public static Zone getInstanceExternalZone() { try { Name name = getExternalName(); Name host = Name.fromString("root." + name.toString()); Name admin = Name.fromString( Internets.localHostInetAddress().getCanonicalHostName() + "." + name.toString()); Name target = Name.fromString(Internets.localHostInetAddress().getCanonicalHostName() + "."); long serial = 1; long refresh = 86400; long retry = ttl; long expires = 2419200; // This is the negative cache TTL long minimum = 600; Record soarec = new SOARecord( name, DClass.IN, ttl, host, admin, serial, refresh, retry, expires, minimum); long nsTTL = 604800; Record nsrec = new NSRecord(name, DClass.IN, nsTTL, target); return new TransientZone(name, new Record[] {soarec, nsrec}); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e, e); return null; } }
public static ServiceConfiguration createBogus( final Class<? extends ComponentId> compIdClass, final Class<?> ownerType) { ComponentId compId = ComponentIds.lookup(compIdClass); return new EphemeralConfiguration( compId, compId.getPartition(), ownerType.getCanonicalName(), ServiceUris.internal(compId, Internets.localHostInetAddress(), ownerType.getSimpleName())); }
public static Zone getPtrZone(Name queryName) { try { String nameString = queryName.toString(); Name name; int index = nameString.indexOf(""); if (index > 0) { String ipString = nameString.substring(0, index); String[] parts = ipString.split("\\."); // fix this for v6 if (parts.length == 4) { nameString = nameString.substring(parts[0].length() + 1); name = new Name(nameString); } else { return null; } } else { return null; } long serial = 1; long refresh = 86400; long retry = ttl; long expires = 2419200; // This is the negative cache TTL long minimum = 600; Record soarec = new SOARecord( name, DClass.IN, ttl, name, Name.fromString("root." + name.toString()), serial, refresh, retry, expires, minimum); long nsTTL = 604800; Record nsrec = new NSRecord( name, DClass.IN, nsTTL, Name.fromString(Internets.localHostInetAddress().getCanonicalHostName() + ".")); return new TransientZone(name, new Record[] {soarec, nsrec}); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(e, e); return null; } }
public static ServiceConfiguration createEphemeral(final ComponentId compId) { return createEphemeral(compId, Internets.localHostInetAddress()); }