コード例 #1
  public void setUp() throws Exception {
    device = mock(Device.class);
    manager = mock(Manager.class);
    ManagedSet defaultManagedSet = mock(ManagedSet.class);


    appliance = new WamtAppliance(manager, device);

    EntityManager manager = PersistenceTools.setPersistenceContext();
    ActionStatusImpl status = mock(ActionStatusImpl.class);
    when(manager.find(ActionStatusImpl.class, new Long(0))).thenReturn(status);
コード例 #2
  public void getBestFirmware() throws DeletedException {
    // Set up a whole menagerie of mocked firmwares and versions.
    // Two kinds of firmware, featuresABC and features BCD. Each has two
    // levels, one of which overlap (both have a v1). Each is thus the best
    // choice for the level that only it has available; a choice has to be
    // made for v1 and we arbitrarily say that featuresABC is best at that
    // level.
    final FirmwareVersion ABCv1 = mock(FirmwareVersion.class);
    final FirmwareVersion ABCv3 = mock(FirmwareVersion.class);

    final FirmwareVersion BCDv1 = mock(FirmwareVersion.class);
    final FirmwareVersion BCDv2 = mock(FirmwareVersion.class);

    Firmware featuresABC = mock(Firmware.class);
    when(featuresABC.getVersions()).thenReturn(new FirmwareVersion[] {ABCv1, ABCv3});

    Firmware featuresBCD = mock(Firmware.class);
    when(featuresBCD.getVersions()).thenReturn(new FirmwareVersion[] {BCDv1, BCDv2});

    when(manager.getFirmwares()).thenReturn(new Firmware[] {featuresABC, featuresBCD});

    when(manager.getBestFirmware(null, null, null, "v1")).thenReturn(featuresABC);
    when(manager.getBestFirmware(null, null, null, "v2")).thenReturn(featuresBCD);
    when(manager.getBestFirmware(null, null, null, "v3")).thenReturn(featuresABC);

    // Add other mocked methods necessary to support calls that WamtAppliance
    // and WamtFirmware will make.
            new Answer<FirmwareVersion>() {
              public FirmwareVersion answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                if (invocation.getArguments()[0].equals("v1")) return ABCv1;
                if (invocation.getArguments()[0].equals("v3")) return ABCv3;
                return null;
            new Answer<FirmwareVersion>() {
              public FirmwareVersion answer(InvocationOnMock invocation) throws Throwable {
                if (invocation.getArguments()[0].equals("v1")) return BCDv1;
                if (invocation.getArguments()[0].equals("v2")) return BCDv2;
                return null;
    when(BCDv1.getAbsoluteDisplayName()).thenReturn("featuresBCD level v1");
    when(BCDv2.getAbsoluteDisplayName()).thenReturn("featuresBCD level v2");
    when(ABCv1.getAbsoluteDisplayName()).thenReturn("featuresABC level v1");
    when(ABCv3.getAbsoluteDisplayName()).thenReturn("featuresABC level v3");

    // Now, finally, do the test. We should get exactly one best firmware
    // for each level, v1, v2, v3.
    List<SvrFirmware> bestFirmwares = appliance.getBestFirmwareVersions();

    assertTrue(bestFirmwares.size() == 3);
    assertEquals("featuresABC level v1", bestFirmwares.get(0).getDisplayName());
    assertEquals("featuresBCD level v2", bestFirmwares.get(1).getDisplayName());
    assertEquals("featuresABC level v3", bestFirmwares.get(2).getDisplayName());