private Map<String, String> getConnector(String entityId, String connectorName) { final String sql = "select " + COL_PASSWORD + "," + COL_ISACTIVE + ",CONNECTOR_PKEY" + " from " + TABLE_CONNECTOR + " with(nolock)" + " where " + COL_ENTITY_CODE + "=? and " + COL_CONNECTOR_NAME + "=?"; ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery( sql, new Object[] {entityId, connectorName}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); try { Map<String, String> ret = null; while ( { if (null != ret) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Duplicate ATS_CONNECTOR record in DB: " + entityId + '/' + connectorName); } ret = new HashMap<String, String>(); ret.put(COL_PASSWORD, rs.getString(1)); ret.put(COL_ISACTIVE, rs.getString(2)); ret.put(COL_ID, rs.getString(3)); } if (null == ret) { throw new ReportableException( ReportableException.BAD_COMPANY, // bad connector, in this case "Failed to find ATS_CONNECTOR record in DB: " + entityId + '/' + connectorName); } return ret; } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } }
private static String getConnectorSession(int conKey) { final String sql = "select SESSION_PKEY," + COL_DATE_EXPIRE + " from " + TABLE_SESSION + " with(nolock) where CONNECTOR_KEY=?"; Date now = Gmt.getGmtDate(); ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery(sql, new Object[] {conKey}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER}, rf); try { while ( { String sessionId = rs.getString(1); Date expireDate = rs.getTimestamp(2); if (expireDate.getTime() >= now.getTime()) { System.out.println(new Date() + ": Extending existing session -- " + conKey); final Date expireDt = getExpireDt(now); Sql.sqlExe( "update " + TABLE_SESSION + " set " + COL_DATE_EXPIRE + "=? where CONNECTOR_KEY=?", new Object[] {expireDt, conKey}, new int[] {Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.INTEGER}, rf); return sessionId; } else { System.out.println(new Date() + ": Removing expired session -- " + sessionId); Sql.sqlExe( "delete " + TABLE_SESSION + " where SESSION_PKEY=?", new Object[] {sessionId}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR}, rf); } } } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } return null; }
@Override public String getTuple(String sessionId, String key) { if (!isInit) { init(); } ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); final Map<String, Object> sessRec = findSession(sessionId, rf); final int conKey = (Integer) sessRec.get(COL_CONNECTOR_ID); final String sql = "select " + COL_TUPLE_VALUE + " from " + TABLE_DATA + " with(nolock) " + "where CONNECTOR_KEY=? and " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "=?"; ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery(sql, new Object[] {conKey, key}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); try { String val = null; while ( { if (null != val) { throw new IllegalStateException( "Duplicate ATS_CONNECTOR_DATA record in DB: " + conKey + '/' + key); } val = rs.getString(1); } return val; } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } }
@Override public String getConfigs(String token) { if (!isInit) { init(); } ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); final Map<String, Object> sessRec = findSession(token, rf); String sql = "select " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "," + COL_TUPLE_VALUE + " from " + TABLE_CONFIG + " with(nolock) where CONNECTOR_KEY=?"; ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery( sql, new Object[] {sessRec.get(COL_CONNECTOR_ID)}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER}, rf); try { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(1024); while ( { buf.append("<tuple>"); buf.append("<key>").append(rs.getString(1)).append("</key>"); buf.append("<data>").append(Str.cdata(rs.getString(2))).append("</data>"); buf.append("</tuple>"); } return buf.toString(); } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } }
private static Map<String, Object> findSession(String sessionId, ResourceFactory rf) { String sql = "select CONNECTOR_KEY," + COL_DATE_EXPIRE + " from " + TABLE_SESSION + " with(nolock) where SESSION_PKEY=?"; ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery(sql, new Object[] {sessionId}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR}, rf); try { if ( { Date now = Gmt.getGmtDate(); Date expireDate = rs.getTimestamp(2); if (expireDate.getTime() >= now.getTime()) { // we've received a valid transaction; move the session expiration date out Date newExpireDate = getExpireDt(now); extendSessionExpiration(sessionId, newExpireDate, rf); Map<String, Object> ret = new HashMap<String, Object>(); ret.put(COL_DATE_EXPIRE, newExpireDate); ret.put(COL_CONNECTOR_ID, rs.getInt(1)); return ret; } } } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } throw new ReportableException(ReportableException.STALE_TRANSACTION, sessionId); }
private static void createTestConnector() { final String entityId = "phos123488"; final String connName = "Test Connector"; // final String company = "Test Company"; final String desc = "Test connector so that Concur can make sure that things work properly."; final String version = "1.0"; final String isActive = "Y"; final String password = Hash.saltedHash(entityId, "DustyParensMistHawaii"); String sql = "select 1 from " + TABLE_CONNECTOR + " with(nolock) where " + COL_ENTITY_CODE + "=? and " + COL_CONNECTOR_NAME + "=?"; ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery( sql, new Object[] {entityId, connName}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); try { if ( { String updateSql = "update " + TABLE_CONNECTOR + " set " + COL_DESC + "=?," + COL_VERSION + "=?," + COL_ISACTIVE + "=?," + COL_PASSWORD + "=?" + " where " + COL_CONNECTOR_NAME + "=? and " + COL_ENTITY_CODE + "=?"; Sql.sqlExe( updateSql, new Object[] {desc, version, isActive, password, connName, entityId}, new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR }, rf); } else { String insertSql = "insert into " + TABLE_CONNECTOR + "(" + COL_DESC + "," + COL_VERSION + "," + COL_ISACTIVE + "," + COL_PASSWORD + "," + COL_DATE_CREATE + "," + COL_CONNECTOR_NAME + "," + COL_ENTITY_CODE + ")" + " values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; final Timestamp dateCreated = new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()); Sql.sqlExe( insertSql, new Object[] {desc, version, isActive, password, dateCreated, connName, entityId}, new int[] { Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.TIMESTAMP, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR }, rf); } } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } // now add a couple config items String configSql = "declare @conKey int; " + "select @conKey=connector_pkey from ats_connector c with(nolock) " + " where c.entity_code='phos123488' and c.connector_name='Test Connector' " + " " + "if @conKey is not null " + "begin " + " if not exists( select 1 from ats_connector_config cc with(nolock) " + " where cc.connector_key=@conKey and cc.tuple_key='Author' ) " + " begin " + " insert into ats_connector_config (connector_key,tuple_key,tuple_value) values( @conKey, 'Author', 'DouglasW' ) " + " end " + " if not exists( select 1 from ats_connector_config cc with(nolock) " + " where cc.connector_key=@conKey and cc.tuple_key='Created' ) " + " begin " + " insert into ats_connector_config (connector_key,tuple_key,tuple_value) values( @conKey, 'Created', cast( getutcdate() as varchar(50))) " + " end " + "end"; Sql.sqlExe(configSql, new Object[] {}, new int[] {}, rf); }
@Override public void putTuple(String token, String key, String value) { if (!isInit) { init(); } ResourceFactory rf = Context.rf.get(); Map<String, Object> sessRec = findSession(token, rf); int conId = (Integer) sessRec.get(COL_CONNECTOR_ID); if (null == value) { String sql = "delete " + TABLE_DATA + " where CONNECTOR_KEY=? and " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "=?"; Sql.sqlExe(sql, new Object[] {conId, key}, new int[] {Types.INTEGER, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); } else { final String sql = "select 1 from " + TABLE_DATA + " with(nolock) where CONNECTOR_KEY=? and " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "=?"; final ResultSet rs = Sql.sqlQuery( sql, new Object[] {conId, key}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); try { if ( // if tuple pair already exists in the DB { String updateSql = "update " + TABLE_DATA + " set " + COL_TUPLE_VALUE + "=? where CONNECTOR_KEY=? and " + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "=?"; Sql.sqlExe( updateSql, new Object[] {value, conId, key}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); } else { String insertSql = "insert into " + TABLE_DATA + "(CONNECTOR_KEY," + COL_TUPLE_KEY + "," + COL_TUPLE_VALUE + ")values(?,?,?)"; Sql.sqlExe( insertSql, new Object[] {conId, key, value}, new int[] {Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR, Types.VARCHAR}, rf); } } catch (RuntimeException rte) { throw rte; } catch (Throwable t) { throw new IllegalStateException(t); } finally { Sql.closeAll(rs); } } }