private void removeShadowNode(ReactShadowNode nodeToRemove) { mNativeViewHierarchyOptimizer.handleRemoveNode(nodeToRemove); mShadowNodeRegistry.removeNode(nodeToRemove.getReactTag()); for (int i = nodeToRemove.getChildCount() - 1; i >= 0; i--) { removeShadowNode(nodeToRemove.getChildAt(i)); } nodeToRemove.removeAllChildren(); }
/** Invoked by React to create a new node with a given tag has its properties changed. */ public void updateView(int tag, String className, ReadableMap props) { ViewManager viewManager = mViewManagers.get(className); if (viewManager == null) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException("Got unknown view type: " + className); } ReactShadowNode cssNode = mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(tag); if (cssNode == null) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException("Trying to update non-existent view with tag " + tag); } if (props != null) { CatalystStylesDiffMap styles = new CatalystStylesDiffMap(props); cssNode.updateProperties(styles); if (!cssNode.isVirtual()) { mNativeViewHierarchyOptimizer.handleUpdateView(cssNode, className, styles); } } }
/** Invoked at the end of the transaction to commit any updates to the node hierarchy. */ public void dispatchViewUpdates(EventDispatcher eventDispatcher, int batchId) { for (int i = 0; i < mShadowNodeRegistry.getRootNodeCount(); i++) { int tag = mShadowNodeRegistry.getRootTag(i); ReactShadowNode cssRoot = mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(tag); notifyOnBeforeLayoutRecursive(cssRoot); SystraceMessage.beginSection(Systrace.TRACE_TAG_REACT_JAVA_BRIDGE, "cssRoot.calculateLayout") .arg("rootTag", tag) .flush(); try { cssRoot.calculateLayout(mLayoutContext); } finally { Systrace.endSection(Systrace.TRACE_TAG_REACT_JAVA_BRIDGE); } applyUpdatesRecursive(cssRoot, 0f, 0f, eventDispatcher); } mNativeViewHierarchyOptimizer.onBatchComplete(); mOperationsQueue.dispatchViewUpdates(batchId); }
/** Invoked by React to create a new node with a given tag, class name and properties. */ public void createView(int tag, String className, int rootViewTag, ReadableMap props) { ViewManager viewManager = mViewManagers.get(className); ReactShadowNode cssNode = viewManager.createShadowNodeInstance(); ReactShadowNode rootNode = mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(rootViewTag); cssNode.setReactTag(tag); cssNode.setViewClassName(className); cssNode.setRootNode(rootNode); cssNode.setThemedContext(rootNode.getThemedContext()); mShadowNodeRegistry.addNode(cssNode); CatalystStylesDiffMap styles = null; if (props != null) { styles = new CatalystStylesDiffMap(props); cssNode.updateProperties(styles); } if (!cssNode.isVirtual()) { mNativeViewHierarchyOptimizer.handleCreateView(cssNode, rootViewTag, styles); } }
/** * Invoked when there is a mutation in a node tree. * * @param tag react tag of the node we want to manage * @param indicesToRemove ordered (asc) list of indicies at which view should be removed * @param viewsToAdd ordered (asc based on mIndex property) list of tag-index pairs that represent * a view which should be added at the specified index * @param tagsToDelete list of tags corresponding to views that should be removed */ public void manageChildren( int viewTag, @Nullable ReadableArray moveFrom, @Nullable ReadableArray moveTo, @Nullable ReadableArray addChildTags, @Nullable ReadableArray addAtIndices, @Nullable ReadableArray removeFrom) { ReactShadowNode cssNodeToManage = mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(viewTag); int numToMove = moveFrom == null ? 0 : moveFrom.size(); int numToAdd = addChildTags == null ? 0 : addChildTags.size(); int numToRemove = removeFrom == null ? 0 : removeFrom.size(); if (numToMove != 0 && (moveTo == null || numToMove != moveTo.size())) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException("Size of moveFrom != size of moveTo!"); } if (numToAdd != 0 && (addAtIndices == null || numToAdd != addAtIndices.size())) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException("Size of addChildTags != size of addAtIndices!"); } // We treat moves as an add and a delete ViewAtIndex[] viewsToAdd = new ViewAtIndex[numToMove + numToAdd]; int[] indicesToRemove = new int[numToMove + numToRemove]; int[] tagsToRemove = new int[indicesToRemove.length]; int[] tagsToDelete = new int[numToRemove]; if (numToMove > 0) { Assertions.assertNotNull(moveFrom); Assertions.assertNotNull(moveTo); for (int i = 0; i < numToMove; i++) { int moveFromIndex = moveFrom.getInt(i); int tagToMove = cssNodeToManage.getChildAt(moveFromIndex).getReactTag(); viewsToAdd[i] = new ViewAtIndex(tagToMove, moveTo.getInt(i)); indicesToRemove[i] = moveFromIndex; tagsToRemove[i] = tagToMove; } } if (numToAdd > 0) { Assertions.assertNotNull(addChildTags); Assertions.assertNotNull(addAtIndices); for (int i = 0; i < numToAdd; i++) { int viewTagToAdd = addChildTags.getInt(i); int indexToAddAt = addAtIndices.getInt(i); viewsToAdd[numToMove + i] = new ViewAtIndex(viewTagToAdd, indexToAddAt); } } if (numToRemove > 0) { Assertions.assertNotNull(removeFrom); for (int i = 0; i < numToRemove; i++) { int indexToRemove = removeFrom.getInt(i); int tagToRemove = cssNodeToManage.getChildAt(indexToRemove).getReactTag(); indicesToRemove[numToMove + i] = indexToRemove; tagsToRemove[numToMove + i] = tagToRemove; tagsToDelete[i] = tagToRemove; } } // NB: moveFrom and removeFrom are both relative to the starting state of the View's children. // moveTo and addAt are both relative to the final state of the View's children. // // 1) Sort the views to add and indices to remove by index // 2) Iterate the indices being removed from high to low and remove them. Going high to low // makes sure we remove the correct index when there are multiple to remove. // 3) Iterate the views being added by index low to high and add them. Like the view removal, // iteration direction is important to preserve the correct index. Arrays.sort(viewsToAdd, ViewAtIndex.COMPARATOR); Arrays.sort(indicesToRemove); // Apply changes to CSSNode hierarchy int lastIndexRemoved = -1; for (int i = indicesToRemove.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { int indexToRemove = indicesToRemove[i]; if (indexToRemove == lastIndexRemoved) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException( "Repeated indices in Removal list for view tag: " + viewTag); } cssNodeToManage.removeChildAt(indicesToRemove[i]); lastIndexRemoved = indicesToRemove[i]; } for (int i = 0; i < viewsToAdd.length; i++) { ViewAtIndex viewAtIndex = viewsToAdd[i]; ReactShadowNode cssNodeToAdd = mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(viewAtIndex.mTag); if (cssNodeToAdd == null) { throw new IllegalViewOperationException( "Trying to add unknown view tag: " + viewAtIndex.mTag); } cssNodeToManage.addChildAt(cssNodeToAdd, viewAtIndex.mIndex); } if (!cssNodeToManage.isVirtual() && !cssNodeToManage.isVirtualAnchor()) { mNativeViewHierarchyOptimizer.handleManageChildren( cssNodeToManage, indicesToRemove, tagsToRemove, viewsToAdd, tagsToDelete); } for (int i = 0; i < tagsToDelete.length; i++) { removeShadowNode(mShadowNodeRegistry.getNode(tagsToDelete[i])); } }