コード例 #1
  * Fetches the details for a specific Customer ID
  * @param Customer ID
  * @return the CustomerUpdate to object with values.
  * @throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException the customer update business exception
  * @throws CustomerUpdateException the customer update exception
  * @throws SQLException
 public CustomerUpdateTO displayDetails(int cid)
     throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException, CustomerUpdateException, SQLException {
   LOG.info("Method displayDetails Invoked in CustomerUpdatebo");
   CustomerUpdateTO to = dao.displayDetails(cid);
   LOG.info("Return Value in CustomerUpdateBO:" + to);
   return to;
コード例 #2
  * Updates the details of the customer ID.
  * @param to the to
  * @return true, if successful
  * @throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException the customer update business exception
  * @throws CustomerUpdateException the customer update exception
  * @throws SQLException
 public boolean updateCustomer(CustomerUpdateTO to)
     throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException, CustomerUpdateException, SQLException {
   LOG.info("Method Updatecustomer Invoked in CustomerUpdateBO");
   boolean successflag = false;
   successflag = dao.updateCustomer(to);
   LOG.info("Returned Value in Updatecustomer CustomerUpdateBO:" + successflag);
   return successflag;
コード例 #3
  * Searches the entered customer ID in the database and returns true if customer id exits in the
  * database.
  * @param cid1 the cid1
  * @return true, if successful
  * @throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException the customer update business exception
  * @throws CustomerUpdateException the customer update exception
  * @throws SQLException
 public boolean searchDetails(int cid1)
     throws CustomerUpdateBusinessException, CustomerUpdateException, SQLException {
   LOG.info("Method searchDetails Invoked in CustomerUpdateBO" + cid1);
   boolean flag = false;
   String cid = Integer.toString(cid1);
   try {
     flag = dao.searchDetailsdao(cid);
     if (flag == false) {
       throw new CustomerUpdateBusinessException("Please enter the correct Phone Number");
   } catch (CustomerUpdateBusinessException e) {
     throw new CustomerUpdateBusinessException("Please enter a valid Customer Id");
   LOG.info("Returned Value in searchDetails CustomerUpdateBO:" + flag);
   return flag;