public void deduceLocation() { Property loc = model.getModel().getProperty(uri, "hasLocation"); for (Resource human : humans) { Statement ss1 = null; String s = ""; Resource r = null; StmtIterator locii = model.getModel().listStatements(human, loc, (RDFNode) null); if (locii.hasNext()) { ss1 = (Statement); System.out.println( "initial statements:" + ss1.getSubject().getLocalName() + " " + ss1.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " " + ss1.getResource().getLocalName()); } StmtIterator loci = infmodel.getDeductionsModel().listStatements(human, loc, (RDFNode) null); if (loci.hasNext()) { Statement ssl = (Statement); RDFNode obj = (RDFNode) ssl.getObject(); if (obj instanceof Resource) { r = (Resource) obj; s = r.getLocalName(); } else { System.out.print("!!! Literal"); } System.out.println( "Inferred: user: "******" changed location to room " + s); } if (r != null) ss1.changeObject(r); StmtIterator fi = model.getModel().listStatements(human, loc, (RDFNode) null); while (fi.hasNext()) { Statement ss = (Statement); System.out.println( "After updating the ontology \n" + ss.getSubject().getLocalName() + " " + ss.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " " + ss.getResource().getLocalName()); } } }
public void deduceAuthorization() { Property auth = model.getModel().getProperty(uri, "isAuthenticatedBy"); for (Resource human : humans) { Resource r = null; StmtIterator ii = model.getModel().listStatements(human, auth, (RDFNode) null); if (ii.hasNext()) { Statement ss1 = (Statement); System.out.println( "initial statements:" + ss1.getSubject().getLocalName() + " " + ss1.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " " + ss1.getResource().getLocalName()); StmtIterator iii = infmodel.getDeductionsModel().listStatements(human, auth, (RDFNode) null); if (iii.hasNext()) { Statement ss2 = (Statement); System.out.println( "inferred: " + ss2.getSubject().getLocalName() + " " + ss2.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " " + ss2.getResource().getLocalName()); r = ss2.getResource(); } if (r != null) ss1.changeObject(r); StmtIterator fi = model.getModel().listStatements(human, auth, (RDFNode) null); while (fi.hasNext()) { Statement ss = (Statement); System.out.println( "After updating the ontology \n" + ss.getSubject().getLocalName() + " " + ss.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " " + ss.getResource().getLocalName()); } } } }
/** * Deletes the given process element from the rnrm:isFlowingTo linked list without breaking the * path. The element is also removed from the process. * * @param processElement */ public void deleteFromPath(Resource processElement) { Model model = process.getModel(); List<Statement> incoming = process.getIncomingEdges(processElement); List<Statement> outgoing = process.getOutgoingEdges(processElement); if (incoming.size() > 1 || outgoing.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Error deleting element. Elements with more than 1 outgoing or incoming links cannot be deleted."); } Resource before = null; Resource after = null; Statement stmt = null; if (incoming.size() > 0) { stmt = incoming.get(0); before = stmt.getSubject(); model.remove(stmt); } if (outgoing.size() > 0) { stmt = outgoing.get(0); after = stmt.getResource(); model.remove(stmt); } if (null != before && null != after) { model.add(before, RNRM.isFlowingTo, after); } // now disassociate this element from the process removeFromProcess(processElement); }
@Override public void processInput(Resource input, Resource output) { final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); final List<Statement> tipURIs = input.listProperties(Vocab.has).toList(); final SublistIterator<Statement> tipsIterator = new SublistIterator<Statement>(tipURIs, QUERY_CHUNK_SIZE); while (tipsIterator.hasNext()) { final List<String> ancestorQueryBlocks = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<String> parentQueryBlocks = new ArrayList<String>(); final List<Statement> tips =; for (Statement statement : tips) { final String tipURI = statement.getResource().getProperty(DC.subject).getResource().getURI(); ancestorQueryBlocks.add(String.format(ancestorQueryBody, tipURI)); parentQueryBlocks.add(String.format(parentQueryBody, tipURI)); } final String ancestorQuery = String.format(ancestorQueryHead, StringUtils.join(ancestorQueryBlocks, " UNION ")); final String parentQuery = String.format(parentQueryHead, StringUtils.join(parentQueryBlocks, ", ")); QueryEngineHTTP ancestorQE = new QueryEngineHTTP(endpoint, ancestorQuery); QueryEngineHTTP parentQE = new QueryEngineHTTP(endpoint, parentQuery); ancestorQE.execConstruct(model); ancestorQE.close(); parentQE.execConstruct(model); parentQE.close(); } this.processNode(Vocab.TaxonomyRoot, model, output.getModel(), null, output); output.getModel().setNsPrefix("cdao", ""); }
public Configuration(Model configurationModel) { model = configurationModel; StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, RDF.type, CONF.Configuration); if (!it.hasNext()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No conf:Configuration found in configuration model"); } config = it.nextStatement().getSubject(); datasets = new ArrayList(); it = model.listStatements(config, CONF.dataset, (RDFNode) null); while (it.hasNext()) { datasets.add(new Dataset(it.nextStatement().getResource())); } labelProperties = new ArrayList(); it = model.listStatements(config, CONF.labelProperty, (RDFNode) null); while (it.hasNext()) { labelProperties.add(it.nextStatement().getObject().as(Property.class)); } if (labelProperties.isEmpty()) { labelProperties.add(RDFS.label); labelProperties.add(DC.title); labelProperties.add(model.createProperty("")); } commentProperties = new ArrayList(); it = model.listStatements(config, CONF.commentProperty, (RDFNode) null); while (it.hasNext()) { commentProperties.add(it.nextStatement().getObject().as(Property.class)); } if (commentProperties.isEmpty()) { commentProperties.add(RDFS.comment); commentProperties.add(DC.description); } imageProperties = new ArrayList(); it = model.listStatements(config, CONF.imageProperty, (RDFNode) null); while (it.hasNext()) { imageProperties.add(it.nextStatement().getObject().as(Property.class)); } if (imageProperties.isEmpty()) { imageProperties.add(model.createProperty("")); } prefixes = new PrefixMappingImpl(); if (config.hasProperty(CONF.usePrefixesFrom)) { it = config.listProperties(CONF.usePrefixesFrom); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement stmt = it.nextStatement(); prefixes.setNsPrefixes(FileManager.get().loadModel(stmt.getResource().getURI())); } } else { prefixes.setNsPrefixes(model); } if (prefixes.getNsURIPrefix(CONF.NS) != null) { prefixes.removeNsPrefix(prefixes.getNsURIPrefix(CONF.NS)); } }
/** * Inserts the given {@link Resource} into the rnrm:isFlowingTo path after the specified {@link * Resource} * * @param toInsert Process element to insert * @param after Process element to insert after */ public void insertAfter(Resource toInsert, Resource after) { List<Statement> outgoing = process.getOutgoingEdges(after); Model model = process.getModel(); if (outgoing.size() > 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Cannot insert after nodes with multiple outgoing links."); } model.add(after, RNRM.isFlowingTo, toInsert); if (outgoing.size() > 0) { Statement stmt = outgoing.get(0); Resource next = stmt.getResource(); model.remove(stmt); model.add(toInsert, RNRM.isFlowingTo, next); } }
public void print(PrintContext p) { Variable asVar = getAs(); if (asVar != null) { p.print("("); } Resource aggType = getResource(RDF.type); String aggName = Aggregations.getName(aggType); p.printKeyword(aggName); p.print("("); if (isDistinct()) { p.print("DISTINCT "); } Statement exprS = getProperty(SP.expression); if (exprS != null && exprS.getObject().isResource()) { Resource r = exprS.getResource(); RDFNode expr = SPINFactory.asExpression(r); if (expr instanceof Printable) { ((Printable) expr).print(p); } else { p.printURIResource(r); } } else { p.print("*"); } String separator = getString(SP.separator); if (separator != null) { p.print("; "); p.printKeyword("SEPARATOR"); p.print("='" + StrUtils.escapeString(separator) + "'"); } if (asVar != null) { p.print(") "); p.printKeyword("AS"); p.print(" "); p.print(asVar.toString()); } p.print(")"); }
/** * Checks if spin:imports have been declared and adds them to a union model. Will also register * any SPIN modules defined in those imports that haven't been loaded before. * * @param model the base Model to operate on * @return either model or the union of model and its spin:imports @ */ public Model getImportsModel(Model model) throws IOException { Set<String> uris = new HashSet<String>(); StmtIterator it = model.listStatements(null, SPIN.imports, (RDFNode) null); while (it.hasNext()) { Statement s = it.nextStatement(); if (s.getObject().isURIResource()) { uris.add(s.getResource().getURI()); } } if (uris.isEmpty()) { return model; } else { Graph baseGraph = model.getGraph(); MultiUnion union = JenaUtil.createMultiUnion(); union.addGraph(baseGraph); union.setBaseGraph(baseGraph); boolean needsRegistration = false; for (String uri : uris) { Graph graph = getImportedGraph(uri); if (graph != null) { union.addGraph(graph); if (!registeredURIs.contains(uri)) { registeredURIs.add(uri); needsRegistration = true; } } } // Ensure that SP, SPIN and SPL are present ensureImported(union, SP.BASE_URI, SP.getModel()); ensureImported(union, SPL.BASE_URI, SPL.getModel()); ensureImported(union, SPIN.BASE_URI, SPIN.getModel()); Model unionModel = ModelFactory.createModelForGraph(union); if (needsRegistration) { SPINModuleRegistry.get().registerAll(unionModel, null); } return unionModel; } }
public int[] getSourceColumns(Resource resource) { if (_model.contains(resource, Vertere.source_column)) { Statement sourceColumn = _model.getProperty(resource, Vertere.source_column); return new int[] {sourceColumn.getInt()}; } else if (_model.contains(resource, Vertere.source_columns)) { Statement sourceColumns = _model.getProperty(resource, Vertere.source_columns); Resource listResource = sourceColumns.getResource(); RDFList list =; List<RDFNode> javalist = list.asJavaList(); int[] sourceColumnNumbers = new int[javalist.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < javalist.size(); i++) { RDFNode node = javalist.get(i); Literal value = node.asLiteral(); sourceColumnNumbers[i] = value.getInt(); } return sourceColumnNumbers; } else { return new int[0]; } }
public Organization getOrganization(String organizationUri) { long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); Organization org = new Organization(); // ResIterator iter = // ontModel.listSubjectsWithProperty(ontModel.getProperty(ORGID),organizationId); Resource r = ontModel.getResource(organizationUri); if (r != null) { // Resource r = iter.nextResource(); org.setUri(organizationUri); StmtIterator typeStmtIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(TYPE)); Resource organizationalCollaboration = ontModel.getResource(ORGANIZATIONALCOLLABORATION); while (typeStmtIter.hasNext()) { Statement typeStmt =; if (typeStmt != null) { String organizationClass = typeStmt.getResource().getURI(); if (organizationClass.equalsIgnoreCase(organizationalCollaboration.getURI())) org.setOrganizationalCollaboration(true); } } Statement id = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(ORGID)); if (id != null) org.setId(id.getString()); Statement title = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(TITLE)); if (title != null) org.setTitle(title.getString()); Statement preflabel = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(PREFLABEL)); if (preflabel != null) org.setPrefLabel(preflabel.getString()); Statement purpose = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(PURPOSE)); if (purpose != null) org.setPurpose(purpose.getString()); Statement description = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(DESCRIPTION)); if (description != null) org.setDescription(description.getString()); Statement classification = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(CLASSIFICATION)); if (classification != null) { Resource classificationObj = classification.getObject().asResource(); Statement preflabelClassification = classificationObj.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(PREFLABEL)); org.setClassification(preflabelClassification.getString()); } // depiction Statement depiction = r.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(DEPICTION)); if (depiction != null) { Statement depicts = depiction.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(DEPICTS)); if (depicts != null) { Resource imgRes = depicts.getResource(); if (imgRes != null) org.setDepicts(depicts.getResource().getURI()); } } // memberOrganizations StmtIterator memberOrgIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(HASMEMBERORGANIZATION)); ArrayList<String> hasMemberOrganization = new ArrayList<String>(); while (memberOrgIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtMembOrg =; Resource memberOrgRes = stmtMembOrg.getResource(); if (memberOrgRes != null) { // Statement memberOrgStmt = memberOrgRes.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(ORGID)); // if (memberOrgStmt!=null) // hasMemberOrganization.add(memberOrgStmt.getString()); hasMemberOrganization.add(memberOrgRes.getURI()); } } org.setHasMemberOrganization(hasMemberOrganization); // hasProject StmtIterator projectOrgIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(HASPROJECT)); ArrayList<String> hasProject = new ArrayList<String>(); while (projectOrgIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtProjOrg =; Resource projRes = stmtProjOrg.getResource(); if (projRes != null) { hasProject.add(projRes.getURI()); } } org.setHasProject(hasProject); // hasProduct StmtIterator productOrgIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(HASPRODUCT)); ArrayList<String> hasProduct = new ArrayList<String>(); while (productOrgIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtProdOrg =; Resource prodRes = stmtProdOrg.getResource(); if (prodRes != null) { hasProduct.add(prodRes.getURI()); } } org.setHasProduct(hasProduct); // hasMember StmtIterator hasMemberIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(HASMEMBER)); ArrayList<String> hasMember = new ArrayList<String>(); while (hasMemberIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtHasMember =; Resource personRes = stmtHasMember.getResource(); if (personRes != null) { // Statement personIdStmt = personRes.getProperty(ontModel.getProperty(PERSONID)); // if (personIdStmt!=null) // hasMember.add(personIdStmt.getString()); hasMember.add(personRes.getURI()); } } org.setHasMember(hasMember); // organizationPosition StmtIterator orgPositionIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(ORGPOSITION)); ArrayList<String> position = new ArrayList<String>(); while (orgPositionIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtOrgPosition =; Resource positionRes = stmtOrgPosition.getResource(); if (positionRes != null) { position.add(positionRes.getURI()); } } org.setPosition(position); // organizationRole StmtIterator orgRoleIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(ORGROLE)); ArrayList<String> role = new ArrayList<String>(); while (orgRoleIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtOrgRole =; Resource roleRes = stmtOrgRole.getResource(); if (roleRes != null) { role.add(roleRes.getURI()); } } org.setRole(role); // membership StmtIterator membershipIter = r.listProperties(ontModel.getProperty(MEMBERSHIP)); ArrayList<String> membership = new ArrayList<String>(); while (membershipIter.hasNext()) { Statement stmtMembership =; Resource membershipRes = stmtMembership.getResource(); if (membershipRes != null) { membership.add(membershipRes.getURI()); } } org.setMembership(membership); long stopTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); long elapsedTime = stopTime - startTime; LOGGER.debug("- Load the organization, elapsed time (ms)..: {}", elapsedTime); } return org; }