コード例 #1
ファイル: PlanOptimizers.java プロジェクト: prestodb/presto
  public PlanOptimizers(
      Metadata metadata,
      SqlParser sqlParser,
      FeaturesConfig featuresConfig,
      boolean forceSingleNode) {
    ImmutableList.Builder<PlanOptimizer> builder = ImmutableList.builder();

        new DesugaringOptimizer(
            sqlParser), // Clean up all the sugar in expressions, e.g. AtTimeZone, must be run
                        // before all the other optimizers
        new CanonicalizeExpressions(),
        new ImplementFilteredAggregations(),
        new ImplementSampleAsFilter(),
        new SimplifyExpressions(metadata, sqlParser),
        new UnaliasSymbolReferences(),
        new PruneIdentityProjections(),
        new SetFlatteningOptimizer(),
        new ImplementIntersectAndExceptAsUnion(),
        new LimitPushDown(), // Run the LimitPushDown after flattening set operators to make it
                             // easier to do the set flattening
        new PruneUnreferencedOutputs(),
        new MergeProjections(),
        new TransformExistsApplyToScalarApply(metadata),
        new TransformQuantifiedComparisonApplyToScalarApply(metadata),
        new RemoveUnreferencedScalarInputApplyNodes(),
        new TransformUncorrelatedInPredicateSubqueryToSemiJoin(),
        new TransformUncorrelatedScalarToJoin(),
        new TransformCorrelatedScalarAggregationToJoin(metadata),
        new PredicatePushDown(metadata, sqlParser),
        new MergeProjections(),
        new SimplifyExpressions(
            sqlParser), // Re-run the SimplifyExpressions to simplify any recomposed expressions
                        // from other optimizations
        new ProjectionPushDown(),
        new UnaliasSymbolReferences(), // Run again because predicate pushdown and projection
                                       // pushdown might add more projections
        new PruneUnreferencedOutputs(), // Make sure to run this before index join. Filtered
                                        // projections may not have all the columns.
        new IndexJoinOptimizer(
            metadata), // Run this after projections and filters have been fully simplified and
                       // pushed down
        new CountConstantOptimizer(),
        new WindowFilterPushDown(
            metadata), // This must run after PredicatePushDown and LimitPushDown so that it
                       // squashes any successive filter nodes and limits
        new MergeWindows(),
        new ReorderWindows(), // Should be after MergeWindows to avoid unnecessary reordering of
                              // mergeable windows
        new MergeProjections(),
        new PruneUnreferencedOutputs(), // Make sure to run this at the end to help clean the plan
                                        // for logging/execution and not remove info that other
                                        // optimizers might need at an earlier point
        new PruneIdentityProjections(), // This MUST run after PruneUnreferencedOutputs as it may
                                        // introduce new redundant projections
        new MetadataQueryOptimizer(metadata),
        new EliminateCrossJoins(), // This can pull up Filter and Project nodes from between Joins,
                                   // so we need to push them down again
        new PredicatePushDown(metadata, sqlParser),
        new ProjectionPushDown());

    if (featuresConfig.isOptimizeSingleDistinct()) {
      builder.add(new SingleDistinctOptimizer());
      builder.add(new PruneUnreferencedOutputs());

    builder.add(new OptimizeMixedDistinctAggregations(metadata));

    if (!forceSingleNode) {
      builder.add(new PushTableWriteThroughUnion()); // Must run before AddExchanges
      builder.add(new AddExchanges(metadata, sqlParser));

    builder.add(new PickLayout(metadata));

    builder.add(new EmptyDeleteOptimizer()); // Run after table scan is removed by PickLayout

        new PredicatePushDown(
            sqlParser)); // Run predicate push down one more time in case we can leverage new
                         // information from layouts' effective predicate
    builder.add(new ProjectionPushDown());
    builder.add(new MergeProjections());
        new UnaliasSymbolReferences()); // Run unalias after merging projections to simplify
                                        // projections more efficiently
    builder.add(new PruneUnreferencedOutputs());
    builder.add(new PruneIdentityProjections());

    // Optimizers above this don't understand local exchanges, so be careful moving this.
    builder.add(new AddLocalExchanges(metadata, sqlParser));

    // Optimizers above this do not need to care about aggregations with the type other than SINGLE
    // This optimizer must be run after all exchange-related optimizers
    builder.add(new PartialAggregationPushDown(metadata.getFunctionRegistry()));
    builder.add(new PruneIdentityProjections());

    // DO NOT add optimizers that change the plan shape (computations) after this point

    // Precomputed hashes - this assumes that partitioning will not change
    builder.add(new HashGenerationOptimizer());

    builder.add(new MetadataDeleteOptimizer(metadata));
    builder.add(new BeginTableWrite(metadata)); // HACK! see comments in BeginTableWrite

    // TODO: consider adding a formal final plan sanitization optimizer that prepares the plan for
    // transmission/execution/logging
    // TODO: figure out how to improve the set flattening optimizer so that it can run at any point

    this.optimizers = builder.build();