コード例 #1
 /** - (void) dbChanged: (NSNotification*)n in CBLRestPusher.m */
 public void changed(Database.ChangeEvent event) {
   List<DocumentChange> changes = event.getChanges();
   try {
     java.net.URI remoteUri = remote.toURI();
     for (DocumentChange change : changes) {
       // Skip revisions that originally came from the database I'm syncing to:
       URL source = change.getSource();
       if (source != null && source.toURI().equals(remoteUri)) return;
       RevisionInternal rev = change.getAddedRevision();
       if (getLocalDatabase().runFilter(filter, filterParams, rev)) {
         RevisionInternal nuRev = rev.copy();
         nuRev.setBody(null); // save memory
   } catch (java.net.URISyntaxException uriException) {
     // Not possible since it would not be an active replicator.
     // However, until we refactor everything to use java.net,
     // I'm not sure we have a choice but to swallow this.
     Log.e(Log.TAG_SYNC, "Active replicator found with invalid URI", uriException);