コード例 #1
   * Use this method when the activity resumes to enable invoking the back button directly from JS.
   * <p>This method retains an instance to provided mDefaultBackButtonImpl. Thus it's important to
   * pass from the activity instance that owns this particular instance of {@link
   * ReactInstanceManagerImpl}, so that once this instance receive {@link #onDestroy} event it will
   * clear the reference to that defaultBackButtonImpl.
   * @param defaultBackButtonImpl a {@link DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler} from an Activity that owns
   *     this instance of {@link ReactInstanceManagerImpl}.
  public void onResume(Activity activity, DefaultHardwareBackBtnHandler defaultBackButtonImpl) {

    mLifecycleState = LifecycleState.RESUMED;

    mDefaultBackButtonImpl = defaultBackButtonImpl;
    if (mUseDeveloperSupport) {

    mCurrentActivity = activity;
    if (mCurrentReactContext != null) {