/** * Selects the entities * * @return the SUCCESS result */ public String load() throws ServiceException { ActionContext context = ActionContext.getContext(); Map<String, Object> session = context.getSession(); User loginUser = (User) session.get(AuthenticationSuccessListener.LOGIN_USER); this.userID = loginUser.getId(); return SUCCESS; }
/** * Gets the entity. * * @return the SUCCESS result */ public String get() throws Exception { if (this.getId() != null) { call = baseService.getEntityById(Call.class, this.getId()); CallStatus status = call.getStatus(); if (status != null) { statusID = status.getId(); } CallDirection direction = call.getDirection(); if (direction != null) { directionID = direction.getId(); } ReminderOption reminderOptionPop = call.getReminder_option_pop(); if (reminderOptionPop != null) { reminderOptionPopID = reminderOptionPop.getId(); } ReminderOption reminderOptionEmail = call.getReminder_option_email(); if (reminderOptionEmail != null) { reminderOptionEmailID = reminderOptionEmail.getId(); } User user = call.getAssigned_to(); if (user != null) { assignedToID = user.getId(); } Date start_date = call.getStart_date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("M/d/yyyy HH:mm:ss"); if (start_date != null) { startDate = dateFormat.format(start_date); } String relatedObject = call.getRelated_object(); Integer relatedRecord = call.getRelated_record(); setRelatedRecord(relatedObject, relatedRecord); } else { ActionContext context = ActionContext.getContext(); Map<String, Object> session = context.getSession(); User loginUser = (User) session.get(AuthenticationSuccessListener.LOGIN_USER); this.assignedToID = loginUser.getId(); if (!CommonUtil.isNullOrEmpty(this.getRelationKey())) { call.setRelated_object(this.getRelationKey()); setRelatedRecord(this.getRelationKey(), Integer.parseInt(this.getRelationValue())); } } return SUCCESS; }
/** * Gets the list data. * * @return null */ public String listFull() throws Exception { UserUtil.permissionCheck("view_document"); User loginUser = UserUtil.getLoginUser(); int scope = loginUser.getScope_document(); StringBuilder hqlBuilder = new StringBuilder("select new Document(id,name) from Document"); if (scope == Role.OWNER_OR_DISABLED) { hqlBuilder.append(" where owner = ").append(loginUser.getId()); } hqlBuilder.append(" order by created_on desc"); List<Document> result = baseService.findByHQL(hqlBuilder.toString()); documents = result.iterator(); return SUCCESS; }
/** * Gets the entity. * * @return the SUCCESS result */ public String get() throws Exception { if (this.getId() != null) { targetList = baseService.getEntityById(TargetList.class, this.getId()); User assignedTo = targetList.getAssigned_to(); if (assignedTo != null) { this.setAssignedToID(assignedTo.getId()); this.setAssignedToText(assignedTo.getName()); } this.getBaseInfo(targetList, TargetList.class.getSimpleName(), Constant.CRM_NAMESPACE); } else { this.initBaseInfo(); } return SUCCESS; }
/** Mass update entity record information */ public String massUpdate() throws Exception { saveEntity(); String[] fieldNames = this.massUpdate; if (fieldNames != null) { Collection<String> feildNameCollection = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < fieldNames.length; i++) { feildNameCollection.add(fieldNames[i]); if ("reminder_pop".equals(fieldNames[i])) { feildNameCollection.add("reminder_email"); feildNameCollection.add("reminder_option_pop"); feildNameCollection.add("reminder_option_email"); } } String[] selectIDArray = this.seleteIDs.split(","); Collection<Call> calls = new ArrayList<Call>(); User loginUser = this.getLoginUser(); User user = userService.getEntityById(User.class, loginUser.getId()); Collection<ChangeLog> allChangeLogs = new ArrayList<ChangeLog>(); for (String IDString : selectIDArray) { int id = Integer.parseInt(IDString); Call callInstance = this.baseService.getEntityById(Call.class, id); Call originalCall = callInstance.clone(); for (String fieldName : feildNameCollection) { Object value = BeanUtil.getFieldValue(call, fieldName); BeanUtil.setFieldValue(callInstance, fieldName, value); } callInstance.setUpdated_by(user); callInstance.setUpdated_on(new Date()); Collection<ChangeLog> changeLogs = changeLog(originalCall, callInstance); allChangeLogs.addAll(changeLogs); calls.add(callInstance); } final Collection<ChangeLog> changeLogsForSave = allChangeLogs; if (calls.size() > 0) { this.baseService.batchUpdate(calls); taskExecutor.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { batchInserChangeLogs(changeLogsForSave); } }); } } return SUCCESS; }
/** * Gets the entity. * * @return the SUCCESS result */ public String get() throws Exception { if (this.getId() != null) { UserUtil.permissionCheck("view_call"); call = baseService.getEntityById(Call.class, this.getId()); UserUtil.scopeCheck(call, "scope_call"); CallStatus status = call.getStatus(); if (status != null) { statusID = status.getId(); } CallDirection direction = call.getDirection(); if (direction != null) { directionID = direction.getId(); } ReminderOption reminderOptionEmail = call.getReminder_option_email(); if (reminderOptionEmail != null) { reminderOptionEmailID = reminderOptionEmail.getId(); } EmailTemplate reminderTemplate = call.getReminder_template(); if (reminderTemplate != null) { reminderTemplateID = reminderTemplate.getId(); } User assignedTo = call.getAssigned_to(); if (assignedTo != null) { this.setAssignedToID(assignedTo.getId()); this.setAssignedToText(assignedTo.getName()); } Date start_date = call.getStart_date(); SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat(Constant.DATE_TIME_FORMAT); if (start_date != null) { startDate = dateFormat.format(start_date); } String relatedObject = call.getRelated_object(); Integer relatedRecord = call.getRelated_record(); if (relatedRecord != null) { setRelatedRecord(relatedObject, relatedRecord); } this.getBaseInfo(call, Call.class.getSimpleName(), Constant.CRM_NAMESPACE); } else { this.initBaseInfo(); if (!CommonUtil.isNullOrEmpty(this.getRelationKey())) { call.setRelated_object(this.getRelationKey()); setRelatedRecord(this.getRelationKey(), Integer.parseInt(this.getRelationValue())); } } return SUCCESS; }
/** Mass update entity record information */ public String massUpdate() throws Exception { saveEntity(); String[] fieldNames = this.massUpdate; if (fieldNames != null) { String[] selectIDArray = this.seleteIDs.split(","); Collection<TargetList> targetLists = new ArrayList<TargetList>(); User loginUser = this.getLoginUser(); User user = userService.getEntityById(User.class, loginUser.getId()); Collection<ChangeLog> allChangeLogs = new ArrayList<ChangeLog>(); for (String IDString : selectIDArray) { int id = Integer.parseInt(IDString); TargetList targetListInstance = this.baseService.getEntityById(TargetList.class, id); TargetList originalTargetList = targetListInstance.clone(); for (String fieldName : fieldNames) { Object value = BeanUtil.getFieldValue(targetList, fieldName); BeanUtil.setFieldValue(targetListInstance, fieldName, value); } targetListInstance.setUpdated_by(user); targetListInstance.setUpdated_on(new Date()); Collection<ChangeLog> changeLogs = changeLog(originalTargetList, targetListInstance); allChangeLogs.addAll(changeLogs); targetLists.add(targetListInstance); } final Collection<ChangeLog> changeLogsForSave = allChangeLogs; if (targetLists.size() > 0) { this.baseService.batchUpdate(targetLists); taskExecutor.execute( new Runnable() { public void run() { batchInserChangeLogs(changeLogsForSave); } }); } } return SUCCESS; }