public void initializeAndConnect(Context ctx, int qos, InitCallback callback) { connectCallback = callback; context = ctx; qualityOfService = qos; deviceId = "ad" + Secure.getString(ctx.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); opts = new MqttConnectOptions(); opts.setCleanSession(true); User curUser = ClearBlade.getCurrentUser(); if (curUser.getAuthToken() == null) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Auth token is null, cannot start messaging service"); return; } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Received Authenticated user details"); opts.setUserName(curUser.getAuthToken()); opts.setPassword(Util.getSystemKey().toCharArray()); } connect(ctx, callback); }
public class MessageService implements MqttCallback { public String url = ClearBlade.getMessageUrl(); public static final String DEBUG_TAG = "MqttService"; // Debug TAG public static final String MESSAGE_RECEIVED = "MESSAGE_RECEIVED"; private String deviceId; private int qualityOfService; private boolean isSubscribed = false; // mqtt paho stuff private MqttClientPersistence clientPersistance = null; private MqttConnectOptions opts; private MqttAndroidClient androidClient; private Context context; private InitCallback connectCallback; public void initializeAndConnect(Context ctx, int qos, InitCallback callback) { connectCallback = callback; context = ctx; qualityOfService = qos; deviceId = "ad" + Secure.getString(ctx.getContentResolver(), Secure.ANDROID_ID); opts = new MqttConnectOptions(); opts.setCleanSession(true); User curUser = ClearBlade.getCurrentUser(); if (curUser.getAuthToken() == null) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Auth token is null, cannot start messaging service"); return; } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Received Authenticated user details"); opts.setUserName(curUser.getAuthToken()); opts.setPassword(Util.getSystemKey().toCharArray()); } connect(ctx, callback); } private void connect(Context ctx, final InitCallback callback) { try { androidClient = new MqttAndroidClient(ctx, url, deviceId, clientPersistance); androidClient.connect( opts, ctx, new IMqttActionListener() { @Override public void onFailure(IMqttToken arg0, Throwable arg1) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Could not connect to MQTT broker: " + arg1.getMessage()); callback.error(new ClearBladeException(arg1.getMessage())); } @Override public void onSuccess(IMqttToken arg0) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Client Connected"); if (isSubscribed) { Iterator<String> it = Message.subscribed.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { subscribe(; } } callback.done(true); } }); androidClient.setCallback(this); } catch (MqttException err) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, err.getLocalizedMessage()); } } public void disconnect() { if (androidClient.isConnected()) { try { androidClient.disconnect(); Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Client Disconnected"); } catch (MqttException err) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, err.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Client is already disconnected"); } } public void publish(String topic, byte[] payload) { if (androidClient.isConnected()) { try { androidClient.publish(topic, payload, qualityOfService, false); } catch (MqttPersistenceException e) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } catch (MqttException e) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, e.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Could not publish. Client is not connected. Please connect first."); } } public void publish(String topic, String payload) { publish(topic, payload.getBytes()); } public void publish(String topic, Item payload) { publish(topic, payload.toString()); } public boolean subscribe(final String topic) { if (androidClient.isConnected()) { try { androidClient.subscribe(topic, qualityOfService); isSubscribed = true; return true; } catch (MqttException err) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, err.getLocalizedMessage()); return false; } } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Could not subscribe. Client is not connected. Please connect first."); return false; } } public void unsubscribe(String topic) { if (androidClient.isConnected()) { try { androidClient.unsubscribe(topic); } catch (MqttException err) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, err.getLocalizedMessage()); } } else { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Could not unsubscribe. Client is not connected. Please connect first."); } } @Override public void connectionLost(Throwable throwable) { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, throwable.getMessage() + ". Attempting to reconnect"); androidClient = null; connect(context, connectCallback); } @Override public void messageArrived(String topic, MqttMessage mqttMessage) throws Exception { Log.i(DEBUG_TAG, "Topic: " + topic + " Message: " + new String(mqttMessage.getPayload())); Intent intent = new Intent(); intent.setAction(MESSAGE_RECEIVED); intent.putExtra("topic", topic); intent.putExtra("message", mqttMessage.getPayload()); context.sendBroadcast(intent); } @Override public void deliveryComplete(IMqttDeliveryToken iMqttDeliveryToken) {} }