コード例 #1
   *get collaboration information based on organisation - returns a collaborationList.
  public HashMap<Integer, CollaborationList> getCollaborations_org(
      String id, TreeMap<Integer, Collaborator> network) {
    HashMap<Integer, CollaborationList> collaborations =
        new java.util.HashMap<Integer, CollaborationList>();

    // reset the iterator
    Set<Integer> networkKeys = network.keySet();
    Iterator<Integer> networkKeyIterator = networkKeys.iterator();
    Integer networkKey = null;

    CollaborationList collaborationList;

    // loop through the list of keys
    while (networkKeyIterator.hasNext()) {

      // get the key
      networkKey = (Integer) networkKeyIterator.next();

      // get the list of collaborations for this user
      collaborationList = getCollaborationList_org(id, networkKey.toString());

      // add the collaborationList object to the list
      collaborations.put(networkKey, collaborationList);

    return collaborations;
コード例 #2
   * Returns the string value of the first of the properties in the uriDescriptionList for the given
   * resource (as an URI). In case the resource does not have any of the properties mentioned, its
   * URI is returned. The value is obtained by querying the endpoint and the endpoint is queried
   * repeatedly until it gives a response (value or the lack of it)
   * <p>It is highly recommended that the list contains properties like labels or titles, with test
   * values.
   * @param uri - the URI for which a label is required
   * @return a String value, either a label for the parameter or its value if no label is obtained
   *     from the endpoint
  private String getLabelForUri(String uri) {
    String result;

    if (uriLabelCache.containsKey(uri)) {
      return uriLabelCache.get(uri);

    for (String prop : uriDescriptionList) {
      String innerQuery = "SELECT ?r WHERE {<" + uri + "> <" + prop + "> ?r } LIMIT 1";

      try {
        Query query = QueryFactory.create(innerQuery);
        QueryExecution qExec = QueryExecutionFactory.sparqlService(rdfEndpoint, query);
        boolean keepTrying = true;
        while (keepTrying) {
          keepTrying = false;
          try {
            ResultSet results = qExec.execSelect();

            if (results.hasNext()) {
              QuerySolution sol = results.nextSolution();
              result = EEASettings.parseForJson(sol.getLiteral("r").getLexicalForm());
              if (!result.isEmpty()) {
                uriLabelCache.put(uri, result);
                return result;
          } catch (Exception e) {
            keepTrying = true;
            logger.warn("Could not get label for uri {}. Retrying.", uri);
          } finally {
      } catch (QueryParseException qpe) {
        logger.error("Exception for query {}. The label cannot be obtained", innerQuery);
    return uri;