - 1))) { theEnd--; } String lineText = myDocument.getText(new TextRange(startOffset, theEnd)); if (lineText.indexOf(suffix) != -1) { int start = startOffset + lineText.indexOf(suffix); myDocument.deleteString(start, start + suffix.length()); } } boolean skipNewLine = false; boolean commented = CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, startOffset, prefix) || (skipNewLine = prefix.endsWith(" ") && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(chars, startOffset, prefix.trim() + "\n")); assert commented; int charsToDelete = skipNewLine ? prefix.trim().length() : prefix.length(); int theEnd = endOffset > 0 ? endOffset : chars.length(); // if there's exactly one space after line comment prefix and before the text that follows in // the same line, delete the space too if (startOffset + charsToDelete < theEnd - 1 && chars.charAt(startOffset + charsToDelete) == ' ') { if (startOffset + charsToDelete == theEnd - 2 || chars.charAt(startOffset + charsToDelete + 1) != ' ') { charsToDelete++; } } myDocument.deleteString(startOffset, startOffset + charsToDelete); return; } String text = myDocument.getCharsSequence().subSequence(startOffset, endOffset).toString(); prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); final String suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); if (prefix == null || suffix == null) { return; } IntArrayList prefixes = new IntArrayList(); IntArrayList suffixes = new IntArrayList(); for (int position = 0; position < text.length(); ) { int prefixPos = text.indexOf(prefix, position); if (prefixPos == -1) { break; } prefixes.add(prefixPos); position = prefixPos + prefix.length(); int suffixPos = text.indexOf(suffix, position); if (suffixPos == -1) { suffixPos = text.length() - suffix.length(); } suffixes.add(suffixPos); position = suffixPos + suffix.length(); } assert prefixes.size() == suffixes.size(); for (int i = prefixes.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { uncommentRange( startOffset + prefixes.get(i), Math.min(startOffset + suffixes.get(i) + suffix.length(), endOffset), commenter); } }