コード例 #1
  public DispatcherResult killDispatcherExecution(final String execId)
      throws CentralDispatcherException {
    final HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();
    params.put("id", execId);
    params.put("xmlreq", "true");

    // 2. send request via ServerService
    final WebserviceResponse response;
    try {
      response = serverService.makeRundeckRequest(RUNDECK_KILL_JOB_PATH, params, null, null);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException("Failed to make request", e);

    final Envelope envelope = validateResponse(response);

    final boolean result = envelope.isSuccessResult();
    final StringBuffer sb = envelope.successMessages();
    return new DispatcherResult() {
      public boolean isSuccessful() {
        return result;

      public String getMessage() {
        return sb.toString();
コード例 #2
  public DispatcherResult killDispatcherExecution(final String execId)
      throws CentralDispatcherException {
    final HashMap<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>();

    final String rundeckApiKillJobPath =
        substitutePathVariable(RUNDECK_API_KILL_JOB_PATH, "id", execId);
    // 2. send request via ServerService
    final WebserviceResponse response;
    try {
      response = serverService.makeRundeckRequest(rundeckApiKillJobPath, params, null, null);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
      throw new CentralDispatcherServerRequestException("Failed to make request", e);

    final Envelope envelope = validateResponse(response);

    final Node result1 = envelope.doc.selectSingleNode("result");
    final String abortStatus = result1.selectSingleNode("abort/@status").getStringValue();
    final boolean result = !"failed".equals(abortStatus);
    final StringBuffer sb = envelope.successMessages();
    return new DispatcherResult() {
      public boolean isSuccessful() {
        return result;

      public String getMessage() {
        return sb.toString();