public static Model exec(Model model, final Table table, Query query) throws IOException { OntModel inferencedModel = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_MEM); ElementData tableElementData = new ElementData() { @Override public Table getTable() { return table; } }; for (Var var : table.getVars()) { tableElementData.add(var); } ElementGroup elementGroup = new ElementGroup(); elementGroup.addElement(tableElementData); if (query.getQueryPattern() instanceof ElementGroup) { for (Element element : ((ElementGroup) query.getQueryPattern()).getElements()) { elementGroup.addElement(element); } } else { elementGroup.addElement(query.getQueryPattern()); } query.setQueryPattern(elementGroup); // QueryExecution ex = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, model); QueryExecution ex = ARQFactory.get().createQueryExecution(query, model); if (query.isConstructType()) { ex.execConstruct(inferencedModel); } else { inferencedModel.add(ex.execSelect().getResourceModel()); } return inferencedModel; }
private void generateSample() {"Generating sample..."); sample = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); // we have to set up a new query execution factory working on our local model qef = new QueryExecutionFactoryModel(sample); reasoner = new SPARQLReasoner(qef); // get the page size // TODO put to base class long pageSize = 10000; // PaginationUtils.adjustPageSize(globalQef, 10000); ParameterizedSparqlString sampleQueryTemplate = getSampleQuery(); sampleQueryTemplate.setIri("p", entityToDescribe.toStringID()); Query query = sampleQueryTemplate.asQuery(); query.setLimit(pageSize); boolean isEmpty = false; int i = 0; while (!isTimeout() && !isEmpty) { // get next sample logger.debug("Extending sample..."); query.setOffset(i++ * pageSize); QueryExecution qe = ksQef.createQueryExecution(query); Model tmp = qe.execConstruct(); sample.add(tmp); // if last call returned empty model, we can leave loop isEmpty = tmp.isEmpty(); }"...done. Sample size: " + sample.size() + " triples"); }
private long doExecuteSparql(VitroRequest vreq) { OntModel jenaOntModel = ModelAccess.on(getServletContext()).getOntModel(); OntModel source = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel(OntModelSpec.OWL_DL_MEM); String[] sourceModel = vreq.getParameterValues("sourceModelName"); for (int i = 0; i < sourceModel.length; i++) { Model m = getModel(sourceModel[i], vreq); source.addSubModel(m); } Model destination = getModel(vreq.getParameter("destinationModelName"), vreq); String sparqlQueryStr = vreq.getParameter("sparqlQueryStr"); String savedQueryURIStr = vreq.getParameter("savedQuery"); String queryStr; if (savedQueryURIStr.length() == 0) { log.debug("Using entered query"); queryStr = sparqlQueryStr; } else { Property queryStrProp = ResourceFactory.createProperty(SPARQL_QUERYSTR_PROP); jenaOntModel.enterCriticalSection(Lock.READ); try { Individual ind = jenaOntModel.getIndividual(savedQueryURIStr); log.debug("Using query " + savedQueryURIStr); queryStr = ((Literal) ind.getPropertyValue(queryStrProp)).getLexicalForm(); queryStr = StringEscapeUtils.unescapeHtml( queryStr); // !!! We need to turn off automatic HTML-escaping for data property // editing. } finally { jenaOntModel.leaveCriticalSection(); } } Model tempModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); Query query = SparqlQueryUtils.create(queryStr); QueryExecution qexec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, source); try { qexec.execConstruct(tempModel); } catch (QueryExecException qee) { qexec.execDescribe(tempModel); } destination.enterCriticalSection(Lock.WRITE); try { if (destination instanceof OntModel) { ((OntModel) destination).getBaseModel().notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, true)); } else { destination.notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, true)); } destination.add(tempModel); } finally { if (destination instanceof OntModel) { ((OntModel) destination).getBaseModel().notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, false)); } else { destination.notifyEvent(new EditEvent(null, false)); } destination.leaveCriticalSection(); } return tempModel.size(); }
/** @inheritDoc */ public Graph graphQuery(final String theQuery) throws QueryException { assertConnected(); QueryExecution aQueryExec = query(theQuery); try { return JenaSesameUtils.asSesameGraph(aQueryExec.execConstruct()); } finally { aQueryExec.close(); } }
/** * @see org.caboto.jena.db.Database#executeConstructQuery(com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query, * com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution) */ public Model executeConstructQuery(Query query, QuerySolution initialBindings) { try { Data data = getData(); QueryExecution queryExec = getQueryExecution(query, initialBindings, data); Model model = queryExec.execConstruct(); queryExec.close(); data.close(); return model; } catch (DataException e) { e.printStackTrace(); return null; } }
@Override public void createSubModel() { ConnectTDB.dataset.begin(ReadWrite.WRITE); String queryBegin = "PREFIX rdf: <>\n" + "PREFIX mstr: <>\n" + "\r\n" + "CONSTRUCT { " + "?EXO a mstr:Exercice .\n" + "?Q a mstr:Question .\n" + "?PZ a mstr:PubliZone .\n" + "?T a mstr:Tag .\n" + "?CZ a mstr:ChoiceZone .\n" + "?EXO mstr:hasQuestion ?Q .\n" + "?Q mstr:hasChoiceZone ?CZ .\n" + "?CZ mstr:hasPubliZone ?PZ .\n" + "?PZ mstr:hasTag ?T .\n" + "?T mstr:uri ?URI .\n" + "?EXO mstr:needNotion ?NN .\n" + "?EXO mstr:giveNotion ?GN .\n" + "} " + "WHERE {"; String queryEnd = "}"; String queryStudent = queryBegin + "?EXO a mstr:Exercice .\n" + "OPTIONAL {?EXO mstr:needNotion ?NN} .\n" + "OPTIONAL {?EXO mstr:giveNotion ?GN} .\n" + "?Q a mstr:Question .\n" + "?PZ a mstr:PubliZone .\n" + "?T a mstr:Tag .\n" + "?CZ a mstr:ChoiceZone .\n" + "?EXO mstr:hasQuestion ?Q .\n" + "?Q mstr:hasChoiceZone ?CZ .\n" + "?CZ mstr:hasPubliZone ?PZ .\n" + "?PZ mstr:hasTag ?T .\n" + "?T mstr:uri ?URI .\n" + "FILTER (?EXO = mstr:" + this.exercise + ")\n" + queryEnd; QueryExecution q1 = QueryExecutionFactory.create(queryStudent, ConnectTDB.dataset); Model modelStudent = q1.execConstruct(); mergeModelsInSubModel(modelStudent); ConnectTDB.dataset.end(); }
public static void main(String[] args) { try { String request = FileUtils.readFileToString(new File("src/test/requete.rq")); Model trace = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); FileInputStream("src/test/@obsels.rdf"), "", KtbsConstants.JENA_RDF_XML); Query query = QueryFactory.create(request, Syntax.syntaxARQ); // Execute the query and obtain results QueryExecution qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, trace); Model resultModel = qe.execConstruct(); resultModel.write(System.out, KtbsConstants.JENA_TURTLE, null); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } }
protected Model executeConstructQuery(String query) { logger.trace("Sending query\n{} ...", query); QueryExecution qe = qef.createQueryExecution(query); try { Model model = qe.execConstruct(); timeout = false; if (model.size() == 0) { fullDataLoaded = true; } logger.debug("Got " + model.size() + " triples."); return model; } catch (QueryExceptionHTTP e) { if (e.getCause() instanceof SocketTimeoutException) { logger.warn("Got timeout"); } else { logger.error("Exception executing query", e); } return ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); } }
private IRI executeRule(final Rule r, final IRI inputIRI) { try { PelletOptions.USE_ANNOTATION_SUPPORT = true; PelletOptions.TREAT_ALL_VARS_DISTINGUISHED = controller.isTreatAllVariablesDistinguished(); QueryEngineType type = (QueryEngineType) controller.getQueryEngineType(); final QueryExecution qe; final ByteArrayOutputStream w = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final Query qSelect = getSelectExampleQuery(r.getQuery()); if (type.toPellet() != null) { final OWLOntology queryOntology = getInputOntologyForRule(inputIRI); final PelletReasoner reasoner = PelletReasonerFactory.getInstance().createReasoner(queryOntology);"Ontology size: " + reasoner.getKB().getInfo()); final Dataset ds = kb2ds(reasoner.getKB()); final QueryExecution qeSelect = SparqlDLExecutionFactory.create(qSelect, ds, null, type.toPellet()); final ResultSet rs = qeSelect.execSelect(); controller.setSelect(r, rs.getResultVars(), ResultSetFormatter.toList(rs)); qe = SparqlDLExecutionFactory.create( r.getQuery(), kb2ds(reasoner.getKB()), null, type.toPellet()); qe.execConstruct().write(w); } else { final ByteArrayOutputStream w2 = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final Model model = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); try { controller .getOWLOntologyManager() .saveOntology(queryOntology, new TurtleOntologyFormat(), w2); ByteArrayInputStream(w2.toByteArray()), "", "TURTLE"); final QueryExecution qeSelect = QueryExecutionFactory.create(qSelect, model); final ResultSet rs = qeSelect.execSelect(); controller.setSelect(r, rs.getResultVars(), ResultSetFormatter.toList(rs)); qe = QueryExecutionFactory.create(r.getQuery(), model); qe.execConstruct().write(w); } catch (OWLOntologyStorageException e) { // TODO Auto-generated catch block e.printStackTrace(); } } final IRI outputIRI = getOntologyIRIForRuleName(r.getName()); // loaded generated ontology final OWLOntology generatedOntology = controller .getOWLOntologyManager() .loadOntologyFromOntologyDocument(new ByteArrayInputStream(w.toByteArray())); controller.updateOntology( generatedOntology, outputIRI, inputIRI, controller.getRuleSpec().getResultFile(r).toURI()); controller.setStatus("Rule " + r.getName() + " successfully executed"); return outputIRI; } catch (OWLOntologyCreationException e1) { controller.setStatus(e1.getMessage()); return null; } }
void runTestConstruct(Query query, QueryExecution qe) throws Exception { // Do the query! Model resultsActual = qe.execConstruct(); compareGraphResults(resultsActual, query); }
/** * Query SPARQL endpoint with a CONSTRUCT query * * @param qExec QueryExecution encapsulating the query * @return model retrieved by querying the endpoint */ private Model getConstructModel(QueryExecution qExec) { return qExec.execConstruct(ModelFactory.createDefaultModel()); }
/** * Starts a harvester with predefined queries to synchronize with the changes from the SPARQL * endpoint */ public boolean sync() {"Sync resources newer than {}", startTime); String rdfQueryTemplate = "PREFIX xsd:<> " + "SELECT DISTINCT ?resource WHERE { " + " GRAPH ?graph { %s }" + " ?graph <%s> ?time . %s " + " FILTER (?time > xsd:dateTime(\"%s\")) }"; String queryStr = String.format( rdfQueryTemplate, syncConditions, syncTimeProp, graphSyncConditions, startTime); Set<String> syncUris = executeSyncQuery(queryStr, "resource"); if (syncUris == null) { logger.error("Errors occurred during sync procedure. Aborting!"); return false; } /** * If desired, query for old data that has the sync conditions modified * * <p>This option is useful in the case in which the application indexes resources that match * some conditions. In this case, if they are modified and no longer match the initial * conditions, they will not be synchronized. When syncOldData is True, the modified resources * that no longer match the conditions are deleted. */ int deleted = 0; int count = 0; if (this.syncOldData) { SimpleDateFormat sdf = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss"); queryStr = String.format( rdfQueryTemplate, syncConditions, syncTimeProp, graphSyncConditions, sdf.format(new Date(0))); HashSet<String> allIndexURIs = executeSyncQuery(queryStr, "resource"); if (allIndexURIs == null) { logger.error("Errors occurred during modified content sync query. Aborting!"); return false; } deleted = removeMissingUris(allIndexURIs); } /* Prepare a series of bulk uris to be described so we can make * a smaller number of calls to the SPARQL endpoint. */ ArrayList<ArrayList<String>> bulks = new ArrayList<ArrayList<String>>(); ArrayList<String> currentBulk = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String uri : syncUris) { currentBulk.add(uri); if (currentBulk.size() == EEASettings.DEFAULT_BULK_SIZE) { bulks.add(currentBulk); currentBulk = new ArrayList<String>(); } } if (currentBulk.size() > 0) { bulks.add(currentBulk); } /* Execute RDF queries for the resources in each bulk */ for (ArrayList<String> bulk : bulks) { String syncQuery = getSyncQueryStr(bulk); try { Query query = QueryFactory.create(syncQuery); QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(rdfEndpoint, query); try { Model constructModel = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel(); qExec.execConstruct(constructModel); BulkRequestBuilder bulkRequest = client.prepareBulk(); /** * When adding the model to ES do not use toDescribeURIs as the query already returned the * correct labels. */ addModelToES(constructModel, bulkRequest, false); count += bulk.size(); } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("Error while querying for modified content. {}", e.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } finally { qExec.close(); } } catch (QueryParseException qpe) { logger.warn( "Could not parse Sync query. Please provide a relevant query. {}", qpe.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } } "Finished synchronisation: Deleted {}, Updated {}/{}", deleted, count, syncUris.size()); return true; }