コード例 #1
  public void resizeChild(OGLGUIObject object, int index, int childTotal) {
    if (index == 0) {
      topLeft = null;
      topCenter = null;
      topRight = null;
      middleLeft = null;
      content = null;
      middleRight = null;
      bottomLeft = null;
      bottomCenter = null;
      bottomRight = null;

    Object attr = object.getLayoutAttrib();

    if (attr == Attrib.TOP_LEFT) topLeft = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.TOP_CENTER) topCenter = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.TOP_RIGHT) topRight = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.MIDDLE_LEFT) middleLeft = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.CONTENT) content = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.MIDDLE_RIGHT) middleRight = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.BOTTOM_LEFT) bottomLeft = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.BOTTOM_CENTER) bottomCenter = object;
    else if (attr == Attrib.BOTTOM_RIGHT) bottomRight = object;
    else if (attr == null && content == null) content = object;

    if (index + 1 == childTotal) orientChildren();
コード例 #2
  public void resizeChild(OGLGUIObject object, int index, int childTotal) {
    Rectangle2F parentBounds = object.getParent().getBounds();
    float pw = parentBounds.width;
    float ph = parentBounds.height;

    float x0 = paddingLeft <= 0f ? 0f : (paddingLeft < 1f ? pw * paddingLeft : paddingLeft);
    float y0 = paddingTop <= 0f ? 0f : (paddingTop < 1f ? ph * paddingTop : paddingTop);
    float x1 =
        paddingRight <= 0f
            ? pw
            : (paddingRight < 1f ? pw - (pw * paddingRight) : pw - paddingRight);
    float y1 =
        paddingBottom <= 0f
            ? ph
            : (paddingBottom < 1f ? ph - (ph * paddingBottom) : ph - paddingBottom);
    object.setBounds(x0, y0, x0 < x1 ? x1 - x0 : 0f, y0 < y1 ? y1 - y0 : 0f);
コード例 #3
  /** Once objects with the required attributes are found, this will resize and reposition them. */
  protected void orientChildren() {
    float x = 0f;
    float y = 0f;
    float w = 0f;
    float h = 0f;

    if (topLeft != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = topLeft.getParent().getBounds();
      x = 0f;
      y = 0f;
      w = topCenter != null ? frameWidth : topRight != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : pb.width;
      h = frameWidth;
      topLeft.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (topCenter != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = topCenter.getParent().getBounds();
      x = topLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f;
      y = 0f;
      w = pb.width - (topLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f) - (topRight != null ? frameWidth : 0f);
      h = frameWidth;
      topCenter.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (topRight != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = topRight.getParent().getBounds();
      x = topCenter != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : topLeft != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : 0f;
      y = 0f;
      w = frameWidth;
      h = frameWidth;
      topRight.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (middleLeft != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = middleLeft.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasBottom = bottomLeft != null || bottomCenter != null || bottomRight != null;
      x = 0f;
      y = hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w = content != null ? frameWidth : middleRight != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : pb.width;
      h = pb.height - (hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f) - (hasBottom ? frameWidth : 0f);
      middleLeft.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (content != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = content.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasBottom = bottomLeft != null || bottomCenter != null || bottomRight != null;
      x = middleLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f;
      y = hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w =
              - (middleLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f)
              - (middleRight != null ? frameWidth : 0f);
      h = pb.height - (hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f) - (hasBottom ? frameWidth : 0f);
      content.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (middleRight != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = middleRight.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasBottom = bottomLeft != null || bottomCenter != null || bottomRight != null;
      x = content != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : middleLeft != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : 0f;
      y = hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w = content != null ? frameWidth : middleLeft != null ? frameWidth : pb.width;
      h = pb.height - (hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f) - (hasBottom ? frameWidth : 0f);
      middleRight.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (bottomLeft != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = bottomLeft.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasMiddle = middleLeft != null || content != null || middleRight != null;
      x = 0f;
      y = hasMiddle ? pb.height - frameWidth : hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w =
          bottomCenter != null
              ? frameWidth
              : bottomRight != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : pb.width;
      h = hasMiddle ? frameWidth : hasTop ? pb.height - frameWidth : pb.height;
      bottomLeft.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (bottomCenter != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = bottomCenter.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasMiddle = middleLeft != null || content != null || middleRight != null;
      x = bottomLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f;
      y = hasMiddle ? pb.height - frameWidth : hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w =
              - (bottomLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f)
              - (bottomRight != null ? frameWidth : 0f);
      h = hasMiddle ? frameWidth : hasTop ? pb.height - frameWidth : pb.height;
      bottomCenter.setBounds(x, y, w, h);

    if (bottomRight != null) {
      Rectangle2F pb = bottomRight.getParent().getBounds();
      boolean hasTop = topLeft != null || topCenter != null || topRight != null;
      boolean hasMiddle = middleLeft != null || content != null || middleRight != null;
      x = bottomCenter != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : bottomLeft != null ? frameWidth : 0f;
      y = hasMiddle ? pb.height - frameWidth : hasTop ? frameWidth : 0f;
      w = bottomCenter != null ? frameWidth : bottomLeft != null ? pb.width - frameWidth : pb.width;
      h = hasMiddle ? frameWidth : hasTop ? pb.height - frameWidth : pb.height;
      bottomRight.setBounds(x, y, w, h);