コード例 #1
  * Drops the partition from its HdfsTable. If the HdfsTable does not exist, an exception is
  * thrown. If the partition having the given partition spec does not exist, null is returned.
  * Otherwise, the table with an updated catalog version is returned.
 public Table dropPartition(TableName tableName, List<TPartitionKeyValue> partitionSpec)
     throws CatalogException {
   Table tbl = getOrLoadTable(tableName.getDb(), tableName.getTbl());
   if (tbl == null) {
     throw new TableNotFoundException("Table not found: " + tbl.getFullName());
   if (!(tbl instanceof HdfsTable)) {
     throw new CatalogException("Table " + tbl.getFullName() + " is not an Hdfs table");
   HdfsTable hdfsTable = (HdfsTable) tbl;
   // Locking the catalog here because this accesses hdfsTable's partition list and
   // updates its catalog version.
   // TODO: Fix this locking pattern.
   try {
     HdfsPartition hdfsPartition = hdfsTable.dropPartition(partitionSpec);
     if (hdfsPartition == null) return null;
     return replaceTableIfUnchanged(hdfsTable, hdfsTable.getCatalogVersion());
   } finally {