@Subscribe public void testFinished(TestResult result) { BuildData.Builder builder = BuildData.newBuilder(); BuildData.Target.Builder targetBuilder = BuildData.Target.newBuilder(); targetBuilder.setLabel(result.getLabel()); TestData.Builder testDataBuilder = TestData.newBuilder(); testDataBuilder.setPassed(result.getData().getTestPassed()); if (!result.getData().getTestPassed()) { testDataBuilder.setLog(getLog(result.getTestLogPath().toString())); } targetBuilder.setTestData(testDataBuilder); builder.addTargets(targetBuilder); sender.send("test", builder.build()); }
/** * Prints out the results of the given tests, and returns true if they all passed. Posts any * targets which weren't already completed by the listener to the EventBus. Reports all targets on * the console via the given notifier. Run at the end of the build, run only once. * * @param testTargets The list of targets being run * @param listener An aggregating listener with intermediate results * @param notifier A console notifier to echo results to. * @return true if all the tests passed, else false */ public boolean differentialAnalyzeAndReport( Collection<ConfiguredTarget> testTargets, AggregatingTestListener listener, TestResultNotifier notifier) { Preconditions.checkNotNull(testTargets); Preconditions.checkNotNull(listener); Preconditions.checkNotNull(notifier); // The natural ordering of the summaries defines their output order. Set<TestSummary> summaries = Sets.newTreeSet(); int totalRun = 0; // Number of targets running at least one non-cached test. int passCount = 0; for (ConfiguredTarget testTarget : testTargets) { TestSummary summary = aggregateAndReportSummary(testTarget, listener).build(); summaries.add(summary); // Finished aggregating; build the final console output. if (summary.actionRan()) { totalRun++; } if (TestResult.isBlazeTestStatusPassed(summary.getStatus())) { passCount++; } } Preconditions.checkState(summaries.size() == testTargets.size()); notifier.notify(summaries, totalRun); return passCount == testTargets.size(); }
/* * Finalize test run: persist the result, and post on the event bus. */ protected void postTestResult(Executor executor, TestResult result) throws IOException { result.getTestAction().saveCacheStatus(result.getData()); executor.getEventBus().post(result); }
/** * Incrementally updates a TestSummary given an existing summary and a new TestResult. Only call * on built targets. * * @param summaryBuilder Existing unbuilt test summary associated with a target. * @param result New test result to aggregate into the summary. * @return The updated TestSummary. */ public TestSummary.Builder incrementalAnalyze( TestSummary.Builder summaryBuilder, TestResult result) { // Cache retrieval should have been performed already. Preconditions.checkNotNull(result); Preconditions.checkNotNull(summaryBuilder); TestSummary existingSummary = Preconditions.checkNotNull(summaryBuilder.peek()); TransitiveInfoCollection target = existingSummary.getTarget(); Preconditions.checkNotNull(target, "The existing TestSummary must be associated with a target"); BlazeTestStatus status = existingSummary.getStatus(); int numCached = existingSummary.numCached(); int numLocalActionCached = existingSummary.numLocalActionCached(); // If a test was neither cached locally nor remotely we say action was taken. if (!(result.isCached() || result.getData().getRemotelyCached())) { summaryBuilder.setActionRan(true); } else { numCached++; } if (result.isCached()) { numLocalActionCached++; } PathFragment coverageData = result.getCoverageData(); if (coverageData != null) { summaryBuilder.addCoverageFiles( Collections.singletonList(execRoot.getRelative(coverageData))); } if (!executionOptions.runsPerTestDetectsFlakes) { status = aggregateStatus(status, result.getData().getStatus()); } else { int shardNumber = result.getShardNum(); int runsPerTestForLabel = target.getProvider(TestProvider.class).getTestParams().getRuns(); List<BlazeTestStatus> singleShardStatuses = summaryBuilder.addShardStatus(shardNumber, result.getData().getStatus()); if (singleShardStatuses.size() == runsPerTestForLabel) { BlazeTestStatus shardStatus = BlazeTestStatus.NO_STATUS; int passes = 0; for (BlazeTestStatus runStatusForShard : singleShardStatuses) { shardStatus = aggregateStatus(shardStatus, runStatusForShard); if (TestResult.isBlazeTestStatusPassed(shardStatus)) { passes++; } } // Under the RunsPerTestDetectsFlakes option, return flaky if 1 <= p < n shards pass. // If all results pass or fail, aggregate the passing/failing shardStatus. if (passes == 0 || passes == runsPerTestForLabel) { status = aggregateStatus(status, shardStatus); } else { status = aggregateStatus(status, BlazeTestStatus.FLAKY); } } } List<Path> passed = new ArrayList<>(); if (result.getData().hasPassedLog()) { passed.add( result .getTestAction() .getTestLog() .getPath() .getRelative(result.getData().getPassedLog())); } List<Path> failed = new ArrayList<>(); for (String path : result.getData().getFailedLogsList()) { failed.add(result.getTestAction().getTestLog().getPath().getRelative(path)); } summaryBuilder .addTestTimes(result.getData().getTestTimesList()) .addPassedLogs(passed) .addFailedLogs(failed) .addWarnings(result.getData().getWarningList()) .collectFailedTests(result.getData().getTestCase()) .setRanRemotely(result.getData().getIsRemoteStrategy()); List<String> warnings = new ArrayList<>(); if (status == BlazeTestStatus.PASSED && shouldEmitTestSizeWarningInSummary( summaryOptions.testVerboseTimeoutWarnings, warnings, result.getData().getTestProcessTimesList(), target)) { summaryBuilder.setWasUnreportedWrongSize(true); } return summaryBuilder .setStatus(status) .setNumCached(numCached) .setNumLocalActionCached(numLocalActionCached) .addWarnings(warnings); }