public void forceStop(@Nullable final Exception aCause) { new ForcedStopException(aCause).terminate(); try { stop(); } catch (final OpenAS2Exception ex) { ex.terminate(); } }
private void _sendAsyncMDN(@Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg) throws OpenAS2Exception {"Async MDN submitted" + aMsg.getLoggingText()); final DispositionType aDisposition = DispositionType.createSuccess(); try { final IMessageMDN aMdn = aMsg.getMDN(); // Create a HTTP connection final String sUrl = aMsg.getAsyncMDNurl(); final boolean bOutput = true; final boolean bInput = true; final boolean bUseCaches = false; final HttpURLConnection aConn = getConnection(sUrl, bOutput, bInput, bUseCaches, "POST", getSession().getHttpProxy()); try {"connected to " + sUrl + aMsg.getLoggingText()); aConn.setRequestProperty(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONNECTION, CAS2Header.DEFAULT_CONNECTION); aConn.setRequestProperty(CAS2Header.HEADER_USER_AGENT, CAS2Header.DEFAULT_USER_AGENT); // Copy all the header from mdn to the RequestProperties of conn final Enumeration<?> aHeaders = aMdn.getHeaders().getAllHeaders(); while (aHeaders.hasMoreElements()) { final Header aHeader = (Header) aHeaders.nextElement(); final String sHeaderValue = aHeader.getValue().replace('\t', ' ').replace('\n', ' ').replace('\r', ' '); aConn.setRequestProperty(aHeader.getName(), sHeaderValue); } // Note: closing this stream causes connection abort errors on some AS2 // servers final OutputStream aMessageOS = aConn.getOutputStream(); // Transfer the data final InputStream aMessageIS = aMdn.getData().getInputStream(); final StopWatch aSW = StopWatch.createdStarted(); final long nBytes = IOHelper.copy(aMessageIS, aMessageOS); aSW.stop(); "transferred " + IOHelper.getTransferRate(nBytes, aSW) + aMsg.getLoggingText()); // Check the HTTP Response code final int nResponseCode = aConn.getResponseCode(); if (nResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK && nResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_CREATED && nResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_ACCEPTED && nResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_PARTIAL && nResponseCode != HttpURLConnection.HTTP_NO_CONTENT) { s_aLogger.error( "sent AsyncMDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] Fail " + aMsg.getLoggingText()); throw new HttpResponseException(sUrl, nResponseCode, aConn.getResponseMessage()); } "sent AsyncMDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] OK " + aMsg.getLoggingText()); // log & store mdn into backup folder. try { getSession() .getMessageProcessor() .handle(IProcessorStorageModule.DO_STOREMDN, aMsg, null); } catch (final ComponentNotFoundException ex) { // May be } } finally { aConn.disconnect(); } } catch (final HttpResponseException ex) { // Resend if the HTTP Response has an error code ex.terminate(); _resend(aMsg, ex); } catch (final IOException ex) { // Resend if a network error occurs during transmission final OpenAS2Exception wioe = WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); wioe.addSource(OpenAS2Exception.SOURCE_MESSAGE, aMsg); wioe.terminate(); _resend(aMsg, wioe); } catch (final Exception ex) { // Propagate error if it can't be handled by a resend throw WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); } }
protected void sendSyncMDN( @Nonnull final String sClientInfo, @Nonnull final IAS2HttpResponseHandler aResponseHandler, @Nonnull final AS2Message aMsg, @Nonnull final DispositionType aDisposition, @Nonnull final String sText) { final boolean bMDNBlocked = aMsg.getPartnership().isBlockErrorMDN(); if (!bMDNBlocked) { try { final IAS2Session aSession = m_aReceiverModule.getSession(); final IMessageMDN aMdn = AS2Helper.createMDN(aSession, aMsg, aDisposition, sText); if (aMsg.isRequestingAsynchMDN()) { // if asyncMDN requested, close connection and initiate separate MDN // send final InternetHeaders aHeaders = new InternetHeaders(); aHeaders.setHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(0)); // Empty data final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream aData = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream(); aResponseHandler.sendHttpResponse(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, aHeaders, aData); "Setup to send asynch MDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] " + sClientInfo + aMsg.getLoggingText()); // trigger explicit sending aSession.getMessageProcessor().handle(IProcessorSenderModule.DO_SENDMDN, aMsg, null); } else { // otherwise, send sync MDN back on same connection "Sending back sync MDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] " + sClientInfo + aMsg.getLoggingText()); // Get data and therefore content length for sync MDN final NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream aData = new NonBlockingByteArrayOutputStream(); final MimeBodyPart aPart = aMdn.getData(); StreamHelper.copyInputStreamToOutputStream(aPart.getInputStream(), aData); aMdn.setHeader(CAS2Header.HEADER_CONTENT_LENGTH, Integer.toString(aData.getSize())); // start HTTP response aResponseHandler.sendHttpResponse(HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK, aMdn.getHeaders(), aData); // Save sent MDN for later examination try { aSession.getMessageProcessor().handle(IProcessorStorageModule.DO_STOREMDN, aMsg, null); } catch (final ComponentNotFoundException ex) { // No message processor found } catch (final NoModuleException ex) { // No module found in message processor } "sent MDN [" + aDisposition.getAsString() + "] " + sClientInfo + aMsg.getLoggingText()); } } catch (final Exception ex) { final OpenAS2Exception we = WrappedOpenAS2Exception.wrap(ex); we.addSource(OpenAS2Exception.SOURCE_MESSAGE, aMsg); we.terminate(); } } }