@Override public void doExecute(Editor editor, @Nullable Caret c, DataContext dataContext) { Caret caret = c == null ? editor.getCaretModel().getPrimaryCaret() : c; TextRange wordSelectionRange = getSelectionRange(editor, caret); boolean notFoundPreviously = getAndResetNotFoundStatus(editor); boolean wholeWordSearch = isWholeWordSearch(editor); if (caret.hasSelection()) { Project project = editor.getProject(); String selectedText = caret.getSelectedText(); if (project == null || selectedText == null) { return; } FindManager findManager = FindManager.getInstance(project); FindModel model = getFindModel(selectedText, wholeWordSearch); findManager.setSelectNextOccurrenceWasPerformed(); findManager.setFindNextModel(model); int searchStartOffset = notFoundPreviously ? 0 : caret.getSelectionEnd(); FindResult findResult = findManager.findString( editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(), searchStartOffset, model); if (findResult.isStringFound()) { boolean caretAdded = FindUtil.selectSearchResultInEditor( editor, findResult, caret.getOffset() - caret.getSelectionStart()); if (!caretAdded) { // this means that the found occurence is already selected if (notFoundPreviously) { setNotFoundStatus( editor); // to make sure we won't show hint anymore if there are no more // occurrences } } } else { setNotFoundStatus(editor); showHint(editor); } } else { if (wordSelectionRange == null) { return; } setSelection(editor, caret, wordSelectionRange); setWholeWordSearch(editor, true); } editor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); }
@Nullable private TextRange getSelectedComments(CharSequence text, String prefix, String suffix) { TextRange commentedRange = null; if (myCaret.hasSelection()) { int selectionStart = myCaret.getSelectionStart(); selectionStart = CharArrayUtil.shiftForward(text, selectionStart, " \t\n"); int selectionEnd = myCaret.getSelectionEnd() - 1; selectionEnd = CharArrayUtil.shiftBackward(text, selectionEnd, " \t\n") + 1; if (selectionEnd - selectionStart >= prefix.length() + suffix.length() && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(text, selectionStart, prefix) && CharArrayUtil.regionMatches(text, selectionEnd - suffix.length(), suffix)) { commentedRange = new TextRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd); } } return commentedRange; }
private Map<Integer, Couple<Integer>> createVirtualSelectionMap( int startVisualLine, int endVisualLine) { HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>> map = new HashMap<Integer, Couple<Integer>>(); for (Caret caret : myEditor.getCaretModel().getAllCarets()) { if (caret.hasSelection()) { VisualPosition selectionStart = caret.getSelectionStartPosition(); VisualPosition selectionEnd = caret.getSelectionEndPosition(); if (selectionStart.line == selectionEnd.line) { int line = selectionStart.line; if (line >= startVisualLine && line <= endVisualLine) { map.put(line, Couple.of(selectionStart.column, selectionEnd.column)); } } } } return map; }
@Nullable private PsiElement findCommentAtCaret() { int offset = myCaret.getOffset(); TextRange range = new TextRange(myCaret.getSelectionStart(), myCaret.getSelectionEnd()); if (offset == range.getEndOffset()) { offset--; } if (offset <= range.getStartOffset()) { offset++; } PsiElement elt = myFile.getViewProvider().findElementAt(offset); if (elt == null) return null; PsiElement comment = PsiTreeUtil.getParentOfType(elt, PsiComment.class, false); if (comment == null || myCaret.hasSelection() && !range.contains(comment.getTextRange())) { return null; } return comment; }
@Override public void doExecute(Editor editor, @Nullable Caret c, DataContext dataContext) { Caret caret = c == null ? editor.getCaretModel().getPrimaryCaret() : c; if (!caret.hasSelection()) { TextRange wordSelectionRange = getSelectionRange(editor, caret); if (wordSelectionRange != null) { setSelection(editor, caret, wordSelectionRange); } } String selectedText = caret.getSelectedText(); Project project = editor.getProject(); if (project == null || selectedText == null) { return; } int caretShiftFromSelectionStart = caret.getOffset() - caret.getSelectionStart(); FindManager findManager = FindManager.getInstance(project); FindModel model = new FindModel(); model.setStringToFind(selectedText); model.setCaseSensitive(true); model.setWholeWordsOnly(true); int searchStartOffset = 0; FindResult findResult = findManager.findString(editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(), searchStartOffset, model); while (findResult.isStringFound()) { int newCaretOffset = caretShiftFromSelectionStart + findResult.getStartOffset(); EditorActionUtil.makePositionVisible(editor, newCaretOffset); Caret newCaret = editor.getCaretModel().addCaret(editor.offsetToVisualPosition(newCaretOffset)); if (newCaret != null) { setSelection(editor, newCaret, findResult); } findResult = findManager.findString( editor.getDocument().getCharsSequence(), findResult.getEndOffset(), model); } editor.getScrollingModel().scrollToCaret(ScrollType.RELATIVE); }
private boolean testSelectionForNonComments() { if (!myCaret.hasSelection()) { return true; } TextRange range = new TextRange(myCaret.getSelectionStart(), myCaret.getSelectionEnd() - 1); for (PsiElement element = myFile.findElementAt(range.getStartOffset()); element != null && range.intersects(element.getTextRange()); element = element.getNextSibling()) { if (element instanceof OuterLanguageElement) { if (!isInjectedWhiteSpace(range, (OuterLanguageElement) element)) { return false; } } else { if (!isWhiteSpaceOrComment(element, range)) { return false; } } } return true; }
public static void verifyCaretAndSelectionState( Editor editor, CaretAndSelectionState caretState, String message) { boolean hasChecks = false; for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { EditorTestUtil.CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null || expected.selection != null) { hasChecks = true; break; } } if (!hasChecks) { return; // nothing to check, so we skip caret/selection assertions } String messageSuffix = message == null ? "" : (message + ": "); CaretModel caretModel = editor.getCaretModel(); List<Caret> allCarets = new ArrayList<Caret>(caretModel.getAllCarets()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + " Unexpected number of carets", caretState.carets.size(), allCarets.size()); for (int i = 0; i < caretState.carets.size(); i++) { String caretDescription = caretState.carets.size() == 1 ? "" : "caret " + (i + 1) + "/" + caretState.carets.size() + " "; Caret currentCaret = allCarets.get(i); int actualCaretLine = editor.getDocument().getLineNumber(currentCaret.getOffset()); int actualCaretColumn = currentCaret.getOffset() - editor.getDocument().getLineStartOffset(actualCaretLine); LogicalPosition actualCaretPosition = new LogicalPosition(actualCaretLine, actualCaretColumn); int selectionStart = currentCaret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = currentCaret.getSelectionEnd(); LogicalPosition actualSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionStart); LogicalPosition actualSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(selectionEnd); CaretInfo expected = caretState.carets.get(i); if (expected.position != null) { assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected caret position", expected.position, actualCaretPosition); } if (expected.selection != null) { LogicalPosition expectedSelectionStart = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getStartOffset()); LogicalPosition expectedSelectionEnd = editor.offsetToLogicalPosition(expected.selection.getEndOffset()); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection start", expectedSelectionStart, actualSelectionStart); assertEquals( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "unexpected selection end", expectedSelectionEnd, actualSelectionEnd); } else { assertFalse( messageSuffix + caretDescription + "should has no selection, but was: (" + actualSelectionStart + ", " + actualSelectionEnd + ")", currentCaret.hasSelection()); } } }
@Override public void invoke( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull Editor editor, @NotNull Caret caret, @NotNull PsiFile file) { if (!CodeInsightUtilBase.prepareEditorForWrite(editor)) return; myProject = project; myEditor = editor; myCaret = caret; myFile = file; myDocument = editor.getDocument(); if (!FileDocumentManager.getInstance().requestWriting(myDocument, project)) { return; } FeatureUsageTracker.getInstance().triggerFeatureUsed("codeassists.comment.block"); final Commenter commenter = findCommenter(myFile, myEditor, caret); if (commenter == null) return; final String prefix; final String suffix; if (commenter instanceof SelfManagingCommenter) { final SelfManagingCommenter selfManagingCommenter = (SelfManagingCommenter) commenter; mySelfManagedCommenterData = selfManagingCommenter.createBlockCommentingState( caret.getSelectionStart(), caret.getSelectionEnd(), myDocument, myFile); if (mySelfManagedCommenterData == null) { mySelfManagedCommenterData = SelfManagingCommenter.EMPTY_STATE; } prefix = selfManagingCommenter.getBlockCommentPrefix( caret.getSelectionStart(), myDocument, mySelfManagedCommenterData); suffix = selfManagingCommenter.getBlockCommentSuffix( caret.getSelectionEnd(), myDocument, mySelfManagedCommenterData); } else { prefix = commenter.getBlockCommentPrefix(); suffix = commenter.getBlockCommentSuffix(); } if (prefix == null || suffix == null) return; TextRange commentedRange = findCommentedRange(commenter); if (commentedRange != null) { final int commentStart = commentedRange.getStartOffset(); final int commentEnd = commentedRange.getEndOffset(); int selectionStart = commentStart; int selectionEnd = commentEnd; if (myCaret.hasSelection()) { selectionStart = myCaret.getSelectionStart(); selectionEnd = myCaret.getSelectionEnd(); } if ((commentStart < selectionStart || commentStart >= selectionEnd) && (commentEnd <= selectionStart || commentEnd > selectionEnd)) { commentRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, prefix, suffix, commenter); } else { uncommentRange(commentedRange, trim(prefix), trim(suffix), commenter); } } else { if (myCaret.hasSelection()) { int selectionStart = myCaret.getSelectionStart(); int selectionEnd = myCaret.getSelectionEnd(); if (commenter instanceof IndentedCommenter) { final Boolean value = ((IndentedCommenter) commenter).forceIndentedLineComment(); if (value != null && value == Boolean.TRUE) { selectionStart = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(selectionStart)); selectionEnd = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(myDocument.getLineNumber(selectionEnd)); } } commentRange(selectionStart, selectionEnd, prefix, suffix, commenter); } else { EditorUtil.fillVirtualSpaceUntilCaret(editor); int caretOffset = myCaret.getOffset(); if (commenter instanceof IndentedCommenter) { final Boolean value = ((IndentedCommenter) commenter).forceIndentedLineComment(); if (value != null && value == Boolean.TRUE) { final int lineNumber = myDocument.getLineNumber(caretOffset); final int start = myDocument.getLineStartOffset(lineNumber); final int end = myDocument.getLineEndOffset(lineNumber); commentRange(start, end, prefix, suffix, commenter); return; } } myDocument.insertString(caretOffset, prefix + suffix); myCaret.moveToOffset(caretOffset + prefix.length()); } } }