private static synchronized boolean checkSystemFolders() { final String configPath = PathManager.getConfigPath(); if (configPath == null || !new File(configPath).isDirectory()) { showError( "Invalid config path", "Config path '" + configPath + "' is invalid.\n" + "If you have modified the 'idea.config.path' property please make sure it is correct,\n" + "otherwise please re-install the IDE."); return false; } final String systemPath = PathManager.getSystemPath(); if (systemPath == null || !new File(systemPath).isDirectory()) { showError( "Invalid system path", "System path '" + systemPath + "' is invalid.\n" + "If you have modified the 'idea.system.path' property please make sure it is correct,\n" + "otherwise please re-install the IDE."); return false; } return true; }
public void removeCoverageSuite(final CoverageSuite suite) { final String fileName = suite.getCoverageDataFileName(); boolean deleteTraces = suite.isTracingEnabled(); if (!FileUtil.isAncestor(PathManager.getSystemPath(), fileName, false)) { String message = "Would you like to delete file \'" + fileName + "\' "; if (deleteTraces) { message += "and traces directory \'" + FileUtil.getNameWithoutExtension(new File(fileName)) + "\' "; } message += "on disk?"; if (Messages.showYesNoDialog( myProject, message, CommonBundle.getWarningTitle(), Messages.getWarningIcon()) == Messages.YES) { deleteCachedCoverage(fileName, deleteTraces); } } else { deleteCachedCoverage(fileName, deleteTraces); } myCoverageSuites.remove(suite); if (myCurrentSuitesBundle != null && myCurrentSuitesBundle.contains(suite)) { CoverageSuite[] suites = myCurrentSuitesBundle.getSuites(); suites = ArrayUtil.remove(suites, suite); chooseSuitesBundle(suites.length > 0 ? new CoverageSuitesBundle(suites) : null); } }
@NotNull private File getStorageDirectory() { String dirName = myProject.getName() + "." + Integer.toHexString(myProject.getPresentableUrl().hashCode()); File dir = new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "refs/" + dirName); FileUtil.createDirectory(dir); return dir; }
public static File getCompilerSystemDirectory() { //noinspection HardCodedStringLiteral final String systemPath = ourSystemPath != null ? ourSystemPath : (ourSystemPath = PathUtil.getCanonicalPath(PathManager.getSystemPath())); return new File(systemPath, "compiler"); }
@NotNull public static String baseTestDiscoveryPathForProject(Project project) { return PathManager.getSystemPath() + File.separator + "testDiscovery" + File.separator + project.getName() + "." + project.getLocationHash(); }
private static File dumpModulesPaths(@NotNull Project project) throws IOException { ApplicationManager.getApplication().assertReadAccessAllowed(); Properties res = new Properties(); MavenProjectsManager manager = MavenProjectsManager.getInstance(project); for (Module module : ModuleManager.getInstance(project).getModules()) { if (manager.isMavenizedModule(module)) { MavenProject mavenProject = manager.findProject(module); if (mavenProject != null && !manager.isIgnored(mavenProject)) { res.setProperty( mavenProject.getMavenId().getGroupId() + ':' + mavenProject.getMavenId().getArtifactId() + ":pom" + ':' + mavenProject.getMavenId().getVersion(), mavenProject.getFile().getPath()); res.setProperty( mavenProject.getMavenId().getGroupId() + ':' + mavenProject.getMavenId().getArtifactId() + ':' + mavenProject.getPackaging() + ':' + mavenProject.getMavenId().getVersion(), mavenProject.getOutputDirectory()); } } } File file = new File( PathManager.getSystemPath(), "Maven/idea-projects-state-" + project.getLocationHash() + ".properties"); file.getParentFile().mkdirs(); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(file)); try {, null); } finally { out.close(); } return file; }
private static synchronized boolean lockSystemFolders(String[] args) { if (ourLock == null) { ourLock = new SocketLock(); } SocketLock.ActivateStatus activateStatus = ourLock.lock(PathManager.getConfigPath(false), true, args); if (activateStatus == SocketLock.ActivateStatus.NO_INSTANCE) { activateStatus = ourLock.lock(PathManager.getSystemPath(), false); } if (activateStatus != SocketLock.ActivateStatus.NO_INSTANCE) { if (isHeadless() || activateStatus == SocketLock.ActivateStatus.CANNOT_ACTIVATE) { showError( "Error", "Only one instance of " + ApplicationNamesInfo.getInstance().getFullProductName() + " can be run at a time."); } return false; } return true; }
private static String getCachesDir() { String dir = System.getProperty("caches_dir"); return dir == null ? PathManager.getSystemPath() + "/caches/" : dir; }
/** * {@code CertificatesManager} is responsible for negotiation SSL connection with server and deals * with untrusted/self-singed/expired and other kinds of digital certificates. * * <h1>Integration details:</h1> * * If you're using httpclient-3.1 without custom {@code Protocol} instance for HTTPS you don't have * to do anything at all: default {@code HttpClient} will use "Default" {@code SSLContext}, which is * set up by this component itself. * * <p>However for httpclient-4.x you have several of choices: * * <pre> * <ol> * <li>Client returned by {@code HttpClients.createSystem()} will use "Default" SSL context as it does in httpclient-3.1.</li> * <li>If you want to customize {@code HttpClient} using {@code HttpClients.custom()}, you can use the following methods of the builder * (in the order of increasing complexity/flexibility) * <ol> * <li>{@code useSystemProperties()} methods makes {@code HttpClient} use "Default" SSL context again</li> * <li>{@code setSSLContext()} and pass result of the {@link #getSslContext()}</li> * <li>{@code setSSLSocketFactory()} and specify instance {@code SSLConnectionSocketFactory} which uses result of {@link #getSslContext()}.</li> * <li>{@code setConnectionManager} and initialize it with {@code Registry} that binds aforementioned {@code SSLConnectionSocketFactory} to HTTPS protocol</li> * </ol> * </li> * </ol> * </pre> * * @author Mikhail Golubev */ @State( name = "CertificatesManager", storages = @Storage(file = StoragePathMacros.APP_CONFIG + "/other.xml")) public class CertificatesManager implements ApplicationComponent, PersistentStateComponent<CertificatesManager.Config> { @NonNls public static final String COMPONENT_NAME = "Certificates Manager"; @NonNls private static final String DEFAULT_PATH = FileUtil.join(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "tasks", "cacerts"); @NonNls private static final String DEFAULT_PASSWORD = "******"; private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(CertificatesManager.class); /** * Special version of hostname verifier, that asks user whether he accepts certificate, which * subject's common name doesn't match requested hostname. */ public static final HostnameVerifier HOSTNAME_VERIFIER = new ConfirmingHostnameVerifier(BROWSER_COMPATIBLE_HOSTNAME_VERIFIER); public static CertificatesManager getInstance() { return (CertificatesManager) ApplicationManager.getApplication().getComponent(COMPONENT_NAME); } private final String myCacertsPath; private final String myPassword; private final Config myConfig; private final ConfirmingTrustManager myTrustManager; /** Lazy initialized */ private SSLContext mySslContext; /** Component initialization constructor */ public CertificatesManager() { myCacertsPath = DEFAULT_PATH; myPassword = DEFAULT_PASSWORD; myConfig = new Config(); myTrustManager = ConfirmingTrustManager.createForStorage(myCacertsPath, myPassword); } @Override public void initComponent() { try { // Don't do this: protocol created this way will ignore SSL tunnels. See IDEA-115708. // Protocol.registerProtocol("https", CertificatesManager.createDefault().createProtocol()); SSLContext.setDefault(getSslContext()); LOG.debug("Default SSL context initialized"); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); } } @Override public void disposeComponent() { // empty } @NotNull @Override public String getComponentName() { return COMPONENT_NAME; } /** * Creates special kind of {@code SSLContext}, which X509TrustManager first checks certificate * presence in in default system-wide trust store (usually located at {@code * ${JAVA_HOME}/lib/security/cacerts} or specified by {@code} property) * and when in the one specified by field {@link #myCacertsPath}. If certificate wasn't found in * either, manager will ask user, whether it can be accepted (like web-browsers do) and then, if * it does, certificate will be added to specified trust store. * * <p>If any error occurred during creation its message will be logged and system default SSL * context will be returned so clients don't have to deal with awkward JSSE errors. This method * may be used for transition to HttpClient 4.x (see {@code * HttpClientBuilder#setSslContext(SSLContext)}) and {@code * org.apache.http.conn.ssl.SSLConnectionSocketFactory()}. * * @return instance of SSLContext with described behavior or default SSL context in case of error */ @NotNull public synchronized SSLContext getSslContext() { if (mySslContext == null) { try { mySslContext = createSslContext(); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e); mySslContext = getSystemSslContext(); } } return mySslContext; } @NotNull public SSLContext createSslContext() throws Exception { // SSLContext context = SSLContext.getDefault(); // can also check, that default trust store exists, on this step // assert systemManager.getAcceptedIssuers().length != 0 SSLContext context = getSystemSslContext(); context.init(null, new TrustManager[] {getTrustManager()}, null); return context; } @NotNull public static SSLContext getSystemSslContext() { // NOTE SSLContext.getDefault() should not be called because it automatically creates // default context with can't be initialized twice try { // actually TLSv1 support is mandatory for Java platform return SSLContext.getInstance(CertificateUtil.TLS); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { LOG.error(e); throw new AssertionError("Can't get system SSL context"); } } @NotNull public String getCacertsPath() { return myCacertsPath; } @NotNull public String getPassword() { return myPassword; } @NotNull public ConfirmingTrustManager getTrustManager() { return myTrustManager; } @NotNull public ConfirmingTrustManager.MutableTrustManager getCustomTrustManager() { return myTrustManager.getCustomManager(); } public static boolean showAcceptDialog( final @NotNull Callable<? extends DialogWrapper> dialogFactory) { Application app = ApplicationManager.getApplication(); final CountDownLatch proceeded = new CountDownLatch(1); final AtomicBoolean accepted = new AtomicBoolean(); app.invokeLater( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { DialogWrapper dialog =; accepted.set(dialog.showAndGet()); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("Unexpected error", e); } finally { proceeded.countDown(); } } }, ModalityState.any()); try { proceeded.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { LOG.error("Interrupted", e); } return accepted.get(); } @NotNull @Override public Config getState() { return myConfig; } @Override public void loadState(Config state) { XmlSerializerUtil.copyBean(state, myConfig); } public static class Config { // ensure that request's hostname matches certificate's common name (CN) public volatile boolean checkHostname; // ensure that certificate is neither expired nor not yet eligible public volatile boolean checkValidity; @Tag("expired") @Property(surroundWithTag = false) @AbstractCollection(elementTag = "commonName") public volatile LinkedHashSet<String> brokenCertificates = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); } }
static void loadSystemLibraries(final Logger log) { // load JNA and Snappy in own temp directory - to avoid collisions and work around no-exec /tmp final File ideaTempDir = new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "tmp"); if (!(ideaTempDir.mkdirs() || ideaTempDir.exists())) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to create temp directory '" + ideaTempDir + "'"); } final String javaTempDir = System.getProperty(JAVA_IO_TEMP_DIR); try { System.setProperty(JAVA_IO_TEMP_DIR, ideaTempDir.getPath()); if (System.getProperty("jna.nosys") == null && System.getProperty("jna.nounpack") == null) { // force using bundled JNA dispatcher (if not explicitly stated) System.setProperty("jna.nosys", "true"); System.setProperty("jna.nounpack", "false"); } try { final long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); "JNA library loaded (" + (Native.POINTER_SIZE * 8) + "-bit) in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " ms"); } catch (Throwable t) { logError(log, "Unable to load JNA library", t); } } finally { System.setProperty(JAVA_IO_TEMP_DIR, javaTempDir); } if (!NO_SNAPPY) { if (System.getProperty(SnappyLoader.KEY_SNAPPY_TEMPDIR) == null) { System.setProperty(SnappyLoader.KEY_SNAPPY_TEMPDIR, ideaTempDir.getPath()); } try { final long t = System.currentTimeMillis(); loadSnappyForJRockit(); "Snappy library loaded (" + Snappy.getNativeLibraryVersion() + ") in " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - t) + " ms"); } catch (Throwable t) { logError(log, "Unable to load Snappy library", t); } } if (SystemInfo.isWin2kOrNewer) { IdeaWin32.isAvailable(); // logging is done there } if (SystemInfo.isWin2kOrNewer && !isHeadless) { try { System.loadLibrary(SystemInfo.isAMD64 ? "focusKiller64" : "focusKiller");"Using \"FocusKiller\" library to prevent focus stealing."); } catch (Throwable t) {"\"FocusKiller\" library not found or there were problems loading it.", t); } } }
public static String getExternalResourcesPath() { return PathManager.getSystemPath() + File.separator + EXT_RESOURCES_FOLDER; }
public BuildManager(final ProjectManager projectManager) { myProjectManager = projectManager; final String systemPath = PathManager.getSystemPath(); File system = new File(systemPath); try { system = system.getCanonicalFile(); } catch (IOException e) {; } mySystemDirectory = system; projectManager.addProjectManagerListener(new ProjectWatcher()); final MessageBusConnection conn = ApplicationManager.getApplication().getMessageBus().connect(); conn.subscribe( VirtualFileManager.VFS_CHANGES, new BulkFileListener() { private final Alarm myAlarm = new Alarm(Alarm.ThreadToUse.SHARED_THREAD); private final AtomicBoolean myAutoMakeInProgress = new AtomicBoolean(false); @Override public void before(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) {} @Override public void after(@NotNull List<? extends VFileEvent> events) { if (shouldTriggerMake(events)) { scheduleMake( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (!myAutoMakeInProgress.getAndSet(true)) { try { ApplicationManager.getApplication() .executeOnPooledThread( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { try { runAutoMake(); } finally { myAutoMakeInProgress.set(false); } } }); } catch (RejectedExecutionException ignored) { // we were shut down } } else { scheduleMake(this); } } }); } } private void scheduleMake(Runnable runnable) { myAlarm.cancelAllRequests(); myAlarm.addRequest(runnable, MAKE_TRIGGER_DELAY); } private boolean shouldTriggerMake(List<? extends VFileEvent> events) { if (!CompilerWorkspaceConfiguration.useServerlessOutOfProcessBuild()) { return false; } for (VFileEvent event : events) { if (event.isFromRefresh() || event.getRequestor() instanceof SavingRequestor) { return true; } } return false; } }); ShutDownTracker.getInstance() .registerShutdownTask( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { stopListening(); } }); }
// TODO remove in IDEA 15 private static void cleanupOldNaming( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> providers) { int hashcode = calcLogProvidersHash(providers); String oldLogId = project.getName() + "." + hashcode; FileUtil.delete(new File(new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "vcs-log"), oldLogId)); }
/** Supports the int <-> Hash persistent mapping. */ public class VcsLogHashMap implements Disposable { private static final File LOG_CACHE_APP_DIR = new File(new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "vcs-log"), "hashes"); private static final Logger LOG = Logger.getInstance(VcsLogHashMap.class); private static final int VERSION = 1; private final PersistentEnumerator<Hash> myPersistentEnumerator; VcsLogHashMap(@NotNull Project project, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders) throws IOException { cleanupOldNaming(project, logProviders); String logId = calcLogId(project, logProviders); final File mapFile = new File(LOG_CACHE_APP_DIR, logId + "." + VERSION); if (!mapFile.exists()) { IOUtil.deleteAllFilesStartingWith(new File(LOG_CACHE_APP_DIR, logId)); } Disposer.register(project, this); myPersistentEnumerator = IOUtil.openCleanOrResetBroken( new ThrowableComputable<PersistentEnumerator<Hash>, IOException>() { @Override public PersistentEnumerator<Hash> compute() throws IOException { return new PersistentEnumerator<Hash>( mapFile, new MyHashKeyDescriptor(), Page.PAGE_SIZE); } }, mapFile); } @NotNull private static String calcLogId( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull final Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders) { int hashcode = calcLogProvidersHash(logProviders); return project.getLocationHash() + "." + Integer.toHexString(hashcode); } // TODO remove in IDEA 15 private static void cleanupOldNaming( @NotNull Project project, @NotNull Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> providers) { int hashcode = calcLogProvidersHash(providers); String oldLogId = project.getName() + "." + hashcode; FileUtil.delete(new File(new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "vcs-log"), oldLogId)); } private static int calcLogProvidersHash( @NotNull final Map<VirtualFile, VcsLogProvider> logProviders) { List<VirtualFile> sortedRoots = ContainerUtil.sorted( logProviders.keySet(), new Comparator<VirtualFile>() { @Override public int compare(@NotNull VirtualFile o1, @NotNull VirtualFile o2) { return o1.getPath().compareTo(o2.getPath()); } }); return StringUtil.join( sortedRoots, new Function<VirtualFile, String>() { @Override public String fun(VirtualFile root) { return root.getPath() + "." + logProviders.get(root).getSupportedVcs().getName(); } }, ".") .hashCode(); } @Nullable private Hash doGetHash(int index) throws IOException { return myPersistentEnumerator.valueOf(index); } private int getOrPut(@NotNull Hash hash) throws IOException { return myPersistentEnumerator.enumerate(hash); } public int getCommitIndex(@NotNull Hash hash) { try { return getOrPut(hash); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // TODO the map is corrupted => need to rebuild } } @NotNull public Hash getHash(int commitIndex) { try { Hash hash = doGetHash(commitIndex); if (hash == null) { throw new RuntimeException( "Unknown commit index: " + commitIndex); // TODO this shouldn't happen => need to recreate the map } return hash; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); // TODO map is corrupted => need to recreate it } } @Nullable public Hash findHashByString(@NotNull String string) { final String pHash = string.toLowerCase(); try { return findHash( new Condition<Hash>() { @Override public boolean value(@NotNull Hash hash) { return hash.toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(pHash); } }); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error(e); return null; } } @NotNull public NotNullFunction<Hash, Integer> asIndexGetter() { return new NotNullFunction<Hash, Integer>() { @NotNull @Override public Integer fun(Hash hash) { return getCommitIndex(hash); } }; } @NotNull public NotNullFunction<Integer, Hash> asHashGetter() { return new NotNullFunction<Integer, Hash>() { @NotNull @Override public Hash fun(Integer commitIndex) { return getHash(commitIndex); } }; } public void flush() { myPersistentEnumerator.force(); } @Override public void dispose() { try { myPersistentEnumerator.close(); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.warn(e); } } @Nullable Hash findHash(@NotNull final Condition<Hash> condition) throws IOException { final Ref<Hash> hashRef = Ref.create(); myPersistentEnumerator.iterateData( new CommonProcessors.FindProcessor<Hash>() { @Override protected boolean accept(Hash hash) { boolean matches = condition.value(hash); if (matches) { hashRef.set(hash); } return matches; } }); return hashRef.get(); } private static class MyHashKeyDescriptor implements KeyDescriptor<Hash> { @Override public void save(@NotNull DataOutput out, Hash value) throws IOException { ((HashImpl) value).write(out); } @Override public Hash read(@NotNull DataInput in) throws IOException { return; } @Override public int getHashCode(Hash value) { return value.hashCode(); } @Override public boolean isEqual(Hash val1, Hash val2) { return val1.equals(val2); } } }
@NotNull private static String getJarsDir() { String dir = System.getProperty("jars_dir"); return dir == null ? PathManager.getSystemPath() + File.separatorChar + JARS_FOLDER : dir; }
public static File getPluginSystemDir(String folder) { // PathManager.getSystemPath() may return relative path return new File(PathManager.getSystemPath(), "Maven" + "/" + folder).getAbsoluteFile(); }