@Override public void onResume() { super.onResume(); DebugLog.d(TAG, "onResume"); String str = BaseUtil.paste(mContext); if (str != null && str.matches(Patterns.NUMBER_PATTERN) && !str.equals(mPasteNumberString)) { mSearchView.setText(str); mPasteNumberString = str; } searchWeather(); searchNongli(); }
/** 查农历 */ private void searchNongli() { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastNongliUpdateTime < CustomConstant.QUARTER_HOUR) { DebugLog.d(TAG, "searchNongli: the time is too short"); return; } BaseUtil.excute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { String nongli = RequestUtil.getInstance().searchNongli(); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(nongli)) { mLastNongliUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myHandler.sendMessage( myHandler.obtainMessage(MessageWhat.NET_REQUEST_NONGLI, nongli)); } } }); }
private void searchWeather() { if (SharedPreferencesHelper.getInstance() .getString(SharedPreferencesHelper.WEATHER, "") .length() > 0) { if (System.currentTimeMillis() - mLastWeatherUpdateTime < CustomConstant.ONE_HOUR) { DebugLog.d(TAG, "searchWeather: the time is too short"); return; } } if (null == BDMapListener.getInstance().getBdLocation()) { MapUtil.getInstance().getLocationClient().requestLocation(); return; } BaseUtil.excute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { // 最多7天 String weather = RequestUtil.getInstance() .searchWeather( 7, BDMapListener.getInstance().getBdLocation().getCity(), ServerUtil.getInstance(mContext).getUserID()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(weather)) { mLastWeatherUpdateTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); myHandler.sendMessage( myHandler.obtainMessage(MessageWhat.NET_REQUEST_WEATHER, weather)); } // 获取空气质量 String air = RequestUtil.getInstance() .searchAir(BDMapListener.getInstance().getBdLocation().getCity()); if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(air)) { myHandler.sendMessage(myHandler.obtainMessage(MessageWhat.NET_REQUEST_AIR, air)); } } }); }
/** 删除确认 */ public static void deleteConfirm( Context context, final WindowManager windowManager, final int id, final int position, final IDeleteConfirmListener deleteConfirm) { final View confirmView = LayoutInflater.from(context).inflate(R.layout.delete_confirm, null); confirmView .findViewById(R.id.todelete) .setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { BaseUtil.removeView(windowManager, confirmView); BaseUtil.excute( new Runnable() { @Override public void run() { if (null != deleteConfirm) { deleteConfirm.delete(id, position); } } }); } }); confirmView .findViewById(R.id.cancel) .setOnClickListener( new OnClickListener() { @Override public void onClick(View arg0) { windowManager.removeView(confirmView); } }); BaseUtil.addView(windowManager, confirmView); }
/** 复制号码 */ protected void copyNumber() { BaseUtil.copy(mContext, mNumberString); }
/** 关闭弹窗 */ public void remove() { if (mIsShowing) { mIsShowing = false; BaseUtil.removeView(mWindowManager, mView); } }
@Override public void handleMessage(Message msg) { switch (msg.what) { case MessageWhat.NET_REQUEST_NUMBER: if (null == msg.obj) { break; } mInfoString = (String) msg.obj; mInfoTextView.setText(mInfoString); if (mType == PhoneReceiver.INCOMING_CALL_MSG) { // 来电播报 if (BaseUtil.isWiredHeadsetOn(mContext)) { if (SharedPreferencesHelper.getInstance() .getBoolean( SharedPreferencesHelper.SETTING_BROADCAST_WHEN_WIREDHEADSETON, true)) { broadcastContent(createCallBroadcastContent()); // 日志 LogOperate.updateLog(mContext, LogCode.CALL_BROADCAST); } } } String[] infosStrings = mInfoString.split(" "); String city = ""; if (infosStrings.length == 1) { if (infosStrings[0].length() < 5) { city = infosStrings[0]; } } else if (infosStrings.length == 2) { if (infosStrings[1].contains("中国")) { city = infosStrings[0]; } else { city = infosStrings[1]; } } else { city = infosStrings[1]; } if (!StringUtil.isEmpty(city)) { BusinessHelper.getWeatherInfo(mContext, city, myHandler); } break; case MessageWhat.NET_REQUEST_WEATHER: if (null != msg.obj) { mWeatherTextView.setText((String) msg.obj); mWeatherTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } break; case MessageWhat.CALL_RECORDS: if (null != msg.obj) { mRecordsTextView.setText((String) msg.obj); } break; case MessageWhat.MSG_SHOW_COMMENTS: if (null != msg.obj) { mCommentsArray = null; try { mCommentsArray = new JSONArray((String) msg.obj); if (mCommentsArray.length() > 0) { mFlashingIndex = -1; mCommentLayout.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); showFlashComment(); } } catch (JSONException e) { DebugLog.d(TAG, e.toString()); } } break; case MSG_SHOW_ONE_COMMENT: if (null != msg.obj) { mCommentTextView.setText((String) msg.obj); mFlashingAnimation.reset(); mCommentTextView.startAnimation(mFlashingAnimation); } break; case MSG_REMOVE: remove(); break; case MessageWhat.MSG_LAST_RECORD_DATE: if (null != msg.obj) { mLastRecordTextView.setText((String) msg.obj); mLastRecordTextView.setVisibility(View.VISIBLE); } break; default: break; } super.handleMessage(msg); }