/* * given : time is provided in correct format and end of the day * then : builder should be able to build BerlinClockTime and representation shud be * Y RRRR RRRO YYRYYRYYRYY YYYY */ @Test public void test05_build() { String dayStartRepresentation = "O RRRR RRRO YYRYYRYYRYY YYYY"; berlinClockTimeBuilder.setTime("23:59:59"); ClockTime clockTime = berlinClockTimeBuilder.build(); assertEquals(dayStartRepresentation, clockTime.getRepresentation()); }
/* * given : time is provided in correct format and start of the day * then : builder should be able to build BerlinClockTime and representation shud be * O OOOO OOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOO */ @Test public void test04_build() { String dayStartRepresentation = "Y OOOO OOOO OOOOOOOOOOO OOOO"; berlinClockTimeBuilder.setTime("00:00:00"); ClockTime clockTime = berlinClockTimeBuilder.build(); assertEquals(dayStartRepresentation, clockTime.getRepresentation()); }