private boolean shouldReschedule(SingularityRequest newRequest, SingularityRequest oldRequest) { if (newRequest.getInstancesSafe() != oldRequest.getInstancesSafe()) { return true; } if (newRequest.isScheduled() && oldRequest.isScheduled()) { if (!newRequest.getQuartzScheduleSafe().equals(oldRequest.getQuartzScheduleSafe())) { return true; } } return false; }
private void checkActiveRequest( SingularityRequestWithState requestWithState, Map<SingularityDeployKey, SingularityPendingTaskId> deployKeyToPendingTaskId, final long timestamp) { final SingularityRequest request = requestWithState.getRequest(); if (request.getRequestType() == RequestType.ON_DEMAND || request.getRequestType() == RequestType.RUN_ONCE) { return; // There's no situation where we'd want to schedule an On Demand or Run Once request // at startup, so don't even bother with them. } Optional<SingularityRequestDeployState> requestDeployState = deployManager.getRequestDeployState(request.getId()); if (!requestDeployState.isPresent() || !requestDeployState.get().getActiveDeploy().isPresent()) { LOG.debug("No active deploy for {} - not scheduling on startup", request.getId()); return; } final String activeDeployId = requestDeployState.get().getActiveDeploy().get().getDeployId(); if (request.isScheduled()) { SingularityDeployKey deployKey = new SingularityDeployKey(request.getId(), activeDeployId); SingularityPendingTaskId pendingTaskId = deployKeyToPendingTaskId.get(deployKey); if (pendingTaskId != null && pendingTaskId.getCreatedAt() >= requestWithState.getTimestamp()) { "Not rescheduling {} because {} is newer than {}", request.getId(), pendingTaskId, requestWithState.getTimestamp()); return; } } requestManager.addToPendingQueue( new SingularityPendingRequest( request.getId(), activeDeployId, timestamp, Optional.<String>absent(), PendingType.STARTUP, Optional.<Boolean>absent(), Optional.<String>absent())); }
private Optional<Long> getNextRunAt( SingularityRequest request, RequestState state, SingularityDeployStatistics deployStatistics, PendingType pendingType) { final long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); long nextRunAt = now; if (request.isScheduled()) { if (pendingType == PendingType.IMMEDIATE || pendingType == PendingType.RETRY) {"Scheduling requested immediate run of {}", request.getId()); } else { try { Date scheduleFrom = new Date(now); CronExpression cronExpression = new CronExpression(request.getQuartzScheduleSafe()); final Date nextRunAtDate = cronExpression.getNextValidTimeAfter(scheduleFrom); if (nextRunAtDate == null) { return Optional.absent(); } LOG.trace( "Calculating nextRunAtDate for {} (schedule: {}): {} (from: {})", request.getId(), request.getSchedule(), nextRunAtDate, scheduleFrom); nextRunAt = Math.max( nextRunAtDate.getTime(), now); // don't create a schedule that is overdue as this is used to indicate that // singularity is not fulfilling requests. LOG.trace( "Scheduling next run of {} (schedule: {}) at {} (from: {})", request.getId(), request.getSchedule(), nextRunAtDate, scheduleFrom); } catch (ParseException pe) { throw Throwables.propagate(pe); } } } if (pendingType == PendingType.TASK_DONE && request.getWaitAtLeastMillisAfterTaskFinishesForReschedule().or(0L) > 0) { nextRunAt = Math.max( nextRunAt, now + request.getWaitAtLeastMillisAfterTaskFinishesForReschedule().get()); LOG.trace( "Adjusted next run of {} to {} (by {}) due to waitAtLeastMillisAfterTaskFinishesForReschedule", request.getId(), nextRunAt, JavaUtils.durationFromMillis( request.getWaitAtLeastMillisAfterTaskFinishesForReschedule().get())); } if (state == RequestState.SYSTEM_COOLDOWN && pendingType != PendingType.NEW_DEPLOY) { final long prevNextRunAt = nextRunAt; nextRunAt = Math.max( nextRunAt, now + TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(configuration.getCooldownMinScheduleSeconds())); LOG.trace( "Adjusted next run of {} to {} (from: {}) due to cooldown", request.getId(), nextRunAt, prevNextRunAt); } return Optional.of(nextRunAt); }