コード例 #1
   * Constructor initialises the table and a popup tool, as well as initialising the required GUI
   * elements. It adds action listeners for the three main buttons, which include basic user input
   * validation checking.
  public TableAttributeEditor(JFrame MyOwner) {
    // As usual, it is insanely hard to get the swing components to display
    // and work properly.  If JTable is not displayed in a scroll pane no headers are
    // displayed, and you have to do it manually.  (If you *do* display it
    // in a scrollbar, in this instance, it screws up sizing)
    // The broken header mis-feature is only mentioned in the tutorial,
    // not in the api doco - go figure.


    owner = MyOwner;

    // final JPanel mainPanel = (JPanel)this;

    tableData = new AttributeTableModel();

    attributeTable = new JTable(tableData);
    // attributeTable.setRowHeight(20);	// This may be needed, depends on how fussy people get about
    // the bottom of letters like 'y' getting cut off when the cell is selected - bug 3013.

    popupTableTool = new SmartPopupTableTool(attributeTable, tableData, (JXplorerBrowser) owner);

    // Set the renderer for the attribute type...
    final AttributeTypeCellRenderer typeRenderer = new AttributeTypeCellRenderer();

    attributeTable.setDefaultRenderer(AttributeNameAndType.class, typeRenderer);

    // Set the renderer for the attribute value...
    final AttributeValueCellRenderer valueRenderer = new AttributeValueCellRenderer();

    attributeTable.setDefaultRenderer(AttributeValue.class, valueRenderer);

    // Set the editor for the attribute value...
    myEditor = new AttributeValueCellEditor(owner);

    attributeTable.setDefaultEditor(AttributeValue.class, myEditor);


    currentDN = null;

    JPanel buttonPanel = new JPanel(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.CENTER));
        submit =
            new CBButton(
                CBIntText.get("Submit"), CBIntText.get("Submit your changes to the Directory.")));
        reset =
            new CBButton(
                CBIntText.get("Reset this entry i.e. cancels any changes.")));
        changeClass =
            new CBButton(
                CBIntText.get("Change Classes"),
                CBIntText.get("Change the Object Class of this entry.")));
        opAttrs =
            new CBButton(
                CBIntText.get("View the Operational Attributes of this entry.")));

    // I don't really understand why we have to do this...
    // but without it these buttons over ride the default
    // button (Search Bar's search button), if they have
    // been clicked and the user hits the enter key?

    setLayout(new BorderLayout(10, 10));

    tableScroller = new JScrollPane();
    tableScroller.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(300, 285));
    add(tableScroller, BorderLayout.CENTER);
    add(buttonPanel, BorderLayout.SOUTH);

    if ("true".equals(JXConfig.getProperty("lock.read.only")))
      title = CBIntText.get("Table Viewer");
    else title = CBIntText.get("Table Editor");


    // triggers adding operational attributes of the current entry.
        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {
            // tableData.reset();
            displayEntry(originalEntry, dataSource, false);

        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

    // This allows the user to change the objectclass attribute.
    // This is pretty tricky, because it changes what attributes are available.
        new ActionListener() {
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) {

        new MouseAdapter() {
          public void mousePressed(MouseEvent e) {
            if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mousePressed(e);

          public void mouseReleased(MouseEvent e) {
            if (!doPopupStuff(e)) super.mouseReleased(e);

          // TODO need to have a way to call this from a keystroke...
          public boolean doPopupStuff(MouseEvent e) {
            if (e.isPopupTrigger() == false) return false;

            int row = attributeTable.rowAtPoint(new Point(e.getX(), e.getY()));

            attributeTable.addRowSelectionInterval(row, row);

                (AttributeNameAndType) attributeTable.getValueAt(row, 0),
                (AttributeValue) attributeTable.getValueAt(row, 1),
                tableData.getRDN()); // active path also set by valueChanged
            popupTableTool.show(attributeTable, e.getX(), e.getY());
            popupTableTool.registerCellEditor(myEditor); // TE: for bug fix 3107.
            return true;
コード例 #2
  private void displayEntry(
      DXEntry entry, DataBrokerQueryInterface ds, boolean storeOriginalEntry) {

    //        checkedDN = null; // hack - resets promptForSave.
    // Store original Entry for reset
    if (entry != null && storeOriginalEntry && entry.getStatus() == DXEntry.NORMAL)
      originalEntry = new DXEntry(entry);

    // Set the globals...
    currentEntry = entry;
    dataSource = ds;

    if (entry != null && entry.size() == 0) {
      // If there is an entry and its size is zero - it's probably a virtual entry.
      // We need to give the user the option of adding an object class to it i.e. so that
      // it can be added to the directory as a real entry.
      // Disable all the buttons except the 'Change Class' button - but rename this button
      // to 'Add Class' so the user hopefully has a bit more of an idea about what is going on.

      // Sets editor to a blank screen...

      // Disable all buttons except the 'Change Class' button - rename this one...
      changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Add Class"));

      virtualEntry = true;


    virtualEntry = false;

    // Isn't a virtual entry...
    if (entry != null) currentDN = entry.getDN();

    // May have been changed to 'Add Class'...
    changeClass.setText(CBIntText.get("Change Class"));

    // Some quick faffing around, to see if we're coming back from a
    // change classes operation.
    if (classChangedOriginalEntry != null) {
      // If they have the same name, then we're reviewing the same entry - otherwise we've moved on
      if (entry == null || entry.getDN().equals(classChangedOriginalEntry.getDN()) == false)
        classChangedOriginalEntry = null;

     *    Check that we're not displaying a new entry, and leaving unsaved changes
     *    behind.
     *    This turns out to be quite tricky, and involves a bunch 'o special cases.
     *    First check whether the table data has changed (if not, do nothing)
     *    ->  if the new entry is null, prompt user to save
     *    ->  OR if the DN has changed, and it wasn't due to a rename, prompt user to save
    if (tableData.changedByUser()) // user made changes - were they saved?  (i.e., are we
    { // displaying the result of those changes?)
      boolean prompt = false;

      DXEntry oldEntry = tableData.getOldEntry();

      if (oldEntry != null) {
         *    The code below is simply checking to see if the name of the
         *    new entry is different from the old entry, and if it is,
         *    whether that's due to the old entry being renamed.
        if (entry == null) {
          prompt = true;
        // TE: added the isEmpty check see bug: 3194.
        else if (!oldEntry.getDN().isEmpty() && entry.getDN().equals(oldEntry.getDN()) == false) {
          DN oldParent = oldEntry.getDN().getParent();

          DN newParent = entry.getDN().getParent();

          if (oldParent.equals(newParent) == false) {
            prompt = true;
          } else {
            if (entry.getDN().getLowestRDN().equals(tableData.getRDN()) == false) {
              prompt = true;

        if (prompt) // yes, there is a risk of data loss - prompt the user.
          checkForUnsavedChanges(); // see if the user wants to save their data

        ds); // Sets the DataBrokerQueryInterface in AttributeValueCellEditor used to get the syntax
             // of attributes.

    // only enable buttons if DataBrokerQueryInterface
    // is valid *and* we can modify data...

    if (dataSource == null || entry == null || dataSource.isModifiable() == false) {
      setReadWrite(false, entry);
    } else {
      setReadWrite(true, entry);

    //        myEditor.stopCellEditing();

    if (entry != null) {
      currentDN = entry.getDN();

      popupTableTool.setDN(currentDN); // Sets the DN in SmartPopupTableTool.
          currentDN); // Sets the DN in the attributeValueCellEditor which can be used to identify
                      // the entry that is being modified/
    } else {
      tableData.clear(); // Sets editor to a blank screen.

    tableScroller.getVerticalScrollBar().setValue(0); // Sets the scroll bar back to the top.