public void add( final Widget child, ImageResource icon, String docId, final String text, String tooltip, Integer position) { if (closeableTabs_) { DocTab tab = new DocTab( icon, docId, text, tooltip, new TabCloseObserver() { public void onTabClose() { int index = getWidgetIndex(child); if (index >= 0) { tryCloseTab(index, null); } } }); docTabs_.add(tab); if (position == null || position < 0) super.add(child, tab); else super.insert(child, tab, position); } else { if (position == null || position < 0) super.add(child, text); else super.insert(child, text, position); } }
/** * Add a new tab with the provided name and content. * * <p>Wrapper function for {@link, * String)} * * @param tabContent the widget to add as a tab * @param tabName the name of the tab to display in the tabbar */ public void add(E tabContent, String tabName) { tabContent.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll()); m_tabPanel.add(tabContent, tabName); Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTab(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); Iterator<Element> it = tabDivs.iterator(); boolean first = true; while (it.hasNext()) { Element e =; e.removeClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerLeft()); e.removeClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerRight()); if (first) { e.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerLeft()); first = false; } if (!it.hasNext()) { e.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cornerRight()); } } }
private void chooseTab(String token) { if (NameTokens.SUMMARY.equals(token)) { mainTabPanel.selectTab(0); } else if (NameTokens.TRENDS.equals(token)) { mainTabPanel.selectTab(1); } else { mainTabPanel.selectTab(2); } }
@UiHandler("cotizanteSolicitante") public void cotizanteSolicitante(ClickEvent event) { if (cotizanteSolicitante.getValue()) { tab.getTabWidget(1).getParent().setVisible(false); } else { tab.getTabWidget(1).getParent().setVisible(true); } }
/** * Add a new tab with the provided name and content and additional left margin. * * <p> * * @param tabContent the widget to add as a tab * @param tabName the name of the tab to display in the tabbar */ public void addWithLeftMargin(E tabContent, String tabName) { tabContent.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll()); m_tabPanel.add(tabContent, tabName); int tabIndex = m_tabPanel.getWidgetIndex(tabContent); Element tabElement = getTabElement(tabIndex); if (tabElement != null) { tabElement.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().tabLeftMargin()); if (!m_panelStyle.equals(CmsTabbedPanelStyle.classicTabs)) { tabElement.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().buttonCornerAll()); tabElement.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().borderAll()); } } }
/** * The constructor for an empty tabbed panel. * * <p> * * @param tabbedPanelStyle the pre-defined height of the tabbar, can be "small" or "standard" */ public CmsTabbedPanel(CmsTabbedPanelStyle tabbedPanelStyle) { m_tabPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(tabbedPanelStyle.getBarHeight(), Unit.PX); m_panelStyle = tabbedPanelStyle; // All composites must call initWidget() in their constructors. initWidget(m_tabPanel); Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabBarDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTabs(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); if (tabBarDivs.size() == 1) { tabBarDivs .get(0) .getParentElement() .setClassName( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTabBar() + " " + I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll()); if (m_panelStyle.getTabColorClass() != null) { tabBarDivs.get(0).getParentElement().addClassName(m_panelStyle.getTabColorClass()); } } m_tabPanel.setStyleName(m_panelStyle.getStyleClass()); m_tabPanel.addStyleName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanel()); m_tabPanel.addStyleName( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().cornerAll() + " " + I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.generalCss().textMedium()); m_tabPanel.addAttachHandler( new AttachEvent.Handler() { /** * @see * */ public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { setOverflowVisibleToContent(); } }); }
private void initialize() { HorizontalPanel controler = new HorizontalPanel(); this.addNorth(controler, 30); Button okBt = new Button( "OK", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { updateSettings(); closePanel(); } }); controler.add(okBt); Button cancelBt = new Button( "Cancel", new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { doCancel(); } }); controler.add(cancelBt); // main TabLayoutPanel tab = new TabLayoutPanel(25, Unit.PX); // tab.setSize("100%","100%"); this.add(tab); ScrollPanel scroll = new ScrollPanel(); // scroll.setSize("100%","100%"); // creaate gif-anime panel // tab.add(scroll,"GifAnime");//stop support gif-anime scroll.add(createGifPanel()); ScrollPanel scroll2 = new ScrollPanel(); // scroll.setSize("100%","100%"); // creaate gif-anime panel tab.add(scroll2, "Screenshot"); scroll2.add(createScreenshotPanel()); }
public LOpenTrialsDocumentCardPanel(IDomeo domeo) { _domeo = domeo; initWidget(binder.createAndBindUi(this)); body.setHeight("100%"); tabToolsPanel.setHeight(Window.getClientHeight() - 45 + "px"); // tabToolsPanel.addStyleName(style.tabLayoutPanel()); urlImage.setVisible(false); }
/** * Enables the tab with the given index. * * <p> * * @param tabContent the content of the tab that should be enabled */ public void enableTab(E tabContent) { Integer index = new Integer(m_tabPanel.getWidgetIndex(tabContent)); Element tab = getTabElement(index.intValue()); if ((tab != null) && m_disabledTabIndexes.containsKey(index)) { tab.removeClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().tabDisabled()); tab.setTitle(m_disabledTabIndexes.get(index)); m_disabledTabIndexes.remove(index); } }
public SolicitudTitularEditorWorkFlow() { titulo = "Nueva Solicitud"; tablaTiempoServicioDeclarado = new TablaTiempoServicioDeclarado(); solicitudTitularEditor = new SolicitudTitularEditor(); initWidget(GWT.<Binder>create(Binder.class).createAndBindUi(this)); tab.getTabWidget(1).getParent().setVisible(false); cotizanteSolicitante.setValue(true); }
private void onMetricsTabSelected() { testsMetricsPanel.showWidget(1); mainTabPanel.forceLayout(); for (String plotId : chosenPlots.keySet()) { if (plotPanel.getElementById(plotId) == null) { renderPlots(plotPanel, chosenPlots.get(plotId), plotId); scrollPanelMetrics.scrollToBottom(); } } }
private TelaInicialTopicoProfessor(MainView mainView) { this.mainView = mainView; TextConstants txtConstants = GWT.create(TextConstants.class); adicionarTopicoProfessor = new AdicionarTopicoProfessor(this); editarTopicoProfessor = new EditarTopicoProfessor(this); TabLayoutPanel tabLayoutPanel = new TabLayoutPanel(2.5, Unit.EM); // stackPanel.setPixelSize(intWidthTable + 50, intHeightTable); tabLayoutPanel.setHeight(Integer.toString(intHeightTable) + "px"); tabLayoutPanel.setAnimationDuration(500); tabLayoutPanel.setAnimationVertical(true); tabLayoutPanel.add( adicionarTopicoProfessor, new MpHeaderWidget(txtConstants.topicoAdicionar(), "images/plus-circle.png")); tabLayoutPanel.add( editarTopicoProfessor, new MpHeaderWidget(txtConstants.topicoEditar(), "images/comment_edit.png")); // VerticalPanel verticalPanelPage = new VerticalPanel(); // verticalPanelPage.add(stackPanel); // verticalPanelPage.add(new InlineHTML(" ")); initWidget(tabLayoutPanel); }
/** * Disables the tab with the given index. * * <p> * * @param tabContent the content of the tab that should be disabled * @param reason the reason why the tab is disabled */ public void disableTab(E tabContent, String reason) { Integer index = new Integer(m_tabPanel.getWidgetIndex(tabContent)); Element tab = getTabElement(index.intValue()); if ((tab != null) && !m_disabledTabIndexes.containsKey(index)) { if (CmsStringUtil.isNotEmptyOrWhitespaceOnly(tab.getTitle())) { m_disabledTabIndexes.put(index, tab.getTitle()); } else { m_disabledTabIndexes.put(index, ""); } tab.addClassName(I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().tabDisabled()); tab.setTitle(reason); } }
/** * Returns the tab element for the given index. * * <p> * * @param tabIndex the tab index to get the tab element for * @return the tab element for the given index */ private Element getTabElement(int tabIndex) { Element tabRootEl = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelTab(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRootEl); if ((tabDivs != null) && (tabDivs.size() > tabIndex)) { return tabDivs.get(tabIndex); } return null; }
public MainAgenteLayout() { setStylePrimaryName(MaliceResources.INSTANCE.main().agenteLayout()); add(toolbarsContainerPanel); add(maliceDisplayContainer); // MALICEDISPLAYCONTAINER maliceDisplayContainer.setAnimationDuration(0); // in millisec maliceDisplayContainer.add(benvenutoScrollPanel); maliceDisplayContainer.add(titoliScrollPanel); maliceDisplayContainer.add(incassiScrollPanel); maliceDisplayContainer.add(chiusureScrollPanel); maliceDisplayContainer.add(statisticheScrollPanel); maliceDisplayContainer.selectTab(BENVENUTO_TAB); setVisible(false); }
/** * Sets the overflow of the tab layout content's parent to visible. * * <p> */ protected void setOverflowVisibleToContent() { Element tabRoot = m_tabPanel.getElement(); // set an additional css class for the parent element of the .gwt-TabLayoutPanelTabs element List<Element> tabContentDivs = CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( I_CmsLayoutBundle.INSTANCE.tabbedPanelCss().cmsTabLayoutPanelContent(), CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRoot); tabContentDivs.addAll( CmsDomUtil.getElementsByClass( "gwt-TabLayoutPanelContentContainer", CmsDomUtil.Tag.div, tabRoot)); for (Element e : tabContentDivs) { e.getParentElement().getStyle().setOverflow(Overflow.VISIBLE); } }
private void onTrendsTabSelected() { testsMetricsPanel.showWidget(0); mainTabPanel.forceLayout(); if (!chosenMetrics.isEmpty() && hasChanged) { plotTrendsPanel.clear(); for (Map.Entry<String, MetricDto> entry : chosenMetrics.entrySet()) { renderPlots( plotTrendsPanel, Arrays.asList(entry.getValue().getPlotSeriesDto()), entry.getKey(), entry.getValue().getPlotSeriesDto().getYAxisMin(), true); } scrollPanelTrends.scrollToBottom(); hasChanged = false; } }
private void setupTabPanel() { mainTabPanel.addSelectionHandler( new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { int selected = event.getSelectedItem(); switch (selected) { case 0: onSummaryTabSelected(); break; case 1: onTrendsTabSelected(); break; case 2: onMetricsTabSelected(); default: } } }); }
/** * Delegate method. * * <p> * * @see index) * @param tabWidget the tab widget to select */ public void selectTab(E tabWidget) { m_tabPanel.selectTab(tabWidget); }
private void onSummaryTabSelected() { mainTabPanel.forceLayout(); testsMetricsPanel.showWidget(0); // to make columns fit 100% width if grid created not on Summary Tab summaryPanel.getSessionComparisonPanel().refresh(); }
@UiHandler("getHyperlink") void getHyperlink(ClickEvent event) { MultiSelectionModel<SessionDataDto> sessionModel = (MultiSelectionModel) sessionsDataGrid.getSelectionModel(); MultiSelectionModel<TaskDataDto> testModel = (MultiSelectionModel) testDataGrid.getSelectionModel(); Set<SessionDataDto> sessions = sessionModel.getSelectedSet(); Set<TaskDataDto> tests = testModel.getSelectedSet(); Set<MetricNameDto> metrics = metricPanel.getSelected(); TaskDataTreeViewModel taskDataTreeViewModel = (TaskDataTreeViewModel) taskDetailsTree.getTreeViewModel(); Set<PlotNameDto> trends = taskDataTreeViewModel.getSelectionModel().getSelectedSet(); HashSet<String> sessionsIds = new HashSet<String>(); HashSet<TestsMetrics> testsMetricses = new HashSet<TestsMetrics>(tests.size()); HashMap<String, TestsMetrics> map = new HashMap<String, TestsMetrics>(tests.size()); for (SessionDataDto session : sessions) { sessionsIds.add(session.getSessionId()); } for (TaskDataDto taskDataDto : tests) { TestsMetrics testsMetrics = new TestsMetrics(taskDataDto.getTaskName(), new HashSet<String>(), new HashSet<String>()); testsMetricses.add(testsMetrics); map.put(taskDataDto.getTaskName(), testsMetrics); } for (MetricNameDto metricNameDto : metrics) { map.get(metricNameDto.getTests().getTaskName()).getMetrics().add(metricNameDto.getName()); } for (PlotNameDto plotNameDto : trends) { map.get(plotNameDto.getTest().getTaskName()).getTrends().add(plotNameDto.getPlotName()); } TrendsPlace newPlace = new TrendsPlace( mainTabPanel.getSelectedIndex() == 0 ? NameTokens.SUMMARY : mainTabPanel.getSelectedIndex() == 1 ? NameTokens.TRENDS : NameTokens.METRICS); newPlace.setSelectedSessionIds(sessionsIds); newPlace.setSelectedTestsMetrics(testsMetricses); newPlace.setSessionTrends(sessionPlotPanel.getSelected()); String linkText = Window.Location.getHost() + Window.Location.getPath() + Window.Location.getQueryString() + "#" + new JaggerPlaceHistoryMapper().getToken(newPlace); linkText = URL.encode(linkText); // create a dialog for copy link final DialogBox dialog = new DialogBox(false, true); dialog.setText("Share link"); dialog.setModal(true); dialog.setAutoHideEnabled(true); dialog.setPopupPosition(event.getClientX(), event.getClientY()); final TextArea textArea = new TextArea(); textArea.setText(linkText); textArea.setWidth("300px"); textArea.setHeight("40px"); // select text Scheduler.get() .scheduleDeferred( new Scheduler.ScheduledCommand() { @Override public void execute() { textArea.setVisible(true); textArea.setFocus(true); textArea.selectAll(); } }); dialog.add(textArea);; }
/** * Delegate method. * * <p> * * @see index) * @param tabIndex the index of the tab to be selected * @param fireEvent <code>true</code> to fire the tab event */ public void selectTab(int tabIndex, boolean fireEvent) { m_tabPanel.selectTab(tabIndex, fireEvent); }
/** * Sets the text of a given tab. * * <p> * * @param pos the index of the tab * @param text the new text for the tab */ public void setTabText(int pos, String text) { m_tabPanel.setTabText(pos, text); }
/** * Delegate method. * * <p> * * @see index) * @param tabIndex the index of the tab to be selected */ public void selectTab(int tabIndex) { m_tabPanel.selectTab(tabIndex); }
/** * Gets the child widget at the specified index. * * <p>Wrapper function for {@link} * * @param tabIndex the child widget's index * @return the child widget */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public E getWidget(int tabIndex) { return (E) m_tabPanel.getWidget(tabIndex); }
/** * Inserts a widget into the panel. If the Widget is already attached, it will be moved to the * requested index. * * <p>Wrapper function for {@link, * String, int)} * * @param tabContent the widget to be added * @param tabName the text to be shown on its tab * @param beforeIndex the index before which it will be inserted */ public void insert(E tabContent, String tabName, int beforeIndex) { m_tabPanel.insert(tabContent, tabName, beforeIndex); }
/** * Removes the tab with the given index. * * <p> * * @param tabIndex the index of the tab which should be removed */ public void removeTab(int tabIndex) { m_tabPanel.remove(tabIndex); }
/** * Returns an iterator over all tabs. * * <p> * * @return the iterator */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Iterator<E> iterator() { return (Iterator<E>) m_tabPanel.iterator(); }
@Override protected void onBind() { registerHandler( getDisplay() .getCitySelects() .addChangeHandler( new ChangeHandler() { @Override public void onChange(ChangeEvent event) { eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); registerHandler( getDisplay() .getOnlyTodayCheckBox() .addValueChangeHandler( new ValueChangeHandler<Boolean>() { @Override public void onValueChange(ValueChangeEvent<Boolean> event) { eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); registerHandler( getDisplay() .getCategoryTabPanel() .addSelectionHandler( new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); Collection<TabLayoutPanel> orderTypePanelList = getDisplay().getOrderTypeTabPanelList().values(); for (TabLayoutPanel orderTab : orderTypePanelList) { registerHandler( orderTab.addSelectionHandler( new SelectionHandler<Integer>() { @Override public void onSelection(SelectionEvent<Integer> event) { eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); } // previous page Collection<PageListWidget> pageListWidgetList = getDisplay().getPageListWidgetList().values(); for (final PageListWidget page : pageListWidgetList) { // previous registerHandler( page.getPreviousPage() .addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { page.previousPage(); eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); // next registerHandler( page.getNextPage() .addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { page.nextPage(); eventBus.fireEvent(createRefreshEvent()); } })); } // init load getDisplay() .getCategoryTabPanel() .addAttachHandler( new Handler() { @Override public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { RefreshSearchResultEvent refreshSearchResultEvent = new RefreshSearchResultEvent(); refreshSearchResultEvent.setCategory(Category.getDisplayOrder()[0]); refreshSearchResultEvent.setOrderType(OrderType.getDisplayOrder()[0]); // No city select refreshSearchResultEvent.setCity(""); refreshSearchResultEvent.setCurrentPage(1); refreshSearchResultEvent.setOnlyToday(false); eventBus.fireEvent(refreshSearchResultEvent); } }); registerHandler( getDisplay() .getCitySelects() .addAttachHandler( new Handler() { @Override public void onAttachOrDetach(AttachEvent event) { dispatch.execute( new GetCityNames(), new SimpleCallback<CityNames>() { @Override public void onSuccess(CityNames result) { ArrayList<Item> cityList = result.getCityList(); getDisplay().getCitySelects().clear(); for (Item city : cityList) { getDisplay() .getCitySelects() .addItem(city.getDisplayName(), city.getValue()); } } }); } })); // keyword search registerHandler( getDisplay() .getSearchButton() .addClickHandler( new ClickHandler() { @Override public void onClick(ClickEvent event) { String value = getDisplay().getSearchTextBox().getText(); if (value == null || value.trim().isEmpty()) { // TODO: validate check return; } eventBus.fireEvent(createKeyworkSearchEvent()); } })); registerHandler( eventBus.addHandler( KeywordSearchEvent.getType(), new KeywordSearchHandler() { @Override public void onRefresh(KeywordSearchEvent event) { // select the first one. getDisplay().getCategoryTabPanel().selectTab(0); // hide and show getDisplay().getKeywordResultPanel().setVisible(true); getDisplay().getCategoryAllPanel().setVisible(false); } })); registerHandler( eventBus.addHandler( RefreshSearchResultEvent.getType(), new RefreshSearchResultHandler() { @Override public void onRefresh(RefreshSearchResultEvent event) { // hide and show getDisplay().getKeywordResultPanel().setVisible(false); getDisplay().getCategoryAllPanel().setVisible(true); } })); }
/** * Delegate method. * * <p> * * @see index) * @param tabWidget the tab widget to select * @param fireEvent <code>true</code> to fire the tab event */ public void selectTab(E tabWidget, boolean fireEvent) { m_tabPanel.selectTab(tabWidget, fireEvent); }