/** * If rating categories are enabled, get the average rating by category.<br> * - The index corresponds to the index of the category in the config * * @param plot * @return */ public static double[] getAverageRatings(Plot plot) { HashMap<UUID, Integer> rating; if (plot.getSettings().ratings != null) { rating = plot.getSettings().ratings; } else if (Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) { rating = new HashMap<>(); } else { rating = DBFunc.getRatings(plot); } int size = 1; if (!Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) { size = Math.max(1, Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size()); } double[] ratings = new double[size]; if (rating == null || rating.isEmpty()) { return ratings; } for (Map.Entry<UUID, Integer> entry : rating.entrySet()) { int current = entry.getValue(); if (Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) { ratings[0] += current; } else { for (int i = 0; i < Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size(); i++) { ratings[i] += current % 10 - 1; current /= 10; } } } for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { ratings[i] /= rating.size(); } return ratings; }
@Subscribe public void onRedstoneEvent(BlockRedstoneUpdateEvent event) { org.spongepowered.api.world.Location block = event.getLocation(); Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(block); if (loc == null || !PS.get().isPlotWorld(loc.getWorld())) { return; } Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null || !plot.hasOwner()) { return; } if (event.getOldSignalStrength() > event.getNewSignalStrength()) { return; } if (Settings.REDSTONE_DISABLER) { if (UUIDHandler.getPlayer(plot.owner) == null) { boolean disable = true; for (UUID trusted : plot.getTrusted()) { if (UUIDHandler.getPlayer(trusted) != null) { disable = false; break; } } if (disable) { event.setNewSignalStrength(0); return; } } } Flag redstone = FlagManager.getPlotFlag(plot, "redstone"); if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagFalse(plot, "redstone")) { event.setNewSignalStrength(0); // TODO only disable clocks } }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void onBigBoom(final BlockExplodeEvent event) { final Block block = event.getBlock(); final Location loc = BukkitUtil.getLocation(block.getLocation()); final String world = loc.getWorld(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return; } final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlotAbs(loc); if ((plot != null) && plot.hasOwner()) { if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagTrue(plot, "explosion")) { final Iterator<Block> iter = event.blockList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { final Block b = iter.next(); if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlotAbs(BukkitUtil.getLocation(b.getLocation())))) { iter.remove(); } } return; } } if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { event.setCancelled(true); } else { final Iterator<Block> iter = event.blockList().iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { iter.next(); if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { iter.remove(); } } } }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { final Location ploc = plr.getLocation(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(ploc.getWorld())) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_IN_PLOT_WORLD); return false; } PlotId id = PlotId.fromString(args[0]); if (id == null) { if (StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCaseToAny(args[0], "near", "nearest")) { Plot closest = null; int distance = Integer.MAX_VALUE; for (final Plot plot : PS.get().getPlotsInWorld(ploc.getWorld())) { final double current = plot.getBottomAbs().getEuclideanDistanceSquared(ploc); if (current < distance) { distance = (int) current; closest = plot; } } id = closest.getId(); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); return false; } } final Location loc = MainUtil.getPlotHome(ploc.getWorld(), id); plr.setCompassTarget(loc); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMPASS_TARGET); return true; }
@EventHandler(priority = EventPriority.HIGHEST, ignoreCancelled = true) public void creatureSpawnEvent(EntitySpawnEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getEntity(); Location location = BukkitUtil.getLocation(entity.getLocation()); PlotArea area = location.getPlotArea(); if (area == null) { return; } Plot plot = area.getOwnedPlotAbs(location); if (plot == null) { return; } if (Settings.Done.RESTRICT_BUILDING && plot.hasFlag(Flags.DONE)) { event.setCancelled(true); } switch (entity.getType()) { case ENDER_CRYSTAL: if (plot == null) { if (!area.MOB_SPAWNING) { event.setCancelled(true); } return; } if (PlayerEvents.checkEntity(entity, plot)) { event.setCancelled(true); } } }
@Subscribe public void onChat(PlayerChatEvent event) { final Player player = event.getEntity(); final String world = player.getWorld().getName(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return; } final PlotWorld plotworld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(world); final PlotPlayer plr = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); if (!plotworld.PLOT_CHAT && (plr.getMeta("chat") == null || !(Boolean) plr.getMeta("chat"))) { return; } final Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(player); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null) { return; } Text message = event.getUnformattedMessage(); // TODO use display name rather than username // - Getting displayname currently causes NPE, so wait until sponge fixes that String sender = player.getName(); PlotId id = plot.id; String newMessage = StringMan.replaceAll( C.PLOT_CHAT_FORMAT.s(), "%plot_id%", id.x + ";" + id.y, "%sender%", sender); Text forcedMessage = event.getMessage(); // String forcedMessage = StringMan.replaceAll(C.PLOT_CHAT_FORCED.s(), "%plot_id%", id.x // + ";" + id.y, "%sender%", sender); for (PlotPlayer user : UUIDHandler.getPlayers().values()) { String toSend; if (plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(user.getLocation()))) { toSend = newMessage; } else if (Permissions.hasPermission(user, C.PERMISSION_COMMANDS_CHAT)) { ((SpongePlayer) user).player.sendMessage(forcedMessage); continue; } else { continue; } String[] split = (toSend + " ").split("%msg%"); List<Text> components = new ArrayList<>(); Text prefix = null; for (String part : split) { if (prefix != null) { components.add(prefix); } else { prefix = message; } components.add(Texts.of(part)); } ((SpongePlayer) user).player.sendMessage(Texts.join(components)); } event.setNewMessage(Texts.of()); event.setCancelled(true); }
/** * Get the plot from a string. * * @param player Provides a context for what world to search in. Prefixing the term with * 'world_name;' will override this context. * @param arg The search term * @param message If a message should be sent to the player if a plot cannot be found * @return The plot if only 1 result is found, or null */ public static Plot getPlotFromString(PlotPlayer player, String arg, boolean message) { if (arg == null) { if (player == null) { if (message) { PS.log(C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return player.getCurrentPlot(); } PlotArea area; if (player != null) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(arg); if (area == null) { area = player.getApplicablePlotArea(); } } else { area = ConsolePlayer.getConsole().getApplicablePlotArea(); } String[] split = arg.split(";|,"); PlotId id; if (split.length == 4) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0] + ';' + split[1]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[2] + ';' + split[3]); } else if (split.length == 3) { area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(split[0]); id = PlotId.fromString(split[1] + ';' + split[2]); } else if (split.length == 2) { id = PlotId.fromString(arg); } else { Collection<Plot> plots = area == null ? PS.get().getPlots() : area.getPlots(); for (Plot p : plots) { String name = p.getAlias(); if (!name.isEmpty() && StringMan.isEqualIgnoreCase(name, arg)) { return p; } } if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (id == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_ID); } return null; } if (area == null) { if (message) { sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD); } return null; } return area.getPlotAbs(id); }
/** * Add a flag to a plot * * @param origin * @param flag */ public static boolean addPlotFlag(final Plot origin, final Flag flag) { final boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callFlagAdd(flag, origin); if (!result) { return false; } for (Plot plot : origin.getConnectedPlots()) { plot.getFlags().put(flag.getKey(), flag); plot.reEnter(); DBFunc.setFlags(plot, plot.getFlags().values()); } return true; }
@Subscribe public void onBlockPlace(PlayerPlaceBlockEvent event) { Player player = event.getEntity(); World world = player.getWorld(); String worldname = world.getName(); org.spongepowered.api.world.Location blockLoc = event.getLocation(); final Location loc = SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, blockLoc); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot != null) { if (blockLoc.getY() == 0) { event.setCancelled(true); return; } final PlotPlayer pp = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); if (!plot.hasOwner()) { if (Permissions.hasPermission(pp, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_UNOWNED)) { return; } MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_UNOWNED); event.setCancelled(true); return; } else if (!plot.isAdded(pp.getUUID())) { final Flag destroy = FlagManager.getPlotFlag(plot, "place"); BlockState state = blockLoc.getBlock(); if ((destroy != null) && ((HashSet<PlotBlock>) destroy.getValue()) .contains(SpongeMain.THIS.getPlotBlock(state))) { return; } if (Permissions.hasPermission(pp, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_OTHER)) { return; } MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_DESTROY_OTHER); event.setCancelled(true); } else if (Settings.DONE_RESTRICTS_BUILDING && plot.getSettings().flags.containsKey("done")) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(pp, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_OTHER)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_OTHER); event.setCancelled(true); return; } } return; } final PlotPlayer pp = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); if (Permissions.hasPermission(pp, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_ROAD)) { return; } if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_BUILD_ROAD); event.setCancelled(true); } }
public static boolean removePlotFlag(final Plot plot, final String id) { final Flag flag = plot.getFlags().remove(id); if (flag == null) { return false; } final boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callFlagRemove(flag, plot); if (!result) { plot.getFlags().put(id, flag); return false; } plot.reEnter(); DBFunc.setFlags(plot, plot.getFlags().values()); return true; }
public static boolean addPlotFlagAbs(final Plot plot, final Flag flag) { final boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callFlagAdd(flag, plot); if (!result) { return false; } plot.getFlags().put(flag.getKey(), flag); return true; }
public static void setPlotFlags(final Plot origin, final Set<Flag> flags) { for (Plot plot : origin.getConnectedPlots()) { if (flags != null && !flags.isEmpty()) { plot.getFlags().clear(); for (final Flag flag : flags) { plot.getFlags().put(flag.getKey(), flag); } } else if (plot.getFlags().isEmpty()) { return; } else { plot.getFlags().clear(); } plot.reEnter(); DBFunc.setFlags(plot, plot.getFlags().values()); } }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String... args) { final Location loc = plr.getLocation(); final Plot plot; if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("mine")) { Set<Plot> plots = plr.getPlots(); if (plots.size() > 0) { plot = plots.iterator().next(); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PLOTS); return false; } } else { plot = MainUtil.getPlotFromString(plr, args[0], true); } if (plot == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot clear [X;Z|mine]"); return false; } } else if (args.length == 0) { plot = MainUtil.getPlotAbs(loc); if (plot == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot clear [X;Z|mine]"); C.NOT_IN_PLOT.send(plr); return false; } } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot clear [X;Z|mine]"); return false; } if ((!plot.hasOwner() || !plot.isOwner(plr.getUUID())) && !Permissions.hasPermission(plr, "plots.admin.command.clear")) { return sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PLOT_PERMS); } if (plot.getRunning() != 0) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.WAIT_FOR_TIMER); return false; } if ((FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "done") != null) && (!Permissions.hasPermission(plr, "plots.continue") || (Settings.DONE_COUNTS_TOWARDS_LIMIT && (MainUtil.getAllowedPlots(plr) >= MainUtil.getPlayerPlotCount(plr))))) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.DONE_ALREADY_DONE); return false; } final Runnable runnable = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); final boolean result = MainUtil.clearAsPlayer( plot, plot.owner == null, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plot.unlink(); SetBlockQueue.addNotify( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plot.removeRunning(); // If the state changes, then mark it as no longer done if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "done") != null) { FlagManager.removePlotFlag(plot, "done"); } if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "analysis") != null) { FlagManager.removePlotFlag(plot, "analysis"); } MainUtil.sendMessage( plr, C.CLEARING_DONE, "" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start)); } }); } }); if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.WAIT_FOR_TIMER); } else { plot.addRunning(); } } }; if (Settings.CONFIRM_CLEAR && !(Permissions.hasPermission(plr, "plots.confirm.bypass"))) { CmdConfirm.addPending(plr, "/plot clear " + plot.id, runnable); } else { TaskManager.runTask(runnable); } return true; }
/** * @param plot * @return set of flags */ public static HashMap<String, Flag> getPlotFlags(final Plot plot) { if (!plot.hasOwner()) { return null; } return getSettingFlags(plot.getArea(), plot.getSettings()); }
@Override public boolean onCommand(PlotPlayer player, String... args) { if (args.length == 1) { if ("next".equalsIgnoreCase(args[0])) { ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(PS.get().getBasePlots()); Collections.sort( plots, (p1, p2) -> { double v1 = 0; if (!p1.getRatings().isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<UUID, Rating> entry : p1.getRatings().entrySet()) { v1 -= 11 - entry.getValue().getAverageRating(); } } double v2 = 0; if (!p2.getRatings().isEmpty()) { for (Map.Entry<UUID, Rating> entry : p2.getRatings().entrySet()) { v2 -= 11 - entry.getValue().getAverageRating(); } } if (v1 == v2) { return -0; } return v2 > v1 ? 1 : -1; }); UUID uuid = player.getUUID(); for (Plot p : plots) { if ((!Settings.Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS || p.hasFlag(Flags.DONE)) && p.isBasePlot() && (p.hasRatings() || !p.getRatings().containsKey(uuid)) && !p.isAdded(uuid)) { p.teleportPlayer(player); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.RATE_THIS); return true; } } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.FOUND_NO_PLOTS); return false; } } Plot plot = player.getCurrentPlot(); if (plot == null) { return !this.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); } if (!plot.hasOwner()) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_OWNED); return false; } if (plot.isOwner(player.getUUID())) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_YOUR_OWN); return false; } if (Settings.Done.REQUIRED_FOR_RATINGS && !plot.hasFlag(Flags.DONE)) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_DONE); return false; } if (Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES != null && !Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) { Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (plot.getRatings().containsKey(player.getUUID())) { Rate.this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString()); return; } MutableInt index = new MutableInt(0); MutableInt rating = new MutableInt(0); String title = Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.get(0); PlotInventory inventory = new PlotInventory(player, 1, title) { @Override public boolean onClick(int i) { rating.add((i + 1) * Math.pow(10, index.getValue())); index.increment(); if (index.getValue() >= Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size()) { int rV = rating.getValue(); Rating result = EventUtil.manager.callRating(this.player, plot, new Rating(rV)); plot.addRating(this.player.getUUID(), result); Rate.this.sendMessage( this.player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString()); if (Permissions.hasPermission(this.player, "plots.comment")) { Command command = MainCommand.getInstance().getCommand(Comment.class); if (command != null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(this.player, C.COMMENT_THIS, command.getUsage()); } } return false; } this.setTitle(Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.get(index.getValue())); return true; } }; inventory.setItem(0, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 12, 0, "0/8")); inventory.setItem(1, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 14, 1, "1/8")); inventory.setItem(2, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 1, 2, "2/8")); inventory.setItem(3, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 4, 3, "3/8")); inventory.setItem(4, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 5, 4, "4/8")); inventory.setItem(5, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 9, 5, "5/8")); inventory.setItem(6, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 11, 6, "6/8")); inventory.setItem(7, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 10, 7, "7/8")); inventory.setItem(8, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 2, 8, "8/8")); inventory.openInventory(); } }; if (plot.getSettings().ratings == null) { if (!Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) { TaskManager.runTaskAsync( () -> { plot.getSettings().ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot); run.run(); }); return true; } plot.getSettings().ratings = new HashMap<>(); } run.run(); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return true; } String arg = args[0]; int rating; if (MathMan.isInteger(arg) && arg.length() < 3 && !arg.isEmpty()) { rating = Integer.parseInt(arg); if (rating > 10 || rating < 1) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return false; } } else { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return false; } UUID uuid = player.getUUID(); Runnable run = () -> { if (plot.getRatings().containsKey(uuid)) { this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString()); return; } Rating result = EventUtil.manager.callRating(player, plot, new Rating(rating)); plot.addRating(uuid, result); this.sendMessage(player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString()); }; if (plot.getSettings().ratings == null) { if (!Settings.Enabled_Components.RATING_CACHE) { TaskManager.runTaskAsync( () -> { plot.getSettings().ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot); run.run(); }); return true; } plot.getSettings().ratings = new HashMap<>(); } run.run(); return true; }
/** * Get the value of a flag for a plot (ignores flag defaults) * * @param plot * @param flag * @return Flag */ public static Flag getPlotFlagAbs(final Plot plot, final String flag) { return getSettingFlagAbs(plot.getSettings(), flag); }
/** * Returns the raw flag<br> * - Faster - You should not modify the flag * * @param plot * @param flag * @return */ public static Flag getPlotFlagRaw(final Plot plot, final String flag) { if (plot.owner == null) { return null; } return getSettingFlag(plot.getArea(), plot.getSettings(), flag); }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { final Location loc = plr.getLocationFull(); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null) { return !sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); } if ((plot == null) || !plot.hasOwner()) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.PLOT_UNOWNED); return false; } final boolean admin = Permissions.hasPermission(plr, "plots.admin.command.merge"); if (!plot.isOwner(plr.getUUID()) && !admin) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PLOT_PERMS); return false; } int direction = -1; if (args.length == 0) { switch (direction(plr.getLocationFull().getYaw())) { case "NORTH": direction = 0; break; case "EAST": direction = 1; break; case "SOUTH": direction = 2; break; case "WEST": direction = 3; break; } } else { for (int i = 0; i < values.length; i++) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(values[i]) || args[0].equalsIgnoreCase(aliases[i])) { direction = i; break; } } } if (direction == -1) { MainUtil.sendMessage( plr, C.SUBCOMMAND_SET_OPTIONS_HEADER.s() + StringMan.join(values, C.BLOCK_LIST_SEPARATER.s())); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.DIRECTION.s().replaceAll("%dir%", direction(loc.getYaw()))); return false; } PlotId bot = MainUtil.getBottomPlot(plot).id; PlotId top = MainUtil.getTopPlot(plot).id; ArrayList<PlotId> selPlots; final String world = loc.getWorld(); switch (direction) { case 0: // north = -y selPlots = MainUtil.getMaxPlotSelectionIds( world, new PlotId(bot.x, bot.y - 1), new PlotId(top.x, top.y)); break; case 1: // east = +x selPlots = MainUtil.getMaxPlotSelectionIds( world, new PlotId(bot.x, bot.y), new PlotId(top.x + 1, top.y)); break; case 2: // south = +y selPlots = MainUtil.getMaxPlotSelectionIds( world, new PlotId(bot.x, bot.y), new PlotId(top.x, top.y + 1)); break; case 3: // west = -x selPlots = MainUtil.getMaxPlotSelectionIds( world, new PlotId(bot.x - 1, bot.y), new PlotId(top.x, top.y)); break; default: return false; } int size = selPlots.size(); if (Permissions.hasPermissionRange(plr, "plots.merge", Settings.MAX_PLOTS) < size) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PERMISSION, "plots.merge." + size); return false; } final PlotId botId = selPlots.get(0); final PlotId topId = selPlots.get(selPlots.size() - 1); final PlotId bot1 = MainUtil.getBottomPlot(MainUtil.getPlot(world, botId)).id; final PlotId bot2 = MainUtil.getBottomPlot(MainUtil.getPlot(world, topId)).id; final PlotId top1 = MainUtil.getTopPlot(MainUtil.getPlot(world, topId)).id; final PlotId top2 = MainUtil.getTopPlot(MainUtil.getPlot(world, botId)).id; bot = new PlotId(Math.min(bot1.x, bot2.x), Math.min(bot1.y, bot2.y)); top = new PlotId(Math.max(top1.x, top2.x), Math.max(top1.y, top2.y)); final ArrayList<PlotId> plots = MainUtil.getMaxPlotSelectionIds(world, bot, top); boolean multiMerge = false; final HashSet<UUID> multiUUID = new HashSet<UUID>(); HashSet<PlotId> multiPlots = new HashSet<>(); final UUID u1 = plot.owner; for (final PlotId myid : plots) { final Plot myplot = PS.get().getPlot(world, myid); if (myplot == null || myplot.owner == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PERM_MERGE.s().replaceAll("%plot%", myid.toString())); return false; } UUID u2 = myplot.owner; if (u2.equals(u1)) { continue; } PlotPlayer p2 = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(u2); if (p2 == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PERM_MERGE.s().replaceAll("%plot%", myid.toString())); return false; } multiMerge = true; multiPlots.add(myid); multiUUID.add(u2); } if (multiMerge) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(plr, C.PERMISSION_MERGE_OTHER)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PERMISSION, C.PERMISSION_MERGE_OTHER.s()); return false; } for (final UUID uuid : multiUUID) { PlotPlayer accepter = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); CmdConfirm.addPending( accepter, C.MERGE_REQUEST_CONFIRM.s().replaceAll("%s", plr.getName()), new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { PlotPlayer accepter = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); multiUUID.remove(uuid); if (multiUUID.size() == 0) { PlotPlayer pp = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(u1); if (pp == null) { sendMessage(accepter, C.MERGE_NOT_VALID); return; } final PlotWorld plotWorld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(world); if ((EconHandler.manager != null) && plotWorld.USE_ECONOMY) { double cost = plotWorld.MERGE_PRICE; cost = plots.size() * cost; if (cost > 0d) { if (EconHandler.manager.getMoney(plr) < cost) { sendMessage(plr, C.CANNOT_AFFORD_MERGE, cost + ""); return; } EconHandler.manager.withdrawMoney(plr, cost); sendMessage(plr, C.REMOVED_BALANCE, cost + ""); } } final boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callMerge(world, plot, plots); if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "&cMerge has been cancelled"); return; } MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.SUCCESS_MERGE); MainUtil.mergePlots(world, plots, true, true); MainUtil.setSign(UUIDHandler.getName(plot.owner), plot); } MainUtil.sendMessage(accepter, C.MERGE_ACCEPTED); } }); } MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.MERGE_REQUESTED); return true; } final PlotWorld plotWorld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(world); if ((EconHandler.manager != null) && plotWorld.USE_ECONOMY) { double cost = plotWorld.MERGE_PRICE; cost = plots.size() * cost; if (cost > 0d) { if (EconHandler.manager.getMoney(plr) < cost) { sendMessage(plr, C.CANNOT_AFFORD_MERGE, cost + ""); return false; } EconHandler.manager.withdrawMoney(plr, cost); sendMessage(plr, C.REMOVED_BALANCE, cost + ""); } } final boolean result = EventUtil.manager.callMerge(world, plot, plots); if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "&cMerge has been cancelled"); return false; } MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.SUCCESS_MERGE); MainUtil.mergePlots(world, plots, true, true); MainUtil.setSign(UUIDHandler.getName(plot.owner), plot); return true; }
@Subscribe public void onWorldChange(EntityTeleportEvent event) { Entity entity = event.getEntity(); if (entity instanceof Player) { org.spongepowered.api.world.Location from = event.getOldLocation(); org.spongepowered.api.world.Location to = event.getNewLocation(); int x2; if (getInt(from.getX()) != (x2 = getInt(to.getX()))) { Player player = (Player) entity; PlotPlayer pp = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); Extent extent = to.getExtent(); if (!(extent instanceof World)) { pp.deleteMeta("location"); return; } pp.setMeta("location", SpongeUtil.getLocation(player)); World world = (World) extent; String worldname = ((World) extent).getName(); PlotWorld plotworld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(worldname); if (plotworld == null) { return; } PlotManager plotManager = PS.get().getPlotManager(worldname); PlotId id = plotManager.getPlotId(plotworld, x2, 0, getInt(to.getZ())); Plot lastPlot = (Plot) pp.getMeta("lastplot"); if (id == null) { if (lastPlot == null) { return; } if (!PlotListener.plotExit(pp, lastPlot)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_EXIT_DENIED); if (lastPlot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, from)))) { event.setNewLocation(from); } else { event.setNewLocation(world.getSpawnLocation()); } return; } } else if (lastPlot != null && id.equals(lastPlot.id)) { return; } else { Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(worldname, id); if (!PlotListener.plotEntry(pp, plot)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_ENTRY_DENIED); if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, from)))) { event.setNewLocation(from); } else { event.setNewLocation(world.getSpawnLocation()); } return; } } Integer border = MainUtil.worldBorder.get(worldname); if (border != null) { if (x2 > border) { Vector3d pos = to.getPosition(); to = to.setPosition(new Vector3d(border - 4, pos.getY(), pos.getZ())); event.setNewLocation(to); MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.BORDER); } else if (x2 < -border) { Vector3d pos = to.getPosition(); to = to.setPosition(new Vector3d(-border + 4, pos.getY(), pos.getZ())); event.setNewLocation(to); MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.BORDER); } } return; } int z2; if (getInt(from.getZ()) != (z2 = getInt(to.getZ()))) { Player player = (Player) entity; PlotPlayer pp = SpongeUtil.getPlayer(player); Extent extent = to.getExtent(); if (!(extent instanceof World)) { pp.deleteMeta("location"); return; } pp.setMeta("location", SpongeUtil.getLocation(player)); World world = (World) extent; String worldname = ((World) extent).getName(); PlotWorld plotworld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(worldname); if (plotworld == null) { return; } PlotManager plotManager = PS.get().getPlotManager(worldname); PlotId id = plotManager.getPlotId(plotworld, x2, 0, z2); Plot lastPlot = (Plot) pp.getMeta("lastplot"); if (id == null) { if (lastPlot == null) { return; } if (!PlotListener.plotExit(pp, lastPlot)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_EXIT_DENIED); if (lastPlot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, from)))) { event.setNewLocation(from); } else { event.setNewLocation(player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation()); } return; } } else if (lastPlot != null && id.equals(lastPlot.id)) { return; } else { Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(worldname, id); if (!PlotListener.plotEntry(pp, plot)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.NO_PERMISSION_EVENT, C.PERMISSION_ADMIN_ENTRY_DENIED); if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(worldname, from)))) { event.setNewLocation(from); } else { event.setNewLocation(player.getWorld().getSpawnLocation()); } return; } } Integer border = MainUtil.worldBorder.get(worldname); if (border != null) { if (z2 > border) { Vector3d pos = to.getPosition(); to = to.setPosition(new Vector3d(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), border - 4)); event.setNewLocation(to); MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.BORDER); } else if (z2 < -border) { Vector3d pos = to.getPosition(); to = to.setPosition(new Vector3d(pos.getX(), pos.getY(), -border + 4)); event.setNewLocation(to); MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, C.BORDER); } } } } }
@Override public boolean execute(final PlotPlayer plr, final String... args) { if (plr == null) { if (args.length < 3) { return !MainUtil.sendMessage( null, "如果你删除了你的数据库, 这个指令将可以识别地皮牌子来恢复数据库. \n\n&c缺失地皮世界参数 /plot debugclaimtest {世界名称} {最小地皮ID} {最大地皮ID}"); } final String world = args[0]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world) || !PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return !MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&c无效的地皮世界!"); } PlotId min, max; try { final String[] split1 = args[1].split(";"); final String[] split2 = args[2].split(";"); min = new PlotId(Integer.parseInt(split1[0]), Integer.parseInt(split1[1])); max = new PlotId(Integer.parseInt(split2[0]), Integer.parseInt(split2[1])); } catch (final Exception e) { return !MainUtil.sendMessage( null, "&c无效的最大最小地皮ID参数. &7地皮ID参数格式 &cX;Y &7这个 X,Y 是地皮的坐标\n加入这个参数后, 数据恢复将在所选区域进行."); } MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&3木牌恢复&8->&3PlotSquared&8: &7正在开始地皮数据恢复. 该过程需要一些时间..."); MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&3木牌恢复&8->&3PlotSquared&8: 发现超过 25000 区块. 请限制半径... (~3.8 分钟)"); final PlotManager manager = PS.get().getPlotManager(world); final PlotWorld plotworld = PS.get().getPlotWorld(world); final ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(); for (final PlotId id : MainUtil.getPlotSelectionIds(min, max)) { final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(world, id); final boolean contains = PS.get().getPlots(world).containsKey(plot.id); if (contains) { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, " - &c数据库已存在: " + plot.id); continue; } final Location loc = manager.getSignLoc(plotworld, plot); final ChunkLoc chunk = new ChunkLoc(loc.getX() >> 4, loc.getZ() >> 4); final boolean result = ChunkManager.manager.loadChunk(world, chunk); if (!result) { continue; } final String[] lines = BlockManager.manager.getSign(loc); if (lines != null) { String line = lines[2]; if ((line != null) && (line.length() > 2)) { line = line.substring(2); final BiMap<StringWrapper, UUID> map = UUIDHandler.getUuidMap(); UUID uuid = (map.get(new StringWrapper(line))); if (uuid == null) { for (final StringWrapper string : map.keySet()) { if (string.value.toLowerCase().startsWith(line.toLowerCase())) { uuid = map.get(string); break; } } } if (uuid == null) { uuid = UUIDHandler.getUUID(line); } if (uuid != null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, " - &a发现了地皮: " + plot.id + " : " + line); plot.owner = uuid; plot.hasChanged = true; plots.add(plot); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, " - &c无效的玩家名称: " + plot.id + " : " + line); } } } } if (plots.size() > 0) { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&3木牌恢复&8->&3PlotSquared&8: &7更新了 '" + plots.size() + "' 块地皮!"); DBFunc.createPlotsAndData( plots, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&6数据库更新成功!"); } }); for (final Plot plot : plots) { PS.get().updatePlot(plot); } MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "&3木牌恢复&8->&3PlotSquared&8: &7已完成!"); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(null, "给出的搜索条件已经没有未恢复地图了."); } } else { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, "&6这个指令只能通过控制台使用."); } return true; }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer player, final String... args) { final List<String> allowed_params = Arrays.asList( "calibrate-analysis", "remove-flag", "stop-expire", "start-expire", "show-expired", "update-expired", "seen", "trim-check"); if (args.length > 0) { final String arg = args[0].toLowerCase(); String script; boolean async = false; switch (arg) { case "analyze": { final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlotAbs(player.getLocation()); if (plot == null) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); return false; } final PlotAnalysis analysis = plot.getComplexity(); if (analysis != null) { final int complexity = analysis.getComplexity(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Changes/column: " + (analysis.changes / 1.0)); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Complexity: " + complexity); return true; } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "$1Starting task..."); HybridUtils.manager.analyzePlot( plot, new RunnableVal<PlotAnalysis>() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1Done: $2use $3/plot debugexec analyze$2 for more information"); } }); return true; } case "calibrate-analysis": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec analyze <threshold>"); MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1<threshold> $2= $1The percentage of plots you want to clear (100 clears 100% of plots so no point calibrating it)"); return false; } double threshold; try { threshold = Integer.parseInt(args[1]) / 100d; } catch (final NumberFormatException e) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "$2Invalid threshold: " + args[1]); MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1<threshold> $2= $1The percentage of plots you want to clear as a number between 0 - 100"); return false; } PlotAnalysis.calcOptimalModifiers( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "$1Thank you for calibrating PlotSquared plot expiry"); } }, threshold); return true; } case "stop-expire": { if (ExpireManager.task != -1) { PS.get().TASK.cancelTask(ExpireManager.task); } else { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Task already halted"); } ExpireManager.task = -1; return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Cancelled task."); } case "remove-flag": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec remove-flag <flag>"); return false; } final String flag = args[1]; for (final Plot plot : PS.get().getPlots()) { if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, flag) != null) { FlagManager.removePlotFlag(plot, flag); } } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Cleared flag: " + flag); } case "start-rgar": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cInvalid syntax: /plot debugexec start-rgar <world>"); return false; } boolean result; if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(args[1])) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_VALID_PLOT_WORLD, args[1]); return false; } if (HybridUtils.regions != null) { result = ((BukkitHybridUtils) (HybridUtils.manager)) .scheduleRoadUpdate(args[1], HybridUtils.regions, 0); } else { result = HybridUtils.manager.scheduleRoadUpdate(args[1], 0); } if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "&cCannot schedule mass schematic update! (Is one already in progress?)"); return false; } return true; } case "stop-rgar": { if (!HybridUtils.UPDATE) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cTASK NOT RUNNING!"); return false; } HybridUtils.UPDATE = false; MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&cCancelling task... (please wait)"); return true; } case "start-expire": { if (ExpireManager.task == -1) { ExpireManager.runTask(); } else { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Plot expiry task already started"); } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Started plot expiry task"); } case "update-expired": { if (args.length > 1) { final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Updating expired plot list"); ExpireManager.updateExpired(args[1]); return true; } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec update-expired <world>"); } case "show-expired": { if (args.length > 1) { final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } if (!ExpireManager.expiredPlots.containsKey(args[1])) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "No task for world: " + args[1]); } MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "Expired plots (" + ExpireManager.expiredPlots.get(args[1]).size() + "):"); for (final Plot plot : ExpireManager.expiredPlots.get(args[1])) { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, " - " + plot.world + ";" + plot.id.x + ";" + plot.id.y + ";" + UUIDHandler.getName(plot.owner) + " : " + ExpireManager.dates.get(plot.owner)); } return true; } return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec show-expired <world>"); } case "seen": { if (args.length != 2) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec seen <player>"); } final UUID uuid = UUIDHandler.getUUID(args[1], null); if (uuid == null) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "player not found: " + args[1]); } final OfflinePlotPlayer op = UUIDHandler.getUUIDWrapper().getOfflinePlayer(uuid); if ((op == null) || (op.getLastPlayed() == 0)) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "player hasn't connected before: " + args[1]); } final Timestamp stamp = new Timestamp(op.getLastPlayed()); final Date date = new Date(stamp.getTime()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "PLAYER: " + args[1]); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "UUID: " + uuid); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Object: " + date.toGMTString()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "GMT: " + date.toGMTString()); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Local: " + date.toLocaleString()); return true; } case "trim-check": { if (args.length != 2) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Use /plot debugexec trim-check <world>"); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&7 - Generates a list of regions to trim"); return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "&7 - Run after plot expiry has run"); } final String world = args[1]; if (!BlockManager.manager.isWorld(world) || !PS.get().isPlotWorld(args[1])) { return MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Invalid world: " + args[1]); } final ArrayList<ChunkLoc> empty = new ArrayList<>(); final boolean result = Trim.getTrimRegions( empty, world, new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Trim.sendMessage( "Processing is complete! Here's how many chunks would be deleted:"); Trim.sendMessage(" - MCA #: " + empty.size()); Trim.sendMessage(" - CHUNKS: " + (empty.size() * 1024) + " (max)"); Trim.sendMessage("Exporting log for manual approval..."); final File file = new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "trim.txt"); PrintWriter writer; try { writer = new PrintWriter(file); for (final ChunkLoc loc : empty) { writer.println(world + "/region/r." + loc.x + "." + loc.z + ".mca"); } writer.close(); Trim.sendMessage("File saved to 'plugins/PlotSquared/trim.txt'"); } catch (final FileNotFoundException e) { e.printStackTrace(); Trim.sendMessage("File failed to save! :("); } Trim.sendMessage("How to get the chunk coords from a region file:"); Trim.sendMessage( " - Locate the x,z values for the region file (the two numbers which are separated by a dot)"); Trim.sendMessage( " - Multiply each number by 32; this gives you the starting position"); Trim.sendMessage(" - Add 31 to each number to get the end position"); } }); if (!result) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, "Trim task already started!"); } return result; } case "h": case "he": case "?": case "help": { MainUtil.sendMessage( player, "Possible sub commands: /plot debugexec <" + StringMan.join(allowed_params, "|") + ">"); return false; } case "addcmd": { try { final String cmd = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), args[1]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); final Command<PlotPlayer> subcommand = new Command<PlotPlayer>(args[1].split("\\.")[0]) { @Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { try { scope.put("PlotPlayer", plr); scope.put("args", args); engine.eval(cmd, scope); return true; } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_WENT_WRONG); return false; } } }; MainCommand.getInstance().addCommand(subcommand); return true; } catch (final Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot debugexec addcmd <file>"); return false; } } case "runasync": { async = true; } case "run": { try { script = StringMan.join( Files.readLines( new File( new File(PS.get().IMP.getDirectory() + File.separator + "scripts"), args[1]), StandardCharsets.UTF_8), System.getProperty("line.separator")); if (args.length > 2) { final HashMap<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 2; i < args.length; i++) { replacements.put("%s" + (i - 2), args[i]); } script = StringMan.replaceFromMap(script, replacements); } } catch (final IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } break; } default: { script = StringMan.join(args, " "); } } if (!ConsolePlayer.isConsole(player)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.NOT_CONSOLE); return false; } init(); scope.put("PlotPlayer", player); PS.debug("> " + script); try { if (async) { final String toExec = script; TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object result = null; try { result = engine.eval(toExec, scope); } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } PS.log("> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms -> " + result); } }); } else { final long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); Object result = engine.eval(script, scope); PS.log("> " + (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) + "ms -> " + result); } return true; } catch (final ScriptException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return false; } } return false; }
public static boolean plotEntry(final PlotPlayer pp, final Plot plot) { if (plot.isDenied(pp.getUUID()) && !Permissions.hasPermission(pp, "plots.admin.entry.denied")) { return false; } Plot last = pp.getMeta("lastplot"); if ((last != null) && !last.getId().equals(plot.getId())) { plotExit(pp, last); } if (ExpireManager.IMP != null) { ExpireManager.IMP.handleEntry(pp, plot); } pp.setMeta("lastplot", plot); EventUtil.manager.callEntry(pp, plot); if (plot.hasOwner()) { HashMap<String, Flag> flags = FlagManager.getPlotFlags(plot); int size = flags.size(); boolean titles = Settings.TITLES; final String greeting; if (size != 0) { Flag titleFlag = flags.get("titles"); if (titleFlag != null) { titles = (Boolean) titleFlag.getValue(); } Flag greetingFlag = flags.get("greeting"); if (greetingFlag != null) { greeting = (String) greetingFlag.getValue(); MainUtil.format( C.PREFIX_GREETING.s() + greeting, plot, pp, false, new RunnableVal<String>() { @Override public void run(String value) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, value); } }); } else { greeting = ""; } Flag enter = flags.get("notify-enter"); if (enter != null && (Boolean) enter.getValue()) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(pp, "plots.flag.notify-enter.bypass")) { for (UUID uuid : plot.getOwners()) { PlotPlayer owner = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); if (owner != null && !owner.getUUID().equals(pp.getUUID())) { MainUtil.sendMessage( owner, C.NOTIFY_ENTER .s() .replace("%player", pp.getName()) .replace("%plot", plot.getId().toString())); } } } } Flag gamemodeFlag = flags.get("gamemode"); if (gamemodeFlag != null) { if (pp.getGameMode() != gamemodeFlag.getValue()) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(pp, "plots.gamemode.bypass")) { pp.setGameMode((PlotGameMode) gamemodeFlag.getValue()); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage( pp, StringMan.replaceAll( C.GAMEMODE_WAS_BYPASSED.s(), "{plot}", plot.getId(), "{gamemode}", gamemodeFlag.getValue())); } } } Flag flyFlag = flags.get("fly"); if (flyFlag != null) { pp.setFlight((boolean) flyFlag.getValue()); } Flag timeFlag = flags.get("time"); if (timeFlag != null) { try { long time = (long) timeFlag.getValue(); pp.setTime(time); } catch (Exception e) { FlagManager.removePlotFlag(plot, "time"); } } Flag weatherFlag = flags.get("weather"); if (weatherFlag != null) { pp.setWeather((PlotWeather) weatherFlag.getValue()); } Flag musicFlag = flags.get("music"); if (musicFlag != null) { Integer id = (Integer) musicFlag.getValue(); if ((id >= 2256 && id <= 2267) || (id == 0)) { Location loc = pp.getLocation(); Location lastLoc = pp.getMeta("music"); if (lastLoc != null) { pp.playMusic(lastLoc, 0); if (id == 0) { pp.deleteMeta("music"); } } if (id != 0) { try { pp.setMeta("music", loc); pp.playMusic(loc, id); } catch (Exception ignored) { } } } } else { Location lastLoc = pp.getMeta("music"); if (lastLoc != null) { pp.deleteMeta("music"); pp.playMusic(lastLoc, 0); } } CommentManager.sendTitle(pp, plot); } else if (titles) { greeting = ""; } else { return true; } if (titles) { if (!C.TITLE_ENTERED_PLOT.s().isEmpty() || !C.TITLE_ENTERED_PLOT_SUB.s().isEmpty()) { TaskManager.runTaskLaterAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { Plot lastPlot = pp.getMeta("lastplot"); if ((lastPlot != null) && plot.getId().equals(lastPlot.getId())) { Map<String, String> replacements = new HashMap<>(); replacements.put("%x%", lastPlot.getId().x + ""); replacements.put("%z%", lastPlot.getId().y + ""); replacements.put("%world%", plot.getArea().toString()); replacements.put("%greeting%", greeting); replacements.put("%alias", plot.toString()); replacements.put("%s", MainUtil.getName(plot.owner)); String main = StringMan.replaceFromMap(C.TITLE_ENTERED_PLOT.s(), replacements); String sub = StringMan.replaceFromMap(C.TITLE_ENTERED_PLOT_SUB.s(), replacements); AbstractTitle.sendTitle(pp, main, sub); } } }, 20); } } return true; } return true; }
/** * Format a string with plot information. * * @param info * @param plot * @param player * @param full * @param whenDone */ public static void format( String info, Plot plot, PlotPlayer player, boolean full, RunnableVal<String> whenDone) { int num = plot.getConnectedPlots().size(); String alias = !plot.getAlias().isEmpty() ? plot.getAlias() : C.NONE.s(); Location bot = plot.getCorners()[0]; String biome = WorldUtil.IMP.getBiome(plot.getArea().worldname, bot.getX(), bot.getZ()); String trusted = getPlayerList(plot.getTrusted()); String members = getPlayerList(plot.getMembers()); String denied = getPlayerList(plot.getDenied()); String seen; if (Settings.Enabled_Components.PLOT_EXPIRY) { if (plot.isOnline()) { seen = C.NOW.s(); } else { int time = (int) (ExpireManager.IMP.getAge(plot) / 1000); seen = time != 0 ? secToTime(time) : C.UNKNOWN.s(); } } else { seen = C.NEVER.s(); } Optional<String> descriptionFlag = plot.getFlag(Flags.DESCRIPTION); String description = descriptionFlag.isPresent() ? Flags.DESCRIPTION.valueToString(descriptionFlag.get()) : C.NONE.s(); StringBuilder flags = new StringBuilder(); HashMap<Flag<?>, Object> flagMap = FlagManager.getPlotFlags(plot.getArea(), plot.getSettings(), true); if (flagMap.isEmpty()) { flags.append(C.NONE.s()); } else { String prefix = ""; for (Map.Entry<Flag<?>, Object> entry : flagMap.entrySet()) { flags.append(prefix).append(C.PLOT_FLAG_LIST.f(entry.getKey().getName(), entry.getValue())); prefix = ", "; } } boolean build = plot.isAdded(player.getUUID()); String owner = plot.getOwners().isEmpty() ? "unowned" : getPlayerList(plot.getOwners()); info = info.replace("%id%", plot.getId().toString()); info = info.replace("%alias%", alias); info = info.replace("%num%", String.valueOf(num)); info = info.replace("%desc%", description); info = info.replace("%biome%", biome); info = info.replace("%owner%", owner); info = info.replace("%members%", members); info = info.replace("%player%", player.getName()); info = info.replace("%trusted%", trusted); info = info.replace("%helpers%", members); info = info.replace("%denied%", denied); info = info.replace("%seen%", seen); info = info.replace("%flags%", flags); info = info.replace("%build%", String.valueOf(build)); info = info.replace("%desc%", "No description set."); if (info.contains("%rating%")) { String newInfo = info; TaskManager.runTaskAsync( () -> { int max = 10; if (Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES != null && !Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.isEmpty()) { max = 8; } String info1; if (full && Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES != null && Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.size() > 1) { double[] ratings = getAverageRatings(plot); String rating = ""; String prefix = ""; for (int i = 0; i < ratings.length; i++) { rating += prefix + Settings.Ratings.CATEGORIES.get(i) + '=' + String.format("%.1f", ratings[i]); prefix = ","; } info1 = newInfo.replaceAll("%rating%", rating); } else { info1 = newInfo.replaceAll( "%rating%", String.format("%.1f", plot.getAverageRating()) + '/' + max); } whenDone.run(info1); }); return; } whenDone.run(info); }
@Override public boolean execute(final PlotPlayer player, final String... args) { if (args.length == 1) { if (args[0].equalsIgnoreCase("next")) { ArrayList<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(PlotSquared.getPlots()); Collections.sort( plots, new Comparator<Plot>() { @Override public int compare(Plot p1, Plot p2) { int v1 = 0; int v2 = 0; if (p1.settings.ratings != null) { for (Entry<UUID, Integer> entry : p1.settings.ratings.entrySet()) { v1 -= 11 - entry.getValue(); } } if (p2.settings.ratings != null) { for (Entry<UUID, Integer> entry : p2.settings.ratings.entrySet()) { v2 -= 11 - entry.getValue(); } } return v2 - v1; } }); UUID uuid = player.getUUID(); for (Plot p : plots) { if (p.settings.ratings == null || !p.settings.ratings.containsKey(uuid)) { MainUtil.teleportPlayer(player, player.getLocation(), p); MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.RATE_THIS); return true; } } MainUtil.sendMessage(player, C.FOUND_NO_PLOTS); return false; } } final Location loc = player.getLocation(); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if (plot == null) { return !sendMessage(player, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); } if (!plot.hasOwner()) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_OWNED); return true; } if (plot.isOwner(player.getUUID())) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_YOUR_OWN); return true; } if (Settings.RATING_CATEGORIES != null && Settings.RATING_CATEGORIES.size() != 0) { final Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (plot.settings.ratings.containsKey(player.getUUID())) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString()); return; } final MutableInt index = new MutableInt(0); final MutableInt rating = new MutableInt(0); String title = Settings.RATING_CATEGORIES.get(0); PlotInventory inventory = new PlotInventory(player, 1, title) { public boolean onClick(int i) { rating.add((i + 1) * Math.pow(10, index.intValue())); index.increment(); if (index.intValue() >= Settings.RATING_CATEGORIES.size()) { close(); // set rating! plot.settings.ratings.put(player.getUUID(), rating.intValue()); DBFunc.setRating(plot, player.getUUID(), rating.intValue()); sendMessage(player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString()); sendMessage(player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString()); return false; } setTitle(Settings.RATING_CATEGORIES.get(index.intValue())); return false; } }; inventory.setItem(0, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 12, 0, "0/8", null)); inventory.setItem(1, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 14, 1, "1/8", null)); inventory.setItem(2, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 1, 2, "2/8", null)); inventory.setItem(3, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 4, 3, "3/8", null)); inventory.setItem(4, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 5, 4, "4/8", null)); inventory.setItem(5, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 9, 5, "5/8", null)); inventory.setItem(6, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 11, 6, "6/8", null)); inventory.setItem(7, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 10, 7, "7/8", null)); inventory.setItem(8, new PlotItemStack(35, (short) 2, 8, "8/8", null)); inventory.openInventory(); } }; if (plot.settings.ratings == null) { TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plot.settings.ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot); run.run(); } }); return true; } run.run(); return true; } if (args.length < 1) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return true; } final String arg = args[0]; if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("next")) {} final int rating; if (StringUtils.isNumeric(arg) && arg.length() < 3 && arg.length() > 0) { rating = Integer.parseInt(arg); if (rating > 10) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return false; } } else { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_NOT_VALID); return false; } final UUID uuid = player.getUUID(); final Runnable run = new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (plot.settings.ratings.containsKey(uuid)) { sendMessage(player, C.RATING_ALREADY_EXISTS, plot.getId().toString()); return; } plot.settings.ratings.put(uuid, rating); DBFunc.setRating(plot, uuid, rating); sendMessage(player, C.RATING_APPLIED, plot.getId().toString()); } }; if (plot.settings.ratings == null) { TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { plot.settings.ratings = DBFunc.getRatings(plot); run.run(); } }); return true; } run.run(); return true; }
/** * Fuzzy plot search with spaces separating terms. - Terms: type, alias, world, owner, trusted, * member * * @param search * @return */ public static List<Plot> getPlotsBySearch(String search) { String[] split = search.split(" "); List<UUID> uuids = new ArrayList<>(); PlotId id = null; PlotArea area = null; String alias = null; for (String term : split) { try { UUID uuid = UUIDHandler.getUUID(term, null); if (uuid == null) { uuid = UUID.fromString(term); } uuids.add(uuid); } catch (Exception ignored) { id = PlotId.fromString(term); if (id != null) { continue; } area = PS.get().getPlotAreaByString(term); if (area == null) { alias = term; } } } int size = split.length * 2; ArrayList<ArrayList<Plot>> plotList = new ArrayList<>(size); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { plotList.add(new ArrayList<>()); } for (Plot plot : PS.get().getPlots()) { int count = 0; if (!uuids.isEmpty()) { for (UUID uuid : uuids) { if (plot.isOwner(uuid)) { count += 2; } else if (plot.isAdded(uuid)) { count++; } } } if (id != null) { if (plot.getId().equals(id)) { count++; } } if (area != null && plot.getArea().equals(area)) { count++; } if (alias != null && alias.equals(plot.getAlias())) { count += 2; } if (count != 0) { plotList.get(count - 1).add(plot); } } List<Plot> plots = new ArrayList<>(); for (int i = plotList.size() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { if (!plotList.get(i).isEmpty()) { plots.addAll(plotList.get(i)); } } return plots; }
public static boolean plotExit(final PlotPlayer pp, Plot plot) { pp.deleteMeta("lastplot"); EventUtil.manager.callLeave(pp, plot); if (plot.hasOwner()) { PlotArea pw = plot.getArea(); if (pw == null) { return true; } if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "gamemode") != null) { if (pp.getGameMode() != pw.GAMEMODE) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(pp, "plots.gamemode.bypass")) { pp.setGameMode(pw.GAMEMODE); } else { MainUtil.sendMessage( pp, StringMan.replaceAll( C.GAMEMODE_WAS_BYPASSED.s(), "{plot}", plot.toString(), "{gamemode}", pw.GAMEMODE.name().toLowerCase())); } } } Flag farewell = FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "farewell"); if (farewell != null) { MainUtil.format( C.PREFIX_FAREWELL.s() + farewell.getValueString(), plot, pp, false, new RunnableVal<String>() { @Override public void run(String value) { MainUtil.sendMessage(pp, value); } }); } Flag leave = FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "notify-leave"); if ((leave != null) && (Boolean) leave.getValue()) { if (!Permissions.hasPermission(pp, "plots.flag.notify-enter.bypass")) { for (UUID uuid : plot.getOwners()) { PlotPlayer owner = UUIDHandler.getPlayer(uuid); if ((owner != null) && !owner.getUUID().equals(pp.getUUID())) { MainUtil.sendMessage( pp, C.NOTIFY_LEAVE .s() .replace("%player", pp.getName()) .replace("%plot", plot.getId().toString())); } } } } if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "fly") != null) { PlotGameMode gamemode = pp.getGameMode(); if (gamemode == PlotGameMode.SURVIVAL || (gamemode == PlotGameMode.ADVENTURE)) { pp.setFlight(false); } } if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "time") != null) { pp.setTime(Long.MAX_VALUE); } if (FlagManager.getPlotFlagRaw(plot, "weather") != null) { pp.setWeather(PlotWeather.RESET); } Location lastLoc = pp.getMeta("music"); if (lastLoc != null) { pp.deleteMeta("music"); pp.playMusic(lastLoc, 0); } } return true; }
public boolean add(final StringWrapper name, final UUID uuid) { if ((uuid == null)) { return false; } if (name == null) { try { unknown.add(uuid); } catch (Exception e) { PS.log("&c(minor) Invalid UUID mapping: " + uuid); e.printStackTrace(); } return false; } /* * lazy UUID conversion: * - Useful if the person misconfigured the database, or settings before PlotMe conversion */ if (!Settings.OFFLINE_MODE) { UUID offline = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + name.value).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); if (!unknown.contains(offline) && !name.value.equals(name.value.toLowerCase())) { offline = UUID.nameUUIDFromBytes(("OfflinePlayer:" + name.value).getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)); if (!unknown.contains(offline)) { offline = null; } } if (offline != null) { unknown.remove(offline); Set<Plot> plots = PS.get().getPlots(offline); if (plots.size() > 0) { for (Plot plot : PS.get().getPlots(offline)) { plot.owner = uuid; } DBFunc.replaceUUID(offline, uuid); PS.debug("&cDetected invalid UUID stored for: " + name.value); PS.debug( "&7 - Did you recently switch to online-mode storage without running `uuidconvert`?"); PS.debug( "&6PlotSquared will update incorrect entries when the user logs in, or you can reconstruct your database."); } } } try { UUID offline = uuidMap.put(name, uuid); if (offline != null && !offline.equals(uuid)) { Set<Plot> plots = PS.get().getPlots(offline); if (plots.size() > 0) { for (Plot plot : PS.get().getPlots(offline)) { plot.owner = uuid; } DBFunc.replaceUUID(offline, uuid); PS.debug("&cDetected invalid UUID stored for (1): " + name.value); PS.debug( "&7 - Did you recently switch to online-mode storage without running `uuidconvert`?"); PS.debug( "&6PlotSquared will update incorrect entries when the user logs in, or you can reconstruct your database."); } } } catch (Exception e) { BiMap<UUID, StringWrapper> inverse = uuidMap.inverse(); if (inverse.containsKey(uuid)) { if (uuidMap.containsKey(name)) { return false; } rename(uuid, name); return false; } uuidMap.put(name, uuid); } return true; }
@Override public boolean onCommand(final PlotPlayer plr, final String[] args) { if (!Settings.METRICS) { MainUtil.sendMessage( plr, "&cPlease enable metrics in order to use this command.\n&7 - Or host it yourself if you don't like the free service"); return false; } final String world = plr.getLocation().getWorld(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return !sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_IN_PLOT_WORLD); } final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(plr.getLocation()); if (plot == null) { return !sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_IN_PLOT); } if (!plot.hasOwner()) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.PLOT_UNOWNED); return false; } if (!plot.isOwner(plr.getUUID()) && !Permissions.hasPermission(plr, "plots.admin.command.load")) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NO_PLOT_PERMS); return false; } if (MainUtil.runners.containsKey(plot)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.WAIT_FOR_TIMER); return false; } if (args.length != 0) { if (args.length == 1) { // TODO load save here final List<String> schematics = (List<String>) plr.getMeta("plot_schematics"); if (schematics == null) { // No schematics found: MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.LOAD_NULL); return false; } String schem; try { schem = schematics.get(Integer.parseInt(args[0]) - 1); } catch (final Exception e) { // use /plot load <index> MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.NOT_VALID_NUMBER, "(1, " + schematics.size() + ")"); return false; } final URL url; try { url = new URL(Settings.WEB_URL + "saves/" + plr.getUUID() + "/" + schem + ".schematic"); } catch (final MalformedURLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.LOAD_FAILED); return false; } MainUtil.runners.put(plot, 1); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.GENERATING_COMPONENT); TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final Schematic schematic = SchematicHandler.manager.getSchematic(url); if (schematic == null) { MainUtil.runners.remove(plot); sendMessage(plr, C.SCHEMATIC_INVALID, "non-existent or not in gzip format"); return; } SchematicHandler.manager.paste( schematic, plot, 0, 0, new RunnableVal<Boolean>() { @Override public void run() { MainUtil.runners.remove(plot); if (value) { sendMessage(plr, C.SCHEMATIC_PASTE_SUCCESS); } else { sendMessage(plr, C.SCHEMATIC_PASTE_FAILED); } } }); } }); return true; } MainUtil.runners.remove(plot); MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.COMMAND_SYNTAX, "/plot load <index>"); return false; } // list schematics final List<String> schematics = (List<String>) plr.getMeta("plot_schematics"); if (schematics == null) { MainUtil.runners.put(plot, 1); TaskManager.runTaskAsync( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { final List<String> schematics = SchematicHandler.manager.getSaves(plr.getUUID()); MainUtil.runners.remove(plot); if ((schematics == null) || (schematics.size() == 0)) { MainUtil.sendMessage(plr, C.LOAD_FAILED); return; } plr.setMeta("plot_schematics", schematics); displaySaves(plr, 0); } }); } else { displaySaves(plr, 0); } return true; }
@Subscribe public void onBigBoom(final WorldOnExplosionEvent event) { World worldObj = event.getWorld(); final String world = worldObj.getName(); if (!PS.get().isPlotWorld(world)) { return; } Explosion explosion = event.getExplosion(); Vector3d origin = explosion.getOrigin(); Location loc = new Location(world, origin.getFloorX(), origin.getFloorY(), origin.getFloorZ()); final Plot plot = MainUtil.getPlot(loc); if ((plot != null) && plot.hasOwner()) { if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagTrue(plot, "explosion")) { event.filterLocations( new Predicate<org.spongepowered.api.world.Location<World>>() { @Override public boolean apply(org.spongepowered.api.world.Location loc) { if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(loc)))) { return false; } return true; } }); event.filterEntities( new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entity entity) { if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(entity)))) { return false; } return true; } }); return; } } if (MainUtil.isPlotArea(loc)) { explosion.shouldBreakBlocks(false); explosion.canCauseFire(false); explosion.setRadius(0); event.filterEntities( new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entity entity) { if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(entity)))) { return false; } return true; } }); return; } else { if (FlagManager.isPlotFlagTrue(plot, "explosion")) { event.filterLocations( new Predicate<org.spongepowered.api.world.Location<World>>() { @Override public boolean apply(org.spongepowered.api.world.Location loc) { if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(loc)))) { return false; } return true; } }); event.filterEntities( new Predicate<Entity>() { @Override public boolean apply(Entity entity) { if (!plot.equals(MainUtil.getPlot(SpongeUtil.getLocation(entity)))) { return false; } return true; } }); return; } } }