/** * Handles when the speech controller finished speaking an instruction. * * @param status The speech item status code from the speech controller. */ private void onUtteranceComplete(int status) { setTouchGuardActive(false); mFeedbackController.playSound(R.raw.ready, 1.0f, 1.0f); unlockOrientation(); if (sTutorialIsActive && (mResourceIdToRepeat > 0)) { mRepeatHandler.sendEmptyMessageDelayed(RepeatHandler.MSG_REPEAT, REPEAT_DELAY); } }
/** Plays a sound indicating that the user has activated a trigger in the tutorial. */ public void playTriggerSound() { mFeedbackController.playMidiScale( TRIGGER_SOUND_PROGRAM, TRIGGER_SOUND_VELOCITY, TRIGGER_SOUND_DURATION, TRIGGER_SOUND_STARTING_PITCH, TRIGGER_SOUND_PITCHES_TO_PLAY, TRIGGER_SOUND_SCALE_TYPE); }