private static Boolean hasJ2cl(Node root) { for (Node script : root.children()) { Preconditions.checkState(script.isScript()); if (script.getSourceFileName() != null && script.getSourceFileName().endsWith(".java.js") && script.getSourceFileName().contains("!")) { return Boolean.TRUE; } } return Boolean.FALSE; }
private void addToDefinePropertiesObject(ClassDeclarationMetadata metadata, Node member) { Node obj = member.isStaticMember() ? metadata.definePropertiesObjForClass : metadata.definePropertiesObjForPrototype; Node prop = NodeUtil.getFirstPropMatchingKey(obj, member.getString()); if (prop == null) { prop = IR.objectlit( IR.stringKey("configurable", IR.trueNode()), IR.stringKey("enumerable", IR.trueNode())); obj.addChildToBack(IR.stringKey(member.getString(), prop)); } Node function = member.getLastChild(); JSDocInfoBuilder info = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(function)); info.recordThisType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(metadata.fullClassName)), member.getSourceFileName())); Node stringKey = IR.stringKey(member.isGetterDef() ? "get" : "set", function.detachFromParent()); stringKey.setJSDocInfo(; prop.addChildToBack(stringKey); prop.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(member); }
/** @param node A getter or setter node. */ private JSTypeExpression getTypeFromGetterOrSetter(Node node) { JSDocInfo info = node.getJSDocInfo(); if (info != null) { if (node.isGetterDef() && info.getReturnType() != null) { return info.getReturnType(); } else { Set<String> paramNames = info.getParameterNames(); if (paramNames.size() == 1) { return info.getParameterType(Iterables.getOnlyElement(info.getParameterNames())); } } } return new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.QMARK), node.getSourceFileName()); }
private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) { Node className = classNode.getFirstChild(); Node superClassName = className.getNext(); Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild(); // This is a statement node. We insert methods of the // transpiled class after this node. Node insertionPoint; // The fully qualified name of the class, which will be used in the output. // May come from the class itself or the LHS of an assignment. String fullClassName = null; // Whether the constructor function in the output should be anonymous. boolean anonymous; // If this is a class statement, or a class expression in a simple // assignment or var statement, convert it. In any other case, the // code is too dynamic, so just call cannotConvert. if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) { fullClassName = className.getString(); anonymous = false; insertionPoint = classNode; } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) { // Add members after the EXPR_RESULT node: // example.C = class {}; = function() {}; fullClassName = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName(); if (fullClassName == null) { cannotConvert(parent); return; } anonymous = true; insertionPoint = parent.getParent(); } else if (parent.isName()) { // Add members after the 'var' statement. // var C = class {}; = function() {}; fullClassName = parent.getString(); anonymous = true; insertionPoint = parent.getParent(); } else { cannotConvert(parent); return; } Verify.verify(NodeUtil.isStatement(insertionPoint)); className.detachFromParent(); Node constructor = null; JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null; for (Node member : classMembers.children()) { if (member.getString().equals("constructor")) { ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo(); constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent(); if (!anonymous) { constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), className); } } else { String qualifiedMemberName; if (member.isStaticMember()) { if (NodeUtil.referencesThis(member.getFirstChild())) {, STATIC_METHOD_REFERENCES_THIS)); } qualifiedMemberName = Joiner.on(".").join(fullClassName, member.getString()); } else { qualifiedMemberName = Joiner.on(".").join(fullClassName, "prototype", member.getString()); } Node assign = IR.assign( NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode( compiler.getCodingConvention(), qualifiedMemberName, /* basis node */ member, /* original name */ member.getString()), member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent()); assign.srcref(member); JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo(); if (info != null) { info.setAssociatedNode(assign); assign.setJSDocInfo(info); } Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign); insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint); insertionPoint = newNode; } } if (constructor == null) { Node name = anonymous ?"").srcref(className) : className; constructor = IR.function(name, IR.paramList().srcref(classNode), IR.block().srcref(classNode)); } JSDocInfo classJSDoc = classNode.getJSDocInfo(); JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo = (classJSDoc != null) ? JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(classJSDoc) : new JSDocInfoBuilder(true); newInfo.recordConstructor(); if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) { if (!superClassName.isQualifiedName()) {, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE)); return; } Node superClassString = IR.string(superClassName.getQualifiedName()); if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) { newInfo.recordExtendedInterface( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, superClassString), superClassName.getSourceFileName())); } else { // TODO(mattloring) Remove dependency on Closure Library. Node inherits = NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), "goog.inherits"); Node inheritsCall = IR.exprResult(, className.cloneTree(), superClassName.cloneTree())); inheritsCall.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); parent.addChildAfter(inheritsCall, classNode); newInfo.recordBaseType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, superClassString), superClassName.getSourceFileName())); } } // Classes are @struct by default. if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded() && !newInfo.isDictRecorded() && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) { newInfo.recordStruct(); } if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) { newInfo.recordSuppressions(ctorJSDocInfo.getSuppressions()); for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) { newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param)); } } parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor); if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) { constructor.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isName()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement. // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node. Node var = parent.getParent(); var.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isAssign()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment. // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node. parent.setJSDocInfo(; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent); } compiler.reportCodeChange(); }
/** * Classes are processed in 3 phases: * * <ol> * <li>The class name is extracted. * <li>Class members are processed and rewritten. * <li>The constructor is built. * </ol> */ private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) { checkClassReassignment(classNode); // Collect Metadata ClassDeclarationMetadata metadata = ClassDeclarationMetadata.create(classNode, parent); if (metadata == null || metadata.fullClassName == null) { cannotConvert( parent, "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand" + " side of a simple assignment."); return; } if (metadata.hasSuperClass() && !metadata.superClassNameNode.isQualifiedName()) {, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE)); return; } boolean useUnique = NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode) && !NodeUtil.isInFunction(classNode); String uniqueFullClassName = useUnique ? getUniqueClassName(metadata.fullClassName) : metadata.fullClassName; Node classNameAccess = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, uniqueFullClassName); Node prototypeAccess = NodeUtil.newPropertyAccess(compiler, classNameAccess, "prototype"); Preconditions.checkState( NodeUtil.isStatement(metadata.insertionPoint), "insertion point must be a statement: %s", metadata.insertionPoint); Node constructor = null; JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null; // Process all members of the class Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild(); Map<String, JSDocInfo> prototypeMembersToDeclare = new LinkedHashMap<>(); Map<String, JSDocInfo> classMembersToDeclare = new LinkedHashMap<>(); for (Node member : classMembers.children()) { if (member.isEmpty()) { continue; } Preconditions.checkState( member.isMemberFunctionDef() || member.isGetterDef() || member.isSetterDef() || (member.isComputedProp() && !member.getBooleanProp(Node.COMPUTED_PROP_VARIABLE)), "Member variables should have been transpiled earlier: ", member); if (member.isGetterDef() || member.isSetterDef()) { JSTypeExpression typeExpr = getTypeFromGetterOrSetter(member).clone(); addToDefinePropertiesObject(metadata, member); Map<String, JSDocInfo> membersToDeclare = member.isStaticMember() ? classMembersToDeclare : prototypeMembersToDeclare; JSDocInfo existingJSDoc = membersToDeclare.get(member.getString()); JSTypeExpression existingType = existingJSDoc == null ? null : existingJSDoc.getType(); if (existingType != null && !existingType.equals(typeExpr)) {, CONFLICTING_GETTER_SETTER_TYPE, member.getString())); } else { JSDocInfoBuilder jsDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(false); jsDoc.recordType(typeExpr); if (member.getJSDocInfo() != null && member.getJSDocInfo().isExport()) { jsDoc.recordExport(); } if (member.isStaticMember()) { jsDoc.recordNoCollapse(); } membersToDeclare.put(member.getString(),; } } else if (member.isMemberFunctionDef() && member.getString().equals("constructor")) { ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo(); constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent(); if (!metadata.anonymous) { // Turns class Foo { constructor: function() {} } into function Foo() {}, // i.e. attaches the name the ctor function. constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), metadata.classNameNode.cloneNode()); } } else { Node qualifiedMemberAccess = getQualifiedMemberAccess(compiler, member, classNameAccess, prototypeAccess); Node method = member.getLastChild().detachFromParent(); Node assign = IR.assign(qualifiedMemberAccess, method); assign.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(member); JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo(); if (member.isStaticMember() && NodeUtil.referencesThis(assign.getLastChild())) { JSDocInfoBuilder memberDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(info); memberDoc.recordThisType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, new Node(Token.QMARK)), member.getSourceFileName())); info =; } if (info != null) { assign.setJSDocInfo(info); } Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign); metadata.insertNodeAndAdvance(newNode); } } // Add declarations for properties that were defined with a getter and/or setter, // so that the typechecker knows those properties exist on the class. // This is a temporary solution. Eventually, the type checker should understand // Object.defineProperties calls directly. for (Map.Entry<String, JSDocInfo> entry : prototypeMembersToDeclare.entrySet()) { String declaredMember = entry.getKey(); Node declaration = IR.getprop(prototypeAccess.cloneTree(), IR.string(declaredMember)); declaration.setJSDocInfo(entry.getValue()); metadata.insertNodeAndAdvance( IR.exprResult(declaration).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode)); } for (Map.Entry<String, JSDocInfo> entry : classMembersToDeclare.entrySet()) { String declaredMember = entry.getKey(); Node declaration = IR.getprop(classNameAccess.cloneTree(), IR.string(declaredMember)); declaration.setJSDocInfo(entry.getValue()); metadata.insertNodeAndAdvance( IR.exprResult(declaration).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode)); } if (metadata.definePropertiesObjForPrototype.hasChildren()) { Node definePropsCall = IR.exprResult( NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "Object.defineProperties"), prototypeAccess.cloneTree(), metadata.definePropertiesObjForPrototype)); definePropsCall.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); metadata.insertNodeAndAdvance(definePropsCall); } if (metadata.definePropertiesObjForClass.hasChildren()) { Node definePropsCall = IR.exprResult( NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, "Object.defineProperties"), classNameAccess.cloneTree(), metadata.definePropertiesObjForClass)); definePropsCall.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); metadata.insertNodeAndAdvance(definePropsCall); } Preconditions.checkNotNull(constructor); JSDocInfo classJSDoc = NodeUtil.getBestJSDocInfo(classNode); JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo = JSDocInfoBuilder.maybeCopyFrom(classJSDoc); newInfo.recordConstructor(); if (metadata.hasSuperClass()) { String superClassString = metadata.superClassNameNode.getQualifiedName(); if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) { newInfo.recordExtendedInterface( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)), metadata.superClassNameNode.getSourceFileName())); } else { Node inherits = NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, INHERITS), NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, metadata.fullClassName), NodeUtil.newQName(compiler, superClassString)); Node inheritsCall = IR.exprResult(inherits); compiler.needsEs6Runtime = true; inheritsCall.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); Node enclosingStatement = NodeUtil.getEnclosingStatement(classNode); enclosingStatement.getParent().addChildAfter(inheritsCall, enclosingStatement); newInfo.recordBaseType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)), metadata.superClassNameNode.getSourceFileName())); } } // Classes are @struct by default. if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded() && !newInfo.isDictRecorded() && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) { newInfo.recordStruct(); } if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) { newInfo.recordSuppressions(ctorJSDocInfo.getSuppressions()); for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) { newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param)); } newInfo.mergePropertyBitfieldFrom(ctorJSDocInfo); } if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) { constructor.getFirstChild().setString(""); Node ctorVar = IR.let(metadata.classNameNode.cloneNode(), constructor); ctorVar.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); parent.replaceChild(classNode, ctorVar); } else { parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor); } if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) { constructor.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isName()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement. // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node. Node var = parent.getParent(); var.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (constructor.getParent().isName()) { // Is a newly created VAR node. Node var = constructor.getParent().getParent(); var.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isAssign()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment. // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node. parent.setJSDocInfo(; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent); } compiler.reportCodeChange(); }
/** Processes a rest parameter */ private void visitRestParam(Node restParam, Node paramList) { Node functionBody = paramList.getLastSibling(); restParam.setType(Token.NAME); restParam.setVarArgs(true); // Make sure rest parameters are typechecked JSTypeExpression type = null; JSDocInfo info = restParam.getJSDocInfo(); String paramName = restParam.getString(); if (info != null) { type = info.getType(); } else { JSDocInfo functionInfo = paramList.getParent().getJSDocInfo(); if (functionInfo != null) { type = functionInfo.getParameterType(paramName); } } if (type != null && type.getRoot().getType() != Token.ELLIPSIS) {, BAD_REST_PARAMETER_ANNOTATION)); } if (!functionBody.hasChildren()) { // If function has no body, we are done! compiler.reportCodeChange(); return; } Node newBlock = IR.block().useSourceInfoFrom(functionBody); Node name =; Node let = IR.let(name,; newBlock.addChildToFront(let); for (Node child : functionBody.children()) { newBlock.addChildToBack(child.detachFromParent()); } if (type != null) { Node arrayType = IR.string("Array"); Node typeNode = type.getRoot(); Node memberType = typeNode.getType() == Token.ELLIPSIS ? typeNode.getFirstChild().cloneNode() : typeNode.cloneNode(); arrayType.addChildToFront( new Node(Token.BLOCK, memberType).useSourceInfoIfMissingFrom(typeNode)); JSDocInfoBuilder builder = new JSDocInfoBuilder(false); builder.recordType( new JSTypeExpression(new Node(Token.BANG, arrayType), restParam.getSourceFileName())); name.setJSDocInfo(; } int restIndex = paramList.getIndexOfChild(restParam); Node newArr = IR.var(, IR.arraylit()); functionBody.addChildToFront(newArr.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(restParam)); Node init = IR.var(, IR.number(restIndex)); Node cond =, IR.getprop("arguments"), IR.string("length"))); Node incr =, false); Node body = IR.block( IR.exprResult( IR.assign( IR.getelem(, IR.sub(, IR.number(restIndex))), IR.getelem("arguments"),; functionBody.addChildAfter( IR.forNode(init, cond, incr, body).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(restParam), newArr); functionBody.addChildToBack(newBlock); compiler.reportCodeChange(); // For now, we are running transpilation before type-checking, so we'll // need to make sure changes don't invalidate the JSDoc annotations. // Therefore we keep the parameter list the same length and only initialize // the values if they are set to undefined. }
private String getBestSourceFileName(Node n) { return n == null ? sourceName : n.getSourceFileName(); }
private static String getSourceName(Node n) { String name = n.getSourceFileName(); return name == null ? "" : name; }
private void validateHasSourceName(Node n) { String sourceName = n.getSourceFileName(); if (sourceName == null || sourceName.isEmpty()) { violation("Missing 'source name' annotation.", n); } }
/** * Classes are processed in 3 phases: 1) The class name is extracted. 2) Class members are * processed and rewritten. 3) The constructor is built. */ private void visitClass(Node classNode, Node parent) { checkClassReassignment(classNode); // Collect Metadata Node className = classNode.getFirstChild(); Node superClassName = className.getNext(); Node classMembers = classNode.getLastChild(); // This is a statement node. We insert methods of the // transpiled class after this node. Node insertionPoint; if (!superClassName.isEmpty() && !superClassName.isQualifiedName()) {, DYNAMIC_EXTENDS_TYPE)); return; } // The fully qualified name of the class, which will be used in the output. // May come from the class itself or the LHS of an assignment. String fullClassName = null; // Whether the constructor function in the output should be anonymous. boolean anonymous; // If this is a class statement, or a class expression in a simple // assignment or var statement, convert it. In any other case, the // code is too dynamic, so just call cannotConvert. if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) { fullClassName = className.getString(); anonymous = false; insertionPoint = classNode; } else if (parent.isAssign() && parent.getParent().isExprResult()) { // Add members after the EXPR_RESULT node: // example.C = class {}; = function() {}; fullClassName = parent.getFirstChild().getQualifiedName(); if (fullClassName == null) { cannotConvert( parent, "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand" + " side of a simple assignment."); return; } anonymous = true; insertionPoint = parent.getParent(); } else if (parent.isName()) { // Add members after the 'var' statement. // var C = class {}; = function() {}; fullClassName = parent.getString(); anonymous = true; insertionPoint = parent.getParent(); } else { cannotConvert( parent, "Can only convert classes that are declarations or the right hand" + " side of a simple assignment."); return; } if (!className.isEmpty() && !className.getString().equals(fullClassName)) { // cannot bind two class names in the case of: var Foo = class Bar {}; cannotConvertYet(classNode, "named class in an assignment"); return; } boolean useUnique = NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode) && !isInFunction(classNode); String uniqueFullClassName = useUnique ? getUniqueClassName(fullClassName) : fullClassName; String superClassString = superClassName.getQualifiedName(); Verify.verify(NodeUtil.isStatement(insertionPoint)); Node constructor = null; JSDocInfo ctorJSDocInfo = null; // Process all members of the class for (Node member : classMembers.children()) { if (member.isEmpty()) { continue; } if (member.isMemberDef() && member.getString().equals("constructor")) { ctorJSDocInfo = member.getJSDocInfo(); constructor = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent(); if (!anonymous) { constructor.replaceChild(constructor.getFirstChild(), className.cloneNode()); } } else { Node qualifiedMemberName; Node method; if (member.isMemberDef()) { if (member.isStaticMember()) { qualifiedMemberName = NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode( compiler.getCodingConvention(), Joiner.on(".").join(uniqueFullClassName, member.getString())); } else { qualifiedMemberName = NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode( compiler.getCodingConvention(), Joiner.on(".").join(uniqueFullClassName, "prototype", member.getString())); } method = member.getFirstChild().detachFromParent(); } else if (member.isComputedProp()) { if (member.isStaticMember()) { qualifiedMemberName = IR.getelem( NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode( compiler.getCodingConvention(), uniqueFullClassName), member.removeFirstChild()); } else { qualifiedMemberName = IR.getelem( NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode( compiler.getCodingConvention(), Joiner.on('.').join(uniqueFullClassName, "prototype")), member.removeFirstChild()); } method = member.getLastChild().detachFromParent(); } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected class member: " + member); } Node assign = IR.assign(qualifiedMemberName, method); assign.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(member); JSDocInfo info = member.getJSDocInfo(); if (member.isStaticMember() && NodeUtil.referencesThis(assign.getLastChild())) { JSDocInfoBuilder memberDoc; if (info == null) { memberDoc = new JSDocInfoBuilder(true); } else { memberDoc = JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(info); } memberDoc.recordThisType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, new Node(Token.QMARK)), member.getSourceFileName())); info =; } if (info != null) { info.setAssociatedNode(assign); assign.setJSDocInfo(info); } Node newNode = NodeUtil.newExpr(assign); insertionPoint.getParent().addChildAfter(newNode, insertionPoint); insertionPoint = newNode; } } // Rewrite constructor if (constructor == null) { Node body = IR.block(); if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) { Node superCall = baseCall(classNode, "constructor", null); body.addChildToBack(IR.exprResult(superCall)); } Node name = anonymous ?"").srcref(className) : className.detachFromParent(); constructor = IR.function(name, IR.paramList(), body).useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); } JSDocInfo classJSDoc = classNode.getJSDocInfo(); JSDocInfoBuilder newInfo = (classJSDoc != null) ? JSDocInfoBuilder.copyFrom(classJSDoc) : new JSDocInfoBuilder(true); newInfo.recordConstructor(); if (!superClassName.isEmpty()) { if (newInfo.isInterfaceRecorded()) { newInfo.recordExtendedInterface( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)), superClassName.getSourceFileName())); } else { Node inherits = NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), INHERITS), NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), fullClassName), NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), superClassString)); Node inheritsCall = IR.exprResult(inherits); inheritsCall.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); Node enclosingStatement = NodeUtil.getEnclosingStatement(classNode); enclosingStatement.getParent().addChildAfter(inheritsCall, enclosingStatement); newInfo.recordBaseType( new JSTypeExpression( new Node(Token.BANG, IR.string(superClassString)), superClassName.getSourceFileName())); Node copyProps = NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), COPY_PROP), NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), fullClassName), NodeUtil.newQualifiedNameNode(compiler.getCodingConvention(), superClassString)); copyProps.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); enclosingStatement .getParent() .addChildAfter(IR.exprResult(copyProps).srcref(classNode), enclosingStatement); } } // Classes are @struct by default. if (!newInfo.isUnrestrictedRecorded() && !newInfo.isDictRecorded() && !newInfo.isStructRecorded()) { newInfo.recordStruct(); } if (ctorJSDocInfo != null) { newInfo.recordSuppressions(ctorJSDocInfo.getSuppressions()); for (String param : ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterNames()) { newInfo.recordParameter(param, ctorJSDocInfo.getParameterType(param)); } } insertionPoint = constructor; if (NodeUtil.isStatement(classNode)) { constructor.getFirstChild().setString(""); Node ctorVar = IR.var(, constructor); ctorVar.useSourceInfoIfMissingFromForTree(classNode); parent.replaceChild(classNode, ctorVar); } else { parent.replaceChild(classNode, constructor); } if (NodeUtil.isStatement(constructor)) { insertionPoint.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isName()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of a var statement. // Add the JSDoc to the VAR node. Node var = parent.getParent(); var.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (constructor.getParent().isName()) { // Is a newly created VAR node. Node var = constructor.getParent().getParent(); var.setJSDocInfo(; } else if (parent.isAssign()) { // The constructor function is the RHS of an assignment. // Add the JSDoc to the ASSIGN node. parent.setJSDocInfo(; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Unexpected parent node " + parent); } compiler.reportCodeChange(); }