コード例 #1
   * Check that a predicate for which no shortnames are defined in name map still gets a term
   * binding in the metadata.
  public void testTermBindingsCoverAllPredicates() throws URISyntaxException {
    Resource thisPage = ResourceFactory.createResource("elda:thisPage");
    String pageNumber = "1";
    Bindings cc = new Bindings();
    URI reqURI = new URI("");
    EndpointDetails spec =
        new EndpointDetails() {

          public boolean isListEndpoint() {
            return true;

          public boolean hasParameterBasedContentNegotiation() {
            return false;
    EndpointMetadata em = new EndpointMetadata(spec, thisPage, pageNumber, cc, reqURI);
    PrefixMapping pm =
        PrefixMapping.Factory.create().setNsPrefix("this", "http://example.com/root#");
    Model toScan = ModelIOUtils.modelFromTurtle(":a <http://example.com/root#predicate> :b.");
    Resource predicate = toScan.createProperty("http://example.com/root#predicate");
    Model meta = ModelFactory.createDefaultModel();
    Resource exec = meta.createResource("fake:exec");
    ShortnameService sns = new StandardShortnameService();
    //		APIEndpoint.Request r = new APIEndpoint.Request( new Controls(), reqURI, cc );

    CompleteContext c =
        new CompleteContext(CompleteContext.Mode.PreferPrefixes, sns.asContext(), pm)

    em.addTermBindings(toScan, meta, exec, c);

    Map<String, String> termBindings = c.Do();
    Resource tb = meta.listStatements(null, API.termBinding, Any).nextStatement().getResource();
    assertTrue(meta.contains(tb, API.label, "this_predicate"));
    assertTrue(meta.contains(tb, API.property, predicate));
コード例 #2
  public void testTermbindsIncludesMetaproperties() throws URISyntaxException {
    Integer totalResults = null;
    Resource thisMetaPage = createMetadata(false, totalResults);

    for (Property p : expectedTermboundProperties) {
      Model model = thisMetaPage.getModel();
      if (!model.contains(null, API.property, p)) {
        fail("term bindings should include " + model.shortForm(p.getURI()));