コード例 #1
 /** Constructs a BlockChain connected to the given list of listeners (eg, wallets) and a store. */
 public AbstractBlockChain(
     Context context, List<BlockChainListener> listeners, BlockStore blockStore)
     throws BlockStoreException {
   this.blockStore = blockStore;
   chainHead = blockStore.getChainHead();
   log.info("chain head is at height {}:\n{}", chainHead.getHeight(), chainHead.getHeader());
   this.params = context.getParams();
   this.listeners = new CopyOnWriteArrayList<ListenerRegistration<BlockChainListener>>();
   for (BlockChainListener l : listeners) addListener(l, Threading.SAME_THREAD);
コード例 #2
 /** See {@link #AbstractBlockChain(Context, List, BlockStore)} */
 public AbstractBlockChain(
     NetworkParameters params, List<BlockChainListener> listeners, BlockStore blockStore)
     throws BlockStoreException {
   this(Context.getOrCreate(params), listeners, blockStore);