コード例 #1
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a gif. Currently this uses ImageMagick's "convert" (Windows or Linux) because
   * it does the best job at color reduction (and is fast and is cross-platform). This will
   * overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param fullGifName but without the .gif at the end
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsGif(BufferedImage bi, String fullGifName) throws Exception {

    // POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
    // do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
    // If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
    int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // save as .bmp     (note: doesn't support transparent pixels)
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (verbose) String2.log("SgtUtil.saveAsGif");
    ImageIO.write(bi, "bmp", new File(fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp"));
    if (verbose) String2.log("  make .bmp done. time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));

    // "convert" to .gif
        "convert " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp" + " " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", 30);
    File2.delete(fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp");

    // try fancy color reduction algorithms
    // Image2.saveAsGif(Image2.reduceTo216Colors(bi), fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif");

    // try dithering
    // Image2.saveAsGif216(bi, fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", true);

    // last step: rename to final gif name
    File2.rename(fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", fullGifName + ".gif");

    if (verbose)
          "SgtUtil.saveAsGif done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: DasDds.java プロジェクト: filfreire/erddap
 private void printToBoth(String s) throws IOException {
コード例 #3
   * This class is designed to be a stand-alone program to validate that the DataSet.properties file
   * contains valid information for all datasets listed by validDataSets in DataSet.properties.
   * Don't run this on the coastwatch computer.
   * @param args is ignored
  public static void main(String args[]) throws Exception {

    String2.log("ValidatDataSetProperties (testing DataSet.properties validDataSets");

    // find a browser properties file (e.g., CWBrowser.properties)
    String contextDirectory = SSR.getContextDirectory(); // with / separator and / at the end
    String[] propList =
            contextDirectory + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/coastwatch/", ".+\\.properties");
    int which = -1;
    for (int i = 0; i < propList.length; i++) {
      if (!propList[i].equals("DataSet.properties")) {
        which = i;
            + ": No non-DataSet.properties properties files found in\n"
            + contextDirectory
            + "WEB-INF/classes/gov/noaa/pfel/coastwatch/.\n"
            + ".properties files="
            + String2.toCSSVString(propList));

    FileNameUtility fnu =
        new FileNameUtility(
            "gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch." + File2.getNameNoExtension(propList[which]));
    ResourceBundle2 dataSetRB2 = new ResourceBundle2("gov.noaa.pfel.coastwatch.DataSet");
    String infoUrlBaseUrl = dataSetRB2.getString("infoUrlBaseUrl", null);
    String tDataSetList[] = String2.split(dataSetRB2.getString("validDataSets", null), '`');
    int nDataSets = tDataSetList.length;
    // Test.ensureEqual(nDataSets, 228, "nDataSets"); //useful to me, but Dave can't add dataset
    // without recompiling this
    String2.log("  testing " + nDataSets + " data sets");
    boolean excessivelyStrict = true;
    for (int i = OneOf.N_DUMMY_GRID_DATASETS;
        i < nDataSets;
        i++) { // "2" in order to skip 0=OneOf.NO_DATA, 1=BATHYMETRY
      String seven = tDataSetList[i];
      Test.ensureTrue(seven != null && seven.length() > 0, "  tDataSetList[" + i + "] is ''.");
      fnu.ensureValidDataSetProperties(seven, excessivelyStrict);
      String infoUrl = dataSetRB2.getString(seven + "InfoUrl", null);
      Test.ensureNotNull(infoUrl, seven + "InfoUrl is null.");
              + infoUrl); // on all computers except coastwatch, all are accessible as urls
        "  ValidatDataSetProperties successfully tested n="
            + nDataSets
            + " last="
            + tDataSetList[nDataSets - 1]);
コード例 #4
ファイル: DasDds.java プロジェクト: filfreire/erddap
 /** This gets the i'th value from args, or prompts the user. */
 private String get(String args[], int i, String prompt, String def) throws Throwable {
   if (args.length > i) {
     String2.log(prompt + "? " + args[i]);
     return args[i];
   String s = String2.getStringFromSystemIn(prompt + " (default=\"" + def + "\")? ");
   if (s == null) // null if ^C
   return s;
   if (s.equals("\"\"")) s = "";
   else if (s.length() == 0) s = def;
   return s;
コード例 #5
   * This writes any end-of-file info to the stream and flushes the stream.
   * @throws Throwable if trouble (e.g., MustBe.THERE_IS_NO_DATA if there is no data)
  public void finish() throws Throwable {
    // check for MustBe.THERE_IS_NO_DATA
    if (writer == null) throw new SimpleException(MustBe.THERE_IS_NO_DATA + " (nRows = 0)");

    // end of big array
            + // for end line (no comma) of last coordinate or feature
            + // gap
            "  ],\n"
            + // end of features array
            "  \"bbox\": ["
            + minLon
            + ", "
            + minLat
            + (altColumn >= 0 ? ", " + minAlt : "")
            + ", "
            + maxLon
            + ", "
            + maxLat
            + (altColumn >= 0 ? ", " + maxAlt : "")
            + "]\n"
            + // 2009-07-31 removed ',' after ]
            "}\n"); // end of features collection
    if (jsonp != null) writer.write(")");
    writer.flush(); // essential

    // diagnostic
    if (verbose)
      String2.log("TableWriterGeoJson done. TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #6
ファイル: SimpleLine.java プロジェクト: filfreire/erddap
 /** Bob Simons added this to avoid memory leak problems. */
 public void releaseResources() throws Exception {
   try {
     xloc_ = null;
     yloc_ = null;
     tloc_ = null;
     keyTitle_ = null;
     xMetaData_ = null;
     yMetaData_ = null;
     associatedData_ = null;
     xRange_ = null;
     yRange_ = null;
     changes_ = null;
     if (JPane.debug) String2.log("sgt.dm.SimpleLine.releaseResources() finished");
   } catch (Throwable t) {
     if (JPane.debug) String2.pressEnterToContinue();
コード例 #7
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This writes a string value to the file The string UTF-8 encoded then stored, so the
  * byteArray.length may be greater than s.length(), so make the column wider to be safe.
  * @param s a String. If s is too long, it is truncated. If too short, it is space-padded at the
  *     end.
  * @param length
  * @return the corresponding byte[] (or null if s is null)
 public void writeString(int col, int row, String s) throws IOException {
   int colWidth = columnWidths[col];
   if (s.length() > colWidth) s = s.substring(0, colWidth);
   byte ar[] = String2.getUTF8Bytes(s);
   // truncating is tricky because don't want to have 1/2 of a 2-byte char
   while (ar.length > colWidth) {
     if (reallyVerbose)
       String2.log("s=" + String2.annotatedString(s) + " will be shortened by 1 char.");
     s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 1); // remove last byte
     ar = String2.getUTF8Bytes(s);
   if (ar.length < colWidth) {
     byte tar[] = new byte[colWidth];
     System.arraycopy(ar, 0, tar, 0, ar.length);
     Arrays.fill(tar, ar.length, colWidth, (byte) ' ');
     ar = tar;
   write(col, row, ar);
コード例 #8
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * This closes the pdf file created by createPDF, after you have written things to g2D.
   * @param oar the object[] returned from createPdf
   * @throwsException if trouble
  public static void closePdf(Object oar[]) throws Exception {
    Graphics2D g2D = (Graphics2D) oar[0];
    Document document = (Document) oar[1];
    PdfContentByte pdfContentByte = (PdfContentByte) oar[2];
    PdfTemplate pdfTemplate = (PdfTemplate) oar[3];


    // center it
    if (verbose)
              + " left="
              + document.left()
              + " right="
              + document.right()
              + " bottom="
              + document.bottom()
              + " top="
              + document.top()
              + " template.width="
              + pdfTemplate.getWidth()
              + " template.height="
              + pdfTemplate.getHeight());
    // x device = ax user + by user + e
    // y device = cx user + dy user + f
        pdfTemplate, // a,b,c,d,e,f      //x,y location in points
        document.left() + (document.right() - document.left() - pdfTemplate.getWidth() / 2) / 2,
        document.bottom() + (document.top() - document.bottom() - pdfTemplate.getHeight() / 2) / 2);

    //if boundingBox is small, center it
    //if boundingBox is large, shrink and center it
    //document.left/right/top/bottom include 1/2" margins
    float xScale = (document.right() - document.left())   / pdfTemplate.getWidth();
    float yScale = (document.top()   - document.bottom()) / pdfTemplate.getHeight();
    float scale = Math.min(Math.min(xScale, yScale), 1);
    float xSize = pdfTemplate.getWidth()  / scale;
    float ySize = pdfTemplate.getHeight() / scale;
    //x device = ax user + by user + e
    //y device = cx user + dy user + f
    pdfContentByte.addTemplate(pdfTemplate, //a,b,c,d,e,f
        scale, 0, 0, scale,
        document.left()   + (document.right() - document.left()   - xSize) / 2,
        document.bottom() + (document.top()   - document.bottom() - ySize) / 2);

コード例 #9
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
  * This creates a font and throws exception if font family not available
  * @param fontFamily
  * @throws Exception if fontFamily not available
 public static Font getFont(String fontFamily) {
   // minor or major failures return a default font ("Dialog"!)
   Font font = new Font(fontFamily, Font.PLAIN, 10); // Font.ITALIC
   if (!font.getFamily().equals(fontFamily))
             + " in SgtUtil.getFont: "
             + fontFamily
             + " not available.\n"
             + String2.javaInfo()
             + "\n"
             + "Fonts available: "
             + String2.noLongLinesAtSpace(
                 "  "));
   return font;
コード例 #10
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Given a bufferedImage with a legend near the bottom (entire width of image), this replaces the
   * legend with white.
   * @param bufferedImage
   * @return a bufferedImage without the legend. If trouble, this returns the original image.
  public static BufferedImage removeLegend(BufferedImage bufferedImage) {
    try {
      int lh[] = findLegendLH(bufferedImage);
      if (lh[0] == 0 && lh[1] == 0) return bufferedImage;

      Graphics g = bufferedImage.getGraphics();
      g.setColor(Color.white); // white
      g.fillRect(0, lh[0], bufferedImage.getWidth(), lh[1] - lh[0] + 1);
    } catch (Throwable t) {
    return bufferedImage;
コード例 #11
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
  * This returns a message indicating if graphics operations on bufferedImages are hardware
  * accelerated.
 public static String isBufferedImageAccelerated() {
   if (isBufferedImageAccelerated == null) {
     try {
       BufferedImage bi = getBufferedImage(10, 10);
       ImageCapabilities imCap = bi.getCapabilities(null);
       isBufferedImageAccelerated =
           "bufferedImage isAccelerated=" + (imCap == null ? "[unknown]" : imCap.isAccelerated());
     } catch (Throwable t) {
       isBufferedImageAccelerated = "bufferedImage isAccelerated=[unknown]";
   return isBufferedImageAccelerated;
コード例 #12
ファイル: CWDataBrowser.java プロジェクト: fleetr/erddap
  /** Run CWDataBrowserReset */
  void runCWDataBrowserReset() {
    // is there already a reset thread?
    if (resetThread != null) {
      String2.log(String2.ERROR + " in runCWDataBrowserReset: resetThread!=null");

    // create a lower priority thread and run cwDataBrowserReset
    timeOfLastReset = System.currentTimeMillis();
    cwDataBrowserReset = new CWDataBrowserReset();
    resetThread = new Thread(cwDataBrowserReset);
    resetThread.setPriority(Thread.currentThread().getPriority() - 2);
    // -2 because some adjacent priorities map to the same OS priority
コード例 #13
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Given a bufferedImage, this removes any whitespace more than 10 lines at the bottom.
   * @param bufferedImage
   * @param borderWidth in pixels
   * @return a trimmed bufferedImage. If trouble, this returns the original image.
  public static BufferedImage trimBottom(BufferedImage bufferedImage, int borderWidth) {
    try {

      if (borderWidth < 0) borderWidth = 0;
      if (borderWidth > 1000) return bufferedImage;

      // find the first non-white pixel above bottom edge
      int width = bufferedImage.getWidth();
      int height = bufferedImage.getHeight();
      int y;
      for (y = height - 1; y >= 0; y--) {
        for (int x = 0; x < width; x++) {
          if (bufferedImage.getRGB(x, y) != 0xFFFFFFFF) break Y_LOOP;

      // if (verbose) String2.log("trimBottom y=" + y + " height=" + height);
      int newHeight = y + borderWidth + 1;
      if (y < 0 || newHeight >= height) return bufferedImage;

      BufferedImage newBI = getBufferedImage(width, newHeight);
      Graphics g = newBI.getGraphics();
          newHeight, // dest     params are exclusive
          newHeight, // source
          null); // documentation differs, but I think it blocks till finished if no observer
      return newBI;

    } catch (Throwable t) {
    return bufferedImage;
コード例 #14
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
   * The constructor.
   * @param fullFileName if it exists, the data will be used. If not, it will be created.
   * @param mode This must be one of
   *     <ul>
   *       <li>"r" Open for reading only. Invoking any of the write methods of the resulting object
   *           will cause an IOException to be thrown.
   *       <li>"rw" Open for reading and writing. If the file does not already exist then an attempt
   *           will be made to create it.
   *       <li>"rws" Open for reading and writing, as with "rw", and also require that every update
   *           to the file's content or metadata be written synchronously to the underlying storage
   *           device.
   *       <li>"rwd" Open for reading and writing, as with "rw", and also require that every update
   *           to the file's content be written synchronously to the underlying storage device.
   *     </ul>
   *     See http://download.oracle.com/javase/1.4.2/docs/api/java/io/RandomAccessFile.html#mode
   *     <br>
   *     Reading data is equally fast in all modes. <br>
   *     Writing data in "rw" is 10X to 40X faster than "rws" and "rwd" modes. <br>
   *     For writing data in "rw" mode, text and binary methods are equally fast (text is perhaps
   *     slightly faster!). <br>
   *     For writing data in "rws" and "rwd" modes, text is 5X to 10X FASTER than binary (!!!). <br>
   *     String read/write is surprisingly fast in all modes. <br>
   *     Using "rw" and flush() after each group of writes is slower than rw, but faster than rws
   *     and rwd, and closest to making groups of action atomic. <br>
   *     Advice: if file integrity is very important, use "rw"+flush or "rws".
   * @param columnWidths (in bytes) For numeric columns, use the XXX_LENGTH constants. <br>
   *     For Strings, use whatever value you want. Strings are always converted to utf-8 then
   *     stored, so reserve extra space if chars above #128 expected.
  public PersistentTable(String fullFileName, String mode, int columnWidths[]) throws IOException {
    this.fullFileName = fullFileName;
    this.columnWidths = columnWidths;
    columnStartAt = new int[columnWidths.length];
    nBytesPerRow = 0;
    for (int c = 0; c < columnWidths.length; c++) {
      columnStartAt[c] = nBytesPerRow;
      nBytesPerRow += columnWidths[c];
    nBytesPerRow++; // for newline automatically added to end of row

    // open the file;
    raf = new RandomAccessFile(fullFileName, mode);
    long longNRows =
        raf.length() / nBytesPerRow; // integer division causes partial row at end to be ignored
    EDStatic.ensureArraySizeOkay(longNRows, "PersistentTable");
    nRows = (int) longNRows; // save since checked above
    if (verbose)
          "PersistentTable " + fullFileName + " is open.\n  mode=" + mode + " nRows=" + nRows);
コード例 #15
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a png. This will overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param transparent the color to be made transparent (or null if none)
   * @param outputStream (it is flushed at the end)
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsTransparentPng(
      BufferedImage bi, Color transparent, OutputStream outputStream) throws Exception {

    // convert transparent color to be transparent
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (transparent != null) {
      Image image = Image2.makeImageBackgroundTransparent(bi, transparent, 10000);

      // convert image back to bufferedImage
      bi = new BufferedImage(bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
      Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
      g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), null);

    // save as png
    ImageIO.write(bi, "png", outputStream);

    if (verbose)
      String2.log("SgtUtil.saveAsPng TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #16
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a gif. Currently this uses ImageMagick's "convert" (Windows or Linux) because
   * it does the best job at color reduction (and is fast and is cross-platform). This will
   * overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param transparent the color to be made transparent
   * @param fullGifName but without the .gif at the end
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsTransparentGif(BufferedImage bi, Color transparent, String fullGifName)
      throws Exception {

    // POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
    // do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
    // If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
    int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // convert transparent color to be transparent
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Image image = Image2.makeImageBackgroundTransparent(bi, transparent, 10000);

    // convert image back to bufferedImage
    bi = new BufferedImage(bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), null);
    image = null; // encourage garbage collection

    // save as png
    int random = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File(fullGifName + randomInt + ".png"));

    // "convert" to .gif
        "convert " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".png" + " " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", 30);
    File2.delete(fullGifName + randomInt + ".png");

    // try fancy color reduction algorithms
    // Image2.saveAsGif(Image2.reduceTo216Colors(bi), fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif");

    // try dithering
    // Image2.saveAsGif216(bi, fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", true);

    // last step: rename to final gif name
    File2.rename(fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", fullGifName + ".gif");

    if (verbose)
          "SgtUtil.saveAsTransparentGif TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #17
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads a long from the file (or Long.MAX_VALUE if trouble). */
 public long readLong(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return String2.parseLong(readString(col, row));
コード例 #18
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads an int from the file (or Integer.MAX_VALUE if trouble). */
 public int readInt(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return String2.parseInt(readString(col, row));
コード例 #19
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads a short from the file (or Short.MAX_VALUE if trouble). */
 public short readShort(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return Math2.narrowToShort(String2.parseInt(readString(col, row)));
コード例 #20
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads a byte from the file (or Byte.MAX_VALUE if trouble). */
 public byte readByte(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return Math2.narrowToByte(String2.parseInt(readString(col, row)));
コード例 #21
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the double to text and then to byte[DOUBLE_LENGTH] then writes it to the file.
  * Later, use readDouble to read the value from the file.
 public void writeDouble(int col, int row, double d) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + d, DOUBLE_LENGTH)));
コード例 #22
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the float to text and then to byte[FLOAT_LENGTH] then writes it to the file.
  * Later, use readFloat to read the value from the file.
 public void writeFloat(int col, int row, float f) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + f, FLOAT_LENGTH)));
コード例 #23
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
   * This tests this class.
   * @throws Throwable if trouble.
  public static void test() throws Throwable {
    verbose = true;
    reallyVerbose = true;
    int n;
    long time;

    // find longest FLOAT_LENGTH
    String s = ("" + Float.MIN_VALUE * -4f / 3f);
    int longest = s.length();
    String longestS = s;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      s = "" + ((float) Math.random() / -1e10f);
      if (s.length() > longest) {
        longest = s.length();
        longestS = s;
    String2.log("float longestS=" + longestS + " length=" + longest);
    Test.ensureTrue(longest <= 15, "");

    // find longest DOUBLE_LENGTH
    s = ("" + Double.MIN_VALUE * -4.0 / 3.0);
    longest = s.length();
    longestS = s;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      s = "" + (Math.random() / -1e150);
      if (s.length() > longest) {
        longest = s.length();
        longestS = s;
    String2.log("double longestS=" + longestS + " length=" + longest);
    Test.ensureTrue(longest <= 24, "");

    // make a new table
    String name = EDStatic.fullTestCacheDirectory + "testPersistentTable.txt";
    int widths[] = {

    PersistentTable pt = new PersistentTable(name, "rw", widths);
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.nRows(), 0, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.addRows(2), 2, "");
    String testS = "Now is the time f\u0F22r all good countrymen to come ...";
    pt.writeBoolean(0, 0, true);
    pt.writeBoolean(0, 1, false);
    pt.writeByte(1, 0, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeByte(1, 1, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryByte(2, 0, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryByte(2, 1, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryChar(3, 0, ' '); // hard because read will trim it to ""
    pt.writeBinaryChar(3, 1, '\u0F22');
    pt.writeShort(4, 0, Short.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeShort(4, 1, Short.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryShort(5, 0, Short.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryShort(5, 1, Short.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeInt(6, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeInt(6, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryInt(7, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryInt(7, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeLong(8, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeLong(8, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryLong(9, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryLong(9, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeFloat(10, 0, -Float.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeFloat(10, 1, Float.NaN);
    pt.writeBinaryFloat(11, 0, -Float.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryFloat(11, 1, Float.NaN);
    pt.writeDouble(12, 0, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeDouble(12, 1, Double.NaN);
    pt.writeBinaryDouble(13, 0, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryDouble(13, 1, Double.NaN);
    pt.writeString(14, 0, "");
    pt.writeString(14, 1, testS);

    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 0), true, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 1), false, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 0), ' ', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 1), '\u0F22', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 0), "", "");
    // only 18 char returned because one takes 3 bytes in UTF-8
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 1), testS.substring(0, 18), "");

    // reopen the file   data still there?
    pt = new PersistentTable(name, "rw", widths);
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.nRows(), 2, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 0), true, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 1), false, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 0), ' ', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 1), '\u0F22', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 0), "", "");
    // only 18 char returned because one takes 3 bytes in UTF-8
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 1), testS.substring(0, 18), "");

    String modes[] = {"rw", "rw", "rws", "rwd"};
    n = 1000;
    for (int mode = 0; mode < modes.length; mode++) {
      pt =
          new PersistentTable(
      if (mode == 1) String2.log("*** Note: 2nd rw test uses flush()");

      // string speed test
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long modeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) pt.writeString(0, i, testS + i);
      if (mode == 1) pt.flush();
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();
              + modes[mode]
              + " time to write "
              + n
              + " Strings="
              + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
              + "   ("
              + new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}[mode]
              + "ms)"); // java 1.6 0,0,0,0

      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int tRow = Math2.random(n);
        Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(0, tRow), testS + tRow, "");
              + " time to read "
              + n
              + " Strings="
              + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
              + "   ("
              + new int[] {15, 16, 47, 15}[mode]
コード例 #24
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads a float from the file (or Float.NaN if trouble). */
 public float readFloat(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return String2.parseFloat(readString(col, row));
コード例 #25
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 /** This reads a double from the file (or Double.NaN if trouble). */
 public double readDouble(int col, int row) throws IOException {
   return String2.parseDouble(readString(col, row));
コード例 #26
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the int to text and then to byte[INT_LENGTH] then writes it to the file. Later,
  * use readInt to read the value from the file.
 public void writeInt(int col, int row, int i) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + i, INT_LENGTH)));
コード例 #27
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the byte to text and then to byte[BYTE_LENGTH] then writes it to the file. Later,
  * use readByte to read the value from the file.
 public void writeByte(int col, int row, byte b) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + b, BYTE_LENGTH)));
コード例 #28
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the long to text and then to byte[LONG_LENGTH] then writes it to the file. Later,
  * use readLong to read the value from the file.
 public void writeLong(int col, int row, long i) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + i, LONG_LENGTH)));
コード例 #29
ファイル: DasDds.java プロジェクト: filfreire/erddap
   * This is used when called from within a program. If args is null or args.length is 0, this
   * loops; otherwise it returns when done.
   * @param args if args has values, they are used to answer the questions.
   * @returns the contents of outFileName (will be "" if trouble)
  public String doIt(String args[], boolean loop) throws Throwable {
    File2.safeRename(logFileName, logFileName + ".previous");
    if (File2.isFile(outFileName)) {
      try {
        File2.rename(outFileName, outFileName + ".previous");
      } catch (Throwable t) {
        false, // toSystemOut, toSystemErr
        false, // logToStringBuffer
        20000000); // append
        "*** Starting DasDds "
            + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocal()
            + "\n"
            + "logFile="
            + String2.logFileName()
            + "\n"
            + String2.standardHelpAboutMessage());
    outFile = new FileWriter(outFileName); // default charset

    // delete the old log files (pre 1.48 names)
    File2.delete(EDStatic.fullLogsDirectory + "DasDdsLog.txt");
    File2.delete(EDStatic.fullLogsDirectory + "DasDdsLog.txt.previous");

    String datasetID = "";
    if (args == null) args = new String[0];

    // look for -verbose (and remove it)
    boolean verbose = false; // actually controls reallyVerbose
    int vi = String2.indexOf(args, "-verbose");
    if (vi >= 0) {
      verbose = true;
      StringArray sa = new StringArray(args);
      args = sa.toArray();

    do {
      // get the EDD type
      // EDD.reallyVerbose = false;  //sometimes while testing
      datasetID =
              "\n*** DasDds ***\n"
                  + "This generates the DAS and DDS for a dataset and puts it in\n"
                  + outFileName
                  + "\n"
                  + "Press ^D or ^C to exit at any time.\n\n"
                  + "Which datasetID",
      if (datasetID == null) {
        return String2.readFromFile(outFileName)[1];

      // delete the datasetInfo files for this datasetID (in case incorrect info)
      try {
        String dir = EDD.datasetDir(datasetID);
            "dataset dir="
                + dir
                + "\n"
                + "dataset n files not deleted = "
                + RegexFilenameFilter.regexDelete(dir, ".*", false));

      } catch (Throwable t) {
            "\n*** An error occurred while deleting the old info for "
                + datasetID
                + ":\n"
                + MustBe.throwableToString(t));

      try {
        printToBoth(EDD.testDasDds(datasetID, verbose));
      } catch (Throwable t) {
            "\n*** An error occurred while trying to load "
                + datasetID
                + ":\n"
                + MustBe.throwableToString(t));

    } while (loop && args.length == 0);

    String ret = String2.readFromFile(outFileName)[1];
    return ret;
コード例 #30
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
  * This converts the short to text and then to byte[SHORT_LENGTH] then writes it to the file.
  * Later, use readShort to read the value from the file.
 public void writeShort(int col, int row, short s) throws IOException {
   write(col, row, String2.toByteArray(String2.right("" + s, SHORT_LENGTH)));