public static File getScratchFile(String path) { if (path == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Null path passed to getScratchFile()"); } LOG.debug("getScratchFile << " + path); final File returnFile; String root = getRootPath(); if (root == null) { LOG.debug("Scratch folder is not configured, using relative path."); returnFile = new File(path); } else { File file = new File(root); if (!file.exists()) { LOG.error( "Supplied scratch location (" + root + ") didn't exist. Defaulting to relative path."); returnFile = new File(path); } else if (!file.isDirectory()) { LOG.error( "Supplied scratch location (" + root + ") is not a directory. Defaulting to relative path."); returnFile = new File(path); } else if (!file.canWrite()) { LOG.error( "ThreadFix is unable to write to the supplied scratch location (" + root + "). Defaulting to relative path."); returnFile = new File(path); } else { LOG.debug("Got a valid scratch root from system properties."); String canonicalRoot = file.getAbsolutePath(); boolean hasSlash = canonicalRoot.endsWith(File.separator) || path.startsWith(File.separator); if (hasSlash) { returnFile = new File(canonicalRoot + path); } else { returnFile = new File(canonicalRoot + File.separator + path); } } } LOG.debug("getScratchFile >> " + returnFile.getAbsolutePath()); return returnFile; }
private static void initializeConfiguredFields() { for (Map.Entry<String, Class<? extends AbstractDefectTracker>> entry : recognizedClassMap.entrySet()) { String name = entry.getValue().getName(); if ("false".equals(getProperty(entry.getKey() + ".includeAll"))) { LOG.debug("Not including all fields for " + name + "."); } else { LOG.debug("Including all fields for " + name + "."); INCLUDE_ALL_SET.add(entry.getValue()); } String includedFields = getProperty(entry.getKey() + ".includedFields"); if (includedFields != null) { CONFIGURED_FIELDS.put(entry.getValue(), set(includedFields.split(","))); } } }
public static Project getJiraProjectMetadata(String jsonString) { try { return getLenientObjectMapper() .readValue(jsonString, JiraJsonMetadataResponse.class) .getProjectOrNull(); } catch (IOException e) {"Failed to deserialize JSON."); LOG.debug("Failing JSON: " + jsonString, e); throw new RestIOException(e, "Unable to parse server response."); } }
public static List<DynamicFormField> getFields(String jsonString, UserRetriever retriever) { LOG.debug("Starting JSON field description deserialization."); try { ObjectMapper objectMapper = getLenientObjectMapper(); JiraJsonMetadataResponse response = objectMapper.readValue(jsonString, JiraJsonMetadataResponse.class); if (response.projects.size() == 0) { throw new IllegalStateRestException( "No projects were found. " + "Bad permissions can cause this error. Please check your configuration."); } assert response.projects.size() == 1 : "The response contained more than one project. Something went wrong."; Project project = response.getProjectOrNull(); List<DynamicFormField> fieldList = list(); if (project != null) { DynamicFormField issueTypeField = new DynamicFormField(); issueTypeField.setRequired(true); issueTypeField.setName("issuetype"); issueTypeField.setLabel("Issue Type"); issueTypeField.setActive(true); issueTypeField.setEditable(true); issueTypeField.setType("select"); Map<String, String> issueTypeValuesMap = map(); addField(issueTypeField, fieldList, null); Set<String> timetrackingSet = set(); for (IssueType issueType : project.getIssuetypes()) { issueTypeValuesMap.put(issueType.getId(), issueType.getName()); for (Map.Entry<String, Field> entry : issueType.getFields().entrySet()) { Field jsonField = entry.getValue(); String type = jsonField.getSchema().getType(); if ("issuelink".equals(type)) type = "string"; if ("array".equals(type) && "attachment".equals(jsonField.getSchema().getItems())) { continue; // you can't make attachments required and we don't support uploads. } DynamicFormField field = new DynamicFormField(); field.setShow("issuetype=" + issueType.getId()); field.setRequired(jsonField.isRequired()); field.setName(entry.getKey()); field.setLabel(jsonField.getName()); field.setActive(true); field.setEditable(true); if (jsonField.getAllowedValues() != null && !jsonField.getAllowedValues().isEmpty()) { if (MULTISELECT.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setSupportsMultivalue(true); } if (MULTI_CHECKBOX.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setSupportsMultivalue(true); field.setType("checklist"); } else if (CASCADING_SELECT.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setType("select"); } else { field.setType("select"); } field.setOptionsMap(jsonField.getOptionsMap()); } else if (type.equals("timetracking")) { LOG.debug("Adding timetracking fields (x2)"); if (timetrackingSet.contains(entry.getKey())) { continue; // otherwise we will have duplicates } else { timetrackingSet.add(entry.getKey()); } DynamicFormField originalEstimate = new DynamicFormField(); originalEstimate.setRequired(jsonField.isRequired()); originalEstimate.setName("timetracking_originalestimate"); originalEstimate.setLabel("Original Estimate"); originalEstimate.setActive(true); originalEstimate.setEditable(true); originalEstimate.setValidate(TIMETRACKING_REGEX); originalEstimate.setType("text"); originalEstimate.setPlaceholder(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT); originalEstimate.setError("pattern", TIMETRACKING_ERROR); fieldList.add(originalEstimate); DynamicFormField remainingEstimate = new DynamicFormField(); remainingEstimate.setRequired(jsonField.isRequired()); remainingEstimate.setName("timetracking_remainingestimate"); remainingEstimate.setLabel("Remaining Estimate"); remainingEstimate.setActive(true); remainingEstimate.setValidate(TIMETRACKING_REGEX); remainingEstimate.setPlaceholder(PLACEHOLDER_TEXT); remainingEstimate.setEditable(true); remainingEstimate.setType("text"); remainingEstimate.setError("pattern", TIMETRACKING_ERROR); fieldList.add(remainingEstimate); continue; } else if (type.equals("string")) { if (URL_TYPE.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setType("url"); } else if (TEXTAREA_TYPE.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setType("textarea"); } else { field.setType("text"); } } else if (type.equals("number")) { if (FLOAT_TYPE.equals(jsonField.getSchema().getCustom())) { field.setValidate(FLOAT_REGEX); field.setType("text"); field.setError("pattern", "Must be float format (ex. 3.14)"); } else { field.setType("number"); } } else if (type.equals("date") || type.equals("datetime")) { field.setType("date"); } else if (type.equals("array") && jsonField.getSchema().getItems().equals("string")) { field.setType("text"); field.setSupportsMultivalue(true); } else if (type.equals("user")) { field.setType("select"); Map<String, String> map = retriever.getUserMap(); if (map == null) { field.setType("text"); } else field.setOptionsMap(map); } else if (type.equals("array")) { LOG.error( "Unable to determine dynamic type for " + entry.getKey() + ":" + type + " of " + jsonField.getSchema().getItems()); field.setType("select"); } LOG.debug( "Adding new field with label " + field.getLabel() + " and type " + field.getType()); addField(field, fieldList, issueTypeField); } } issueTypeField.setOptionsMap(issueTypeValuesMap); } return fieldList; } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("Failed to deserialize JSON."); LOG.debug("Failing JSON: " + jsonString, e); throw new RestIOException(e, "Unable to parse server response."); } }