@Transactional public OffersInfo addOffersInfo(int companyId, OffersInfo offersInfo) throws Exception { try { int offerId = offersInfoDao.getMaxIdValue(companyId) + 1; OfferInfoDbType offerInfoDbType = Conversions.getOfferInfoDbEntry(companyId, offersInfo.getBranchId(), offerId, offersInfo); offersInfoDao.add(offerInfoDbType); offersInfo.setOfferId(offerId); return offersInfo; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error adding offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error adding offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
@Transactional public OffersInfo updateOffersInfo(int companyId, int offerId, OffersInfo offersInfo) throws Exception { try { OfferInfoPrimaryKey id = Conversions.getOfferInfoPrimaryKey(companyId, offerId); OfferInfoDbType dbEntry = offersInfoDao.find(id); updateOfferInfoDbEntry(dbEntry, offersInfo); return offersInfo; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error updating offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error updating offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + offersInfo.getBranchId() + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
public List<OffersInfo> getOffersInfo() throws Exception { try { List<OfferInfoDbType> listDbEntries = offersInfoDao.findAll(); List<OffersInfo> out = new ArrayList<OffersInfo>(listDbEntries.size()); for (OfferInfoDbType dbEntry : listDbEntries) { out.add(Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry)); } return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error getting all offers for : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception("error getting all offers for : " + e.getMessage()); } }
public List<OffersInfo> getOffersInfo(int companyId) throws Exception { try { List<OfferInfoDbType> listDbEntries = offersInfoDao.getOffersAndInfo(companyId); List<OffersInfo> out = new ArrayList<OffersInfo>(listDbEntries.size()); for (OfferInfoDbType dbEntry : listDbEntries) { out.add(Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry)); } return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : " + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }
private void updateOfferInfoDbEntry(OfferInfoDbType dbEntry, OffersInfo offersInfo) { boolean updated = false; if (!dbEntry.getType().equals(offersInfo.getType())) { dbEntry.setType(offersInfo.getType()); updated = true; } if (!dbEntry.getDetails().equals(offersInfo.getDetails())) { dbEntry.setDetails(offersInfo.getDetails()); updated = true; } if (!dbEntry.getStartTS().equals(offersInfo.getStart())) { dbEntry.setStartTS(offersInfo.getStart()); updated = true; } if (!dbEntry.getEndTS().equals(offersInfo.getEnd())) { dbEntry.setEndTS(offersInfo.getEnd()); updated = true; } if (dbEntry.getRecurrenceDay() != offersInfo.getRecurrenceDay()) { dbEntry.setRecurrenceDay(offersInfo.getRecurrenceDay()); updated = true; } if (dbEntry.isRecurrence() != offersInfo.isRecurrence()) { dbEntry.setRecurrence(offersInfo.isRecurrence()); updated = true; } if (dbEntry.isHourlyPush() != offersInfo.isHourlyPush()) { dbEntry.setHourlyPush(offersInfo.isHourlyPush()); updated = true; } if (dbEntry.isClientAppVisibility() != offersInfo.isClientAppVisibility()) { dbEntry.setClientAppVisibility(offersInfo.isClientAppVisibility()); updated = true; } if (updated == true) { offersInfoDao.update(dbEntry); } }
public OffersInfo getOfferOrInfo(int companyId, int offerId) throws Exception { try { OfferInfoDbType dbEntry = offersInfoDao.find(Conversions.getOfferInfoPrimaryKey(companyId, offerId)); OffersInfo out = Conversions.getOffersInfo(dbEntry); return out; } catch (Exception e) { logger.error( "error getting offer for : " + companyId + " and : offer id" + offerId + " : " + e.getMessage()); throw new Exception( "error getting offers for : " + companyId + " and : offer id" + offerId + " : " + e.getMessage()); } }