コード例 #1
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a gif. Currently this uses ImageMagick's "convert" (Windows or Linux) because
   * it does the best job at color reduction (and is fast and is cross-platform). This will
   * overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param fullGifName but without the .gif at the end
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsGif(BufferedImage bi, String fullGifName) throws Exception {

    // POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
    // do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
    // If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
    int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // save as .bmp     (note: doesn't support transparent pixels)
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    if (verbose) String2.log("SgtUtil.saveAsGif");
    ImageIO.write(bi, "bmp", new File(fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp"));
    if (verbose) String2.log("  make .bmp done. time=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time));

    // "convert" to .gif
        "convert " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp" + " " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", 30);
    File2.delete(fullGifName + randomInt + ".bmp");

    // try fancy color reduction algorithms
    // Image2.saveAsGif(Image2.reduceTo216Colors(bi), fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif");

    // try dithering
    // Image2.saveAsGif216(bi, fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", true);

    // last step: rename to final gif name
    File2.rename(fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", fullGifName + ".gif");

    if (verbose)
          "SgtUtil.saveAsGif done. TOTAL TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #2
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a gif. Currently this uses ImageMagick's "convert" (Windows or Linux) because
   * it does the best job at color reduction (and is fast and is cross-platform). This will
   * overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param transparent the color to be made transparent
   * @param fullGifName but without the .gif at the end
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsTransparentGif(BufferedImage bi, Color transparent, String fullGifName)
      throws Exception {

    // POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
    // do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
    // If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
    int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // convert transparent color to be transparent
    long time = System.currentTimeMillis();
    Image image = Image2.makeImageBackgroundTransparent(bi, transparent, 10000);

    // convert image back to bufferedImage
    bi = new BufferedImage(bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics g = bi.getGraphics();
    g.drawImage(image, 0, 0, bi.getWidth(), bi.getHeight(), null);
    image = null; // encourage garbage collection

    // save as png
    int random = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    ImageIO.write(bi, "png", new File(fullGifName + randomInt + ".png"));

    // "convert" to .gif
        "convert " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".png" + " " + fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", 30);
    File2.delete(fullGifName + randomInt + ".png");

    // try fancy color reduction algorithms
    // Image2.saveAsGif(Image2.reduceTo216Colors(bi), fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif");

    // try dithering
    // Image2.saveAsGif216(bi, fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", true);

    // last step: rename to final gif name
    File2.rename(fullGifName + randomInt + ".gif", fullGifName + ".gif");

    if (verbose)
          "SgtUtil.saveAsTransparentGif TIME=" + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "\n");
コード例 #3
ファイル: SgtUtil.java プロジェクト: BobSimons/erddap
   * Saves an image as a png. This will overwrite an existing file.
   * @param bi
   * @param transparent the color to be made transparent (or null if none)
   * @param fullPngName but without the .png at the end
   * @throws Exception if trouble
  public static void saveAsTransparentPng(BufferedImage bi, Color transparent, String fullPngName)
      throws Exception {

    // POLICY: because this procedure may be used in more than one thread,
    // do work on unique temp files names using randomInt, then rename to proper file name.
    // If procedure fails half way through, there won't be a half-finished file.
    int randomInt = Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE);

    // create fileOutputStream
    BufferedOutputStream bos =
        new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(fullPngName + randomInt + ".png"));

    // save the image
    saveAsTransparentPng(bi, transparent, bos);

    // last step: rename to final Png name
    File2.rename(fullPngName + randomInt + ".png", fullPngName + ".png");
コード例 #4
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   int tRow = Math2.random(n);
   Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(3, tRow), tRow, "");
コード例 #5
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
 for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
   int tRow = Math2.random(n);
   Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(2, tRow), tRow, "");
コード例 #6
ファイル: PersistentTable.java プロジェクト: mbarry02/erddap
   * This tests this class.
   * @throws Throwable if trouble.
  public static void test() throws Throwable {
    verbose = true;
    reallyVerbose = true;
    int n;
    long time;

    // find longest FLOAT_LENGTH
    String s = ("" + Float.MIN_VALUE * -4f / 3f);
    int longest = s.length();
    String longestS = s;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      s = "" + ((float) Math.random() / -1e10f);
      if (s.length() > longest) {
        longest = s.length();
        longestS = s;
    String2.log("float longestS=" + longestS + " length=" + longest);
    Test.ensureTrue(longest <= 15, "");

    // find longest DOUBLE_LENGTH
    s = ("" + Double.MIN_VALUE * -4.0 / 3.0);
    longest = s.length();
    longestS = s;
    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++) {
      s = "" + (Math.random() / -1e150);
      if (s.length() > longest) {
        longest = s.length();
        longestS = s;
    String2.log("double longestS=" + longestS + " length=" + longest);
    Test.ensureTrue(longest <= 24, "");

    // make a new table
    String name = EDStatic.fullTestCacheDirectory + "testPersistentTable.txt";
    int widths[] = {

    PersistentTable pt = new PersistentTable(name, "rw", widths);
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.nRows(), 0, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.addRows(2), 2, "");
    String testS = "Now is the time f\u0F22r all good countrymen to come ...";
    pt.writeBoolean(0, 0, true);
    pt.writeBoolean(0, 1, false);
    pt.writeByte(1, 0, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeByte(1, 1, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryByte(2, 0, Byte.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryByte(2, 1, Byte.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryChar(3, 0, ' '); // hard because read will trim it to ""
    pt.writeBinaryChar(3, 1, '\u0F22');
    pt.writeShort(4, 0, Short.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeShort(4, 1, Short.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryShort(5, 0, Short.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryShort(5, 1, Short.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeInt(6, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeInt(6, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryInt(7, 0, Integer.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryInt(7, 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeLong(8, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeLong(8, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryLong(9, 0, Long.MIN_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryLong(9, 1, Long.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeFloat(10, 0, -Float.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeFloat(10, 1, Float.NaN);
    pt.writeBinaryFloat(11, 0, -Float.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryFloat(11, 1, Float.NaN);
    pt.writeDouble(12, 0, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeDouble(12, 1, Double.NaN);
    pt.writeBinaryDouble(13, 0, -Double.MAX_VALUE);
    pt.writeBinaryDouble(13, 1, Double.NaN);
    pt.writeString(14, 0, "");
    pt.writeString(14, 1, testS);

    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 0), true, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 1), false, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 0), ' ', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 1), '\u0F22', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 0), "", "");
    // only 18 char returned because one takes 3 bytes in UTF-8
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 1), testS.substring(0, 18), "");

    // reopen the file   data still there?
    pt = new PersistentTable(name, "rw", widths);
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.nRows(), 2, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 0), true, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBoolean(0, 1), false, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readByte(1, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 0), Byte.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryByte(2, 1), Byte.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 0), ' ', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryChar(3, 1), '\u0F22', "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readShort(4, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 0), Short.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryShort(5, 1), Short.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readInt(6, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 0), Integer.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryInt(7, 1), Integer.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readLong(8, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 0), Long.MIN_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryLong(9, 1), Long.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readFloat(10, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 0), -Float.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryFloat(11, 1), Float.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readDouble(12, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 0), -Double.MAX_VALUE, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readBinaryDouble(13, 1), Double.NaN, "");
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 0), "", "");
    // only 18 char returned because one takes 3 bytes in UTF-8
    Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(14, 1), testS.substring(0, 18), "");

    String modes[] = {"rw", "rw", "rws", "rwd"};
    n = 1000;
    for (int mode = 0; mode < modes.length; mode++) {
      pt =
          new PersistentTable(
      if (mode == 1) String2.log("*** Note: 2nd rw test uses flush()");

      // string speed test
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();
      long modeTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) pt.writeString(0, i, testS + i);
      if (mode == 1) pt.flush();
      time = System.currentTimeMillis();
              + modes[mode]
              + " time to write "
              + n
              + " Strings="
              + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
              + "   ("
              + new int[] {0, 0, 0, 0}[mode]
              + "ms)"); // java 1.6 0,0,0,0

      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        int tRow = Math2.random(n);
        Test.ensureEqual(pt.readString(0, tRow), testS + tRow, "");
              + " time to read "
              + n
              + " Strings="
              + (System.currentTimeMillis() - time)
              + "   ("
              + new int[] {15, 16, 47, 15}[mode]