public boolean isValidParty(PartyLovVO partyLovVO) throws Exception { boolean validParty = false; Connection connection = null; StringBuilder finalQry = new StringBuilder(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; QueryFields fields = null; String whereCond = ""; try { fields = new QueryFields(); fields.put("BP.DCS_STATUS", "1"); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", partyLovVO.getPartyRole()); fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", partyLovVO.getPartyId()); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(partyLovVO.getRelatedParty())) { fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", partyLovVO.getRelatedParty()); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", partyLovVO.getRelationShipType()); } whereCond = " AND " + QueryBuilderUtil.buildWhereCond(fields); finalQry.append(PartyLovQueries.validatePartyIdQry).append(whereCond); connection = getConnection(); pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(finalQry.toString()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { if (rs.getInt(1) > 0) { validParty = true; } else { validParty = false; } } } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection, pstmt, rs); } return validParty; }
public void doReqResDataPreRequisite(HttpServletRequest request) throws Exception { byte[] fileContent = null; String documentName = null; File mFile = null; BufferedInputStream br = null; String docFormat = null; try { documentName = httpRequest.getParameter("fileName"); System.out.println("DocumentName-->" + documentName); docFormat = StringUtility.noNull(httpRequest.getParameter("docFormat")).trim(); request.setAttribute("defaultFormat", "txt"); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(documentName)) { httpSession.setAttribute("documentName", documentName); mFile = new File(documentName); if (mFile.exists()) { if (docFormat.equals(Constants.INT_DATA_TYPE_XML) || docFormat.equals(Constants.INT_DATA_TYPE_STRING)) { if (docFormat.equals(Constants.INT_DATA_TYPE_XML)) { request.setAttribute("defaultFormat", docFormat); } else { request.setAttribute("defaultFormat", "txt"); } br = new BufferedInputStream(new FileInputStream(mFile)); fileContent = new byte[(int) mFile.length()];; } else if (docFormat.equals(Constants.INT_DATA_TYPE_VO)) { String objStr = InterfaceLogger.serializationObjToStr(documentName); fileContent = objStr.getBytes(); } } else { fileContent = new String("File not found").getBytes(); } httpSession.setAttribute("baosView", fileContent); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { fileContent = null; if (br != null) br.close(); } }
public String isValidNickName(PartyLovVO partyLovVO) { Statement st = null; Connection connection = null; ResultSet rs = null; String ret = "Invalid"; String partyRole = partyLovVO.getPartyRole(); String visiblePartyId = partyLovVO.getPartyNickName(); String hiddenPartyId = partyLovVO.getPartyId(); try { boolean partyMatch = visiblePartyId.equalsIgnoreCase(getNickNameInNickNameMode(hiddenPartyId)); if (!partyMatch) { hiddenPartyId = ""; partyLovVO.setPartyId(""); } if (!isValidParty(partyLovVO) || StringUtility.isNullEmpty(hiddenPartyId)) { boolean temp = false; if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(hiddenPartyId) && partyMatch) { temp = isValidParty(partyLovVO); if (!temp && ("*PU_LOCN".equals(partyRole) || "*DEL_LOCN".equals(partyRole))) { if ("*PU_LOCN".equals(partyRole)) { partyLovVO.setPartyRole("*SHIPPER"); } else { partyLovVO.setPartyRole("*CONSIGNEE"); } temp = isValidParty(partyLovVO); } } if (!temp) { connection = getConnection(); st = connection.createStatement( ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE, ResultSet.CONCUR_READ_ONLY); rs = st.executeQuery( "SELECT DCS_CODE FROM ET_BUSINESS_PARTY WHERE DCS_NICK_NAME='" + visiblePartyId + "' AND DCS_PARTY_TYPE LIKE '%" + partyRole + "%'"); int count = 0; if ( { rs.last(); count = rs.getRow(); rs.beforeFirst(); } if (count == 0) { ret = "InValidNickName"; } else if (count == 1) { if (rs.first()) { partyLovVO.setPartyId(rs.getString("DCS_CODE")); temp = isValidParty(partyLovVO); if (!temp && ("*PU_LOCN".equals(partyRole) || "*DEL_LOCN".equals(partyRole))) { if ("*PU_LOCN".equals(partyRole)) { partyLovVO.setPartyRole("*SHIPPER"); } else { partyLovVO.setPartyRole("*CONSIGNEE"); } temp = isValidParty(partyLovVO); } if (temp) { ret = partyLovVO.getPartyId(); } } else { } } else { ret = "Duplicate"; } } else { ret = hiddenPartyId; } } else { ret = hiddenPartyId; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection, st, rs); } return ret; }
public String loadAJAXData(PartyLovVO lovAttributes, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean) throws Exception { StringBuilder finalQry = new StringBuilder(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String xmlString = ""; String userDisplaySeparator = "-"; String partyNickName = ""; String partyId = ""; String partyName = ""; String userDisplay = null; String toolTip = null; Connection connection = null; String whereCond = ""; try { QueryFields fields = new QueryFields(); if (ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel1.equals(lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel()) || ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel3.equals(lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel())) { finalQry.append("SELECT "); finalQry.append(" USER_DISPLAY,"); finalQry.append(" TOOL_TIP,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_CODE,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_NICK_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_PARTY_NAME "); finalQry.append(" FROM (" + PartyLovQueries.loadAjaxQuery_LEVEl1); fields.put("BP.DCS_NICK_NAME", lovAttributes.getPartyNickName(), QueryConstants.LIKE_COND); fields.put("BP.DCS_STATUS", "1"); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyRole()); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(lovAttributes.getRelatedParty())) { fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getRelatedParty()); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getRelationShipType()); } whereCond = " AND " + QueryBuilderUtil.buildWhereCond(fields); whereCond += " ORDER BY " + lovAttributes.getSearchMode() + " ) WHERE ROWNUM<=" + lovAttributes.getDisplayRows(); finalQry.append(whereCond); connection = getConnection(); pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(finalQry.toString()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"; xmlString += "<partyData>"; while ( { partyNickName = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_NICK_NAME")); partyId = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_CODE")); partyName = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_PARTY_NAME")); userDisplay = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("USER_DISPLAY")); toolTip = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("TOOL_TIP")); xmlString += "<row>"; if (ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel1.equals(lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel())) { xmlString += "<userdisplay>" + userDisplay + "</userdisplay>"; } else if (ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel3.equals( lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel())) { xmlString += "<userdisplay>" + userDisplay + userDisplaySeparator + partyName + "</userdisplay>"; } xmlString += "<tooltip>" + toolTip + "</tooltip>"; if ("NickNameMode".equals(loginBean.getPartyMode())) { xmlString += "<partynickname>" + partyNickName + "</partynickname>"; } else { xmlString += "<partynickname>" + partyId + "</partynickname>"; } xmlString += "<partycode>" + partyId + "</partycode>"; xmlString += "<partyName>" + partyName + "</partyName>"; xmlString += "</row>"; } xmlString = xmlString + "</partyData>"; } else if (ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel2.equals(lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel()) || ETPartyLovConstants.typeAheadLevel4.equals(lovAttributes.getTypeAheadLevel())) { finalQry.append("SELECT "); finalQry.append(" USER_DISPLAY,"); finalQry.append(" TOOL_TIP,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_CODE,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_NICK_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_PARTY_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_ADDRESS_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_ADDRESS_NAME2,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_BUILDING_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_STREET_NAME,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_CITY_TOWN,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_PHONE_NO,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_FAX,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_COUNTRY_STATE_CODE,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_POS_CODE,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_COUNTRY_CODE,"); finalQry.append(" DCS_FORMATTED_ADDRESS"); finalQry.append(" FROM (" + PartyLovQueries.loadAjaxQuery_LEVEl2); fields.put("BP.DCS_NICK_NAME", lovAttributes.getPartyNickName(), QueryConstants.LIKE_COND); fields.put("BP.DCS_STATUS", "1"); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyRole()); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(lovAttributes.getRelatedParty())) { fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getRelatedParty()); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getRelationShipType()); } whereCond = " AND " + QueryBuilderUtil.buildWhereCond(fields); whereCond += " ORDER BY " + lovAttributes.getSearchMode() + " ) WHERE ROWNUM<=" + lovAttributes.getDisplayRows(); finalQry.append(whereCond); connection = getConnection(); pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(finalQry.toString()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); xmlString = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\" standalone=\"yes\"?>"; xmlString += "<partyData>"; while ( { partyNickName = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_NICK_NAME")); partyId = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_CODE")); partyName = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_PARTY_NAME")); userDisplay = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("USER_DISPLAY")); toolTip = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("TOOL_TIP")); xmlString += "<row>"; xmlString += "<userdisplay>" + userDisplay + "</userdisplay>"; xmlString += "<tooltip>" + toolTip + "</tooltip>"; if ("NickNameMode".equals(loginBean.getPartyMode())) { xmlString += "<partynickname>" + partyNickName + "</partynickname>"; } else { xmlString += "<partynickname>" + partyId + "</partynickname>"; } xmlString += "<partycode>" + partyId + "</partycode>"; xmlString += "<partyName>" + partyName + "</partyName>"; xmlString += "<addressname1>" + rs.getString("DCS_ADDRESS_NAME") + "</addressname1>"; xmlString += "<addressname2>" + rs.getString("DCS_ADDRESS_NAME2") + "</addressname2>"; xmlString += "<buildingname>" + rs.getString("DCS_BUILDING_NAME") + "</buildingname>"; xmlString += "<streetname>" + rs.getString("DCS_STREET_NAME") + "</streetname>"; xmlString += "<citytown>" + rs.getString("DCS_CITY_TOWN") + "</citytown>"; xmlString += "<phoneno>" + rs.getString("DCS_PHONE_NO") + "</phoneno>"; xmlString += "<fax>" + rs.getString("DCS_FAX") + "</fax>"; xmlString += "<countrystate>" + rs.getString("DCS_COUNTRY_STATE_CODE") + "</countrystate>"; xmlString += "<poscode>" + rs.getString("DCS_POS_CODE") + "</poscode>"; xmlString += "<countrycode>" + rs.getString("DCS_COUNTRY_CODE") + "</countrycode>"; xmlString += "<formatedaddress>" + rs.getString("DCS_FORMATTED_ADDRESS") + "</formatedaddress>"; xmlString += "</row>"; } xmlString = xmlString + "</partyData>"; } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw e; } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeResultSet(rs); ConnectionUtil.closePreparedStatement(pstmt); ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection); } return xmlString; }
public String loadConsigneeOnBlurAjaxData( PartyLovVO lovAttributes, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean, String xmlString) throws Exception { StringBuilder finalQry = new StringBuilder(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String invoiceBranch = null; Connection connection = null; String whereCond = ""; String invoiceDept = null; String collectParty = null; String stParty = null; String collectCon = null; String stCon = null; String collectType = null; String onBlurSeq = null; String[] onBlurSeqAry = null; try { QueryFields fields = new QueryFields(); finalQry.append(PartyLovQueries.loadConsigneeOnBlurAjaxQry); fields.put("BP.DCS_STATUS", "1"); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyRole()); fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyId()); whereCond = " AND " + QueryBuilderUtil.buildWhereCond(fields); finalQry.append(whereCond); connection = getConnection(); pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(finalQry.toString()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { onBlurSeq = lovAttributes.getOnBlurSeq(); invoiceBranch = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("INVOICE_BRANCH")); invoiceDept = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("INVOICE_DEPT")); collectParty = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("COLLECT_PARTY")); stParty = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("ST_PARTY")); collectCon = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("COLLECT_CON")); stCon = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("ST_CON")); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(onBlurSeq)) { onBlurSeqAry = onBlurSeq.split(","); } if (onBlurSeqAry != null && onBlurSeqAry.length > 0) { for (String onBlurFinalSeq : onBlurSeqAry) { if ("1".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { xmlString += "<invoicebranch>" + invoiceBranch + "</invoicebranch>"; xmlString += "<invoicedept>" + invoiceDept + "</invoicedept>"; } if ("2".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { if (!"0".equals(collectCon) && !"1".equals(collectCon)) { collectType = "1".equals(stCon) ? "Export" : ("2".equals(stCon) ? "Import" : "Both"); } else if (collectParty != "0" && "1" != collectParty) { collectType = "1".equals(stParty) ? "Export" : ("2".equals(stParty) ? "Import" : "Both"); } xmlString += "<collectshipment>" + collectType + "</collectshipment>"; } } } } } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection, pstmt, rs); } return xmlString; }
public String loadCustomerOnBlurAjaxData( PartyLovVO lovAttributes, ESupplyGlobalParameters loginBean, String xmlString) throws Exception { StringBuilder finalQry = new StringBuilder(); PreparedStatement pstmt = null; ResultSet rs = null; String invoiceBranch = null; String partyId = ""; Connection connection = null; String whereCond = ""; String invoiceDept = null; String tradeTerms = "NoTradeTerm"; boolean ro = false; String creditLimit = null; String collectParty = null; String stParty = null; String collectCon = null; String stCon = null; String csr = null; String salesPersonId = null; String salesPersonIdNickName = null; String collectType = null; String onBlurSeq = null; String[] onBlurSeqAry = null; try { QueryFields fields = new QueryFields(); finalQry.append(PartyLovQueries.loadCustomerOnBlurAjaxQry); fields.put("BP.DCS_STATUS", "1"); fields.put("PR.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyRole()); fields.put("BP.DCS_CODE", lovAttributes.getPartyId()); whereCond = " AND " + QueryBuilderUtil.buildWhereCond(fields); finalQry.append(whereCond); connection = getConnection(); pstmt = connection.prepareStatement(finalQry.toString()); rs = pstmt.executeQuery(); if ( { onBlurSeq = lovAttributes.getOnBlurSeq(); partyId = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("DCS_CODE")); invoiceBranch = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("INVOICE_BRANCH")); invoiceDept = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("INVOICE_DEPT")); tradeTerms = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("TRADE_TERMS")); creditLimit = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("CREDIT_LIMIT")); collectParty = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("COLLECT_PARTY")); stParty = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("ST_PARTY")); collectCon = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("COLLECT_CON")); stCon = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("ST_CON")); csr = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("CSR")); salesPersonId = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("SALESPERSONID")); salesPersonIdNickName = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("SALESPERSONIDNICKNAME")); if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(onBlurSeq)) { onBlurSeqAry = onBlurSeq.split(","); } if (onBlurSeqAry != null && onBlurSeqAry.length > 0) { for (String onBlurFinalSeq : onBlurSeqAry) { if ("1".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { xmlString += "<invoicebranch>" + invoiceBranch + "</invoicebranch>"; xmlString += "<invoicedept>" + invoiceDept + "</invoicedept>"; } if ("2".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { ro = StringUtility.noNull(rs.getString("RO")).equals("1") ? true : false; xmlString += "<tradeterm>" + tradeTerms + "</tradeterm>"; xmlString += "<ro>" + ro + "</ro>"; } if ("3".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { if (!"0".equals(collectCon) && !"1".equals(collectCon)) { collectType = "1".equals(stCon) ? "Export" : ("2".equals(stCon) ? "Import" : "Both"); } else if (collectParty != "0" && "1" != collectParty) { collectType = "1".equals(stParty) ? "Export" : ("2".equals(stParty) ? "Import" : "Both"); } xmlString += "<collectshipment>" + collectType + "</collectshipment>"; } if ("4".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { xmlString += "<creditlimit>" + creditLimit + "</creditlimit>"; } if ("5".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { String[] csrTeam = csr.split(","); String csrXmlString = ""; if (!StringUtility.isNullEmpty(csrTeam)) { if ("csrAETeam".equals(lovAttributes.getCsrType()) && csrTeam.length > 0) { csrXmlString = csrTeam[0]; } else if ("csrAITeam".equals(lovAttributes.getCsrType()) && csrTeam.length > 1) { csrXmlString = csrTeam[1]; } else if ("csrOETeam".equals(lovAttributes.getCsrType()) && csrTeam.length > 2) { csrXmlString = csrTeam[2]; } else if ("csrOITeam".equals(lovAttributes.getCsrType()) && csrTeam.length > 3) { csrXmlString = csrTeam[3]; } else { if (csrTeam.length > 4) { csrXmlString = csrTeam[4]; } } } xmlString += "<csr>" + csrXmlString + "</csr>"; } if ("6".equals(onBlurFinalSeq) || "0".equals(onBlurFinalSeq)) { String[] salesPerson = getDefaultSalespersonForCustomer(partyId, loginBean.getTerminalId()); salesPersonId = !StringUtility.isNullEmpty(salesPerson) ? salesPerson[0] : ""; salesPersonIdNickName = !StringUtility.isNullEmpty(salesPerson) ? salesPerson[1] : ""; xmlString += "<salespersonid>" + salesPersonId + "</salespersonid>"; xmlString += "<salespersonidnickname>" + salesPersonIdNickName + "</salespersonidnickname>"; } } } } } finally { ConnectionUtil.closeConnection(connection, pstmt, rs); } return xmlString; }