@Override public Iterable<ActionContextProvider> getActionContextProviders() { Preconditions.checkNotNull(env); Preconditions.checkNotNull(buildRequest); Preconditions.checkNotNull(workers); return ImmutableList.<ActionContextProvider>of( new WorkerActionContextProvider( env.getRuntime(), buildRequest, workers, env.getEventBus())); }
// Kill workers on Ctrl-C to quickly end the interrupted build. // TODO(philwo) - make sure that this actually *kills* the workers and not just politely waits // for them to finish. @Subscribe public void buildInterrupted(BuildInterruptedEvent event) { if (workers != null) { if (verbose) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.info("Build interrupted, shutting down worker pool...")); } workers.close(); workers = null; } }
@Subscribe public void buildComplete(BuildCompleteEvent event) { if (workers != null && buildRequest.getOptions(WorkerOptions.class).workerQuitAfterBuild) { if (verbose) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.info("Build completed, shutting down worker pool...")); } workers.close(); workers = null; } }
@Override public void beforeCommand(Command command, CommandEnvironment env) { this.env = env; env.getEventBus().register(this); if (workers == null) { Path logDir = env.getRuntime().getOutputBase().getRelative("worker-logs"); try { logDir.createDirectory(); } catch (IOException e) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error("Could not create directory for worker logs: " + logDir)); } GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig config = new GenericKeyedObjectPoolConfig(); // It's better to re-use a worker as often as possible and keep it hot, in order to profit // from JIT optimizations as much as possible. config.setLifo(true); // Check for & deal with idle workers every 5 seconds. config.setTimeBetweenEvictionRunsMillis(5 * 1000); // Always test the liveliness of worker processes. config.setTestOnBorrow(true); config.setTestOnCreate(true); config.setTestOnReturn(true); config.setTestWhileIdle(true); // Don't limit the total number of worker processes, as otherwise the pool might be full of // e.g. Java workers and could never accommodate another request for a different kind of // worker. config.setMaxTotal(-1); workers = new WorkerPool(new WorkerFactory(), config); workers.setReporter(env.getReporter()); workers.setLogDirectory(logDir); } }
public Sender( String url, String secret, CommandEnvironment env, ExecutorService executorService) throws SenderException { this.reporter = env.getReporter(); this.secret = readSecret(secret, reporter); try { this.url = new URL(url); if (!this.secret.isEmpty()) { if (!(this.url.getProtocol().equals("https") || this.url.getHost().equals("localhost") || this.url.getHost().matches("^127.0.0.[0-9]+$"))) { reporter.handle( Event.warn( "Using authentication over unsecure channel, " + "consider using HTTPS.")); } } } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new SenderException("Invalid server url " + url, e); } this.buildId = env.getCommandId().toString(); this.executorService = executorService; sendMessage("test", null); // test connecting to the server. reporter.handle(Event.info("Results are being streamed to " + url + "/result/" + buildId)); }
@Override public void handleOptions(OptionsProvider optionsProvider) { DashOptions options = optionsProvider.getOptions(DashOptions.class); try { sender = (options == null || !options.useDash) ? NO_OP_SENDER : new Sender(options.url, options.secret, env, executorService); } catch (SenderException e) { env.getReporter().handle(e.toEvent()); sender = NO_OP_SENDER; } if (optionsBuildData != null) { sender.send("options", optionsBuildData); } optionsBuildData = null; }
private ExitCode doTest( CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options, AggregatingTestListener testListener) { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); // Run simultaneous build and test. List<String> targets = ProjectFileSupport.getTargets(runtime, options); BuildRequest request = BuildRequest.create( getClass().getAnnotation(Command.class).name(), options, runtime.getStartupOptionsProvider(), targets, env.getReporter().getOutErr(), env.getCommandId(), env.getCommandStartTime()); request.setRunTests(); BuildResult buildResult = new BuildTool(env).processRequest(request, null); Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets = buildResult.getTestTargets(); // TODO(bazel-team): don't handle isEmpty here or fix up a bunch of tests if (buildResult.getSuccessfulTargets() == null) { // This can happen if there were errors in the target parsing or loading phase // (original exitcode=BUILD_FAILURE) or if there weren't but --noanalyze was given // (original exitcode=SUCCESS). env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("Couldn't start the build. Unable to run tests")); return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.PARSING_FAILURE : buildResult.getExitCondition(); } // TODO(bazel-team): the check above shadows NO_TESTS_FOUND, but switching the conditions breaks // more tests if (testTargets.isEmpty()) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error(null, "No test targets were found, yet testing was requested")); return buildResult.getSuccess() ? ExitCode.NO_TESTS_FOUND : buildResult.getExitCondition(); } boolean buildSuccess = buildResult.getSuccess(); boolean testSuccess = analyzeTestResults(testTargets, testListener, options); if (testSuccess && !buildSuccess) { // If all tests run successfully, test summary should include warning if // there were build errors not associated with the test targets. printer.printLn( AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.ERROR + "One or more non-test targets failed to build.\n" + AnsiTerminalPrinter.Mode.DEFAULT); } return buildSuccess ? (testSuccess ? ExitCode.SUCCESS : ExitCode.TESTS_FAILED) : buildResult.getExitCondition(); }
private Log getLog(String logPath) { Log.Builder builder = Log.newBuilder().setPath(logPath); File log = new File(logPath); try { long fileSize = Files.size(log.toPath()); if (fileSize > ONE_MB) { fileSize = ONE_MB; builder.setTruncated(true); } byte buffer[] = new byte[(int) fileSize]; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(log)) { ByteStreams.readFully(in, buffer); } builder.setContents(ByteString.copyFrom(buffer)); } catch (IOException e) { env.getReporter() .getOutErr() .printOutLn("Error reading log file " + logPath + ": " + e.getMessage()); // TODO(kchodorow): add this info to the proto and send. } return builder.build(); }
@Override public void editOptions(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsParser optionsParser) throws AbruptExitException { ProjectFileSupport.handleProjectFiles(env, optionsParser, commandName()); TestOutputFormat testOutput = optionsParser.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class).testOutput; try { if (testOutput == TestStrategy.TestOutputFormat.STREAMED) { env.getReporter() .handle( Event.warn( "Streamed test output requested so all tests will be run locally, without sharding, " + "one at a time")); optionsParser.parse( OptionPriority.SOFTWARE_REQUIREMENT, "streamed output requires locally run tests, without sharding", ImmutableList.of("--test_sharding_strategy=disabled", "--test_strategy=exclusive")); } } catch (OptionsParsingException e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Known options failed to parse", e); } }
@Override public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) { TestResultAnalyzer resultAnalyzer = new TestResultAnalyzer( env.getDirectories().getExecRoot(), options.getOptions(TestSummaryOptions.class), options.getOptions(ExecutionOptions.class), env.getEventBus()); printer = new AnsiTerminalPrinter( env.getReporter().getOutErr().getOutputStream(), options.getOptions(BlazeCommandEventHandler.Options.class).useColor()); // Initialize test handler. AggregatingTestListener testListener = new AggregatingTestListener(resultAnalyzer, env.getEventBus(), env.getReporter()); env.getEventBus().register(testListener); return doTest(env, options, testListener); }
@Override public ExitCode exec(CommandEnvironment env, OptionsProvider options) throws ShutdownBlazeServerException { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); Options cleanOptions = options.getOptions(Options.class); cleanOptions.expunge_async = cleanOptions.cleanStyle.equals("expunge_async"); cleanOptions.expunge = cleanOptions.cleanStyle.equals("expunge"); if (!cleanOptions.expunge && !cleanOptions.expunge_async && !cleanOptions.cleanStyle.isEmpty()) { env.getReporter() .handle(Event.error(null, "Invalid clean_style value '" + cleanOptions.cleanStyle + "'")); return ExitCode.COMMAND_LINE_ERROR; } String cleanBanner = cleanOptions.expunge_async ? "Starting clean." : "Starting clean (this may take a while). " + "Consider using --expunge_async if the clean takes more than several minutes."; env.getReporter().handle(Event.info(null /*location*/, cleanBanner)); try { String symlinkPrefix = options.getOptions(BuildRequest.BuildRequestOptions.class).getSymlinkPrefix(); actuallyClean(env, runtime.getOutputBase(), cleanOptions, symlinkPrefix); return ExitCode.SUCCESS; } catch (IOException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); return ExitCode.LOCAL_ENVIRONMENTAL_ERROR; } catch (CommandException | ExecException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error(e.getMessage())); return ExitCode.RUN_FAILURE; } catch (InterruptedException e) { env.getReporter().handle(Event.error("clean interrupted")); return ExitCode.INTERRUPTED; } }
@Override public void beforeCommand(Command command, CommandEnvironment env) { this.env = env; env.getEventBus().register(this); }
private void actuallyClean( CommandEnvironment env, Path outputBase, Options cleanOptions, String symlinkPrefix) throws IOException, ShutdownBlazeServerException, CommandException, ExecException, InterruptedException { BlazeRuntime runtime = env.getRuntime(); if (env.getOutputService() != null) { env.getOutputService().clean(); } if (cleanOptions.expunge) { LOG.info("Expunging..."); // Delete the big subdirectories with the important content first--this // will take the most time. Then quickly delete the little locks, logs // and links right before we exit. Once the lock file is gone there will // be a small possibility of a server race if a client is waiting, but // all significant files will be gone by then. FileSystemUtils.deleteTreesBelow(outputBase); FileSystemUtils.deleteTree(outputBase); } else if (cleanOptions.expunge_async) { LOG.info("Expunging asynchronously..."); String tempBaseName = outputBase.getBaseName() + "_tmp_" + ProcessUtils.getpid(); // Keeping tempOutputBase in the same directory ensures it remains in the // same file system, and therefore the mv will be atomic and fast. Path tempOutputBase = outputBase.getParentDirectory().getChild(tempBaseName); outputBase.renameTo(tempOutputBase); env.getReporter() .handle(Event.info(null, "Output base moved to " + tempOutputBase + " for deletion")); // Daemonize the shell and use the double-fork idiom to ensure that the shell // exits even while the "rm -rf" command continues. String command = String.format( "exec >&- 2>&- <&- && (/usr/bin/setsid /bin/rm -rf %s &)&", ShellEscaper.escapeString(tempOutputBase.getPathString())); LOG.info("Executing shell commmand " + ShellEscaper.escapeString(command)); // Doesn't throw iff command exited and was successful. new CommandBuilder() .addArg(command) .useShell(true) .setWorkingDir(tempOutputBase.getParentDirectory()) .build() .execute(); } else { LOG.info("Output cleaning..."); runtime.clearCaches(); // In order to be sure that we delete everything, delete the workspace directory both for // --deep_execroot and for --nodeep_execroot. for (String directory : new String[] {runtime.getWorkspaceName(), "execroot/" + runtime.getWorkspaceName()}) { Path child = outputBase.getRelative(directory); if (child.exists()) { LOG.finest("Cleaning " + child); FileSystemUtils.deleteTreesBelow(child); } } } // remove convenience links OutputDirectoryLinksUtils.removeOutputDirectoryLinks( runtime.getWorkspaceName(), runtime.getWorkspace(), env.getReporter(), symlinkPrefix); // shutdown on expunge cleans if (cleanOptions.expunge || cleanOptions.expunge_async) { throw new ShutdownBlazeServerException(0); } }