コード例 #1
 /** Formats a {@link ConsoleEvent} and adds it to {@code lines}. */
 protected void formatConsoleEvent(ConsoleEvent logEvent, ImmutableList.Builder<String> lines) {
   String formattedLine = "";
   if (logEvent.getLevel().equals(Level.INFO)) {
     formattedLine = logEvent.getMessage();
   } else if (logEvent.getLevel().equals(Level.WARNING)) {
     formattedLine = ansi.asWarningText(logEvent.getMessage());
   } else if (logEvent.getLevel().equals(Level.SEVERE)) {
     formattedLine = ansi.asErrorText(logEvent.getMessage());
   if (!formattedLine.isEmpty()) {
     // Split log messages at newlines and add each line individually to keep the line count
     // consistent.
コード例 #2
   * Create an Ansi object appropriate for the current output. First respect the user's preferences,
   * if set. Next, respect any default provided by the caller. (This is used by buckd to tell the
   * daemon about the client's terminal.) Finally, allow the Ansi class to autodetect whether the
   * current output is a tty.
   * @param defaultColor Default value provided by the caller (e.g. the client of buckd)
  public Ansi createAnsi(Optional<String> defaultColor) {
    String color = getValue("color", "ui").or(defaultColor).or("auto");

    switch (color) {
      case "false":
      case "never":
        return Ansi.withoutTty();
      case "true":
      case "always":
        return Ansi.forceTty();
      case "auto":
        return new Ansi(
            AnsiEnvironmentChecking.environmentSupportsAnsiEscapes(platform, environment));
コード例 #3
ファイル: ParallelPerBuildState.java プロジェクト: lgyjg/buck
  public ParallelPerBuildState(
      ParallelDaemonicParserState permState,
      ConstructorArgMarshaller marshaller,
      BuckEventBus eventBus,
      Cell rootCell,
      boolean enableProfiling) {
    this.permState = permState;
    this.marshaller = marshaller;
    this.eventBus = eventBus;
    this.enableProfiling = enableProfiling;
    this.cells = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    this.cellSymlinkAllowability = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();
    this.parsers =
        new ThreadLocal<Map<Cell, ProjectBuildFileParser>>() {
          protected Map<Cell, ProjectBuildFileParser> initialValue() {
            return new HashMap<>();
    this.buildInputPathsUnderSymlink = Sets.newHashSet();
    this.symlinkExistenceCache = new ConcurrentHashMap<>();

    this.stdout = new PrintStream(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream());
    this.stderr = new PrintStream(ByteStreams.nullOutputStream());
    this.console = new Console(Verbosity.STANDARD_INFORMATION, stdout, stderr, Ansi.withoutTty());

    this.symlinkCheckers =
        new TargetNodeListener() {
          public void onCreate(Path buildFile, TargetNode<?> node) throws IOException {
            registerInputsUnderSymlinks(buildFile, node);

    this.closer = Closer.create();

    this.pendingWorkQueueCount = new AtomicInteger(0);
    this.pendingBuildTargets = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
    this.pendingBuildFiles = new LinkedBlockingQueue<>();
    this.completionNotifier = new CountDownLatch(1);

コード例 #4
ファイル: GenruleTest.java プロジェクト: h87kg/buck
  private ExecutionContext newEmptyExecutionContext(Platform platform) {
    return ExecutionContext.builder()
        .setConsole(new Console(Verbosity.SILENT, System.out, System.err, Ansi.withoutTty()))
            new ProjectFilesystem(new File(".")) {
              public Function<String, Path> getPathRelativizer() {
                return IdentityPathRelativizer.getIdentityRelativizer();

              public Path resolve(Path path) {
                return path;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Project.java プロジェクト: jamesgpearce/buck
  private ExitCodeAndOutput processJsonConfig(File jsonTempFile, boolean generateMinimalProject)
      throws IOException {
    ImmutableList.Builder<String> argsBuilder =

    if (generateMinimalProject) {

    final ImmutableList<String> args = argsBuilder.build();

    ShellStep command =
        new ShellStep() {

          public String getShortName() {
            return "python";

          protected ImmutableList<String> getShellCommandInternal(ExecutionContext context) {
            return args;

    Console console = executionContext.getConsole();
    Console childConsole =
        new Console(Verbosity.SILENT, console.getStdOut(), console.getStdErr(), Ansi.withoutTty());
    ExecutionContext childContext =
    int exitCode = command.execute(childContext);
    return new ExitCodeAndOutput(exitCode, command.getStdout(), command.getStderr());
コード例 #6
ファイル: AuditOwnerCommand.java プロジェクト: heiniu/buck
  /** Print detailed report on all owners. */
  private void printFullReport(CommandRunnerParams params, OwnersReport report) {
    PrintStream out = params.getConsole().getStdOut();
    Ansi ansi = params.getConsole().getAnsi();
    if (report.owners.isEmpty()) {
      out.println(ansi.asErrorText("No owners found"));
    } else {
      for (TargetNode<?> targetNode : report.owners.keySet()) {
        Set<Path> files = report.owners.get(targetNode);
        for (Path input : files) {
          out.println(FILE_INDENT + input);

    if (!report.inputsWithNoOwners.isEmpty()) {
      out.println(ansi.asErrorText("Files without owners:"));
      for (Path input : report.inputsWithNoOwners) {
        out.println(FILE_INDENT + input);

    if (!report.nonExistentInputs.isEmpty()) {
      out.println(ansi.asErrorText("Non existent files:"));
      for (String input : report.nonExistentInputs) {
        out.println(FILE_INDENT + input);

    if (!report.nonFileInputs.isEmpty()) {
      out.println(ansi.asErrorText("Non-file inputs:"));
      for (String input : report.nonFileInputs) {
        out.println(FILE_INDENT + input);
コード例 #7
 private ProcessExecutor createProcessExecutor(PrintStream stdout, PrintStream stderr) {
   return new ProcessExecutor(new Console(Verbosity.SILENT, stdout, stderr, Ansi.withoutTty()));